Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1153: Purge in Progress Edition

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>Go to sleep for 8 hours after the thread dies
>A next thread gets 760 replies and dies before I can get to the PC.

Pffffft, no.


Wait, am I the only one who is used to that happening?

It's been a while since this kind of thing happened. Not even weekends are usually this active.

I think this is the finished version of Parasyte, uploading to drive.
Lowered Bakemono to +200cp due to feedback.
Added totally optional, non-canon joke drawback to end of jump due to popular request.
Joke drawback changed to +100cp.
Added thread clarifications to Notes section for convenience.

Not sure if answered but am I reading Multi-Parasyte correctly? I can import up to four companions and turn them into a single companion taking only one slot?

ah, that does seem wrong. I'll fix that up. It should be:
>If they are imported companions, they must remain in separate companion slots.

Well while on the topic of multi companions, what happens when you import a multi companion as a parasyte? Do you get multiple weaker ones?

I suppose so.
I wouldn't advise it, since a human body can only support about five parasytes at once, and they would be proportionally weaker (same benefit shared among the import).
Even if you only imported something like the 4-person Choir from Lot, that means that both your legs and both your arms are parasytes, but each leg and arm is only a quarter as strong, a quarter as fast as a regular parasyte...meaning one standard parasyte could probably scythe straight through them.
For a massive army like the Pink Tide, you might as well not have a parasyte at all.

(Bride Stories)
"A Story Of Those Who Live Under The Sky,
And Make Their Way On These Plains.
Chose location and age -50
Tehran, Persia , as location
foreigner free
groom chose age 13 years old , free
Eye for Detail - Free For All
Everywhere Has Their Own Way, free for foreigner
Proper Use Of The Animal Husbandry Skill free for groom
grow together -300
windows to the soul -100
knockout kiss -100
tapestries: warehouse attachments -50
Wedded:import Monique - free for groom
Period wear – Free All
Naans - free for groom
Traveler's satchel free for foreigner
grand house -400

Eye for Detail - Free For All
Warrior Blood -free for nomad
sing away the time free with import
embroidery free with import
the first is always the hardest free with import
grow together free with import
windows to the soul -100
knockout kiss -100
Period wear – Free All
pomegranates free for bride
the plan: I'd tell you but this is an SFW board.

>For a massive army like the Pink Tide, you might as well not have a parasyte at all

>Implying people won't do this to just to keep them all in constant, helpless awareness so they can draw power from their despair

Didn't somebody post a jumpable Tokyo Ghoul WIP a few threads ago? I'm having trouble finding it.

Keep in mind Pink Tide isn't one slot, it's one person a slot, just billions of people. Now Jubjubs for instance would make hilarious hordes of failparasytes.

>Jumper thinks they're being smart
>Imports Waddle Dees
>"With hundreds of parasyte's I'll be a god!"
>Power of a single parasyte spread throughout hundreds of tiny parasytes that are all incompetent.
>Human body can't survive more than five parasytes at once.
>Jumper body is far more impressive, still feeling the strain of hosting hundred for literally no gain.


>Use the resulting parasites as a toupee
>Each Waddle Dee is one hair
>Occasionally accidentally kill people with your atrocious hair

Yeah, that one. Thanks Myrmidont.

I'm considering changing parasytes and companions a bit to make it more friendly for companion-heavy jumpers:

Parasytes won't take up companion slots during the jump unless they are imported companions.
Parasytes retaining their individuality after the jump will take up a slot once it's over.
All parasytes of a multi-parasyte still count as one slot (unless they were imported, see above).
Discount for importing/buying bulk Matched Sets - 200 for one, 300 for two, 400 for six, and 500 for 8.

Does this sound too lenient?

So, /jc/, what are your plans for Halloween? Do you and or your companions do anything for the holiday?

If we buy multi set Parasyte as host can the fifth one be all of torso? Or act as a tail? Or cover most of head but keep brain free? I mean, Jaw covered face so...

