Does your girlfriend fully comprehend this whole tabletop thing you're into, be it card games, ttrpgs or 40K?
How much in the dark are you keeping her?
Does your girlfriend fully comprehend this whole tabletop thing you're into, be it card games, ttrpgs or 40K?
How much in the dark are you keeping her?
She understands it completely, and she's actually the DM for me and my friends.
Whenever we roll a 1 we're forced to suck her dick
I'm basically in committed, slightly abusive, relationship with my job. At lest for the next 14 months. It doesn't take kindly on my hobbies.
She played D&D, MTG, and other table top games long before I met her.
Same here. She grew up playing dnd with her four siblings. She's also GMing our groups Halloween game, based on old Japanese horror games.
She even cried when I had to tell her we couldn't go to GenCon this year because I couldn't get the time off from work.
She's basically perfect.
Don't have one.
But it's fine. I like some alone time now and then.
Not my girlfriend, but the girl I've gone on a few dates with wants me to teach her how to play Edge of the Empire. She called me out on being a nerd and was cool with it. So things are looking good.
fugg me too. Ive had 1 day off so far this month
Tried to get her in to 'em, even bought her a couple of books and let her tag along to games where I knew other female players would be joining.
She can't or won't wrap her head around it and has no interest in anything that isn't tumblr/snapchat/facebook/netflix.
>your girlfriend
Thanks for the reminder that I am 25 and single, OP. It had slipped my mind temporarily, but now I recall that I will die alone.
>and has no interest in anything that isn't tumblr/snapchat/facebook/netflix.
I'm sure that relationship is going to last...
How familiar are you with the majority of women, my friend?
i dont know if she comprehends my various painting and playing with miniature army men, but my wife collects barbie dolls, so she really dosent have any room to say anything about my hobby
It's funny how you think I have one.
I could've had one three times over, looking back now, but I am denser than a harem protagonist.
The last one didn't even care I had lanky arms and a gut, she legitimately asked if she could refer to me as if we were already in a relationship and I just said "okay," not understanding her.
Of course she understands. She even rolls dice for me when my other hand is full.
He's right though. That sort of "basic bitch" is the kind who inevitably divorces you and/or is caught cheating. If all of her hobbies are social media, reality TV, or similar, then that doesn't bode well for her personality or moral development. Perhaps you are lucky and she comes from a good home but hasn't found any real interests yet, assuming she's
Same boat user. Have few friends, and we're all kinda drifting apart nowadays. Never been in a real relationship due to cowardice and social ineptitude, and am approaching 30.
The noose is lookin mighty friendly right about now.
Met my wife when a mutual friend invited us and others over to play some homebrew anime rpg based blatantly on Outlaw Star. It was her first real exposure to Veeky Forums games.
While dating we played in several D&D campaigns together. These days, our schedules prevent long term campaigns, so I DM the occasional one shot for friends where she either plays or acts as my co-DM.
She suggested we get into Warmachine together, but she found she had no interest in the modeling or competitive aspects of wargaming, and quickly lost interest while I took to it like a duck to water. She likes watching my progress and watching me play, and always asks what's on my wishlist for the holidays.
As an alternative, we got into MTG (well I got BACK into it after a decade hiatus) and we play kitchen table games with decks composed of cards from premade decks and bulk purchased common/uncommons. We don't do tournaments or game nights.
She's mostly in it to have fun and pal around with people while doing/discussing sci-fi and fantasy related things.
thats not the answer
dunno what it is myself but its not that
It could be different.
You could be ten years younger with no idea where to go from here and no idea why you don't know where to go from here despite your life having been pretty good, realizing that literal parental/spousal abuse victims are somehow handling their issues better than you're handling your much less severe ones, and waiting for the headsman's axe out of guilt more than anything else.
Imagine for a moment, the shame you'd feel if someone put a feather on your head, dropped a brick on the guy standing next to you, and somehow you ended up in the hospital for a longer stay.
You sound like me. Please stop sounding exactly like me.
I don't really have any friends anymore. I do go to social events, and I'll go for a beer after work with some colleagues on occasion, but I recently came to the realization that my only real social contact is my brother (and now both of us work 80~ hour weeks most of the time, so that's more or less kill as well). The last time I had a gf (or slept with a woman) was six years ago. I am fully versed in how much shit can suck. I guess at this point I could become a beta provider since I make six figures.
