/swg/: Giant Fuckoff Space Elephant Edition

Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore, and everything else Star Wars related

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


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Other urls found in this thread:

geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Rebel Alliance&d=v4!s!31:18,72:7:15:U.57;31:18,72:7:15:U.57;44:-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:11:U.61;44:-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:11:U.61&sn=Unnamed Squadron

When are we gonna get Herglic stats?

I'd just use the Cortosis Weave gauntlets and double the users strength for the damage

First for Mandalore the Husbando

>Mandalore the Husbando
I mean..... Yeah, that's an accurate enough description.
I forget, did legends do anything with him outside of the comics?

Fenn "Luck of the Mando" O'Shysa ?

There are some stats for a Herglic NPC you can work backwards from (Like for Houk, Gammoreans, Barabel etc) in the Mask of the Pirate Queen.

A little bit, Traviss had him in Repcomm for a few cameos, and then shit on him in her post-endor stuff.

*The same as most things she wrote!

He's in Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor too

So when do you all think Friends Like These will be out?

>and then shit on him in her post-endor stuff

If i remember, by then, he was old, and still trying to con Boba into being Mandalore, which eventually happened. Then Fenn finally retired, having gotten his wish of another Fett mandalore

I like how the map makers don't even bother to explain the Nagai's route to Mandalore. I guess they could have ended up on another course into the main galaxy from Firefist.

I thought he died in a really dumb way?

>I thought he died in a really dumb way?

>Apparently surrounded by Sevvets and under heavy fire, Shysa was badly wounded, so much so that he would have been unable to escape. To save Shysa from what he called, "a rotten death", and at his own request, Fett mercy-killed the Mandalorian Protector.[23] With his dying words, Shysa requested that Fett take the title of Mand'alor and command the Mandalorian Protectors[23]—still believing a Fett to be Mandalore's best bet for a leader.[6]

Huh, guess I remembered wrong

OH wow that's really dumb.

Baragwin are really interesting.

/swg/, I'm preparing to run an Imperial AoR campaign, and I'm a little conflicted about how to equip my players. I've considered some kind of "loadout" system based off what class and specialization(s) they pick, but would Laminate and Blaster Rifles be too much for them right off the bat?

Not really, no. You just have to make sure the threats are proportionate to their gear and skill. Laminate can't stop everything and blaster rifles can't kill everything.

Since I don't want to screw into the models or use magnets and I want to maintain the existing mounting options, I got some ook 16 gauge steel galvanized wire and squeezed the tops into the shape of the plastic holes. It turned out to be pretty decent as far as mounting options go and now they can be canted around objects!

Nah, you just have to think of challenges where "I shoot everyone in the face and tank the return fire" is not a viable solution

>Playing Stormtroopers

Make your PC's operate under minion rules
>if they all shoot at the same thing, they get bonuses
>but the moment they hit 0 wounds, or a single crit, they die

Laminate and Rifles won't matter much at that point

>be gambler
>buy disruptor rifle
>add enhanced x-citer to bring critical rating to 1
>add superior for automatic advantage
>add laser sight for automatic advantage
>use double-or-nothing to double advantage

>tfw every shot is automatically a +80 crit before any dice are rolled

I thought disruptors could not be modified, at least not their internals.

"Disrupters may never benefit from upgrades or attachments that improve their range or grant multiple shots."

RAW, it works.

That's actually pretty horrifying. You've got a 30% chance of instakilling anything in the game, without even bothering with damage and soak.

Enjoy your 10,000 credit gun being destroyed on a Despair, though. Enhanced X-Citer is kind of a bitch like that.

They can't improve range, or add Autofire

Love me some Kappa landers.

>Enjoy your 10,000 credit gun being destroyed on a Despair, though. Enhanced X-Citer is kind of a bitch like that.
He'd probably deserve it.

>>Enjoy your 10,000 credit gun being destroyed on a Despair, though. Enhanced X-Citer is kind of a bitch like that.

10k credits isnt much desu

Disgusting youngster howlrunner epsilon leader list with expose on youngster and ion engines on everything against 4 blue squadron pilots with e2 and tactician on all. I already killed howlrunner.

Commando droids are really fun.

My issue with that sword or theirs is that the blade is mounted too far forward from the grip and the length of the back prod is a little weird.

God DAMMIT modern Star Wars prop teams, stop giving guns two stocks.

