Which is the best FF game?
GURPS or Anima dont apply
Which is the best FF game?
GURPS or Anima dont apply
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4e D&D/Strike! RPG
Endless Fantasy Tactics
Retro Phaze RPG
Those are just the ones off the top of my head.
what you can tell me about them?
also this one ffrpg.net
The link here takes you to the FF RPG 3e so yeah...
4e gives each character a set of core powers outlined as At-Wills (your generic basic attacks), Encounter powers (usable 1/encounter, stronger than at-wills but not too much) and Daily powers (usable 1/day and very powerful, good for bosses). Strike! does similar but breaks the mold by allowing you to fluff those up yourself instead of getting a fuck-huge list of them to choose from. Lot's of tactical play in both.
FF RPG 3e is, well, what you get when you take the FF games up through, I think, FFXII and boil them down to their essentials (races, classes, spells, abilities, equipment, etc) and blend them so you can make your setting and such. Plays in combat like FF Tactics.
Endless Fantasy Tactics is FF Tactics with the serial numbers sawed off. Beyond that, I don't know much about it.
Retro Phaze and RemiNES use mostly d6s if I remember right and are designed to play like the old NES/SNES RPGs and are fairly solid and not too complicated.
Of all of them, FFRPG 3e is the most playable as long as the person running it has a very solid idea of the campaign they want to run and more than ready to block some of the classes/races. Allowing everything would be bad for most games.
are classess unbalanced or what?
In 4e/Strike, yes by and large.
Can't really speak for the others, though FFRPG 3e looks balanced (I've reviewed it and got a group as far as char gen, but we could not play due to a player fight).
What classes are overpowered in Strike?
The Buddies if the GM lets them get away with too much. Necromancer in the same vein. Beyond that, they are all fairly balanced, it just requires a bit more focus on the GM when those two classes come into play.
FFd6 is alright. I played it a bit. Some classes are underpowered (Dark Edgy Sword Guy (forgot name), Gambler, Samurai), some (Looking at you, Paladin, Red Mage, Time Mage, and White Mage) are OP. It suffers from being a one-girl homebrew and has kinda shitty editing. Be prepared to make your own rulings on what the rules actually are, and you might want to increase destiny gain for job switching, or making... I think Onion Knight a default feature everyone gets. It's been a while.
I had a great idea to rework/rewrite FFD6 because "official" support seems to have stopped, but I stopped because I didn't know if it would be really worth it.
I love the system though!
FF? As in the original? The one with elves, dwarfs and vampires?
2nd Ed AD&D.
FFT -> Literally any grid assigned, class based game.
Final Fantasy VI would probably work best with Sword World 2.0.
VII -> Alshard Gaia or A Savage World's game that uses magical items for basically all skills and magic.
VIII -> BRB or any d% where you have monster stats generated based on the mean average of the party as a whole. (VIII was so broken.)
IX -> I wanna say something like Pathfinder. In IX summons were overpowered and you had fixed classes/jobs. There's enough rules in Pathfinder to make all your races.
...and that's it. There were no Final Fantasy games after IX.
c'mon dude, X wasn't THAT bad
Huh, I haven't heard of buddies being too good. Necromancer can be if you let him snowball minions I guess. Why do you think that is?
I remember a FF thread a while ago, someone suggested Legend.
As far as I understand it you get to mix and match class 'tracks' which can give you the same sort of multiclassing as in FFV or Tactics.
Which one uses this artstyle? That one.
I believe the creator retired from the project. FFd6 is in a decent enough shape that all it really needs is editing, playtesting for balance, and reworking the egregious classes.
First two editions of dnd
That's from the FF3 3D remake.
Why no Anima? Anima is best FF game.
Just gonna second Strike! to counterbalance all this Anima.
Which Anima?
Stop shilling Strike!
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
Because some people from Veeky Forums are working on related things.
They're shilling themselves
As far as I know, nobody on Veeky Forums works on Strike! related things, unless you mean like campaigns and houserules and stuff.
There was touhou, but he got banned, and only had very minor input on the core book anyway.
XII was incredible you sad fuck
I am a little scared of anima it looks complicated af and slow, but i know spanish so
Anima beyond fantasy , i dont know a lot about anima prime
Okay. Then the answer is Anima Prime.
XII was linear and weak and would've benefited by focusing on any other character than the director's waifu.
that's XIII you're thinking of, learn your roman numerals you putz.
Since when is Vaan anyone's Waifu?
Ashe was the most interesting character in the game besides maybe Gabranth and the game was no less linear than VII, VIII, IX or X
He might be Penelo's waifu.
How is Dark Knight underpowered in FFD6?
>Ashe was the most interesting character in the game
What is good about anima prime?
How is sword world? is it worth playing it with the fan translation?
What do you think are the essential aspects of a job in a Final Fantasy game?
I'm working on something similar. Right now, each character chooses a basic job (warrior, thief, monk, white mage, black mage or red mage) at character creation. Once they have five levels in that job, they can switch between six additional advanced jobs.
Both types of jobs grant a small stat bonus, five special moves, an additional skill and new equipment. I'm debating whether the following:
>should jobs offer five special moves, or should it be fewer?
>should jobs also offer passive traits that can be changed around, or should these be offered via magicite/materia?
The problem I'm running into is that because each job has five levels, one move per level is nice incentive. However because there are 27 jobs in the game, that will be difficult to balance. I also have trouble coming up with discrete moves that are not combat oriented, but don't feel implicitly limiting.
That's why I moved these to traits (each job would have five combat and five non-combat abilities), but that essentially doubles the complexity of every job and limits customization.
Pic related, warrior has been especially tough to design.
Yeah dude she's one of the best females in FF next to maybe Celes
She was proud and vengeful, so much better than all the shitty love interest women in FF games