Despite all of that I'm not going to kill myself because that would be pretty pointless. At least I can afford a lot of plastic army men and guns and cars and other stuff now. Sometimes I even get to use it kek.
Fuck the point of this post was supposed to somehow end in "so don't kill yourself, user" but now that I have reached this point in the post I have realized I can't really come up with a single convincing reason not to, for you or me. lel oh well.
Veeky Forums - complaining about getting older
She's more into PnP, I'm more into wargames. But somehow, we find a way.
We find a waay-aaay
>How much in the dark are you keeping her?
I'm the one in the dark. I've heard many things about her, found out she's been lying for the past 2 weeks now. It's all going to hell in a handbasket and all my cards are missing.
But hey nice boobs. Staves off suicide attempts for two-three days tops.
80 hour weeks... It's amazing you have any social life AT ALL. I'm thinking that if you could just get a handle on that, everything else would be way easier to make work.
I can't do that, user.
There's a guy I know who went through basically every cliche horrible childhood trauma all at once right up until last year and he handles it better than I handle people cheating against me at games.
We met at the tabletop room in an anime convention and I've since become privy to a life story I don't even have the context to truly process.
Either that guy is made of iron or I'm made of untempered, low-quality glass. Probably both, actually.
Most of the time it's just 60 hours (12 hours x 5 days per week). Recently I have been doing work at home on the weekends as well since I managed to get behind. So basically I don't actually have it handled, I suck. Many of my colleagues bill for only 2100 hours per year (slightly more than 8 hours per day but you do end up working more than that, that's just billing hours).
>Does your girlfriend fully comprehend this whole tabletop thing you're into
Yes. I met her doing it.
>How much in the dark are you keeping her?
Not at all.
Iron shatters eventually.
And what would be the point in killing yourself?
Living sucks, but you know what's worse? Nothing. By definition, the cessation of consciousness is worse than the alternative.
That's not true. That assumes you have a net positive gain in happiness. If you're at 0 happiness net gain, or worse, you might as well not exist.
And remove all potential.
From zero, you can only go up. If you destroy the abacus, you go... nowhere. Suicide is perfect self-destruction, irrational in it's entirety, and the product of a mind that is not perceiving reality correctly.
You're right, basalt is probably a better analogy.
Not him, but if the majority of other people are experiencing a net loss due to my continued existence, don't I owe them that much?
Even if literally no matter who turns out to be right about death, some form of Hell awaits me.
Jesus Christ, Is that an Edit, Or does Charlie Brown actually say that?
Now I just feel bad for laughing at him in the Peanuts. I've Essentially just been laughing at my reflection in the mirror.
Wasn't he always supposed to be a bit relatable in that aspect?
Besides, if you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?
Have you never read Peanuts? It can be incredibly Philosophical at times.
You guys are fucking depressing me and I'm only just 26 trapped in a comfortable but lonely weekly routine.
You really should have seen this coming.
Where do you think you are?
25 and same boat. Trying to work on a Masters that never ends and zero chance at a GF ever. Fortunately as a natural optimist I never give up. Life is beautiful and the world is an amazing place. I want to see as much of it as I can in the time I have.
If he is basalt, then what are you?
This is the question you must ask yourself user. For your answer defines you and your strength. Power of positive bullshit and all that
>Born with AIDS in Africa, starve for first 8 years of life, conscripted at age 9 by rapist terrorists
>"don't destroy the abacus bro things can go up from here!"
Yeah no
She's my personal medic in everything I play
The gene pool has a filter for a reason. You must be something wretched if you can't find a girlfriend... or a big pussy... or both.
Suicide is never rational. Attempting to justify it is the sign of a diseased mind.
I can't think of a substance fragile enough to illustrate myself in this comparison.
This is partially because I'm a History major instead of a Chemistry or Engineering major.
Sure, I could go on trying to believe in myself, but I can only stay in denial for but so long.
I mean, for crying out loud, here I am going on about it on the internet when I've never even so much as had a broken bone. If that's not weak I don't know what is.
>Suffering from extreme pain with no hope of recovery, could either live in bedridden state through excessive opiate use, or die
>"Yeah I'll take the opiates please"
Fucking r-selected pleb please go away and take your mediocre children that you can barely pay for with you.
This is an assertion, and a bad one.
It's how we got together. As a kid her older brother never let her play with his group, and we started dating after I offered to teach her how to play. Now every week we have our friends over for dinner and D&D.
