Can we get a dark eldar thread going?
Can we get a dark eldar thread going?
I used to think the DEldar were redundant in the face of Slaanesh, save for their aesthetics, but reading up about how their remaster was inspired by Fair Folk tales, coupled with Veeky Forums casting them as Ayn Rand-level anarchists made me love the psychotic bastards.
Gonna post a few of my favorites.
I just like the art of this one. Very "wild hunt".
Make way for his High Archon of the Kabal of the Black Heart, Greatest o
Whoops, fucked up my images and text there.
>Make way for his High Archon of the Kabal of the Black Heart, Greatest of the True Eldar, and Pimp-Master General of Commorragh: Asbrubael Vect!
Best bitch.
The bit I love most about them is how capricious they are. The Dark Eldar are the ultimate faerie dickhead faction, they live to troll the galaxy and the stories they end up with in other books that offer a window into the horrifying acts they get up to are just them fucking with people because they want to.
I just imagine a Dark Eldar trying to sell how great Asbrubael Vect is to others while showing artwork of him, only to realize that he got the wrong artwork in the middle of the speech.
How are DE in the current edition anyway?
OK, bit more expensive to field the traditional darklance-driveby list, but make up for that by being a little more resilient than they were.
I rolled with it.
>BEHOLD, OUR GLORI-oh shit, that's my vacation video...
I also love whenever the DEldar are portrayed as comically insane Also Pimp-Master General is Vect's official title. There are many Archons and Pimps in Commorragh, but Vect's the PMG.
Tell me a dark eldar story that is funnier than that one guy that dropped a genetic bomb on a planet to transform everyones face to his own.
Vect wiping out a whole realm of commoragh with a black hole in a box?
The time some haemonculi got bored and stole a maiden world
The time they stole a planet's sun because they wanted the lighting.
Then they put some film on it because it was too bright.
They also tricked a deathwatch squad into following them with some eldar. Then captured them and used them as entertainment in a gladiator arena.
>Despicable, amoral, and impeccably dressed
That one scientist who found a way to convert his body into pure light so that he could personally travel to distant planets and boast about how cool he is.
If you were an incubus, how would you aggrandize the aspect warrior shrine that you killed to get in while also belittling others'?
Reminder that he was then trapped in a prism by some other DE who figured out where he'd be next. If I recall correctly, they forced him to teach him how to make light transfer things so they could use them to [I forget, but something evil].
> The DEldar in the back talking about the weather.
>Got him! Cocky fucker, that's what you get for rivaling me.
>Shit, better clean off the knife, hope nobody saw this. I could start a kabal war...
*in the background*
>Dude, did you see Velek just stab that guy???
>Why do we never go anywhere nice anymore?
>I say, Xelius, it's quite a downpour.
>*kabalite is assassinated in plain view directly in front of them*
>I mean, really, this weather is the most interesting thing I've seen in weeks. I'm so sick of small talk!
>I hear you, friend. I hear you. Always with the murders and the backstabbings. "Oh, did you see that stabbing?" Of course I did, it was right in front of me! This rain, though, it's really something.
>Yes, quite a delectable sensation. Like one thousand little needles.
Scourges are the coolest.
> Xelius?
> Yes?
> Why is it raining in the Webway?
> I... I think we should go for a raid. Now.
I like that art but the forehead nose is completely absurd.
If I was an Archon looking to kill my rival en-masse, I'd just wash down all the pathways and windowsills in Commoragh with poison. All the witches and scourges would die due to their stubborn refusal to put some goddamn shoes on.
Indeed. Unfortunately I don't have any good art of them.
Why don't the Dark Eldar just force breed a trillion D'eldar slaves to satiate Slaanesh? Or would that just make her way stronger?
Those are the only two good pictures I can find.
He's smart enough to wear a helmet ever since he saw the last Archon get stupidly killed by falling debris, but he didn't want to cover up his immaculate face.
The armorer's claims that a "helmet that looks like my face but also, like, a helmet, y'know?" were met with a wrack-ing after the commission was finished.
Slaanesh's domain includes excess. Providing more will only make it worse.
top kek.
Now you mention it, would Commorragh even have weather? It does have two captive suns and it's fuckhuge. Plus in the Path series I recall that at least some of the subrealms do have weather. I think I recall BL authors describing fog in the city as well but that could easily be explained by the rivers of toxic chemicals everywhere.
I believe it's just a mask user
That's kind of part of the problem as I understand it. Their attempts to satiate Slaanesh, as user put it, always increase her (xer? lel) strength in some manner.
