What should be this pic's file name?
Other urls found in this thread:
>asking players for backstory.jpg
I've got two shit ones for you
>I'm a gigantic faggot for making filename threads.jpg
You are?
Well shoot man, I should've let you start one. My bad.
Anyone got a better name for this one?
Anyone got a good name?
Delta green goes to Ulthar.
>When Bast is done with the Party's shit.
>cats in wod
Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Damn this fucking "sauce" thing has fucked me up so bad I thought you were speaking weird ass orc speak or something.
Maaan, it's been decades since I saw this film on TV, and I cannot for the life of me recall what it was called. Then again, I can only remember the cast playing volleyball with animated furries for a magic spell or something like that, and suits of armor being enchanted to fight Nazis.
>Two players reprise the roles of their old PCs as part of the GM's story
Bedknobs and Broomsticks?
>early record of lodoss war
great taste: checked
Lemme check---yep. Oh wow, 1971. Somehow, that makes me feel older, despite being in my 30's.
I would count myself blessed if something so awesome as this fight happened in a game I was in with 2 players.
That the two were so close before their falling out made it... yea.
Rolled 20 (1d20)
What's now?
>aoi aoi ano sora
In such a battle, is any dice rolling necessary, or can it just follow a script until the players act?
That was so stupid it should not have made me chuckle.
But it did.
Kopps, IIRC. I have no clue if there's an English translation.
What exactly is that supposed to be? A bridge?
I've never seen this anime, much to my own chagrin, but am I far wrong if I imagine the guy in white with Peter Cullen's voice, and the guy in black Frank Welker's?
anyone know what manga is the one with the armored anime girls?
I've watched a few episodes of this, it's fucking great but my motivation to watch anime really fell down.
This is not "forbidden lore"
this is common knowledge for anyone who has studied even a little bit of political history. If all hitler did was revitalize germany he would be called a hero,regardless of the lack of "well-being of a few minorities".
That said, that last paragraph is quite sinister.
Shoujo Kishidan x Knight tale.
>Shoujo Kishidan x Knight tale
thanks m8
>yuri series about lady knights
>not translated anywhere
You're welcome
Slayer, giving only the necessary minimum amount of fucks, as usual
this made me kek more than filenames
>not Welcome to Ulthar
Oh wow I recognize those faces
is it like his Other works?
>captcha: side reserve
Is that the place your sides go?
Or do you go there to replace them?
All I know is that it's near where anons hide their sauces.