/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

Semper Fi Edition

Previous thread: Get in here, post games, miniatures, questions, whatever you like.

List of mini providers:

List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:

ZunTsu Gameboxes:

/hwg/ Steam Group:

Games, Ospreys & References folders:

mediafire.com/folder/6jrcg496e7vnb/Avalon Hill

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/cghxf3475qy46aq/Wargaming Compendium.pdf
mediafire.com/download/o5x6blwoczojmfr/Black Powder.pdf
mediafire.com/download/uttov32riixm9b0/Warhammer Ancient Battles 2E.pdf
mediafire.com/download/ta7aj1erh7sap1t/Warhammer Ancient Battles - Armies of Antiquity v2.pdf
mediafire.com/download/cifld8bl3uy2i5g/Warmaster Ancients.pdf
mediafire.com/download/3emyvka11bnna1b/Warmaster Ancient Armies.pdf
mediafire.com/download/o6ex9rca4mn1171/Osprey - BOR 019 - US Marine Corps In The Vietnam War - III Marine Amphibious Force 1965-75.pdf
mediafire.com/download/oix0da4k1iz2zxi/Osprey - ELI 002 - The US Marine Corps Since 1945.pdf
mediafire.com/download/c1czo4h3394d13f/Osprey - ELI 038 - The NVA and Vietcong.pdf
mediafire.com/download/0m0f7kchp21b80o/Osprey - ELI 186 - Vietnam Infantry Tactics.pdf
mediafire.com/download/xrb2a96uc6fp9qy/Osprey - FOR 058 - Vietnam Firebases 1965-73.pdf
mediafire.com/download/itaow968y838hyv/Osprey - WAR 023 - US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965-73.pdf
mediafire.com/download/f95s36h9z00z0mh/Osprey - WAR 116 - Viet Cong Fighter.pdf

>Wargaming Compendium
mediafire.com/download/cghxf3475qy46aq/Wargaming Compendium.pdf
>Black Powder
mediafire.com/download/o5x6blwoczojmfr/Black Powder.pdf
>Bolt Action
>Hail Caesar
>Warhammer Ancient battles 2.0
mediafire.com/download/uttov32riixm9b0/Warhammer Ancient Battles 2E.pdf
mediafire.com/download/ta7aj1erh7sap1t/Warhammer Ancient Battles - Armies of Antiquity v2.pdf
>Warmaster Ancients
mediafire.com/download/cifld8bl3uy2i5g/Warmaster Ancients.pdf
mediafire.com/download/3emyvka11bnna1b/Warmaster Ancient Armies.pdf
>Advanced Squad Leader
>Battleground WWII
>By Fire And Sword
>Modelling & painting guides
>Twilight 2000/2013 RPG
>Phoenix Command RPG
>Next War (GMT)
>Fleet Series

Desired scans :
Black Powder supplements
Rank and File supplements
Harpoon 3 & 4 supplements
Force on Force supplements
Hind Commander
At Close Quarters
War and Conquest

30th October in military history:

637 – Antioch surrenders to the Muslim forces under Rashidun Caliphate after the Battle of the Iron Bridge.
758 – Guangzhou is sacked by Arab and Persian pirates.
1137 – Battle of Rignano between Ranulf of Apulia and Roger II of Sicily.
1270 – The Eighth Crusade and siege of Tunis end by an agreement between Charles I of Sicily and the sultan of Tunis.
1340 – Portuguese and Castilian forces halt a Marinid invasion at the Battle of Río Salado.
1657 – Spanish forces fail to retake Jamaica at the Battle of Ocho Rios during the Anglo-Spanish War.
1806 – Believing he is facing a much larger force, Prussian Lieutenant General Friedrich von Romberg, commanding 5,300 men, surrendered the city of Stettin to 800 French soldiers commanded by General Lassalle.
1918 – The Ottoman Empire signs an armistice with the Allies, ending the First World War in the Middle East.
1941 – World War II: Franklin Delano Roosevelt approves U.S. $1 billion in Lend-Lease aid to the Allied nations.
1942 – Crew members of HMS Petard board U-559, retrieving material which would lead to the decryption of the German Enigma code.
1953 – Cold War: U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower formally approves the top secret document National Security Council Paper No. 162/2, which states that the United States' arsenal of nuclear weapons must be maintained and expanded to counter the communist threat.
1961 – Nuclear testing: The Soviet Union detonates the hydrogen bomb Tsar Bomba over Novaya Zemlya; at 50 megatons of yield, it remains the largest explosive device ever detonated.
1965 – Vietnam War: Near Da Nang, United States Marines repel an intense attack by Viet Cong forces, killing 56 guerrillas.
1980 – El Salvador and Honduras sign a peace treaty to put the border dispute fought over in 1969's Football War.
1993 – The Troubles: The UDA carry out a mass shooting at a Halloween party in Greysteel, Northern Ireland, kiling eight.