So, Legacy comics era. Assuming that KOTOR's tech stagnation shenanigans don't hold true, would it be reasonable to have Battlemechs in that era, assuming significant advances in walker tech and materials science? After FFG's starship leg upgrade and TFU's custom upgunned AT-ST boss, 137 ABY Battlemechs suddenly don't seem ridiculously far-fetched. Hell, if you stick the leg upgrade on a TIE Bizarro Mk 1, you've essentially built a ghetto Hollander.

yeah, let's go for battlemechs. It's not especially farfetched in view of the tech developments going. just save the veritechs for Incom's last best trick.

also, if it's going to mechs, put in a thud for me, would you? it seems like a Koensayr kinda mech

I wish I had an AoR game. I really wish I had an Imperial AoR game.

I want to live onboard a Gozanti.

I could buy my own ship for that much!

Good taste.

Huh, they delayed SW Rebels another week.

multirole heavy is best heavy, it's a fact

bandersnatch also stronk

Honestly in my game our GM gives us at least 3000 per session, usually more like 4-5. (Well he equivalent of, we usually get paid by clients after a few sessions of doing the job)

The all-important question here is which faction(s) you support

>a new game shop opened near me that is actually close and isn't an hour away
>they play X-Wing
Oh boy oh boy oh boy

Steiner, not because of ideology or history or characters, but because I fucking love the idea of drowning the enemy in Assault and Heavy 'Mechs.

Played a LOT of MechWarrior 2 back in the day.

Wasn't very good at it, but I played a lot of it.

>liking clans
Enjoying the knot, furfag?
just kidding, I'm jade falcon

several, but because I suspect you're here from /btg/ the most relevant is the Taurians.
fuck yeah, cowboy hats, stubbornness and unseen heavies

If I wanted to get into star wars roleplaying where should I start, and which system would you guys recommend?

WEGd6 or FFGSW unless you ABSOLUTELY need to play KotOR or (God forbid) Legacy era without any houserules at all in which case go with Saga.

FFG and WEG D6 are both completely viable options. really, take a look at both and decide which one you like more

What's the best nu-canon book? I need reading.

House Liao, because I build for China.

I liked tarkin, it felt like it belonged in legends as much as nucanon, and I've heard that bloodlines is quite good as well

Take your porch money and fuck off.

Tarkin and A New Dawn are both pretty good, though A New Dawn's core "Space Big Brother" theme fits Star Wars badly. I mean really, Star Wars is not good at cameras.

Other than blurring the lines of ISB/COMPNOR with ImpInt, and making Interdictors have huge effects on realspace, even dragging ISDs out of formation I liked Tarkin.

There are really good fanmade sourcebooks for those eras for WEGd6.

>Other than blurring the lines of ISB/COMPNOR with ImpInt, and making Interdictors have huge effects on realspace, even dragging ISDs out of formation I liked Tarkin.
I agree, but at least the interdictor thing could easily be explained as wonky imperial prototype crazyness, since that's what it kinda is.
Tarkin certainly stands up with the mid-high tier of legends novels, and it's S-rank for nucanon, considering

Thanks, that seemed like it was the case but I wasn't sure.

XP for the first session was 5, and from the costs of things i'm not sure how much advancement we'll see. Both of our lightsabre-users are fairly unoptimized. Party so far is;

Bothan Colonist
Battle Droid (Ex-Clone Wars roller-derby with a Heavy Blaster Rifle, probably fairly optimized)
Secret Sith (Player uninterested in mechanics, didn't really do anything, left early, no exposure to SW universe outside the game)
Jedi Searching For Some Guy (Fairly unoptimized, mix between social and sword duel human with a bit of piloting, Protector (Guardian) I think)
Ex-Stormtrooper (Soldier (Commando), not hardcore optimized but focused in what he does, lots of SW universe knowledge and in-jokes)
Ex-Merc Snubfighter Pilot, Secretly Force Sensitive (Me, think Luke Skywalker but he actually joined the Imperial Fleet Academy and is kind of a dickwad)

It's not people i've gamed with before, and it's being run at my FLGS - the chances of drop-in/drop-out are high, although I talked to the Bothan and Droid's players after the game and they seemed pretty keen.