I'm a fan of the holiday, so I make a point to try to introduce it or something like it to whatever places I visit.

Didn't Goto have six Parasytes after absorbing Migi?


My one major request is the option to have a discounted Cranial Parasite import option for Body Parasites at the cost of the Host import, where you're replacing your human host with a Parasite. Admittedly might be a bit overly specific. Also has the issue that humans are the ones who get the "actually cooperating" perks.

Also reading the manga now and I'm sad the dog didn't survive to become a team pet. I mean if it wasn't the very first Parasite they encountered it could've easily developed into an alliance.

You guys do understand that Waddle Dees aren't that bad right?
I know it's basically meme levels at this point but Waddle Dees get any assignment, besides "Kill Kirby", done after some slapstick stuff happening right. Hell Bandanna Dee, the Waddle Dee who shows the most individuality in the show, beats the tar out of Kirby in their fight before Kirby wins, something fairly common in a kids cartoon I know, thus we know that at least individually they can attain a level of skill in things like fighting. Together they (The Waddle Dees of King DDD) built a Castle in under a day, man licensed equipment with astonishing skill for beings that seem prone to slapstick comedy, and in general are decent servants to their lord.

Hell it even says you can train them up, The fact that they also get the blanket upgrades that can come from choices in Race, Background, and/or Origins is also a point in their court. Because you could take them somewhere where a good background can upgrade them. 40k's Space Marine is good for this, Fallout 4's got the Legendary upgrade to the Import Options. Stuff like that can't make Waddle Dee's gods but you'd have one hell of a go-to army if you took them.

Just me trying to stick up a little for the Waddle Dees, they deserve a little more respect.

It'll be done when its done.

Would it be possible for Parasytes to go dormant and meld with our nervous system at later point? Also holy fuck them having access to at least one alt form worth of stuff while in Parasyte... I am in love

>No one's made a joke build where the Parasyte replaces their genitals
I'm surprised.

Bro, I'm gonna need way more than 5 parasytes to replace that monster.

>If we buy multi set Parasyte as host can the fifth one be all of torso?
One parasyte probably wouldn't cover all of the torso. Front or back, yeah, but not all.
>Or act as a tail?
A parasyte wouldn't normally act as a tail, because humans don't have a tail to eat and replace, but if it moved around and you re-grew the limb I suppose that would work.
>Or cover most of head but keep brain free?
Yes, you could have it cover most of your head or face so long as you kept the brain intact.

See that kind of reaction makes me think I've done something broken/way too cheap.

He did, but since Gotou couldn't keep control of Migi and had to sleep I figured that was an anomaly rather than a sustainable number.

I'm as surprised as you are.

Please. A parasyte isn't anywhere near good enough to replace the horse wiener.

Would a Real Lives jump work?

Horse Weiner doesn't give you an excuse to whip it out whenever you need to cut some fruit up or use a blender.

>Catching up on last Thread.
>See this...
>Ctrl + F on last thread.
HeavensAnon I can't stop laughing. Is it the Legendary Rarity Zero one that was being talked about earlier.

If Robot Unicorn Attack has taught us anything it's that anything can work as a jump if you believe hard enough.

Nah, you made something beautiful. So answer to the fugue question?

As for Torso, didn't Gotou have nearly all his body, at least on outside, covered by 4 parasites plus head? I mean, if I have one Parasyte for each limb and then one for torso. Must investigate.

And here is what you inadvertently made: youtu.be/EFFwcdsaF8o

Now to find explanation as to how the Parasyte could cover most of head but not get into brain in time... Maybe it bounced of a metal plate in skull

This is actually a damn good question That never got answered. REBORNanon if you will please?

This is the second time this has happened recently. What's up with that?

We have a grand holiday tradition here in the Warehouse on Halloween. It's called Everyone Explains Everybody's Native Holidays To Each Other. Day.

