The Tarrasque has a base speed of 40 ft.. When it runs, it can cross a distance of 200 ft. in one round, which is six seconds. Converted to meters, it can run 60.96 meters in six seconds. That is 10.16 meters per second.
Usain Bolt runs 10.44 meters per second. Ergo, humans can outrun a chasing tarrasque.
The Tarrasque has a base speed of 40 ft.. When it runs, it can cross a distance of 200 ft. in one round...
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Okay. So?
delet this
Usain Bolt can outrun a chasing tarrasque*
That's because the Tarrasque was specifically designed to be an encounter you flee from.
Not everyone is Usain Bolt you stupid nigger.
Adding to this, I would like to posit that all but one humans in history are, in fact, not Usain Bolt.
Uasain Bolt as he is understood today, certainly. It is likely other values of 'Usain Bolt' have been ascribed to a small number of other individuals, but likely none of them were more than superficially similar to modern interpretations of Usain Bolt.
>A peak human runner at a short burst of 100% full sprint on a completely flat plane with no equipment load can move slightly faster than a Tarrasque.
Oh God, we can't even run from it.
Except you forgot about the Tarrasque's reach, user
user, humans have a base speed of 30ft.
Forgetting feats like Mobile
So, being Usain Bolt?
By the point you encounter the Tarrasque, everyone should have access to a Fly speed of 60ft or more.
If this is not the case, your DM has simply chosen a more elaborate Rocks Fall scenario.
Why does it have spikes? Just to be scary? It's already bigger, hungrier, and harder to kill than just about anything else in the Monster Manual.
To protect against predators.
Such as the roaming Godzilla, that devours these beasts by the hundred.
But what can eat something that can only be permanently killed with a Wish?
>Why does it have spikes? Just to be scary?
Yes. The Tarrasque is, in many cases, a weapon of mass destruction created by gods or wizards. So the scarier, the better.
I like to believe that it is considered a prey animal in the universe from which it originates. The only reason it was able to be summoned in the first place is because it was the weakest being that could be summoned.
It looks distinctly predatory. It might be prey, but it probably isn't the weakest.
Humans in armour, and heavy clothing, plus gear cant.
Looks can be deceiving. There are a lot of insects that look predatory but are merely scavengers. Also, it is an omnivore, and omnivores tend to not be on the top of the food chain. Plus, defensive spikes and such would indicate that it does indeed have predators.
>omnivores tend to not be on the top of the food chain.
Is it so? Bears are omnivores, for example.
Humans as another example.
When setting his land speed record, did Ursain Bolt wear 80lbs in plate armour while carrying a couple of shields, eight swords, four bows, 190 various arrows, a sack containing fifty odd glass potion bottles, four weeks field rations and a ten foot pole?
>Can be only permanently killed with a wish
>Caught by a predator and torn apart
>Carcass starts to come together and repairs tissue gone
>Tarrasque is alive again
It's probably the best defense mechanism out there.
>60 ft.
Idk if you went to elementary school, but 200 is more than 60.
But it is bigger than 40.
That's nice user. This one can fly at 120' with good manuverability.
What, you didn't know there was more than one kind of tarrasque? There are four...
In PF, these spikes can be launched at opponents who are at distance. Or, of course flying.
But the Tarrasque can run with a speed for 200 ft. and follow that up with a charge attack.
Based on what I've learned on Veeky Forums, lolis.
But seriously, the Tarrasque is not really a naturally evolved creature as much a physical manifestation of the nature's will to fuck your shit. It has spikes because they help it wreck shit, or just make it scarier.
Or the designers don't know shit about biology, and ended up giving the supposed super-predator multiple traits normally found on animals that have their own predators (the Tarrasque also has eyes on the sides of its head, which is a common adaption in prey animals but shitty adaption for predators).
Honestly, the existence of the world where Tarrasque is a prey animal interests me more than rules-wankery.
