Warhammer 40,000 general

If I don't like "x part of the lore" then it isn't canon edition.





>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

>The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

word bearers a shit

Managed to wipe out a full squad of CSM in melee with my lads today in the 1000pt game I played. Thread did you do anything interesting/lifechanging today?

>Bayonette Charge

It's a hell of a drug.

What is your favorite army that you collect and why?

Blood Angels because I like Space Marines but I also really like assault focused armies.

Space Wolves because of the individualism and personality in the army, from HQs to Troops, it's easy to make everyone look unique. Everyone gets a name, everyone forges their own story, no exceptions.

I put their names under their bases in white sharpie tho because damn remembering that many names

Many go by monikers ex. Handsome / Handsome's Evil Twin / Alt History Termie Handsome / Alt History Redeemed Handsome's Evil Twin Termie

I have a question about Blood Angels. Do they have a mutation in their geneseed that causes them to grow wings like their Primarch Sanguinius? I usually see pictures of The Sanguinary guard with wings that look completely natural. Are angelic wings a thing with the Blood Angels the same way turning into a monstrous wolf is for the Space Wolves?

I have a Genestealer Cult of over 110 models almost fully assembled and everyone of them has names except for the Purestrains.

>Thread did you do anything interesting

Lost to Daemons 8-7 with my Dark Angels however it turned out he forget to warpstorm.
He allied in CSM with a cultist squad, CSM, sorcerer and heldrake. I forgot all about my Deathwings hatred for CSM.

I cant wait till I finish my demi company I am getting pretty sick of being outmanned.
At 1500 points I brought 29 models but soon it will be 50+

I have really enjoyed using my small DW Strikeforce lately.

Finals someone talking some sense

Space wolves because cocky space Vikings are cool I guess
>inb4 le yiff meme taking the knot
Space wolves are no different than any other chapters when naming their stuff, I have learned to live with the 5th edition still butthurt players.

Love it. What kinds of names if you don't mind me asking? Is there a theme?

>except for the Purestrains
why wouldn't you name them

they're the patriarch's knee breakers

Do you think GW will do Black Friday specials again this year?

No, only the blood rage and the black rage which are worst than wulfen because they kill everybody on sight, the only thing describing what you say is some novel when Tzeench transformed a captain into a sangüinius look alike clone.

The feathers on the sanguinary guard are probably from some giant avian.

Just sort of general fictional sci-fi sounding names.

Prayer Leader Ridgar, Brother-Initiate Sudtor, Calamhai the Void-Touched, etc.

Because such perfect examples of the Evermind's Unifying Truth have no need for the human invention of names.

Rumours point to yes. Plus Premium Start Collecting Boxes. 250£ forces for 140.

>not naming your star children
pleb cult/10, I bet you don't even call your patriarch The Big Cheese

I'll probably name my 5th gens, but the First Curse Stealers that were around before the Cult started do not have names.

Salamanders because they're big black green marines and also manage to be one of the few noblebright chapters even though they have coal black skin, glowing red eyes, and a hardon for burning things to death.

I like my Skitarii, but I don't actively collect them.

How do I Nurgle?

>Step 1
Get sick

>Step 2
Get REALLY sick

>Step 3
Do nothing but laze around.

>Step 4

>Step 5

Made progress on my Chaos Lord of Tzeentch kitbash. Cleaning up spare glue/plastic is a real bitch though.

Looks fine

Had a Lord Commissar by charge into a squad of Melta Chosen by himself. Won combat but didn't sweep the chaos scum.

The chosen never regrouped and fell back for the rest of the game.

daemons are pretty crazy in everything, i like the risk and reward balance sometimes it pays off very well. i've started eldar because weekend warriors and making a weak list with a strong book focused on shooting intrigues me.

Hows this any different from being a college student?

Step 2.

The cult gives them names, They worship them.

Diseased Bulk (Toughness)
Poisoned Munitions (Poison)
Inferno Bolts (Magical bolter rounds)
Rubric Sign (turns them into rubricae
Brotherhood of Sorcerers
Sonic Weaponry
Preternatural Grace (Initiative/Fleet/Run and Gun)
Berzerker Implants (Rage, Furious Charge, benefits continue if win combat)
Frenzy (bonus hits on 6's)

Brainstorming upgrades for aligned Chaos Marines.

So, anyone else do any 40k costumes this Halloween? I made a half-assed attempt at being a generic Chaos Cultist

6/10, good effort.

Slaanesh should have some sort of narcotic thing. Maybe granting feel no pain or something.

Thanks. The most effort probably went into making these things.

Are they suppose to be Chaos Purity Seals? That's pretty neato

They're probably devotions to the Chaos gods. But I agree, cool stuff.

The blues jeans and the belt-on-belt action ruin it. Should've grabbed some cheap khakis or similar to dirty up.

Yeah, I was a procrastinating fuck and didn't end up taking the time to hit up a thrift store for some raggedy clothes. C'est la vie.

That's the idea; a prayer for each god. I mean, they're basically chaos purity seals in function, but whatever.