It is 210 years since the surrender of Stettin, when the Prussian General von Romberg surrendered that city's garrison and fortress to a French light cavalry brigade led by General of Brigade Lasalle. This event was one of a number of surrenders by demoralized Prussian soldiers to equal or inferior French forces after their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt two weeks before.

Following a two-week chase, Marshal Murat intercepted over 10,000 Prussians at Prenzlau and bluffed them into surrendering on 28 October. The following day, Lasalle's and another French light cavalry brigade induced 4,200 more Prussians to lay down their weapons at Pasewalk. That afternoon, Lasalle arrived at Stettin and demanded its surrender. A completely unnerved Romberg, believing he was confronted by 30,000 Frenchmen, captiulated that night. Actually Lasalle only had 500 French hussars to the Prussian's 6,000.

Neither of the two subordinate officers protested the capitulation, but instead agreed to surrender. These were von Knobelsdorff, the fortress commandant and von Rauch, commander of Fort Prussia. In March 1809, Romberg was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for giving up Stettin without a fight. He died on 21 May 1809, two months short of his 80th birthday, before his punishment began.

Petre concluded that Stettin's surrender was "shameful". Its adequate garrison and supplies would have allowed it to sustain a siege. Even if the fortress was indefensible, there was nothing preventing the troops from crossing to the east bank of the Oder, joining their Russian allies, and continuing the war. Lannes wrote to Napoleon, "The Prussian army is in such a state of panic that the mere appearance of a Frenchman is enough to make it lay down its arms."

Napoleon congratulated Murat: "My compliments on the capture of Stettin; if your light cavalry thus takes fortified towns, I must disband the engineers and melt down my heavy artillery."

It is 51 years since the attack on Hill 22, where a Viet Cong battalion assaulted A Company, 1/1 Marines ('the First of the First") five miles outside Da Nang. The VC assault was repelled during fierce night fighting, in what would be a grim forecast of battles to come.

The Viet Cong began planning the attack weeks before with the infiltration of the base by a young Vietnamese boy who had access to the company's perimeter. The company allowed him to come into the compound to sell soda pop and goodies to the Marines on the hill. He drew a diagram of the company's defensive position to include the positions of the eighty-one-millimeter mortar sections, tank positions, machine-gun positions, and ammo bunker. He also misidentified the outhouse as the Company Command post, due to the amount of activity there. (Later in the battle the outhouse would be flattened while the the real Company post - an underground bunker located on the north end of the administrative tent and not included in the diagram - was untouched). With this information, the Viet Cong mocked up a simulated version of the base in a nearby valley and used it to practice their assault to overwhelm and defeat the Marines on Hill 22.

Around 0100hrs on the 30th, a VC recce patrol walked into a squad ambush south of the hill. The Marines opened fire and killed three of the enemy, but the squad had not been able to maintain communications with the company and was unable to notify the company commander of the contact. All was quiet for about two hours, when suddenly approximately 25 enemy enveloped the Marine squad, killing three and wounding six. At 0315 the rest of the VC force attacked the main Marine positions on Hill 22. Enemy troops, supported by two recoilless rifles, penetrated about a third of the northwestern perimeter, capturing three M-60 machine guns, two 3.5-inch rocket launchers, and one 60mm mortar. They also gained access to the company's ammunition bunker.

The battalion commander immediately sent reinforcements and ammunition to A Company. One resupply helicopter was "so fully loaded that it barely could get off the ground" and its "rotor wash blew the supply tent down." He also called for supporting artillery fire and close air support.