It's good fun. A popular gimmick's trying to explain someone else's holiday in your own words. There's competitions for doing it through charades, interpretive dance and programming. We're still cleaning up the stains from the day Morathi showed us what a dark elf stag party is like.

That happens on Thanksgiving, though. I had to explain it because re-annual wine's a big hit among my companions, and because of how long EENHTEODay lasts it means lots of people retroactively become roaring drunk near Halloween. Which has become an excuse to dress up, go on a mock hunt for something and terrify the neighbours under the influence. While taming and unleashing the retro-hangovers as very confused hunting hounds.

Huh. Been a while since that happened, anything interesting happen?

So how about dem nigga Judgements? Betcha 5 internet dollars they're the true force behind the whitey Judgements getting murdered in Sunless Skies

Gaunlet noticed my concerns! I can die in peace now

Considering a parasyte has freeform shapeshifting and can extend about twenty meters I don't want to know how many times you bought Endowed and Hand Model...

Also, relevant scene from a special bonus for those who participated in all recent Exceptional Stories.

The woman is February

Don't worry dude I'll try to get this kinda question heard by the other guys... no promises but I'll try.

So, do you have like tons of Garlock/Simon pics to use now that you underwent Spirapotheosis?

Suckers bet. Better yet, give me your theory on why weird colours exist. My theory is remnants of those before the Judgements.

>going into fugue later
I don't see any reason why not? They'd have to take up a companion slot in the meantime, and once they go into the deep fugue they won't come out.

Some jumpers think it's climactic or fitting for a companion to eventually get bored of adventuring and they either stay in a world or something. Parasytes would have the benefit of another ending. If they don't want to stay on another world, they can enter deep fugue in jumper and grant him their abilities as goodbye gift...

...although still sad. I recall how Migi, in Anime, woke up in time after entering deep Fugue to save Shinichi's girl from falling. Would them awaking post Spark if jumper wants it be okay?

Not as many as I had Anti-Spiral/Darling pics, I'm only using hypothetical future!Simon alongside because reasons. Well, that and because it's been a busy season. Also turns out it's harder to express shock and alarm with these ones, so that's a bummer.

I should really stock on more basilisk fractals, divine machinery, scary angels and purple fire for posts expressing more of my true form.

Darn. Also: Originally I though they were something that snuck over from Parabola and somehow entered into symbiosis with the dark corners of the Earth until its' sheer wrongness could hurt Judgements. Sort of like the plant in the most recent Exceptional Story. The Fingerkings are supposed to be the "enemy kingdom" after all. But now there's an intelligence behind the Liberation, I'm not so sure

Post Spark is your rules, so if you think that's okay, it's okay.

Can I take stalker multiple times? I think it would be fun to have like 5 people stumbling around each other trying to figure out what I am.

You can have multiple stalkers, but you only get the cp for the drawback once, and if you take the +0 option, you can only take one stalker with you.

Alright, thanks.

Alright. Now if only to decide whether to be a Cranial Parasyte or host... I mean, after jump I can morph my head while my body can still accept the Parasytes, and I could arguably have one of my multi Parasytes serve as my head while I serve as a different body part while my body is the connecting part... Hm.

If we have Regeneration, does a Parasyte after jump have to replace a limb or body part, or can they attach to a body and leave those untouched? Because as far as I noticed the only reason Parasytes eat the body part is to gain mass and mature from spore. So it should be possible to just connect as additional limb.

I am Asura now

>Jumper takes it billions of times so that every person on the planet is stalking them
Don't mind me, just doing my part to make people upset about ruleslawyers.

>Jumper chased by an entire planetary population

I'm not entirely sure why you'd think I'd be upset with you damning yourself to a fate worse than death, rather than entertained.

user makes the classic mistake of assuming everyone isn't already stalking me because of my massive hotness.