>Mcree falls to chaos.jpg

Disclaimer: Not a Chaos Player

I've heard that Khornate Berzerkers rely on their charge attack to get work done, and lose steam in the subsequent fights. So I like the idea that they get to keep the extra attacks from their charge turn so long as they are winning the fight. Almost like if the lose or tie a phase they start to lose the initiative, and quickly lose their shock value. Also looks cool from a narrative perspective as the berzerkers start out wrecking enemy lines, but then the enemies numbers slowly tip the scales back with each turn.

Yeah, I'm definitely including something to that effect in the Berzerker upgrade.
Yeah, need to include Combat Drugs. Not sure if they'll do FNP though. Feel no Pain will already be part of the Nurgle upgrades, and I'm thinking about doing FNP (4+) as the Rubric durability bonus instead of 2W or 4++. I also wouldn't mind doing some sort of "Khorne units get FNP whenever they destroy a unit in CC" to help keep them going in between combats and make up for losses, but at that point everybody would have Feel no Pain. Khorne did have the ability to buy Feel no Pain in 3.5.

Were SoS always the Militant Arm of the Astra Telepathica?

Mark of Khorne gives the Rage USR, and they can buy an upgrade to get the Furious Charge rule. (regular CSM with mark of khorne can get that same upgrade).

Other than that they are a basic space marine that arbitrarily costs more points. Same statline (WS4 T4 S4 A1 etc).

So what do they have over CSM with Mark of Khorne?

Fearless USR
Access to plasma pistols (oh boy)
Access to Chainaxes (debatable whether they are worth the extra points)

Is paying a premium and elite slot worth Fearless USR and access to purchasable wargear? No. Berserkers suck.

Models are neat though. I always thought KB could be fixed by gaining +1A per turn they're stuck in combat, which they then lose if they win.

>Models are neat though.
it's the same kit since 1999, and if you compare the aesthetics to modern kits (like the DV chosen) it really looks off

I would love so much to have a new multi-part chaos space marines kit with the level of detail of the DV chosen.

True. I personally have seen people use the Age of Sigmar Khorne things as proxies. Conversions and shit. Looks pretty neat.

If they can do something like that, I'd love it.

Seeing as Kharn got a new model which I don't mind, who knows. Abaddon is apparently getting a new model too (and I mean non-Forge World model). So that'd be cool.

Lots of changes happening, plus this whole talk of CSM Legion books or some shit I keep reading. The basically confirmation of Tzeentch update and new Rubix Cube Marines.

the new bloodbound do look pretty great I will admit, even though they are a bit big for berserkers.

I don't believe the rumors of CSM legion books. The only things GW have showed off are a Thousand Sons kit and a Magnus kit, and I believe that is all we are going to get.

Call me bitter if you want, but I think there is going to be a loyalist supplement with Magnus in the back so they have a villain to beat up on. This was hinted at back when the space wolf book came out, and now there is Burning of Prospero too. I think they will end it out with a Russ vs. Magnus supplement, with a lot of new stop kits and formations for the space yiffs.

I personally like the idea of just replacing the Furious Charge on Khorne Berserkers with Rampage. Gives them more of a reason to buy their banner, plus it makes them more dangerous as you kill them off.

(The Cult troopers could use 2 attacks base though, agreed).

I think all the cult troops need something. As it stands they are all just premium priced marines that get very little for the cost.

the most different of the premium marines are also the worst, which makes me sad too (thousand sons, chosen, possessed)

Show me a college student who is profiting


I got the Ultima box last night, going to convert them to DA and shove the flyer up my arse. Wish me luck


Good luck.

>going to convert them to DA and shove the flyer up my arse.
Just use it as the dank angles fliers and be done with it.

So, I've added a squad of Sisters of Silence to my SoB army simply because the models are great and their effect is a godsent.

How would you kit them out though?

5 flamers for pennies, they seriously get cheaper flamers then sisters, it's wonderful.

Or ride in a Immolator/rhino with the ap2 sword and an inquisitor with all the grenades?

I could go either way honestly, one makes me giggle with flaming death, the other makes up for a lack of melee in my army.

I'm a fan of the swords personally.

why is 30k so much more enjoyable than 40k? is it because there isn't formations handing out free points left and right?

if running 10, swords

if 5, flamers

I'm going to be doing this, but I'm going to wait and see if they bring the SoS on their own.

I think I'll be going with the swords, they're cheap and powerful, hold targets down while SoB lay the pain down. Besides, a true Sororitas would already be decked out in flamers.

how can you pass up the FREE AP2?

This probably isn't the place to ask this at all, but it definitely wasn't worth making a thread over. There is this bit of 40k write faggotry I'm trying to find, but can't for the life of me. It's about a loyalist caught by a cultist, and the cultist proceeds to explain that the traitor legions were actually the loyal ones, and that gulliman Russ and sanguinus were the traitors
Anyone familiar with it?

Can I have the flyer? I'll draw you a pretty picture as thanks.


