Veeky Forumscraft Minecraft server

Veeky Forumscraft - a Veeky Forums community minecraft server
Interactive map of the world with accurate coords:
Discord server:

Veeky Forumscraft is a minecraft server devoted to fostering a friendly enviroment to fantasy roleplay. The version is 1.8.9., but due to the compatibility plugin you can also play on 1.9 and 1.10.

It uses Towny plugin to enable players to create their own settlements.
-There is crackshot which enables players to create muskets, pistols and dwarven flamethrowers.
-There is a magicspells plugin which enables players to use spells. The plugin has been config'd so that the cast-item for all spells is the blaze_rod and instead of mana, it uses lapis lazuli.
-There is a brewery plugin which allows players to brew special drinks, for roleplay and for buffs.
-There is a plugin which alters plant growth rate per biome, and disables underground farms (except for mushrooms).
-There is a plugin to make yourself a vampire or fight against them using Vampire by massivecraft
-There is a plugin to have blocks as hats, as well as placeable breads

Admins will create dungeons, which will hold BBEGs which must be defeated in order for adventurers to be capable of looting the ancient knowledge of spells and the arcane contained within - as well as some unique items created by RPGitems.
The current dungeon is the Accursed_Tower of the Necromancer, who is plotting to cause an eternal night and is frequently sending out his minions to harrass the living.

At this point in time pvp has been enabled, but wars are not being declared briefly until further notice.

General Rules:
1. No combat hacks.
2. No spamming, cringe, /pol/posting, memeposting or attentionwhoring.
3. No griefing, trolling, or abuse - light banter is fine, downright personal insults is not.
4. No alts.

Featured is the town of lynsk, trade hub of the server


You forgot to mention that crackshot weapons are not yet enabled.

Of course, they will be soon, as soon as I fix the resource pack...


Link to the plugins ?


Report Veeky Forums threads. Most people on this board can't or don't want to play this autism game and this thread is taking up useless space and is bumped by 2-3 lone autists.

To top that, admin is a redditor that bans anyone who insults him or his friends. A conflict will get you banned and PvP is on. If you even want to play, do NOT start long term projects.

Sage and report. Move on

Where is this? looks like the mountain Ive got my tower on, but I dont recognize it.

>he doesn't have a quadruple beacon under his base

Aren't you that guy who got banned for memeraiding? lmao stay mad pleb

will the map get updated to match the current state of the world? Might help with navigation for plebs like me

the map doesn't update live because that lags the server, but here's a version that has some claims listed


Your missing the ork raiders near the pink, blue and red area.

it's a fairly large space as well..

Looks intriguing enough. I'll hop on and see if anyone needs buildfags around


i didnt memeraid tho
and admin banned me for no reason

t. literal reddit

>advertising and shilling a video game on Veeky Forums

lowest form of life

desu all the crying you do over 'unjust bans' is just reenforcing that the ban was a good idea
in fact, anybody you might've swayed with your posts just has to read the rest of them to realize you had it coming

also, announcing reports is a bannable offense, you newfag

>desu all the crying you do over 'unjust bans' is just reenforcing that the ban was a good idea
in fact, anybody you might've swayed with your posts just has to read the rest of them to realize you had it coming
>mfw he still tries to justify the ban of a bunch of people
It is fun how even in reddit servers, admins will just enforce the law equally for everyone. This is even less than reddit.

>also, announcing reports is a bannable offense, you newfag
I never announced a report you mong. I just want people to report this cancer due to the fact that no one on this board plays this autistic game and you having to bump this thread artificially. Bumping and destroying threads and taking up space. kys

stop giving him attention ffs, there is nothing XDA1 likes more than attention and there is no depth he will not stoop to just for a (You)

Literally everything he has said in this thread has been blatant bait; outright lies, pretending to be dumb, etc

just ignore him

>the ban of a bunch of people
it's literally just you and one other memeraider
and he's already moved on, while you dedicate so much time and energy into a server you can't even play on

>even in reddit servers
>he admits to frequenting reddit servers despite using reddit as an insult
really lacking in self-esteem I see

>I never announced a report
you literally bragged about it on the other board, is your memory so shot you can't remember that far back?

I'm just trying to make him throw another tantrum in public so people can see what type of player they can expect NOT to find in the server.

