So what does tg thinks about it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unless you're providing a PDF, we don't.
Never heard of it. Could probably use some viral marketing.
This game got a new edition?
If I could get one for free I would have asked here.
> Varg Vikernes
> Burzum
You have my attention
the crunch seems uninteresting, the fluff surely has a few distasteful elements to it. i am only curious how accurate the fluff is to northern mythology beyond that.
It's a "Mythic fantasy" roleplaying game by a neopagan white supremacist death metal artist who may or may not have murdered another death metal artist, and who may or may not burn down churches.
As awesome as that sounds, it's supposedly pretty mediocre and written in papyrus.
Why do people have so much problem with papyrus? I find it quite readable.
>how accurate the fluff is to northern mythology
Some youtubers say that it's good in this regard, can't say anything myself because can't find any scans on the internet beyond pc and dm sheets.
His original named was Kristian by the way.
>white supremacist
Is that actually true? Because it's the only part that bothers me.
I think I'm getting real tired of the same goddamn thread being posted over and over again.
>Is that actually true? Because it's the only part that bothers me.
Well, "kopparman" are subhumans in this game. Also there's some greedy, conspiratorial southern people that like to poison wells and shit.
there's an outlandish solution to this problem: don't read it
lel, no. decorative fonts for body text are generally bad form. it's no coincidence that it was dropped for 2nd edition, apparently.
Why? Are you a shitskin?
Learn to separate art from artist, user
So the possible murder and church burning doesn't bother you, just his political views?
How tolerant.
But truly tolerant person shouldn't be bothered with burnig of christian church and a murder of white european cis male.
Except the confusion between death metal and black metal, you have summarize it good user.
I don't know Myfarog, but I've seen a 2000's documentary about this guy named "Satan rides the media" and he had some Ravenloft books at his basement. But it's mean probably nothing.
The amazon reviews are cringy as shit.
I don't feel responsible for punishing (alleged) criminals, we have a legal system to handle these things.
Nor was I implying that you should, it's just that you should find the possibility that someone's a murderer or arsonist far more bothering then their own personal political views which as abhorrent as they might be don't actually affect anyone else directly.
The fact he's a murderer/arsonist is irrelevant in the fluff of the game, that's the point.
His political ideas, instead, are all over it, and this is my opinion, so just take it as it is, but I don't like politicized games. Not when they wink too much at actual ideals and visions. I study and work all the week, so I'd prefer to relax at the table. Expecially Burzum's. Because fuck, I'm right-leaning, but that guy's borderline paranoid and everything I heard in his youtube vis was "no fun allowed, you d-degenerate!"
inb4 your everyday 13 years old /pol/poster calls me "triggered xddd".
Oh boy it's this shitty baitthread again. At least try to put some effort in the op next time.
Youtube vids*
I can't delete posts from mobile, fuck.
>Mobile poster doesn't appreciate some good old fashioned white supremacy
Colour me surprised
enjoy being the pc master race because it's the only master race you'll get to be
It's largely due to being way overused.
Damn, user.
But you are "triggered xddd", and not right-leaning in the slightest (typical concern trolling tactic of "I'm one of you guys buuuutttt...") since you'd rather complain about the occasional right-wing ideals being implemented in a few board games rather than the left-wing ideals that are standard in other ones, especially lately.
"I don't like politicized games, unless those politics aren't offensive to me, meaning they're mainstream liberal politics about tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism and feminism"
To try and clarify a little bit; Vikernes has admitted to burning down one church, and attempting to burn others but the fire didnt take for whatever reason. He got charged with something like 6(7?) with only scene members testimony as evidence.
Euronymous (the man he killed) was a renowned edge-lord and regular pressured teenagers into doing some of these things, you can read alot of his letters that have surfaced over the years since where he is often asking for free music/ telling people if they are true they will burn churches, veiled threats regarding people making similar music without any association (See Scorn defeat and Live in Leipzig reissues they have published letters from Mirai and some promoters)
Of course Vikernes claims self defense as he claims Euronymous had made plans to kill him, I think the key piece backing this up is Hellhammer the drummer for Euronymous' band at the time. He is VERY cagey when speaking about him and eludes heavily to Vikernes' claims carrying weight. Of course why Vikernes thought confronting Euronymous at his apartment in the middle of the night was the right course of action is a head scratcher.
Of course good ol' vargy is fairly nuts now living as a paranoid survivalist inna woods but to be fair he was locked up at the age of 20 under sketchy circumstances while the media wanted the teenage crime wave shit wrapped up.