Yeah it's called 'The Delusions of Warp Corrupted Faggotron the Third'.

No, its because there aren't any eldars or tau, marines are cheap enough and have more options for them to have an edge against daemons, but mostly because it's reduced to MEQ vs MEQ, grav isn't as common and finally is full of people tired of current meta.

How are you supposed to paint your CSM if you want to be able to change marks of chaos? I'm not buying a squad for each mark.

Don't be a flip-flopping PoS.

the paint doesn't have to be in accordance with the mark. Usually it is done by the chapter/legion just like loyalist troops.

The four main god legions are boring anyway.

For the CSM troops choice, you argubly shouldn't be marking them, but I digress.

You can magnetize shoulder pads and banners if you really want to optimize your plastic.

Maybe just have the sergant's left pauldron magnetized if you don't have enough cult pauldrons for the entire squad,

That's a pretty neat idea.

magnetizing the squad's icon bearer also works

Yeah, sounds easier than magnetizing pauldrons.

Are mono-harlies viable at all?
Does Dark Eldar bring enough fast stuff anti armour stuff to the table in an allied to be safe?

>Are mono-harlies viable at all?
Hardly. You have to be very good player to pull off good army and wins with it.
>Does Dark Eldar bring enough fast stuff anti armour stuff to the table in an allied to be safe?
Rather use CWE or Corsairs.

>TFW your phone's camera is terrible at close ups

Assembled my first Kataphron today! Going to spray it with primer in the back garden and hopefully finish painting at least half of it

When I was a kid I used to paint them on the sprue before cutting them off and assembling them, so this method is a little new for me

You still have time to rip off the weapon and switch it to the good one.

Checking in with the fine gentlemen of Veeky Forums to keep you appraised of the Apostasy Project: the 40k system rewrite project I announced last month, for those who missed it, is starting to make progress. I've just completed a very rough first draft of the core turn structure and actions mechanics; a few weeks of refinement and we may have something roughly approximating playtest-worthy (with limited Faction and Unit choices).

If you're interested in being one of our playtesters keep checking the general in the following weeks. If you've got a nice table set-up, decently painted models, and a camera, and are willing to record video of test games, that would be ideal, although I know I'm asking for a lot there considering we're in 40k general of all places. But just putting the word out.

Hope you swell folks are having a grimdark Halloween weekend.

hey Veeky Forums, what army is the easiest/best >2000 army that isnt cheesy ?

That's not grav.

>Plasma destroyers

If it was a Torsion Breacher I would understand, you would still be wrong, but there is some reasoning behind it.

Just how expensive are the IG to collect? I'm a student getting back into 40k and want to play 40k (I used to play Tau but I don't want to be "that guy" now) so I don't have a bottomless coffin.

Would it be an unacceptable bending of rules to give weapons from the Cult Mechanicus list to Skitarii and vice versa?

I just want to give arc weapons to my datasmiths.

Horde army will cost you a babies soul, tank army with infantry support can be done with a bunch of start collecting boxes plus a few other things

Prepare to empty your bank account no matter how you run them. Infantry Guard is 40,000 infantry squad boxes along with Command squad boxes. Mechanised infantry is less infantry but shelling out for Chimeras is expensive. Armoured Guard is also expensive.

Guard are one of the most expensive armies to run, the Start Collecting box has an Infantry Squad, a Tank and a commissar, you wont be wanting repeats of the commissar and you still need to buy a lot of stuff to make a balanced army out of it.

And don't even get me started on painting the bastards, getting flesh colour right is fucking hell.

yes ofcourse
why even ask ?
can i take wrait knights in my IK list ?

flesh colour really isnt that hard user
cadians are just boring to paint in general though

It just seems rather silly to me that two armies that are basically the same entity do not share technology.

user the entire emperium is the same entity and we both know how much sharing there is going on in there

you're going to want to start with two start collecting boxes, two command squad boxes and one extra infantry box and at least one chimera.

That's just the base army.

What do you mean? Most if not all Guard regiments have access to the same technology as any other regiment. This applies to Astartes too, though I guess there are a few chapters out there that have toys that other chapters don't.

if you can still find a cadian defense force , that a great start for an IG army or god forbid a catachan one which is still on sale but makes your entire army consists of steelchin mcrippeddude
the STC is kinda shit
i mean it's good value but only because the commissar and HWT price is so fucking bloated to begin with
consider waiting to see what the holiday sales will bring there might be a good value IG bundle depending on how much you wanna blow in 1 go

yeah boy all those power armored guardsmen moving upfield in rhinos while being supported by ogryns in terminator armor

I take drawing request about 40k
Feel free to ask

>consider waiting to see what the holiday sales will bring
This. There are rumors of bigger bundles coming that have massive discounts and probably formations to play them.

Yey more formation and more bloat, just what this game needs.

>probably formations
it better not be battlegroup hammerblow all over again
seriously i wonder if anyone has ever bought that ?

No idea but its actually pretty decentish~ "Whole-army-in-formation"-formation. Reminds me of War Convocation.