>mfw my group thinks Godzilla could beat a Tarrasque in a fight
Who would win in a fight, a Tarrasque or Godzilla?
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godzilla is like..... 10 times bigger and breathes nuclear fire.......
all of them would be beat by Elder God Demonbane.
Godzilla could throw the tarrasque into space man.
Godzilla can't cast Wish. Any victory is hollow and short-lived.
Stop Tarrasquing stupid questions.
Google Image search is doing nothing to help me find the porn that came from.
I thought the tarrasque was inspired by godzilla...
Wouldnt that mean they're the same being on different planes?
That'd make Godzilla our (earth's) tarrasque.
It would end up being some bullshit thing where they'd fight for two hours, then Godzilla would somehow put the Tarrasque to sleep for a million years with the help of the Japanese military, then as everything settles and everything is back to normal, the camera will slowly pan in on the Tarrasque's eye and it will snap open.
You know.
I imagine they would be pretty even w/ stat blocks and I don't remember the Tarresque having any magic stuff aside from anti-magic stuff.
Brings up a good point. I don't know the sizes of the guys and now that I think about it I remember Tarrasque is way bigger than cottages but I think Godzilla is up to skyscraper size.
He might be able to shove Tarrasque into a dumpster or sit on him.
Board goes live with hostile godzilla cocksuckers in 5......
Depends on which Godzilla. The strongest Godzilla, for refrence survived being in a blackhole, and can shoot his nuclear laser from one planet to ANOTHER PLANET.
I think the weakest loses to fucking Frankenstein, and/or King Kong.
The Tarrasque is a colossal size creature, which is to say somewhere in excess of 64 feet. The smallest iteration of Godzilla is 50 meters, 164 feet, about two and a half times that. The largest incarnation of Godzilla is 118 meters, or 387 feet, over six times that.
Godzilla could literally stomp on the Tarrasque.
>calling frankensteins monster frankenstein
>I thought the tarrasque was inspired by godzilla...
It's the other way around.
>guy creates a "son"
>son doesn't get his father's name
C'mon son
But user, Frankestein was a monster
Maybe by the mythical Tarrasque of Nerluc, but not the version in D&D. Godzilla's about twenty years too early for that.
Godzilla would win.
The Tarrasque can't win because it isn't big enough and it wouldn't be able to adequately defend itself against Godzilla who's not only larger, but it also more intelligent and experienced with fighting other creatures in his size & weight rank.
Just because the Tarrasque "can't be beat", doesn't mean he can win; it'd be like fighting a cutting board, but Godzilla would win every time to the point where fighting the Tarrasque for him would be a muscle-memory chore if it got to such a point.
This is purely just in the physical, never mind the fact that Godzilla has an incredibly powerful breath weapon AND Godzilla himself is radioactive. Would the, could the, Tarrasque eventually develop cancer and die permanently?
Power Man wins
>still nitpicking about what people call Frankenstein
Tarrasque a silly question, get a Godzilly answer.
It can be argued that he was the only real monster.
D&D is fairly low powered compared to other media. The Tarrasque has a strength score that can rival that of the god of strength, but that only translates to being able to lift about 5 or 6 tons.
Against Godzilla, the tarrasque ain't shit. It most likely can't even damage him, and Godzilla is several times bigger to the point he can easily crush it. Godzilla may be unable to fully kill the tarrasque due to lack of wish, but there's basically no scenario that doesn't end with Godzilla smashing it into ground until it loses the will to live.
This. Godzilla is here blowing up meteors that can destroy the Earth, shrugging off nukes, throwing thousands of ton monsters across the horizon, and flying and shit. Even the strongest Wizards in these settings need to deal with shit like reflex, fortitude, and will when it comes to destroying monsters.
You are stupid. The wish is granted by all the japanese all praying godzilla saves them yet again.
Both would fall to best kaiju.
The way explosives scale in d20, a 500lb bomb will disable the Tarrasque in a single hit. He'd stand a chance against King Kong, but Godzilla is on a different level.
While I respect your choice for best kaiju, I must disagree.
Doesn't keep her from being best girl, of course.
>Godzilla can't cast Wish
Yeah, it can only cast YOU INTO THE FUCKING SUN, and that will be enough for a couple of billion of years.
Wrong image
>Anguirus vs D-Trumpy
That's 50 years in the cubes creep!
Damn. I can try later today. Maybe my bubble will work.
I need to re-read this series. It would be a fantastic RPG setting.
The newest IDW series has reveals that some of history's greatest mythical events involved big G.
He's who really stopped the 1281 Mongolian invasion of japan, not Kami-Kaze. Also the mongols were demons or some shit, and Godzilla totally wrecked Yamato-no-Orochi.
Second one is ancient Greece, but I haven't picked it up yet.
>Trump is the president in Pacific Rim
It makes sense now...
You do know that there is a way to decide this - PF has a Godzilla Expy and a Tarrasque.
Both ofg them have "cannot actually die" clauses, so the fight will be to the temporary defeat.
You get to do the math.
Actually in this case user was correct because of shitty Japanese translation actually making it Frankenstein rather than his monster.
The fight will proceed roughly like this and be over just as quick.
Nothing more needs to be said.