Apparently several Viet Cong attempted to use grenades they had looted from the ammo bunker, but neglected to remove the safety tape; much to the relief of the Marines who promptly took off the tape and threw the now-live grenade back.

About 45 minutes after the enemy had launched the main attack on Hill 22, three UH-34s landed Sergeant Russell L. Kees' 13-man squad from Company C on the hill. Kees stated, "The VC were everywhere; in the tents, on the tents, and in the trenches." Supported by air, artillery, and mortars, the Company A commander. Captain John A. Maxwell, rallied the Marines; they counterattacked and drove off the enemy. USMC casualties were 16 dead and 41 wounded, while the Communists left behind 47 bodies and one wounded POW - the boy who had spied on the camp.

Marine aviation accounted for a few more enemy when the VC unit tried to cross the eastern bank of the Song Yen three miles south of Hill 22. The Marine pilots reported destroying 10 boats and seeing 10 bodies in the water. Villagers in the area told the American troops that the Viet Cong forced them to bury several bodies, apparently casualties of the Hill 22 fight.

The VC had planned the operation thoroughly. They hit the critical portions of the perimeter and knew exactly which bunker contained ammunition. American intelligence sources discovered that the VC unit involved was the R-20 Battalion which had just completed training. The Hill 22 attack was apparently its final "graduation" exercise. Over the next two years R-20 would become the main enemy unit faced by the USMC in the area, until it was finally destroyed during Tet '68.

Hill 22 isn't a hugely famous or important Vietnam War battle - but it's a perfect example of a type of situation which would become all too common as years went by: an isolated American position making a frantic nighttime defence against a massive Vietnamese assault. The early-war Marines are under-equipped (they were using the dodgy, unreliable first model of the M-16, and one of the platoons had no grenades on them when the attack began) and surprised, against an aggressive enemy three times their number with intelligence on their position. A little too big to be a proper skirmish game, it would work well as a company-size small unit battle, with the focus on individual squads fighting their private wars across the board. Rule regarding visibility, fighting at night, and flares, would be of prime importance when choosing a system.

mediafire.com/download/o6ex9rca4mn1171/Osprey - BOR 019 - US Marine Corps In The Vietnam War - III Marine Amphibious Force 1965-75.pdf
mediafire.com/download/oix0da4k1iz2zxi/Osprey - ELI 002 - The US Marine Corps Since 1945.pdf
mediafire.com/download/c1czo4h3394d13f/Osprey - ELI 038 - The NVA and Vietcong.pdf
mediafire.com/download/0m0f7kchp21b80o/Osprey - ELI 186 - Vietnam Infantry Tactics.pdf
mediafire.com/download/xrb2a96uc6fp9qy/Osprey - FOR 058 - Vietnam Firebases 1965-73.pdf
mediafire.com/download/itaow968y838hyv/Osprey - WAR 023 - US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965-73.pdf
mediafire.com/download/f95s36h9z00z0mh/Osprey - WAR 116 - Viet Cong Fighter.pdf

This month's community project is a recon or scout asset.

Thread closed before I could follow up question on basing ships, how do people do wave effects? I'm liking most of what I see but am horrendously out of my usual frame of reference here.

I liked those britboats though, might have to do something similar, though may use felt instead of magnets to help the ships not get jostled on battlematt.

Thanks guys who mentioned Verdun last thread. I've been thinking about fooling around in a online shooter again, and Verdun is on sale right now (17.50 USD). So I might pick that up and enjoy some trenches.

Headed down to the local gaming club today to do some Ostfront demo games.
Good late war game, Wehrmacht player took the Königstiger out for a play, as well as a tiger and panther, and some infantry, 88s and PaK 40s, and 2 Howitzer batteries
Soviets went for an infantry and medium tank spam, and some air support.
After an even start (pic is start of battle) Wehrmacht howitzers under-performed, and a few poor dice rolls didn't help, meanwhile soviets were rolling great all game, destroying field guns left and right, and rolling both flanks with T-34s and aerosans, while a mass of infantry pushed the center. Wehrmacht were left with on the king tiger at the end of the game, while soviet infantry cut off the German the supply train with 3 entire platoons.