Are the Path books worth picking up? Do I need to read the ones about the craftworlders first?
Ah. The angsty virgin teenager edgelord faction.
Disturbing little sweatgoblins.
Implying this isn't the angsty virgin teenager edgelord game. Not even someone who plays Deldar, I just find it very much a case of a pot calling the kettle black- sure, Deldar are ridiculously edgy but look around you. I concede that it's certainly the faction that attracts thems who crawl in their own skin- but the Imperium, Chaos and Tau are all edgy in their own unique ways.
tl;dr get fucked they're fun
1. Yes, I liked them. There are a few parts where I thought he stretched things a bit in the way DE might react to some stuff, and there's a lot of weird stuff I don't want to spoil, but overall I felt that the tone and setting were pretty good. He did a fairly decent job of capturing what DE society is like in my opinion, although that's just my opinion based on having read all of the codexes and stuff.
Spoilered because it actually contains a spoiler, although I'll try to make it as vague as possible
there are way too many Daemons for a series about the various Eldar types, in my opinion
2. No. I haven't read the CWE Path books yet, and they're by a different author.
*teleports behind u*
*unsheaths agoniser*
heh.. nothin personnel kid
When they're not being hilarious.
Imperium is Rome. That isn't edgy. That's baller. Tyranid are for people that got turned on by the movie splice. Chaos are for fags. Eldar are pretty cool I guess. Tau are gay as fuck transformers. Orks are cool.
And somehow, gayer than all of them, exists the deldar.
It's just edge for its own sake. There's so much cool about 40k and it's bogged down by gay shit like aliens jacking off to torturing people because "lol is funay so randumb XD"
They are literally the "that guys" of 40k and add nothing of value to the lore.
I forgot to mention, the 40k general has a download link for them in epub format. If you were planning on physically buying them, read the first one and see if you like the style.
Download the link anyway since it has the mini stories that fall between the 3 big books, and I'm not certain if they're actually included in the omnibus or not.
Fire dragon sounds like the easymode way to go. Just don't approach him in a vehicle.
>Imperium is Rome. That isn't edgy. That's baller. Tyranid are for people that got turned on by the movie splice. Chaos are for fags. Eldar are pretty cool I guess. Tau are gay as fuck transformers. Orks are cool.
Eh, the aesthetic of catholic space nazi Romans is to me ridiculously edgy. Gargantuan vore hives, I agree with you on, are fap bait. Heretic space nazi Romans are just about as edgy as regular flavour. Generic space elves are generic. etc etc
You don't take 40k seriously, do you? It's absurd. It's 80s.
Each to their own
>Imperium is Rome. That isn't edgy
>Dystopian future in which 99% of population are slaves who either live in a shit hive world cyberpunk shithole, live in a giant space ship doing menial tasks, or die for no reason on some pointless moon in the army
>Society can't remember how to build anything and everything is shit (ie if this is Rome, it's post-collapse Rome)
>The faction that spawned "HERESY" memes because of how retardedly edgy their treatment of religion is
>faction whose armies include: "I have an idea, let's jam their tank tracks with bodies!", "kill the heretics reeeeeeeeeeeee", "8 foot Mary Sue with Rocket Launcher Gun", and "brainwashed tacticool operatives who have to shoot their best friend to graduate school"
>not edgy
Deldar are best when they're jaded, narcissistic drug addict trolls, like a whole race of strung out rockstars who like to fuck with people just cause
I don't even play the tabletop. I just read the books.
Are there any better written books than the abnett shit? I just finished eisenhorn and he's just the worst. The Stephen King of 40k.
Could a Dark Eldar repent and try to join Eldar society?
top kek
I don't read the books or play the tabletop. I just like the lore and the character design.
>Eisenhorn is bad
All downhil from here for you friend
Only thing I could suggest would be Sandy Mitchell or Simon Spurrier book Lord of the Night. Sandy Mitchell does the Ciaphas Cain series which is basically very British satire in the vein of Blackadder or that army guy whose name I forget fucking FUCK
Simon Spurrier meanwhile wrote Lord of the Night which is pure style
>Are there any better written books than the abnett shit?
read the Enforcer trilogy
also if you can find them, Execution Hour and Shadow Point were good
They'd be more interesting to me if they toned the ubiquitous hyper-sadism down. Yeah, they're extreme hedonists so some of them will definitely jack off to cutting the limbs off slaves and stitching them back on incorrect stumps but that shouldn't be the standard.
I'll check them out. I'm also debating on just biting the bullet and reading all the Horus heresy.