Sorry to brag.
>Teenager not knowing what to do with life
Wow it's fucking nothing. You just described 99% of the 1st world youth and you couldn't even do it with good syntax.
As a History Major you should be able to come up with a Historic Comparison. Lord knows I've had to do it enough times.
No, I'm just glad one of us isn't in a pit.
>it's nothing
user, where do you think the "shame" part comes from? Being acutely aware of how dumb it is and yet not being able to change it is where.
>From zero, you can only go up
Incorrect. A life completely without joy can always be made worse by simply adding further misery. Consider, for example, a life spent locked in a featureless room compared to one spent in a featureless room dusted with fiberglass. In neither room is intellectual stimulus nor opportunity for self improvement, but boredom is still better than feeling like your pores are on fire.
She's nerdier than me, but in different ways. Shes fandom and art shit, im ttrpgs, we both dabble in vidya and tcgs.
Kinda. She likes to play, and is really good at it, but she's awful about reading up on rules and going through chargen herself.
> feeble deflection
Nice try.
As for me, she's played way more DnD than I have but I'm betyer at DMing, one of our first and best dates involved playing MtG against each other. We haven't played F.A.T.A.L. together yet so there's that.
>doesn't understand zero
If you can think of something less (or, in this case, worse) then you're not at zero.
My girlfriend plays with me you dumb cuck
I don't want another ttrpg or vidya playing gf. Too much similarity is boring and their opinions are probably stupid. Best to find someone who has differing hobbies but respects yours, like my current gf.
>Falling for the female Jew
You're making a categorical assertion. If a single corner case exists in which your assertion is false, no matter how contrived or extreme, then the issue is subject to circumstance and your initial claim is entirely without merit.
You'll find a suitable mate a somepoint Veeky Forums you just need to be ready. Prepare not only your heart, but your mind and body. Strive for your dreams. At on epoint in my past I in the process of hanging myself before I had secodn thoughts. Less than a year later my degree was back on track, I was more socially and financially successful than I had been previously, and I had found a cute as all hell gf who absolute loves that we can both enjoy traditional game together. Since then things have continued to improve. They haven't been perfect, but I now live free of any major regrets.
I broke my shit before. Got run over by a car. Doc flat out told me I should be roadkill and refused to patch me up because I didn't have money.
Didn't hurt. Though the doc did say I had high pain tolerance. Or was it threshold? My friend thinks it's both.
Regardless user, I dub you Orichalcum.
They don't believe in you, but at least someone does.
You are malleable, but that does not mean weak.
Years of being submerged in tides of doubt has stained your surface. But all you need is a good furnace to unleash your strength.
Which fag are you? The "suicide is never a good idea no matter what even if you'd die in 35 seconds and you're suffering immensely" fag, or the "if a down syndrome kid fucks another down syndrome kid and they pass their genes on, they are superior" fag? Please clarify so I can give you a proper reply.
Guy you're talking to sounds like a perfectionist if realizing he's normal is getting to him this much.
> if
Find it and i'll concede. Until then, wretched, pussy or both. Take your pick.
Zero is apathy, and you can certainly be worst states than apathy.
False. Happiness and misery are two separate quantities that balance against each other, not markers on same scale. It is possible to live a life with sources of great joy and great pain which nets out to positive, or one of little joy and little pain which nets out to neutral or negative. Zero is not the lowest point in this nor any other context; in fact, I would argue that zero is the resting point of the human experience. Every day in which nothing good happens, but nothing bad does either, is a day that nets to zero.
The argument to potential gain is further negated by the equal probability of potential loss. Just as things can always get better, they can also get worse. How many hands do you need to lose before you leave the table?
The ultimate question is whether a life amounting to nothing is worth living just because it isn't in the negative, or if there is a minimum amount of net joy needed to make life worth living. This, I think, is a fundamentally subjective judgement that cannot be objectively measured. I believe the latter case is true for me.
Do you need to hope i'm one of those two fags so you can hope to relate to me?
Stop. All think whiny bitches pathetically crying about how they are lonely and can't find a girl (or guy or whatever) are that way for reasons that have nothing to do with me and everything to do with the choices they've made or the shitty genetic hand they've been dealt. I'll feel some sympathy for the latter but the former faggot deserves his situation.
>Find it and i'll concede
I direct you back to Your options are an unproductive life of drugs and pain, or suicide. Circumstances preclude the possibility of recovery; you must choose between these two. If the former, why do you believe suffering to have value in and of itself?