So, if Tarrasque is omnivorous and has physical characteristics of a prey animal, it could be that world's equivalent of a raccoon
How fast does the Tarrasque gets tired? Cuz Usain Bolt after few seconds of this super-fast sprint will start to slow down.
I could honestly see that being a thing in God Eater or Monster Hunter.
The Toothfairy
So that makes a crow and pic related a garden snake?
So we're talking King Mogera as the average predator and Cthulhu as the average denizen?
>base speed 40 vs base speed 60
How about using a fucking horse?
I think it was Spelljammer (might have been Planescape, but same setting, anyway) that actually detailed how there's a world in one out-of-the-way crystal sphere whose surface is entirely POPULATED by Tarrasques, hosts and hosts and swarms and swarms of them.
The Illithid have a research outpost beneath the ground there, because who the fuck is going to try and get past an entire surface filled with Tarrasques?
Nigga, how you run in the sky?
>60 ft.
>not polymorphing into an air elemental and rocking a 90 ft. fly speed or 120 ft. fly speed if you're playing PF and cast Elemental Body IV
>destroy the world the Tarrasques live in
>get a world's worth of Tarrasque XP
Quick, give me ideas on how to destroy a planet.
>predators with infinite appetites
On their native planet they are actually peaceful herbivores similar to cows. The spikes are a defense mechanism against the Giant space Hamsters created by the tinker gnomes.
Shoot it countless times with a peasant railgun, each peasant carying pic related.
Usain Bolt, at his physical peak, in short distances, can outrun a chasing tarrasque*
You're still missing the point that you can't run when your feet aren't on the ground. Flying is slower than running.
>that's not true!
All the flight speeds for creatures in the books are way too slow. An eagle should have a flight speed of around 140 at least.
>You're still missing the point that you can't run when your feet aren't on the ground.
"Run" is a type of action, you mong, it's not literally only running.
You can run with any move-speed that doesn't expressly forbid it.
No, it literally means you run.
The rules say you can "run". Then it tells you what effects running has. Nowhere does it say that running is just a description for a specific action. The only thing you are allowed is a double move action while flying, which means you'll have to have a flight speed greater than 100.
Yeah, that's why it has 40ft speed while 99.99% PCs have 30ft speed or less (see armor).
Doesn't work.
>Implying you haven't boosted your speed to at least 40 by epic
you just suck user
>He has access to magic items
You can distiguish who's getting babysit by his GM in this thread pretty easily
>He doesn't have access to feats or class features
must be a boring game
The rules for flying even explicitly state you can't run while flying.
Is everyone going to forget how crazy far they can jump?
Oh, we have, but core only like our lord Jesus Chirst intended.
>Thinking everybody is going to be monk
Only one PC of each class is allowed
but only for 5-6 rounds max.
>only core
You poor ignorant creature
What do you want me to say? I'm not a powergamer munchkin
What would the roles of the adventurers be in such a setting? Demigods on a quest to prove their worth? Pokemon trainers?
>Ergo, humans can outrun a chasing tarrasque.
Okay, so the fastest dozen human beings in the world can outrun a Tarrasque for about a minute until they can no longer sprint at max speed.
Isn't that Animorphs?
>implying phb isn't one of the most broken 3.5 books available
The wizard can fly away and the druid can turn into something suitable.
In perfect conditions (on a track, no wind resistance, no 40lbs gear)
Except that the spell Fly has an exception towards what is normally true. You can "run" while flying as it's merely a tripling or quadrupling of your current movement mode in a straight line. The spell restricts this due to magical limitations.
I shit you not, Giant space hamsters exist in spelljammer, they power tinker gnome ships by running on giant hamster wheels.
No, he's got a point. Tinker Gnomes from Spelljammers did a bad, bad thing.
A portable hole is 20k GP, and the smallest bag of holding is 2.5k. The surface area of an earth-size planet is 196.2 million square miles, and these things hit in a ten-foot radius sphere.
A circle (since we're only trying to purge the surface, we can treat it as a circle instead of a sphere) with a 10ft radius hits about 315 square feet in area. (314.16, to be exact).