Abnett is great at writing plot but god damn he can't handle conflict or resolution to save his life. Every time he comes close to something interesting happening it's just "my gun jams. I'm dead. Oh shit, rocks fall, antagonist is dead due to sheer luck. Now here comes 100 more pages of descriptions of what everyone is wearing"
I'll do that too. If it's in the black library on the 40k thread, I'll find it. Thanks. I wouldn't mind reading some ork shit desu.
Yes, if BL is canon. It goes both ways.
Even if BL isn't canon, there are hints in the Corsairs fluff that it goes both ways as well. My interpretation which isn't headcanon as far as I know, but may be:
>Many CWE follow the Path of the Outcast, becoming Rangers. Some of these Rangers end up in Corsair fleets, meaning some of them end up in Commorragh from time to time. They may or may not return home (many Rangers eventually get bored and go home).
>The Path of Damnation is also mentioned in the Codexes but I do not believe it is ever defined. Based on Corsairs fluff I assume it is either A) going rogue psyker or B) going full DEldar.
>Corsairs can come from any of the Eldar societies (including Exodites) and their "allegiance" really depends on their Prince's whims. There are clearly CWE-aligned Corsairs (those related to Mymeara and Alaitoc for example, as well as the pirate fleet that saved Iyanden) and also DE-aligned Corsairs (Duke Sliscus being the prominent example from the fluff)
>Also note that some DE just get kicked out of Commorragh and become space-bound. This sucks for them since they'd age more quickly. I forget the name of the Kabal who are specifically named in one of the codexes as having this happen to them (I think it was in 7E codex).
>A DEldar going the other way seems like it would be rarer to me. On the one hand we have Sliscus as an example, but he doesn't really go back to being a Craftworlder.
>If we include BL works then there are at least 2 examples of this happening. Basically it just involves taking up a Path and adopting a soulstone and voila, you're CWE now. Obviously it's hard to do this if you're used to a diet of crack and souls.
tl;dr yes but it's easier to fall than it is to redeem yourself
I agree but its 40k gotta have grimdurk
>Reading HH
It's stated that the different strains of Eldar aren't even that different genetically. Due to the way Eldar DNA works, a Dark Eldar can unlock their psychic powers and stop their soul leakage. Same goes in reverse.
I wasnt even aware there WAS a genetic difference, they're just social/religious divisions
What's wrong with HH? Is it as bad as eisenhorn?
>Do you think you'll get your own squad after what happened last night?
>Never doubt it
In the BL books (again, some people rage over using those as sources) the Harlequin character repeatedly points out that there is literally no genetic difference (I assume there are local variations on Craftworlds, etc just like on earth, but he doesn't mention that). The True Kin just hide their psychic potential because the alternative is Vect torture-raping you (in a bad way) for eternity. It's mentioned that occasionally some idiots think they can get away with it and start using psychic powers again, but they always get BTFO.
HH is horrible, quality is all over, the new lore is atrocious and shits all over the old stuff. Pure fanfic tier barring a few exceptions
I'll keep that in mind and try out the books mentioned. Thanks guys.
It was all just one user, me, Dio, replying to you, so keep in mind you got one salty faggots opinions. Others.may like HH
I'll never forgive GW for removing all the cool DE special characters from the codex
Ninety percent of this is pointlessly and retardedly exaggerated by the fanbase as dank memes that need to die.
The other ten percent is retarded shit even most of the fanbase doesn't like.
Get fucked, scrub.
What would happen to Slaanesh if all of the Dark Eldar die off?
Would the Prince of Chaos starve to death? Or would she find new hosts to feed off of?
>I wasn't around for 3rd edition: The Post
Remind me which parts have been retconned?
>>Dystopian future in which 99% of population are slaves who either live in a shit hive world cyberpunk shithole, live in a giant space ship doing menial tasks, or die for no reason on some pointless moon in the army
Literally in the BRB
>>Society can't remember how to build anything and everything is shit (ie if this is Rome, it's post-collapse Rome)
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus
>>The faction that spawned "HERESY" memes because of how retardedly edgy their treatment of religion is
The only one that's even close to being fanwank
>>faction whose armies include: "I have an idea, let's jam their tank tracks with bodies!", "kill the heretics reeeeeeeeeeeee", "8 foot Mary Sue with Rocket Launcher Gun", and "brainwashed tacticool operatives who have to shoot their best friend to graduate school"
Those are basically all straight out of the codexes. Shooting your best friend is from Codex: Militarum Tempestus. Mary Sue with rocket guns is obvious. "Kill the heretics reeeee" is basically anything Matt Ward touched. Stopping tanks with bodies and similar retardation is "see any IG/AM codex ever"
Slaanesh still feeds off of regular Eldar and also humans. And maybe other stuff. Dark Eldar just deal with it in the most back-asswards way, so she gets a bigger donation from them.
