By order of His Most Righteous Inquisition; orders subject immediately:
The planet Tej-gee is declared lost to the Emperors light, in perpetuum damnatus.
All Imperial subjects still on the planet or within it's orbital sphere have officially been declared Heroic Martyrs of the Imperium and are now subject to IMMEDIATE transubstantiation. Surviving loyalists are advised to make use of their side arms, knives, sharp corners, or any other methods available to them with which to join the Emperors Light.
Those who fail to do so will be caught in the conflagration of the Cyclonic Torpedo's that have been launched by the Emperor's own Vessel, the Excessivus Extremis.
This is an official declaration of Exterminatus on the planet Tej-gee. Repeat, all life on and surrounding planet Tej-gee is now officially martyred in the name of the most glorious Emperor of mankind. Failure to comply with Martyring will result in summary execution, failing absolution in the holy perditionary flames of cyclonic detonation.
Henceforth the entire sector is declared Damnatus Extremis and all communication and transistion to and from said sector will cease, in a radius clearly outlined by Inquisitorial bouys. This order is applies retroactively up to two galactic standard weeks. If you have been within the Tej-gee gravity well within this time period, you are to turn yourself into your nearest Inquisitorial representative for subsequent martyrdom. Failure to comply will result in summary execution.
Be it known this was a glorious victory for mankind, and the Emperor's light, and in no way was this world lost after a long and mis-managed military boondoggle. Suggestions to the contrary will result in summary execution.
Please maintain all advised safety manuevers while the Exterminatus is in progress.
Have a nice day.
>Thought for the Day: It is better to die for the Emperor, than live for yourself