Good mix of games down at the local club - no historicals except for us today, but sound like people play a bit of Fow, BA and TANKS! with 1/72 scale minis, so might be a few converts there. Definitely some interest in the system. Found a WW1 dogfighting buddy too so will introduce him to Dogfight! (he plays Wings of War) and see what he thinks.
Other games being played were a lot of X-Wing and SW Armada, couple of 40K games, warmachine, some guys running a SW-RPG, and a very interesting looking game called Kingdom Death: Monster which had some of the most beautiful sculpted hard plastic minis I've ever seen. Very nice looking game with monsters having AI cards drawn from a deck (one for each monster), and players having to craft weapons from fallen monsters, and gaining experience between games. The Art style and production quality were flawless, but its only available from the publisher in limited quantities I think.


Antiship missiles from a certain time period comes into mind.

If you are a grognard or enjoy WWI, I think you'll like it.

Just be prepared for no decisive victories... ever.

I think they hit that part quite well :D

Also to the user who posted his ships at the end of last thread: Those look glorious m8.

Playing Axis and Allies: 1940 with a mate and it's wonderful.
Are there any home brew rules out there for different starting years? I made a 1942 one and it was glorious albeit not extremely balanced

>The Art style and production quality were flawless, but its only available from the publisher in limited quantities I think.

Afaik it was a hugely successful kickstarter and the company underestimated the desire for their minis and they can't produce enough, so they went with limiting the amount of each they produce. (or maybe they are just greedy and want to create some artificial hype for their "limited" stuff, who knows).

My hero. Thanks!

that table is puke tier

>just greedy and want to create some artificial hype for their "limited" stuff
Basically this.

Funnily enough, Kingdom Death minis really are among the best looking minis on the market.
They certainly wouldn't need a practice like, people would buy the shit out of their stuff anyway (me included, but since all the interesting stuff was marked as "sold out" the few times i went to their site i still don't own a single mini of theirs.. apparently they dont want/need everyones money).


How common would camo patterns be for US tanks during WW2? Not white winter camo. but like pic related for example.
I saw some pictures but i'm kinda interested in numbers. Would a whole platoon apply camo? Or was it up to the crews (kinda like with the germans?) to do it themselves?
Would it be odd to have one camo sherman together with 2 just green ones?

Fuck boys, drink with me. Here's to the Old Breed, the toughest to the end

J'aime l'oignon frit à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon car il est bon.
J'aime l'oignon frit à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon, j'aime l'oignon.

Never was a grunt and had plenty of friends in 1/7 and 5th Marines.

I can always drink to and for fellow Jarheads though.

Looking at photos it seems they would apply camo to the entire platoon. The photos I saw were of either desert or winter camo, but I guess it would apply to your green/tan camo too.

>How common would camo patterns be for US tanks during WW2?

Damn rare overall. Mostly a Sicilian thing I think.

Most of this sucker sorted out. Still need to work out points for the vehicles, but that will take time and playtesting.

Built up my Mk I male and female tanks, so I'll attempt some games over the next few days. Hopefully creeping barrages work correctly, providing cover as the infantry advance, but with the possibility of inflicting casualties on friendly infantry in the process...

Supposedly if you aren't taking casualties from your own artillery, you aren't close enough to the creeping barrage


Hi guys,
anyone is playing Bolt Action or wwII games using 54mm toy soldiers ?
any suggestions ? just bored to play in 28mm and 15mm !

All of my wave effects are done with Woodland Scenics Water Effects. I paint the base in the blue color I want, then I pretty much just drop a big dollop of Water FX onto the base and smooth it as much as I can with a popsicle stick out to the edges of the base. Using a sculpting tool (the actual Citadel-brand one with the flat scoop on one end), I use the flat edge of the scoop to "pull" a thin layer of the Water FX towards the back of the base in a left-to-right row; the scooping action digs into the Water FX and creates the back edge of the wave. Once I've created 4-7 rows across the width of the base, I take my painted and varnished ship mini and push it into the Water FX about 3/4" back from where I want it to be. I then push it forward through the Water FX to its final position, which has the effect of creating a "bow wave". Ideally this push forward will go through a wave, because breaking through a wave creates a very nice effect. Then I just sculpt a messy wake behind the ship, which also breaks up the existing waves - you'll want to study how ship wakes actually look, I tend to make my wakes like the ships are moving at close to their top speeds. If you have a ship nameplate, you'll want to push it into the Water FX at this time. Do one last go-around the edges of the base to remove excess material.