Ah. Now to continuously separate and get back again with Parasytes, changing who is each limb so each combination utilizes their imported stuff in later jumps separately. Or slap them all onto my body as add ons but losing the flexibility of them being my body part.


So USM should be jumpable if you don't want to be a animal hybrid or web-warrior. Hopefully by tomorrow night I can have that fixed.

>Added Siege Perilous to items and noticed I didn't have Vulture Armor described in items.
>Drawbacks and moving on done.

Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything blatantly obvious, please give me feedback on anything that looks wrong.

So, speaking of TT, how did you guys deal with Trigon?

Any chance you'll make all of the origins free?

Same as with other problems.

I eat them

> and will bring out the interest of the original Spider-Man to have you join his team and learn how to use your powers responsible

>are amazing at Parkour

>professional curtesy 100cp

Grammar is weird in a lot of places, capitalization is inconsistent as well, font seems to turn from black to grey for some reason in the Vampirism perk.

There's an error or something that reads weird in at least half of the options.

So what you are saying is Pic related is a jumper who keeps importing his Parasytes?

Thanks for the heads up, although yes its still needs to be proof read when I am done writing up stuff.

So anything stops us from instead of getting Matched Set to just buy 4 body Parasyte companions so they get all their perks, beyond the high cost?

Is it possible for a Cranial Parasyte to eventually learn ability to bud off like Migi or Tamura Reiko or Ryoko did without the perk?

Honestly, I was really disappointed with the new episode of RWBY. Especially when it was revealed that the villains are actually a "totes evil xD" council of edgy weirdos.

Not important or anything but why is the filename USJ? Just curious.

I spent most of that jump basically being the anti-Slade. I was this spooky mysterious benefactor who'd covertly leave gear for the Titans to make use of, anonymously send warnings about stuff like incoming reality warpers or just generally show up out of the shadows to talk about their personal problems.

I was kinda like the bastard offspring of the Outsider and a dream you have after eating too many burritoes while falling asleep with a Stephen King novel.

Anyway. Raven got more curious than usual after I gave her a heads up with the Malchior fiasco, so she tracked down my giant robot crab arcane library. I found her basically reading half of it. I kinda ended up as a mentor to her, but it was more comparing notes while giving a few pep talks.

Really, the power to obliterate Trigon was in her all along. Giving her a Stand (Nevermore, duh) wasn't the point; the point was making her realise it.

When Slade showed up to start shit she just sealed him, dragged her dad through him as a conduit and obliterated him. And thanks to my training, she bleached her clothes permanently.

As Beast Boy said, the real problem was figuring out how to rebrand the team as the Teen Titans and the Scion of Azarath while fending off recruitment from one of the bigger teams out there. Well, that and that little show of power meant we started to attract tougher bad guys. HIVE was really upset at suddenly becoming glorified mooks.

So Avatar it is

ump #007
Avatar – The Legend of Korra
We'll bend the benders



rolled 6
15+6 = 21



rolled 7
Spirit World
- fuck fuck fuck fuck


Travelers Luck
-50cp (discount)
well, let's see what will happen....

Quick learner
-300cp (discount)

-50cp (discount)
again more flexible... oh so that's how I look from down there...

Bending Abilities

obvious isn't it?

Mobile Bender
-100cp 8discount)





Survival Equipment


Team Jumper!


Rolled 5
15+5 = 20



Bending Abilities
for... reasons

Metal Bending
very.. usefull later on, right Rikku?



It's a Kids Show
End Choice: Next.

Ultimate Spiderman Jump?

>Everybody talking about having multiple parasytes, I'm more interested in being a cranial parasyte with hybrid body.

Thats the way to be OP.

Yeah it stands for Ultimate Spider-Man Jump. I could just put USM, but I was kinda worried people would think it was a USM comic jump.

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Why does no one use the board dice anymore? Do they not work?

Hey REBORNanon, I missed last thread, wanted to say the new Prototype jump's looking good. Especially Researcher, damn that's useful...