I find that, at least on Veeky Forums, people tend to alternate between "fully embrace the grimdark" and "let's see how much we can subvert the grimdark for the sake of comedy/realist practicality"
I'm a fan of the latter.
>Those are basically all straight out of the codexes. Shooting your best friend is from Codex: Militarum Tempestus. Mary Sue with rocket guns is obvious. "Kill the heretics reeeee" is basically anything Matt Ward touched. Stopping tanks with bodies and similar retardation is "see any IG/AM codex ever"
>Matt Ward
You mean Matt 'Spiritual Liege' Ward? The guy nobody fucking thinks was a good codex writer?
>Militarum Tempestus
Was a shit idea, Stormtroopers and Commissars were just fine as they were and I've yet to see anyone seriously consider it an improvement on the lore (although the new gear and aesthetics aren't awful - except the Taurox and its retarded treads - make them wheels and that's a sexy as fuck metal box)
>8 foot Mary Sue with Rocket Launcher Gun
fair cop
>"I have an idea, let's jam their tank tracks with bodies!"
>IG/AM codex
The IG as a whole has generally been revamped to include both cannon fodder conscripts, and capable volunteer units, so while that exists, it's way downplayed over how it used to be, especially in the case of competent regiments like the Elysians, the Cadians, the Catachan Jungle Fighters, the Armageddon Steel Legion, Harakoni Warhawks. There's also Kriegers who are generally capable and competent but reduced to meat for the grinder by the way they fight and their homeworld's culture.
Fair cop, and I think it's kinda retarded, but it's not really important.
>Dystopian future in which 99% of population are slaves who either live in a shit hive world cyberpunk shithole, live in a giant space ship doing menial tasks, or die for no reason on some pointless moon in the army
Good-sized chunks of the Imperium don't suck, and the only major rules are 'hand over your tithe, don't rebel, don't have dealings with the enemies of Man, hand over your psykers, and worship the Emperor in a manner you see fit.'
>The guy nobody fucking thinks was a good codex writer?
>Was a shit idea
These opinions have literally nothing to do with whether or not the things are exaggerated. They may indeed be retarded though, and probably are. Ward's Iyanden Codex is fucking terrible and it's the only thing I've read from him recently enough to comment on it (I've read almost every codex at one point or another but I haven't had that much free time in a while, so...).
>it's way downplayed over how it used to be,
I agree with you here, but the grimdark guys still exist. Even competent regiments get silly K:D ratios sometimes. Pretty sure that the D-99 regiment from IA3 or IA4 or whatever it is has like a 99% death rate. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, but those were Elysians.
>Good-sized chunks of the Imperium don't suck
Yeah but good sized chunks of Orwell's dystopia didn't suck either. Overall I would still rate it grimdark/10.
I agree that they have been moving away from the excessive grimderp stuff, which is why I singled out 3rd Ed at the top of my last post. That was the absolute worst offender. The Imperium is still edgy when looked at as a whole though.
>edge for it's own sake
I think you'd better use the term "innovation". Is that not what is fascinating about them? Out of the entire galaxy that sees nothing but stagnation (and please, Tau discovering that they can make mecha suits in a setting where the humanity could create anything with STCs that required no input aside from the initial blueprint), but it is in the deep, dank depths of the Webway-spanning Commorragh where you will always find something new. This is the realm where a haemonculus will rearrange his own internal organs on a regular basis simply to make assassinations a little bit harder (darn, that guy changed the location of his spleen again, what the fuck did I just stab?), where a life means exactly as much or as little as in Imperium, but where this is seen as a precious resource to be cherished and invested in advancing further technology that no living man could imagine even in his wildest dreams.
In some way, Commorragh is perhaps the most honest place there is. Everybody knows they would kill everyone else at the drop of a hat, if it mean they'd get something. Everybody knows they're a part of someone else's scheme, and vie to one-up the guy, to outwit and profit themselves. It is a cutthroat world that breeds only strength and vicious cunning. It is a cutthroat world that breeds endless innovation in every sphere of existence - functional immortality, portal technologies, population control technologies, artifices of all kinds, shapes and sizes. The place is a scientist's dream, because it simply does not matter what you care about, someone's buying that knowledge out of necessity, as a plan of revenge, or because he's an eccentric rich fucker who really wants that every single creature passing through his own little pocket reality would be growing a tiny little bone spur right there, on the left side of his cheek right underneath the collarbone.
