Post music albums that can basically be an RPG campaign
>Technically Shadow Run already exists
Post music albums that can basically be an RPG campaign
>Technically Shadow Run already exists
Other urls found in this thread:
Apocalypse World
New Wave Masquerade
World of Darkness
Wayfarer's Song
This whole trilogy is pretty much a long running Traveller game.
apocalypse world
anything decent for weird sci-fi/fantasy
semi cheating because he tried to make it an ARG
>Can you survive the eruption of Thera?
>Can you escape the waves that reach higher then 60 feet?
>Can you survive the invasion of the Mycenaeans?
>You will never run a campaign about a merchant crew getting caught up in a planet's civil war
>You won't get to play Goodbye to a World at the tail end of the closing session
But its already an rpg doe
I fucking love Deltron OP, have you heard their song from battleborn?
Savage Worlds.
You have a badass protagonist leading ragtag rebels, a killer robot and an oppressive society.
Cyberpunk as fuck, only less punk and a lot more metal.
> characters must go back in time to abort a child caused by random sex at a party, thus preventing the main character's existential crisis and thoughts of suicide when his wife runs off with his babby
Coheed and Cambria obviously.
Cannot understand shit about that album though it's nice music. Saw a guy at my FLGS with a C&C t-shirt, second stage turbine blade or whatever the fuck.
One point I had a greentext of plot but my bookmarks got wiped so I lost it before i could read it.
Based around the concept of 'a man who hates the government machine and wants to destroy it', but can easily be expanded to a full party.
Emo shit.
How so?
This seems 40k to me.
>no gloryhammer
wat de fug
even comes with its own overworld map, quests, prophecies, just look at the fuckin album inner-arts of the first videos
For a hip-hop space opera?
Giant Squid user here, there was a gloryhammer. Mister user No.50024328 posted it.
>not reading the thread before posting
wat de fug
any album cover by roger dean
[High impact heroic fantasy intensifies]
nah this is 40k
It always triggers me the Album is called World Eater but the cover has Crimson Fists
I used pic related for inspiration to flesh out a Barbarian Warlord BBEG's mostly-tragic backstory. Worked pretty well.
At least as a village on the road sidequest.
Coheed and Cambria are emo. Emo is shit.
Black Crusade