Do you need admin approval to start a town?

good arguments, though any outside that sees people getting banned just because the admin and his friends having an opinion on other servers will be disappointed from that server.

Current playerbase is made up from people that know eachother and outsiders will eventually get fucked over. Do not play on this server or do not start long term projects.

>you literally bragged about it on the other board, is your memory so shot you can't remember that far back?
Veeky Forums rules do not apply outside Veeky Forums

Yo sorry for bringing this here but no one on the servers seemed to acknowledge my bitching. Anyway:
>Home set to house in my town (Aedocar)
>See infernal mob
>Fire Arrow at Infernal Mob
>Instantly One-shotted
>"Oh well shit that sucks I won't fuck with tho-"
>Respawn in another town (Koffenia or whatever)
>Kill self
>Still respawn in Koffenia
>6000 blocks away, no natural food, Koffenia is just a claimed plot of land

Okay what the fuck? Is this a legit mechanic? Was my spawn supposed to be reset? Like this is some serious fuckshit.

You aren't going to fix shit, you didnt even make the plugin to begin with

try using /t spawn if your problem hasn't already been resolved. Also use a bed if you didn't already

Yoooo never mind Weaver and friends got me, thanks for the help guys :0



I'm decently new, what's the difference between the factions, like ? How do i find out more about them?

Hop in the discord or server

So is this more or less cancer than /int/craft?

>friendly enviroment to fantasy roleplay
>"stop right there, crim..."
>get shot in the head

So far the admins have banned all the shitters from /int/craft as you can clearly see so its better.

RP is heavily enforced in terms of PvP. If you pvp or declare war for no reason you either get banned for a day or permanently. Need proof to show there was no RP involved, though.

Then I'll check it out when I have access to a computer in a couple of weeks. /int/craft's ghoulmunity was it's worst factor, I'd rather play with my fellow neckbeards.

Not to intrude, but I think you might care...

A trial is about to start on Devoted in the Marienburg Cathedral at -4900/-3600

There is a Veeky Forums community building a town. But watch out, we have boss monsters and the Blaster Creeper will take out a city block.

What's the green claim?

5 minutes

There's a secret to the punctuality of a punctual punctuation; their trusty tool. I know its gripped when no one's around. How its thrust into the earth and explores dank caverns.

If only they knew what I knew, they'd seek the tool of a punctual punctuation.

t. assblasted memeraider

>Current playerbase is made up from people that know eachother and outsiders will eventually get fucked over.

I'm an outsider and I've been on the server for a week without getting fucked over. Maybe because I'm not a sperglord

>Using white wool for walls when dyed clay exists

Not even once

Is it pirate friendly?
Do I need to install something?
It just gives me NullPointerException after connecting to server.
Why do guys claim such enormous amounts of territory, I want to live in volcano land too

Its not cracked.
You have to own the game to play.

Then you should stop talking about something you do not understand.

>justified and regulated war
>implying anyone would be happy with getting killed and lose their shit

How would you react when a justified rp war starts and you lose your items and even base?

>then you should not talk about something you do not understand
wew sure is no true scotsman in here

>he calls me a memeraider without seeing me memeraid
>le ad hom debate

Okay, but you're acting like a "shitty to be around" person. Don't be surprised when that backfires and you get kicked out of a server.

Yeah its probably within grounds of claiming ad hominem. But honestly a little ad hominem is okay sometimes.

If a certain mindset is shitty to deal with, and you have the power to remove that mindset, why wouldn't you?

I'm using a lot of vauge parallels here, but I'm sure you understand.

>but I'm sure you understand.
i understand, brother

shit server, shit admin, don't play

Is that you widebeagle?

RIP d20 station

No problem.

Do you dream of a bright future for the Human race?

Are you Angry? Angry about Elves?

Join Easthaven today! We built a wall, and made the Elves pay for it! Make Athos Great Again!

Are you looking for a pretty aesthetic keep? Look no further!

Get your armor repaired at the local blacksmith, now with lava forges!

>How would you react when a justified rp war starts and you lose your items and even base?
Start over. Or if I'm a fag I could betray my nation and hand over my town to the winner as long as I stay leader. Or just move to another town in my nation.
also checked

Sounds pretty cool honestly.
Wish I played mincraft now.