Does your setting have Special Forces, Veeky Forums?
Does your setting have Special Forces, Veeky Forums?
Yes, they consist entirely of retards with weapons and are deployed like living bombs
I'd use a very special sort of force on her ass, if you know what I mean.
Yes. Bunch of mages with kill switch incase they rebel.
Roided up super snipers who spend most of their time sulking in a mountain fortress on how the government has basically made joining their ranks a glorified civil service for rich kids who want free steroidsl.
Battlemage, or "Magic Knight" spec ops.
Running a Mutant Chronicles, so yes, fucking shit loads of Special Forces from all the various Megacorps, the Brotherhood Church, the Cartel has their Doomtroopers, fuck, even the Dark Legion's got special groups of Necromutants and other horrific monsters, daemons, and flesh-forged terrors to fir the role.
They're referred to as "adventuring companies."
The King and Queen are level 12 and level 14 fighters respectively. They're pretty much their own special forces.
Too bad they don't have the time to train the guards with their own fighting techniques.
Yes, but they are kinda retarded.
I wanna tap dat ass.
Fantasy special forces are top tier.
underrated post
I prefer the thicc ass herbalist from 3
Berseker Knights
Spetznaz Knights
Hoplite Knights
Conquistador Knights
Yeah, you probably get the idea.
Yes, as I explained in the thread last week that died due to lack of interest.
The PCs.
Wait, is it possible for special forces to exist in fantasy/mideval worlds? I thought special forces were a more modern invention.
>is it possible for X to exist in a fantasy world?
The answer should be pretty obvious regardless of what X is.
I was so mad you couldn't bang her.
I meant more so in non-modern settings than "fantasy" ones.
Oh my, yes. Not-Russia has gasmasked commandos, creepy woodsmen, whole squads of snipers, and other such fun things.
Not-England has magic pistoliers, stealthy football hooligans with trench guns, and madmen armed with SCIENCE! grenades.
The Engraged Elf Enclaves have squads of sneaky dudes with crossbows and wallhacks, solo nutcases with whip scythes, and all kinds of telekinetic mages.
Super Religious Funland has anti-magic questing knights, and when they die their widows tag in as suicidal ninja hit squads.
Undead Pirate Not-Funland has grave robbers who reanimate important dead people to steal their secrets, as well as all kinds of wraiths and other spoopy shit.
And there's a different mercenary throat slitter for every kind of operation, from demolitions to terror weapons to just being an infuriating dickhead.
Depends on how you define them. Sending a small group of hand picked men to cause havoc through stealth and guile is hardly something new.
"Special forces" is a modern term, but not a terribly modern concept. There are plenty of examples; sappers digging tunnels or planting bombs under fortress walls, the original assassins, marksmen armed with the first groove-bored rifles. Any group that creates an edge in battle in an unconventional way could fall under the umbrella of special forces.
Yes, it's the players.
We're terrible.
Is your Not!Russia also Not!Khador?
I mean those fulfill specific roles on the battlefield, but aren't special forces in the modern day soldiers that receive extra training so that they can fulfill tasks better and quicker than most units? Like an infantry 2.0 so to speak.
Ya got me, I run IKRPG
More like Elite soldiers in my previous setting, but they were extremely well armed and highly trained Knights that went into battle alongside their dogs.
NOVA Team.
Naval Orbital Vanguard Assault Team
Out of 30 million soldiers, there are only 12 teams spread throughout the Federation. NOVA is who you sent when your conventional forces cannot take a planet down in a short time period. There is no 13th NOVA Team that falls under the direct control of the Office of Naval Intelligence
I have an idea for a special forces group, but I'm waiting for the next magical realm thread to explain it fully.
I've had hopes for writing down a setting that might come to fruitition in the next months thanks to unemployment.
One of the bigger points was that players should be able to reach a high level on the conspiracy chart and meet the not-illuminati and not-masons and others.
One of those is the chivalrous order of the red star and stripe which in my language isn't an immediate spoiler that's pretty dope and on the forefront of archeological excavating in dangerous places. There's also the not-illuminati mage order that kicks an intermediate amount of ass.
>pasar friedhof
Some manage to squeak by, but most get deleted relatively fast.
Why is the one second from the right dressed completely differently?
Do special weapons count?
Because women
Shit goes south for the general population of Arcadia or the party (in certain situations), the Brothers of Mercy come into play. A hyper-religious faith militant born around defending the corpses of fallen knights during a long war with the Necrophage, they eventually became a tremendously powerful sect who work alongside the Arcadian military. Whenever a magical or monstrous threat in the eternal city becomes too powerful for the city guard to handle, the Brothers of Mercy will essentially just roll in and steamroll the entire block. They refuse to save warlocks and anyone associated with necromancy or fiends, and will often try to take them out when "cleaning up" after the main threat is dead.
If anything stands in their way, it dies. If a street is infested, it burns. And if an entire family dynasty engages in the forbidden arts, they might as well have never existed. The Brothers of Mercy are fucking hardcore.
Like a olied hinge!
Another Knight-Archetype.
A bunch of +humans who have to demonstrate before the royal court (of the admittedly small shitty brettonia-place) that they are so awesome with a weapon that they therefore have spent their entire life training with it, and it's for that reason alone that they haven't got tons of money/land/bitches.
In recognition the court provides them with money, land and bitches so long as they stay as kickass with their weapons as they are. Then to earn their keep, they gather up the bundles of hero-worshipping neophytes who travel across the country to learn their fighting style, old Chinese martial-arts school stereotype notwithstanding, and form them into units of disciplined, zealous, underpaid and well trained men at arms, led by the knights who spend so much time waving swords around that they have absolutely zero grasp on strategy.
So naturally the special forces is the poor fucking infantry who have to fill the gaps for the stupidly rigid knight companies, so every one is trained to use sword, axe and pike, shoot a crossbow, ride a horse in light or heavy armor, dig earthworks, construct basic siege equipment and cook eggs over easy with the nice sauce like fucking Pierre makes.
>2x nobody cares bonus spill
Campaign actually kicks off with all the Infantry getting fired because the kingdom can't afford them, so they all walk across the border to not-Switzerland, form badass jack-of-all trades landskneight units and then the highest bidder starts taking over the world because nobody can match their Superyar Tactikks.
They're Golems
Not really "my setting," but I did make these guys for a 40k game.
Elaborate, user.
your understanding of special forces seems limited, user. infantry 2.0 is more descriptive of elite troops, not special forces. while special forces do, on occasion, fulfill that role, they are "special" forces because they ostensibly have an additional function that standard infantry in unequipped to handle
Humanities "army" is only special forces. Jump packin, nuke slingin, pulse laser shootin badasses.
Think of infantry as a hammer. It's a rough motor skill tool. It smashes stuff, or pushes nails, and does it really well, if you've got the right hammer you can even pull a nail out, but its still a hammer.
Special forces can be a scalpel, or pliers or a textbook, very specific roles that are all more specialization.
An idea I had been working on for a country where every citizen is a defacto member of the military. The royal family is mandated to have at least two children who are fit and able and more if nesscessary. The reason being is the one child is chosen to be the immediate heir while the other is sent to be a member of the Royal Huntsmen who are composed of members of the royal family and various vassel families.
They are both outside of the regular military structure and part of it being able to pull rank when needed but otherwise they function as bodygaurds and an elite fighting force to help bolster regular units when needed.
If the Heir Apparent is ever killed then the second child is set to assume their role and must naturally continue the cycle of providing children to the Huntsmen.