What does Veeky Forums think about female space marines?
What does Veeky Forums think about female space marines?
Nothing since they don't exist.
They aight
Only weird fetishes want such a thing so they should be ignored and not brought up.
Thematically useless or even disruptive of the designs and concepts behind the space marines.
Stick to sisterhoods, adventurers or high ranking members of other departments using power armor.
They dont exist. That's fine though. Women wearing power armor is cool, but they aren't space marines. I do wish the Sisters of Battle would get more attention and become more of a force to be reckoned with, but as it stands I'm happy.
My fetish is female Inquisitors anyway.
But female space marines don't exist.
Either join the IG or get recruited by the Sisters however that happens.
I don't give a shit, so long as it's an actual reason as to why they're women instead of just 'lelfemstartes'.
Like, "Oh shit, let's see if we can make Gene-Seed more compatible with a larger range of people."
Throw it in with the Cursed Founding, give 'em a genetic disorder and come up with a distinct chapter culture and theme.
40k has flexible lore and a lot of shit you can do with it, but most people are lazy when they try to do something.
>however that happens.
Schola progenium.
So get daddy martyred. The guard is usually a safe bet there.
Awesome. Here comes yet another retarded attempt to shitpost politics onto Veeky Forums, and of course dozens of fat/tg/uys will flock to this delicious bait like flies to shit.
Let me save everybody a lot of time by preemptively posting the most prominent viewpoints that will be continuously regurgitated over the next several hundred replies:
>Muh status quo!
>Muh equal gender representation!
>Muh feminist boogeyman!
>Wahh!! Politics in muh gaems!!
Now, let me direct your attention to that little down arrow next to OP's post. Click it. Report this thread, hide this thread, then forget that this thread ever existed. Thank you.
they're called sisters of battle/silence
So sisters go planet to planet collecting orphaned little girls?
> What does Veeky Forums think about female space marines?
Would be fine but space marines are created for no other purpose but killing, because of the western obsession with egalitarianism most people wont do the research to see that males have larger quantities of testosterone and bone density as well as greater upper body strength. You can see that the reason why only males are chosen as objects of war, assuming biology is the same in the 40k universe male simply have a better base line and upper limit of endurance and strength,
Space Marines are no more than human tanks, afaik.
They may as well have no gender whatsoever following their final rites. It's not like they reproduce with their dicks.
Space wolves may, but they're also rife with heresy.
> Baby sjw is upset at people with disagreeing with people using science when it comes to FUCKING " SCIENCE fiction"
Shut up. Both of you. Neither of you are smarter than the other and you're both faggots. Instead of bitching about 'obvious bait' contribute something else.
I agree that they no longer use their genitals but genitals are not the reason why they use males as a supply for space marines
> bone density , upper body strength , testosterone
these traits alone make them more suitable to become space marines.
Very much this, and some bullshit about being compatible with the Emperor's gene-seed. Also, fucking lol at anyone who wants a brutal, fascist setting like 40k to be egalitarian.
Space Marines are already cherry-picked for maximum combat skill and physical durability to survive the process.
Males have dozens of tiny genetic perks for both. It's the nature of a bell curve that, if two groups are slightly different, and you're picking only the very tip of the tail, it will be all from the best group.
There are only two kinds of people who want female space marines. People who want their fap material justified, and SJWs.
Both types are ignored by most sensible people.
It's a fictional universe where a realm of pure chaos leaks into our world. Repeating real world data is irrelevant.
They could very easily just write that the gene-seed can turn man or woman into a space marine. Reshape their bone structure and hormone delivery in such a way that they all grow to be 7 foot tall, have chiseled facial features, and thickened bones.
It simply doesn't matter how it works in the real world.
>they don't exist
Is all the response you need. Why they don't exist is up to GW. Tomorrow they could release female space marine models and you could be up in arms about people ruining your hobby.
I want to model an entire Samus-clone army of Bolter Bitches. God damn.
I think instead of female space marines, there should be steps in place to protect the SoB from being ignored into no longer existing like everyone else who wears a fleur de lis
The Imperium is fuck huge, female super soldiers already exist due to Temple assassins, and people glance over the implied assholesness of the setting, because fuck you, the armor looks neat.