But I've got a few questions about Runner.

Does the Runner origin come standard with the superstrength/jumping, gliding, running up walls, and infected/thermal vision abilities which Mercer has, or can't you get them for some reason?

Because I'm not really seeing those in the customization section? Well, maybe Excessive Force for the superstrength, but not the others?

Also, didn't the in-game Armor stay active until you deactivated it, instead of dissolving/being torn apart? I thought it was the Shield that could only take so many hits, and the Armor's main disadvantage was being slowed from heavyness.

And could a customization option like AESTHETICS be included for the Runners too?

Aside from that, I love what you're doing with the jump. Good work.

Well that makes me feel a little silly for not thinking of that.

It introduced the Compost King, so at least there's that.

Personally, it reminded me of a female voldemort meeting with her death eaters.

Also, pic related for her hovering around.

The new Grimm was pretty cool though. Plus messing up the evil councils plans sounds fun.

At least she actually treats her followers in a way that it makes sense that she has them. She's actually following the evil overlord list on how to treat her minions.

My early companions are mostly demonic creatures.

So we dress up as humans and go to scare some old demons and undead.

does task master work retroactively? Does it work On things with components you can replicate that aren't necessarily physical , such as naruto Jutsu?
How does S.H.I.E.L.D. Arsenal work post-jump?

if you have more than one body does the body transfer from ESP-box robot body and hydra files apply to all of them or just one of them?
if the first does that mean you get more than one?

Salem so far seems to be an evil version of the Team Mom, keeping her minions from fighting each other while also treating them with respect and listening to what they have to say.

Amusingly enough, Watts, Tyrion, Cinder, and Hazel being a team would make them Team WTCH.

Wait, nevermind on the vision abilities, those seems to be the Predator perk?

Does Hybrid Body stack with that option that gives you a Veeky Forums host? Is the marginal benefit enough to justify spending an additional 100 CP?


Waifuing her is a bad plan, right?

I mean, she's Cinders boss, and Cinder killed Phyrra. So both of them need orbital weapons tier middle fingers.

Then again, 'friendship' can solve all sorts of problems.

>Tokyo Ghoul
Is body horror the theme for this year's Halloween?

Don't forget Spiderman.

I was thinking that I could pick this guy up in the MCU. I could seriously prevent so mayor fuck ups in the world from ever happening without preventing any heroes from rising (Strange arrival is mostly unrelated to him, and his training is only speed up a bit for his actions).

I can easily offer him the immortality he is looking for without having to get interdimensional demons trying to eat the whole place.

Also, after doing some research, I think I can probably left the place without having to live the Infinity War if I can delay Thanos' efforts a bit.

As things are now, 7 years have roughly passed since Iron Man to the end of Doctor Strange.

Please don't get mad guys.

>Knights of Sidonia
>Samurai Deeper Kyo
>other upcoming Dirge jump whose name I keep forgetting

Seems like it.

Do the elemental affinities provided by Rinnegan just give you the effects of those perks, or do they actually count for Elemental Bloodline requirements?

Could you, perhaps, refrain from talking about a movie that hasn't been released worldwide yet?

Or at least do so in spoilers.

Samurai Deeper Kyo is body horror?

...okay? I mean. Yes, that's why pods are for.

Only snag I can think of is that he's already implied to be Dormamu's bitch.

Dormamu's kind of a failure as a cosmic being, though. Who gives up just because of too many time loops?

It's the shitposter's new tactic.

>I was thinking that I could pick this guy up in the MCU. I could seriously prevent so mayor fuck ups in the world from ever happening

Are you saying the villain from Strange is like Reverse Flash, responsible for everything?

I was thinking on using the companion option that the jump provides.

The Jump starts fairly early, almost half a decade before the movie starts. The guy hadn't contacted Dormamu yet, that happens early in the movie, he just learns about it a year or two before the movie starts and plans to steal the pages detailing the ritual from a magic book.