Once that's done, wait for the Water FX to dry (~24 hours). Then go and drybrush white paint over the tops of the waves, the bow wave, and the wake. DO NOT VARNISH - varnishing will fuck up the Water FX badly, and once it's dry, pulling everything apart is very difficult and likely to destroy your mini.

Oh, and the magnetized bases are for storage and transport, not so much for keeping them in place on the game board.

Does anyone make Dutch M36 or M39 armored cars in 6mm?

there is a german game specifically designed to be played with 1:35 scale kits and miniatures in that scale.

best I could find was shapeways shapeways.com/product/7YEDQ525W/1-300-pantserwagen-daf-m39?li=shop-results&optionId=40979517

Anyone know of an easy way to get rid of/cover up chainmail on plastic models? There is of course green stuff (and I'm usually not afraid to use it), but for this I would prefer something easier. Perhaps a thick layer of PVA glue would suffice?

A thick layer would suffice at the cost of looking like you've just coated chunks of a model in a thick layer of glue.

Genuinely gotta question why you need to cover up mail though.

>Genuinely gotta question why you need to cover up mail though.
Because Conquest games provide 2/3 mailed riders, while I want a larger part unarmored (for SAGA warriors)?

Hello all, I am looking for a historical wargame to get into. I come from warhammer fantasy backgrounds and have given sigmar a shot but still absolutely hate it. Decided that GW will not get any more of my money and want to make the switch to hwg and would like some recommendations. Would like to stick to 28 mm scale with large armies (squad based seems small but a good start) ww2 and previous interest me. Can anyone give me some tips? Also there is no hwg scene in my area so I will be trying to build it from the ground up. Scratch my brain please!

For WW2, there is always Bolt Action. 28mm, your army consists of roughly a platoon. Somewhat decried by certain grognards as "1940K", but it's not actually that bad from what I've heard.

Get a softer more spreadable paste like Testors contour putty.

Bolt action and Saga a good place to start in getting into Historicals

also a good way of trying to sway some 40k players into it even if sometimes it may feel like banging your head into a wall for trying.

Ah ok. Thanks, that'll probably work

this () and there is also Kings of War (which is a fantasy game where you could use your WH Fantasy armies). But they recently released a new book with historical rules so that might be interesting if you like medieval/ancient armies.

I've heard of bolt action, what is saga?and I assume that any 28mm models are compatible with different systems as long as they are correct nation/time period?

Dark age skirmish
Pretty much any gmodels with beards and chain male will be acceptable for it

Hell, you don't even need chainmail. That said, the models offered by Gripping Beast (who produce SAGA) are quite good in and of themselves.

>chain male
You sure plate females won't do it?

Yep. A 28mm German is a 28mm german

what are the changes on the new armies of germany book for bolt action?

>not wanting the chain male


How could you not?

Thanks mate! they look pretty awesome, I've got most of that on hand so should be able to give it a go soon, I'll let you know how it turns out.

Painted some scotia.
Obviously dont hold a candle to GHQ, but I am quite fond of the chunky, simplified details, and unless you stand them side-by-side they look perfectly nice imo.

Getting the itch for a summer project, got a few things calling, including AK47 Republic. What scale do most people play at, 15mm and 6mm?

>summer project,
Hello my southern hemisphere friend

Some quick WIPs of my models for the community project.

Feedback welcome (and I know that I started getting sloppy on the legs. Brown, brown brown...)

for AK47? 15mm generally, the forces aren't large enough to warrant 6mm really.

that skin is bare shiny

You're trying to upset me aren't you?

Not really, no.

They look fine for WIP, looking forwards to seeing them finished, but their skin looks very shiny to me, are you going to dull it down at some point?

Also is the no warpaint a conscious decision?

I'm not the user who painted the injuns, I just hate the word bare, reminds me of London.

For the record I do think the models are shiny

>I just hate the word bare, reminds me of London.
Yeah I just like using the anonymity to type like a retard, I find it funny.

Partly from the "power of a thousand suns" daylight lamp, partly paints needing more mixing I think.

I'm relatively happy with this skin for once, and I'm terrified of the idea of painting warpaint - I've never done anything like it before. Any sources you'd recommend?