More important than the topic at hand.
Is this a power suit, or is this a mech? Only true fa/tg/uys can tell the difference.
Saving that one for the wife.
Anyone got more Samus marines?
I've no problem if people want to make female space marines just to play with or make art of, uncanonically. Lord knows I like me some stronk, large womerns.
In the canon, if I'm not mistaken, the fact that the gene seed doesn't work on females because the progenitor was male makes sense.
depends on the setting
You trying to infect the entire galaxy?
... Why does that make sense?
I resemble my mother physically more than my father, and my sister looks more like my father than my mother.
What you do with your army of power armed vidya game heroines is your business, and what I do with mine is my business.
Your sister has a uterus and you have testicles. No one gives a shit if you look like you suck dick in a dress on the weekends or that your sister hangs out around the flannel shirts too long.
AHHH But there is a small problem.
Lets say we have two people, Male and female, that due to chaos bullshittery, have the EXACT same badassness, and genetic fuckery to be eligable for Sphess Mahreen nonsense.
Space marine treatments make whoever it is infertile so.
The Male is sent off to the acolytes, and probably dies.
The Woman is told to crank out babies like a machine for more of that sweet sweet genes.
There are no arguments to be made, because the imperium is fascism.
aren't sisters of battle now well the same?
>there is no argument
Until/Unless GW sees selling female space marines as good for the bottom line, autist.
As I said earlier, space marines may as well be agendered since they never use their reproductive organs for the human purpose. Even calling them human after they've completed training is a stretch.
Space marines are big burly heroes wearing bright hereldic colours. They believe in duty, honour, self sacrifice etc.
This isn't the kind of thing that appeals to women, this is the kind of thing men fantasize about.
When you make a female space marine it no longer represents the same things, men can't relate as well, women still aren't interested.
The only people that are happy are weebs that want something to fap to.
I always figured that there were as many female spacemarines as there were male. They just all look like men because the geneseed makes them as close to the emperor as possible. So they all become ruggedly chiseled emblems of masculinity.
Its lock-and-key model user.
If your woman had a Y Chromoson she would be a woman (No matter what some /b/eta faggot tells you)
They all orginate from the emperor's gene seed. The Emperor is Male.
Thus his genes are incompatible with woman genes.
They have 1 less T and S.
Unless GW decides to change that.
It's a fictional universe. And GW can change anything they want at a moment's notice for any reason they like.
What do you think about male adepta zoritas?
I want neutrois/demiboy spacemarines with at least 3 headmates. Their pronouns are her/e/sy
>Is this a power suit, or is this a mech?
Mech. Notice in that picture that the operator sits in a seat. If it were a powersuit, then the operator would have their extremities in each of the suits extremities (to some extent, depending on the size of the Powersuit).
YMMV, this is just my definition
>Thematically useless or even disruptive of the designs and concepts behind the space marines.
This. Progressive attitudes int the Imperium are painfully misplaced. And this is coming from someone who is basically a leftist.
Of course, make all the SM into females and the complainers (you know who) are mysteriously quiet.
Disgusting, and that's why they don't exist.
Nice Hitler dubs btw
BUT its a fictional universe, yes but still very and surprisingly based on science and Biology.
Thats what i love about wh its so far out and yet with girm dark very based.
I thought lore said pretty much only subjects with similar chromosomes to the Emperor could be Astarters, that's it, men.
Irl chances of regecting a cornea transplant from a different gender are 100 times more than if the gender is the same as yours, so why people don't complaint against nature because clear sexism?. The Astartes want a steady flux of soldiers, it's already a feat to create a male marine, if chances are 1/100 female per male I makes sense they don't even try it.
>based in science and biology
>there are massive tanks with paper thin armor firing guns at a max range of 400 yards
>modern day equipment is massively outperforming dark age of man technology
This is basically endgame level tyranid shit here. Eats you alive from the inside out, duplicates you, and everything you were wearing, weapons and all, with your memories, but only as useful for its cause, AND it can reproduce asexually. Forces of chaos be damned, this should would end every single 40k faction, the only thing that stopped it in its own universe was an exterminatus event.