First session started cooling our heels for a job interview with a bounty agent, overdue for appointment, then knocking at the (roller) door. I went, opened it up, and got a fist full of knuckleduster. Cue fight scene, which was mostly the aquilish thugs getting mown down by PC blaster fire. I took one prisoner, and named him Hurrgl, because he doesn't speak Basic (the one who mangled my face). The Droid found out from two other droids in the place that the guy we were seeing had missed appointments, owned a luxury liner, and the keycodes to that luxury liner - he told us about the guy, not about the sweet starship. We found out the name of the gang, and retired to a kafbar to get some drinks (and theoretically, find out each other's *names*), discuss what we were gonna do, etc. Two Ithorians who looked a bit thuggish approached us, and that's where the session ended.

So it's looking to be fairly short-session, drop-in/drop-out play. The GM is also chucking two purple dice on each roll, generally, except attacks in combat, which seems to indicate 'going wide' might be a trap. I'll suggest those houserules to him as with a Jedi in the party i'm sure lightsabre duels will come up at some point.

Player came up to me today, one who hasn't up until this point really showed much in treat and said "I wanna play a Theelian". And God damn if I will fail them how the fuch should I stat them.

So what was the Emperor's deal?
Since the old 'explanation' (Yuuzhan Vong) got retconned, was he just a greedy old fuck?
What exactly did he want the Empire for?

>Since the old 'explanation' (Yuuzhan Vong) got retconned,
that was never a canon explanation, it was literally a meme in the old sense

The Vong were never the Emperor's explanation, they were merely the excuse he used to recruit people like Thrawn.

That's actually the reason they give in Tarkin. The Dark Side gets more powerful as more people suffer. So Palpatine treats his citizens like shit so the dark side gets more powerful and as a result, he does to.

Weren't the Vong lampshaded in the Truce of Bakura novel?

>So what was the Emperor's deal?
he was 200% pure evil UNLIMITED POWER and loving every single motherfucking second of it, start to finish
>Since the old 'explanation' (Yuuzhan Vong) got retconned, was he just a greedy old fuck?
that was never canon, so it couldn't have been retconned. but yes, he was evil as hell and loving it
>What exactly did he want the Empire for?
>Weren't the Vong lampshaded in the Truce of Bakura novel?
y'all got your timelines woefully reversed

>y'all got your timelines woefully reversed
Quite possible, I haven't read a Star Wars novel since I was 14. Can you expand?

AHAHahahah Oh fuck no. The idea of outside threats was always present, but the "Super bad shit that scared the likes of Thrawn" wasn't even loosely implied till the Hand of Thrawn Duology and Crimson Empire 2(And in that the nature of the threat was left vague, the Vong as they were were only fleshed out in the Del Ray novels, Nom Anor wasn't even going to BE a Vong when he showed up in Dark Empire 2.)

Truce at Bakura was written fairly early in the old EU and set EXTREMELY early. It had no indication of the Vong.

truce at bakura came out quite a few years before the NJO series and therefor vong were even a twinkle in a writer's eye. any resembling bits and therefor psudo-lampshading is purely unintentional hindsight hilarity

>Hand of Thrawn Duology
and the HoT stuff had no indication of being the vong, it was just a VERY blatant dangling plot hook that zahn put out for easy post-HoT adventures, considering that is was so very obviously intended to be closing time for the EU

>Truce of Bakura written by Kathy Tyers
>Balance Point ALSO written by Kathy Tyers
Agree to disagree.

Vong are shit honestly. They never really felt like they fit in Star Wars. I really hope they never come back, although at the end of the day it doesn't really matter since my groups games will continue to consider them noncanon.

vong arent star wars, its that simple.

I mean, I'd be surprised as hell if anyone wrote anydamnthing in star wars for a second time and didn't even slightly call back to their first entry, but it don't mean a single bit that when writing the first thing they knew anything about the second bit. youse's got y'alls casuality backwards


George Lucas at the time sort of trusted his licensees to come up with stuff that wasn't too fucking stupid, for better or worse and in this case worse as Del Ray publishing got around the table drunk and vomited up some really fucked up aliens.
It'd be easy to blame a single person for the fuck-up, but basically it was a collaborative fuck up with a whole heap of people throwing things in to it.

my best bet is that the vong were leftovers from some writer's rejected OC cheap genre sci-fi transplanted into star wars when they got the chance
>worse and in this case worse as Del Ray
otherwise you're probably right, but it wasn't Del Ray, their go with the license ended before vongtime

They first popped up in Vector Prime, (I think) which was Del Ray

>, (I think) which was Del Ray
Nyet. Vector Prime was the very first book by the post-del ray company, who's name I am entirely too drunk to remember

In garage games with my buddies I've been having good shows out of my Tie-SF Backdraft with VI, Title, collision detector, and Twin Ion Engines for a total of 29 points.