Wow, you guys are so predictable it's annoying. Listen, you're not "right-leaning". You're just somebody who finds conservatism "hip", like all the kids on this taiwanese origami website.
What lefty philosophy are you talking about? I don't see many tabletop games about welfare and collectivism. Hell, D&D, with the treasure looting and all, is the complete opposite, I guess.
Games about murdering kikes, destroying capitalism or fighting the patriarchy are all the same level of obnoxious to me. Maybe a Randian adventure would be a little bit more interesting, but I guess I'm biased.
Please, stop offering this attention whore attention.
Christian, fuck off, you neurotic piece of shit.
>they are under my bed!
if i am buying the game, i am not rewarding him for murder or arson, i am rewarding him for the crap he wrote.
okay, why should I care about any of this this murder metal soap opera bullshit?
Stop debating this same shit.
Do we need a blanket ban for these threads?
There's nothing about the game worth discussing, and it's always just faggots wanting to discuss Kristian who are better off just sticking to /pol/, or better yet never posting again.
>Do we need a blanket ban for these threads?
try it, faggot
>lel if I call them out on calling me triggered they can't call me triggered, which I am
Good Lord.
Blah blah /pol/speech, post graphically lacking propaganda, nobody cares, this is a board about traditional games, eccetera eccetera.
Seriously, you're annoying, more than the posters from /d/ who try to post smut, more than the everyday "that GM" thread full of ThatGuys, or the "that guy" thread full of ThatGMs, more than fucking animuposters with their lolis or thicc or whatever NEET bullshit they like, more than the magical realm threads, more than anything.
You're like the old underage /b/ posters talking about "trolling", except that you switched the word with "triggering". Kys.
>What lefty philosophy are you talking about?
>being this retarded
He made that entirely clear.
Hahaha, oh wow.
Well, regarding the murder, from Vikernes point of view, Euronymous was probably perceived as more powerful than he was, and there was extremely little hard evidence regarding the threats against Vikernes.
From that point of view, assuming Vikernes genuinely felt that Euronymous was an immediate threat to Vikernes life (which I have no doubt, at least) confronting him in his apartmen in the middle of the night was probably the best course of action.
As for Vikernes being fairly nuts now, I actually think that he's gotten considerably less nutty over time. Now he's eccentric at best, but still seems like a pretty solid player, doing his thing because he likes it.
I always considered Vikernes a nutjob before, never having too much patience for neo-pagan satanist-wannabes screaming into microphones and burning churches for the hell of it, but these days he seems to be a well-read person with solid moral values, able to hold a conversation on most topics without edgelording like a muppet.
>vikernes is here
>he's hereeeeeee
>nazis everywheeeere
If you were any more triggered, you'd be chewing at the keyboard with your teeth by now. Get that chip off your shoulder and calm your tits.
There's also the whole thing about Euronymous being a literal communist, which warrants the killing either way.
That's a fake. It was supposedly reported on by the Associated Press, but actually it was never reported on at all. There is no records in the press archives, nor is it mentioned in Hartley's obituary or any published material in the years leading up to his death.
Stourbridge is a college town of 54,000 people but there are no records of this speech and nobody can remember it taking place - in particular, the webmaster for teh town website.
If there was a global conspiracy that powerful, you'd really have to question why they'd let the wealthy, respected Hartley live for another 20-30 years after that kind of massive turn around.
tl;dr It's a forgery
I hope you will die in some horrible and painfull way. World doesn't need more shitstains like you.
>Making the UK declare war on Germany
I have a feeling that he is pretty bitter about UK becoming a glorified airstrip for the USA during and after the war.
>I have no life, so the outlet I have to rebel against is on a Chinese cartoon forum.
>Stop debating this same shit.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
>The same fucking thread every week
>Asking the same fucking question every week
>With the same follow-up bait posted
>Still devolves into an argument about Varg, and only Varg
Fucking Christ sage it and let the goddamn meme die.
>quote known for its dubious veracity
>quoted wrong
you guys are worse than tumblerinas
To clarify this post, he totally killed a guy, it just may or may not have been murder.
That's what I think about it.
Just die already.
How very.. tolerant of you.
Liberals never cease to amaze.
>if I tell people to die enough maybe they'll die
>- tumblr
You forgot to say "I don't even" and "It's the ".
You mean the Jews edited it out of the public media records.
i prefer making your life miserable though
It boils down to Veeky Forums autism
>t who may or may not have murdered another death metal artist, and who may or may not burn down churches.
But he did murder that guy. It's not in debate.
If you want to talk about the game, post it/discuss it. If you want to talk about why Varg is innocent and right, you have /pol/ for that.