If you can be worse, then apathy is not zero. Zero is THE FUCKING WORST. Not "it's this but that would be worse".
You can't define zero as "three" and claim 2 is less than zero. Zero is zero. Done.
>still doesn't understand zero.
No. Just no. stop. You're long-assed sophistry is only making you look retarded.
>Do you need to hope i'm one of those two fags so you can hope to relate to me?
You literally are the latter one, you fucking idiot. Is English your first language or is your reading comprehension just shit? I was obviously mocking you for this statement,
>The gene pool has a filter for a reason.
which is reductionist and indicative of your stupidity and r-selected mindset.
Congrats on your first girlfriend, fedoramaster, but you should seriously re-evaluate your worldview. Or don't, I don't really care if you continue to be a huge faggot or not.
Why are they my options? If the only proof you can offer is this made up bullshit with artificial limitations, you're wasting your time. if you think this is an actual possibility, you're deluding yourself or you've fucked yourself into thus impossible situation in which case you fall into the wretched category. Sucks to be you.
You're not saying anything anyone doesn't already know. They're just trying to be there for each other, ya know? It's a nice gesture, talking about shared experiences, and you're messing with that.
Like trying to stop a kid from buying another kid ice cream since Kid 1's dog just died and Kid 2 A) has an allowance and B) had a dog that died a year ago.
Zero is not the worst, it is the lacking of positive or negative, you fucking retard.
Apathy is void of emotional disposition, and zero is void of positive and negative value.
Maybe you should take an algebra course if you can't understand negative numbers.
You're trying too hard. You're not only wrong but you're still retarded.
what the fuck is that
>if you think this is an actual possibility, you're deluding yourself
Well shit I guess terminal cancer doesn't actually exist anymore, nice job bro you're a medical hero.
Or maybe your a small and self-centered person who can't comprehend that sometimes the hole doesn't have a way out, because that would force you to admit that life isn't fair and not everyone even had the choice to be happy.
Apathy is not a null value however - it is a negative trait because it causes issues of it's own.
>You're trying too hard
>Says the edgelord shitposting on a Tibetan finger painting BBS about how people not currently in a relationship are human shit and down syndrome mongoloids who reproduce are automatically equivalent to everyone else in worth and humanity
They not only support it, she plays MtG and D&D with me and our friends.
A female partner in a romantically and/or sexually intimate relationship consisting of two partners who are not married but are exclusively intimate with one another.
Except, in your analogy, the kids can't do anything about dead dogs. Being lonely is something you cn do something about unless you're so wretched that you're beyond hope or such a big pussy about taking a risk that you deserve to be lonely.
You clearly have never had any experience in the real world. Grow up, kid.
In that case would Betty count?
>my girlfriend
Good joke, OP!
Zero is nothing. Is is the absence of a measurable quantity. Floating in a sensory deprivation tank is the definition of zero stimulus. There are an infinite number of things worse than floating in a sensory deprivation tank. Example: floating in a sensory deprivation tank with a jellyfish.
The tank alone is zero sensation. The jellyfish is a negative sensation. A few drops of pleasantly scented oil in the tank would make it a positive sensation. Oil and a jellyfish would have both positive and negative sensations that, depending on the scent and your tolerance for pain, may net to either positive or negative, though less so that either stimulus alone.
For Christ's sake, did you miss the day in elementary school where they explained number lines?
Never happened for me
i'm going to die a wizard.
I'm not sure inanimate objects can be classed as "female" unless you're talking about boats.
But that happens in real life you fucking retard.
Things don't always have a chance of getting better. That's not how real life works.
Hey don't You mock my Betty! What we have is True Love here!
>exclusively intimate
Wow get a load of this fucking shitlord. Some people are polyamorous okay? TRIGGERED
Your powers of stupidity are beyond comprehension. Holy shit..
>rolling a caster
>not knowing what a wizard is
Normally I'd call you both pedantic twats, but that's par for the course on Veeky Forums.
The definition of the word is that it is a lack of emotion, you fucking twit. A void; a lacking; not having either positive nor negative emotion. The null state of emotion.
And to state that it is completly undesirable is also false, as there are plenty of people who strive towards it, be it for preforming a job to superior result or a more personal reason for not wanting it. (The most famous romantization of it being the Vulkan from Star Trek)