>I'm terrified of the idea of painting warpaint
It's easier than skin imo.
Applied by hand and no set colour makes it more forgiving.

I did some googling and looked at some Ospreys and just went for what I thought looked reasonable, no need to get too caught up on copying designs for something which certainly wasn't uniform.

It's an exceedingly niche game with a very high entry cost, everything they make is going to be limited.

Anyone know of a good ruleset to play with plastic armymen/vehicles you get at dollarstores?

they're mostly 1/72 aren't they?

Nah the cheap stuff is huge, like 2" tall

Combat Storm is the name of the flagship one. PDFs of it are surprisingly hard to come by, though, and it's rather expensive (~$25) if you just buy it.

Honestly, I play the attached rules with my 6 year old. I wrote them based on the Infinity ruleset, and he can more or less keep track of everything except for listbuilding (so I do that and let him pick which one he plays). It's infantry-only; I never bothered with vehicle rules.

Has anyone made their army great again yet?

What if I play Italians so it was never great in the first place.

Let me tell you about Italians. They're weak. They are low energy. Really low energy. I've heard from a lot of people Italians are the worst. Just the worst. I don't know, but that is what people are telling me. Very very very bad, even worse than China.

All the games I play are from before trump was born

Wow those actually look quite good. I though Scotia was "into the trash it goes" tier such as in this example: warpooch.blogspot.com/2012/11/6mm-moderns-comparison-of-abrams.html

>PDFs of it are surprisingly hard to come by,

It gets DMCA'd pretty fast. I have the first edition on Mega:


That is a neat little wargame you've got there. Saved.

Might not actually be scotia in that one


This combined with the beards has me picturing a combined unit of lesbians and their gay fake husbands.

"Oh no, your holiness, we're all definitely properly married."

FiveCore, double ranges (and play on the bed) if you want but it doesn't really matter for funhaving.

Hasslefree do a naked floating Trump/Baron Harkonnen. It's a bit SF/F, because floating, but perhaps he's a spooky ghost.

The first red beret guy on the left looks so incredibly gay.

I mean this in a good way, the sort of Freddie Mercury of commandos way. I like to imagine he's a dashing mercenary or something. The pose, the arms, the facial hair, that left eyebrow...

I hope i get my book in the mail today.

What i picked up on fb:
>new army rules (tiger fear etc)
>Gebirgsjäger for early and late

Aside from that not much was changed/added apparently but once i'll get my book i will provide a complete list of changes.

>tfw no 28mm Nigel Farage model to help fight against a German dominated europe

Mr. Fart-in-the-elevator-then-leave. What a shame.

A masterful troll :3

He made ordering from the UK cheaper.

What a magnificent troll!

>(tiger fear)
What does that entail?

Does anyone have a copy of 5 Men in Normandy?

A very noob question: How come Flames of War has its own thread? Isnt it a historical wargame too?

In the folder.

jesus this new theme is terrible, I can barely read anything

FoW is popular enough to sustain its own general, if it were discussed in here it would kind of dominate the discussion and prevent us talking about other games.


Apparently it gives each enemy unit with Line of Sight to a tank with that rule a pin.
Tanks with that rule: Pz 4 (the late ones H/J), Tiger, Tiger 2, Panther and Jagdpanther.

People are already crying about overpowered Pz4s on FB.

You can get it for "pay what you want" (i.e. 0) at the wargaming vault.

I consider them finished at this point.

How's your projects coming along?

I took a break from Veeky Forums related stuff for a bit. Finally got started on cleaning things up so that I can prime them later this afternoon.

Fuck that seems OP though. What's the cheapest tank with that rule?
Does it give a pin each turn or only the first time a unit sees it?

That's pretty dumb. Ah well, that's BA for ya.

Tiger fear is a myth, seems like Cavatore is doing his research on the history channel.

There's a thread here discussing it if anyone wants some entertainment

Cheapest would be a Panzer 4. 235 points i think (could be wrong, i don't have the book here)

Only one Pin, not one per turn

>Tiger fear is a myth

Says who?

user on a chinese image board. He is an expert.

Myth or not, i like the rule.

Its a buff for the german armies (whose special rules are not that great compared with most of the other nations prior to this new book) and at the same time it might encourage players to field more of the heavy tanks (which simply look awesome).