22,500GP to hit 315 square feet. Assuming no overlap, you need 3,289,000,000,000 arrows of total destruction, at a cost of 74,002,500,000,000 GP.
74 trillion GP is a lot. Assuming a Gold Piece is the same size as a quarter, that much GP takes up 30,046 square miles. Gonna be tricky.
No, you can't. You can only hustle using Overland Flight.
>The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet (or 40 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load). It can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed, and its maneuverability is good.
>Using a fly spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell can charge but not run, and it cannot carry aloft more weight than its maximum load, plus any armor it wears. The subject gains a bonus on Fly skill checks equal to 1/2 your caster level.
>Overland flight: his spell functions like a fly spell, except you can fly at a speed of 40 feet (30 feet if wearing medium or heavy armor, or if carrying a medium or heavy load) with a bonus on Fly skill checks equal to half your caster level. When using this spell for long-distance movement, you can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (a forced march still requires Constitution checks). This means you can cover 64 miles in an 8-hour period of flight (or 48 miles at a speed of 30 feet).
Natural flight, from having wings or just being normally capable of flight, is different from the spells you keep bringing up. The spells are exceptions to normal rules, that's why they are explicitly calling out that it's not possible to take certain actions with these spells due to limitations the spells introduce.
Being able to fly is merely a single form of speed. The run action says:
>You can run as a full-round action. If you do, you do not also get a 5-foot step. When you run, you can move up to four times your speed in a straight line (or three times your speed if you're in heavy armor). You lose any Dexterity bonus to AC unless you have the Run feat.
Notice it doesn't specify land speed, but only speed. So what's the definition of speed in the glossary?
>Speed: The creature's land speed, and additional speeds as necessary for the creature.
Well that covers being able to fly via natural means.
What are some speeds that cant run? Climbing, as the skill rules explicitly call it out as not possible. Interestingly this means you can run while burrowing, and swimming (the rules explicitly say you can with swimming).
Oops, burrowing should be on the not list. Momentary brain fart there.
You bring up excellent points, and I have to say you are correct.
Very few adventurers have the natural ability to fly however, and must rely on magic.
And bacteria will consume them all, which will in turn be devoured by phage
Depending on the version.
3.5e: Con 35.
PF: Con 34.
5e: Con 30.
Just fly
Friendly reminder 4e Tarrasque has an aura of "fuck flight"
Flying spell explicitly disallows running. Read the thread over.
>The world's greatest sprinter has a base speed of 41 ft.
>Therefore, humans as a whole can outrun a tarrasque
I'll take useless data applied incorrectly by retards for 500, Alex.
It's best just to open a rift to the intersection between the plane of void and the plane of negative energy.
Wouldn't that destroy the entire reality you're in?
An entire reality's worth of XP, user
Even with Mobile, you can't recreate Usain Bolt without magic, or being a high level Monk.
Including your own existence. How are you supposed to collect XP if you're dead?
>He doesn't have Contingency on another plane readied!
Technically speaking, humans aren't on top of the food chsin, as we aren't apex predators (we don't eat other predators for the most part).
We are, however, the apex species.
>having high-level spells
What do you think I am, a Sorcerer?
You won't fool me...
Adventurers, of course. Adventurers prey upon everything -- Tarrasques, orphans, orcs, viziers, building interiors, cellars, the local economy...
see PCs in WoW, who are essentially pic realted
Everything but Gazebos.
>came across a rocks fall scenario
>mounted my tamed Nightmare and flew up on its back, cast Feather Fall on the boulders
>party casually walked away from the rocks
Things like that are why I like spells that aren't all "OMG SHOOT IT WITH FIRE".
My most commonly used spells:
-Feather Fall
-Create Water
-Scorching Ray
-Detect Magic
I've used Create Water in combat, and Scorching Ray outside of it. All depends on what you need to do.
It's a monster literally created for murder, so they're for extra murder.