I remember the reception to the SF being lukewarm. What do you guys think of it?

Also r8 my list?
-Extra Munitions
-Enhanced Scopes
-Cluster Mines
-Ion Bombs

Countess Ryad
-Twin Ion

-Collision Detector
-Twin Ion

I figure Deathrain can drop the Ion Bomb before the 4 K turn then ram Cluster mines up the butt of the ships Ion'd. Defender's with title are had to kill, so she could make use of her good mobility to stay safe. Backdraft Is just really good at going to unexpected places while maintaining a fireing ac with good damage potential due to the auto crit mark on auxillary shots. That and Deathrain will hopefully draw a lot of early hate so I can keep my defender into late game where there are less people shooting at it making the title really shine.

All theory though, I've only ever used these ships separately. I really want to use my favorite models in an upcoming store tournament. They're The Punisher, Tie/Fo, Sie/SF, Interceptors, and Defenders.

I have no Palp.

You've got it reversed. Del Rey published Vector Prime and everything after. Bantam Spectra was responsible for Star Wars stuff from 1991 to right before Vector Prime.

I wasn't a fan of the SF when it was announced. Looked too fragile for its price and didn't seem to fit the "feel" of the ship ("This thing can really move!")

But after flying it, the aux arc is such a cool wrinkle and all the new techs are great. Backdraft is far and away the best with an effective 3 dice primary and aux. Quickdraw has her uses as an alpha striker and the generics are decent value. Our latest Kessel Run episode features SF talk, so look for that when it comes out. /shameless plug

As for the list, super love Deathrain. Not crazy about ions, but it could work. Ryad is an imperial standard, so that works. My current favorite Backdraft is Wired, Collision Detector, Primed Thrusters, and title. Only 29 points and you don't care about stress, getting re-rolls and still getting to barrel roll.

Are the hand of thrawn books worth reading?

They're 90s sci-fi. Make of that what you will.

Very much yes, but they're written as a capstone to the 90s/Bantam era of the EU.

Save them for last because then you get the good ending

>They're 90s sci-fi

That description gives me the cold jibblies

Lost Stars

Trying to build a Rey + Poe list, which one would you fly? I'm having trouble deciding.

List 1 - fuck your shooting - HSCP and Black One shut down the enemies offensive value:
-Kanan Jarrus
-Hotshot Copilot
-TFA title
-Smugglers Compartment + Intertial Dampeners

-Primed Thrusters
-Black One


List 2 - Regen Poe
-Kanan Jarrus
-TFA title

-Pattern Analyzer


I like list 2, though I'm using lone wolf and R2-D2 on Poe. Rey with Finn is fucking brutal.

sauce for the lewds pls

I feel like R2 on Poe is just too expensive, but to be fair I haven't tried it before. I'll give it a go.

i.imgur.com/xRkUeqD.jpg NSFW in case that wasn't implied.

Ew that's incest maybe?

but that's why it's hot

It's not cheap, but action-independent regen is pretty tasty. Hot Pants Co-Pilot and the various other means of stripping focus make me very wary of R5-P9 nowadays.

Turned out the 4 b-wings with tactician on each was one hell of a list to fly. Killed the tie swarm and didn't lose a single ship. Went on to play a couple of my buddies, one flying dengaroo and the other flying triple d's. It's remarkably easy to get ships into range 2 by using the b-wings as blockers and just clogging lanes. Won all 3 matches handily.

Panic Attack was a meta staple for a good while. Arc dodgers, particularly the pre-nerf phantom, gave it a rough time. TLTs killed it.

Any particular reason why tlt's killed it?

Just a two minute creation on what I know of them, combining legends and canon (Just because nucanon has so little to go off)
Brawn 1, Presence 3, all others 2
Free rank in Co-Ordination
WT: 11+Brawn
ST: 10+WillPower
XP: 110

TLTs do consistent damage to 1 agility ships at long range and out of arc. While all 4 are up its not unlikely to lose a B-Wing in one turn.

What are some good "target practice" lists for trying out new builds?

Try this:

geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Rebel Alliance&d=v4!s!31:18,72:7:15:U.57;31:18,72:7:15:U.57;44:-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:11:U.61;44:-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:11:U.61&sn=Unnamed Squadron

8 Academy pilots