To describe all this as "edge for it's own sake" is terribly reductionist.
>Good-sized chunks of the Imperium don't suck, and the only major rules are 'hand over your tithe, don't rebel, don't have dealings with the enemies of Man, hand over your psykers, and worship the Emperor in a manner you see fit.'
Don't care about your rest of your post but this is untrue.
The rulebooks says the vast majority of the populace of the Imperium live in hellholes were suffering and hopelessness is the norm.
The tithe is also extremely punishing to planets especially in times of great war. It cripples the planets economy as plenty of their workforce is taken and shipped off never return. And the worst of it, is that the Imperium expects the planets to be productive despite of this forcing the rulers to overwork their diminished workforce unto death and recruit the really young and infirm to squeeze out more.
And the doubly worst of it, is that all that toil and loss of life can amount to nothing when the incompetent Imperium has these planets producing things that are not needed at all.
Switched the pictures opps.
Anyways, because of the extreme prevalence of hopeless in the Imperium, the zombie plague presents a great threat to the Imperium. The Zombie Plague only infects those that are without faith or hope. The majority of the Imperium are hopeless dudes being grinded down by the Imperium.
>For all this, there is no shortage of Khornate bloodcults hidden throughout the Imperium, for even the most desperate grasp for power is better than the hopeless grind of Imperial servitude.
-Daemonkin codex
With all of this said, it's no wonder that the hopeless people of the Imperium latch unto anything that grants them hope or escape from hopeless servitude and a painful short life as an Imperial. This why Chaos cults and the Tau Greater Good present such a menace to the Imperial way of life.
Am I the only person who is pissed off that we didn't get a reaver HQ? Or even the option to give succubi or Archons reaver jetbikes?
Like for the first time you might actually see huskblades used on archons since their change. Djinblades as well, had they been subject to normal power weapon rules. Especially now that soultraps don't double your strength only +1 per wound caused in CQC via challenge.
>Ayn Rand-level anarchists
Ayn Rand wasn't an anarchist. She believed government was necessary for certain functions.
>I also love whenever the DEldar are portrayed as comically insane
That's pretty much my go-to portrayal of them. Combination of having zero fucks to give and sharing the tendency to emotional extremes all Eldar have would make them come across as a bit loopy by human standards even when they're not trying to murderfuck you.
Plus, I like to think they're one of the fe 40k factions (besides Orks) who genuinely have fun with what they're doing.
One of my favorite NPCs was a DE archon in a Rogue Trader campaign. I pretty much just ran the Soul Reaver adventure with some modifications (the way it's written is annoyingly railroady at some parts), but gave the archon you're working with some more personality.
Since she was supposed to be an ally to the PCs, I wanted make her come off as completely and obviously irredeemably evil (as the PCs probably wouldn't be willing to work for her then even if the pay was good), but she's still a DE and that's exactly what they are. So I went more for the "comically insane" route and portrayed her more of a very vain and eccentric noblewoman who also considered things most people would consider unthinkably evil as prefectly ordinary and not even worth mentioning. Plus she was a genuinely terrible person in the most base and venal level.
She ended up becoming a semi-recurring minor NPC the PCs occasionally dealt with, trading slaves and exotic beasts and drugs for weapons and favor. I'm not sure if they ever caught on just how horrible person she actually was, since most of the time I just played for comedy.
>Now you mention it, would Commorragh even have weather?
Considering we have big enough aircraft assembly halls that they have their own micro-climate, with clouds forming from water vapor near the roof, I'm pretty sure a pocket-dimension with surface area of a decently sized planet would have its own climate.
>when the incompetent Imperium has these planets producing things that are not needed at all
So they Imperium is also a planned economy? More reason to hate it.
I thought you could take an archon on a jetbike, unless I'm mistaken?
Not for two editions. GW'd been on a trend of removing options that didn't have a model for a long time (I'm still surprised jetbike farseers didn't get axed since while they got a model now, they didn't have one at the time the previous Eldar book was written).
Why WOULDN'T it rain in the web way? They've got natural sun.
Nah, that's chaos. Deldar are the shits and giggles edgelord faction
>My rivals
>Witches and Scourges
user, I think you're a bit confused as to who your concerns are.
Yeah, like giving her welfare checks lol
For example, sucking the dick of businesses and /AncapGeneral/
I'm still pissed they dropped him in 7e.