This thread seems to be posted every few days and it's the same non-Veeky Forums content every time.
Just report and move on.
Just as I thught.
Wow. Just terrible, you're annoying a stranger over the internet. That user now is probably losing his job and family because an underage /pol/cuck said something edgy.
The bitch who got gutted was a Sami.
He also made music so bad I don't really mind him being dead
It most be difficult to call everyone else triggered so much whenever you're in a perpetual state of being triggered by anyone not burning niggers.
Did anyone get a MYFARGO yet
We're missing Y, R, and G, I think.
y and r actually
I didn't realise we'd been to page 10 twice already.
So is there a PDF of it out yet or what? I'm not paying money for this.
>he drove across all Norway to his place and stabbed him with at least 37 knife hits, 7 lethal hits in the head, and ran away.
>may not have been a murder
Kristian, go back fucking Marie and her childrens
download when
Maybe when someone actually wants to shell out money for it, and then also take the time to scan and upload it so we can share it for free without giving vaygr any money.
Do you think he's shilling so hard because he needs the money, or is it just a /pol/ poster teasing Veeky Forums because they know these threads always make people angry?
Nice effort, but no.
White supremacy is not a "political view", it's bigotry. And having known plenty of them, bigots tend to be generally misguided and unlikable across the spectrum, and usually can't generate any kind of fiction without inserting all their bigoted ideas into it in.
There are lots of reasons why someone might have killed another person or burned down a church that might have nothing to do with his abilities to create an interesting roleplaying game, but if he is a white supremacist, it's pretty much guaranteed that that stuff made it into any game he designed.
>"I don't like politicized games, unless those politics aren't offensive to me, meaning they're mainstream liberal politics about tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism and feminism"
I actually hate those, too, but for different reasons.
You got fucked up priorities if White Supremacy tops murder and church burning, lad.
Is this game just a nordic mythology jerking off?
One could argue that everybody who writes puts something of themselves into it, but you're right in this case. That's because it's their entire identity.
When someone is more passionate about what they hate than anything else in their lives, it's telling about what their lives are like. What they hate is their entire identity. What is a white supremacist without his whiteness to rely on? What is he without the hate he hurls at other ethnic groups? What is he without his supposed "pure genes" and his heritage (not hate)?
Fucking nothing.
I didn't realize this game was some kind of thing, I had never heard of it and was legitimately asking if it was any good because the cover looked cool.
>Implying a Marxist feminist's entire identity isn't derived from their political views
literal topkek
>Implying 99% of regular neoconservatives don't derive most, if not all, of their identity from their political views and surrounding social structures
Nah I'm sure they all just randomly determined they love guns, Israel, shitty beer and Mossy Oak
>implying the average Huffpo-reading, problem glasses wearing, white people hating (despite being white), messiah complex having "progressive" doesn't derive 99% of their identity from their political views
oh come on.
What is the Marxist without xer struggle and dialectics? What is the neocon without his free market and patriotism? What is the progressive without her valiant civil rights struggle in the face of systematic intersectional racism?
Fucking nothing.
No, because knowing nothing about anything about the guy, murder could be anything. He could have killed a guy who was fucking his girlfriend or killed a mugger in self defense, or been accused of murder when he was innocent. All of those things could possibly happen to me, as well, so I don't know.
And why would I really give a fuck about him burning down a church unless there were people in it. Yeah, I wouldn't do it, but just because someone burned something down doesn't mean they are the devil.
But if a person really is a white supremacist, they are just a hateful person, and a closed minded person, and even if they've never done anything violent or illegal, I doubt I'll have any interest in their creative endeavors, since they will be filled with illogical hatred as well.
What kind of dice this game use
Is it ballanced?
yes. the usual fantasy stuff under different names with a northern spin
>He stabs someone to death
That's cool, I bet he had a good reason. Maybe he didn't do anything. I bet he was innocent. Yeah, probably killed a rapist in self-defense. I bet that was it.
>He destroys 800 year old churches which are quite literally irreplaceable historic relics with value to an entire culture
no worries bro I'm a fedora anyway so w/e
>He likes white people but doesn't like non-white people that much, as a general rule (which you also know nothing about and as stated above have no concept of his circumstances whatsoever)
>claims to be a norwegian nationalist
>lives off welfare in france
Isn't this the game made by a fucking Nazi?
You can't be norwegian nationalist nowadays, the country is completely ruined, there is nothing to be proud about, in 90's it had sense but not now
It's pretty cringy.
We've had "what does Veeky Forums think about Myfarog threads" pop up about twice a week for the past year. It's reaching "excuse me" levels of spamming at this point.