I've noticed a weird trend in a lot Veeky Forums properties where the good waifus die horribly or get BAD END, while the shit girls survive and go on to do great things.
Why do you think that is?
I've noticed a weird trend in a lot Veeky Forums properties where the good waifus die horribly or get BAD END, while the shit girls survive and go on to do great things.
Why do you think that is?
Makes for greater tragedy. Everyone loves to watch the little match girl die.
I just want Jace to die
Writers revolt and detest on the term "waifu"
MTG characters are fucking stupid and shitty.
As well they should.
At this point though, I outright refuse to feel anything for anyone unless I know that they aren't just going to be arbitrarily offed to play upon my emotions.
It's one thing to do it to set a tone but it's another to do so because you can't think of anything else to raise the stakes a bit.
Any other examples?
Its a murder fetish
Because drama
Drama can only exist if the audience gives a shit about the characters.
If the average life expectancy is roughly the length of a housefly, I can tell you that nobody is going to become too invested in your story.
I had it happen in a story I wrote. The woman who had spent years in a loveless marriage only to finally escape and find "le true love" then lost her husband and focused on nothing but protecting her children, ended up dying because she pinned down in a firefight and couldn't escape, got shot half a dozen times then bled out while crying about how she didn't want to die.
Felt sick after writing it. Still miss that character. I'm not even a good writer so I don't know hwy I continue doing this.
>Everyone loves to watch the little match girl die.
Not everyone.
Because it is literally one of the cheapest tricks in the book to get some cheap feels.
Only shit writers use it.
The reason you keep seeing it is because Veeky Forums properties generally have shit writers working for them because the real talent is off doing better things.
Hey, as long as they're not cats.
Self loathing
fa/tg/uys don't believe they deserve to be happy so when good things come their way they self-sabotage, the ones that work in the industry do it as well
Tell that to the X-Men
You mean Wolverine & friends, featuring deadpool?
More and more female writers.
Due to the rotten nature of 3D women they naturally tend to identify with the shittyest females while being envious of the idealized women.
I blame Wargarbage 40Shit level of retarded GRIMEDGEY infecting every other genre, franchise, and game both tabletop and electronic.
That, and most players of fantasy and sci-fi games are teenagers. 99% of teenagers are pathetic, whining, wannabe bad-boys that think black leather, spikes, skulls, katanas, and other edgey bullshit make for good storytelling.
To give ca/tg/irls an idol that will make them feel like they're superior to the girls who are actually worth a damn.
The 90s are over, user. Only preteens think katanas = good storytelling, teenagers think awful and cliched Brandon Sanderson bullshit is good nowadays.
Those "good waifus" you mention like Avacyn and Elspeth are barely characters and are obsolete.
Make way for more realistic and rounded characters female like Chandra, Liliana, Nissa and Nahiri. They're much more than just waifus.
Jace can stay, he's cute.
Why does "realistic and rounded" always mean an asshole with tons of baggage?
>- Jace Beleren
Because nerds are often contrarian assholes and nerds write Veeky Forums material. Why do you think comics get so many retcons and sparring writers?
Both of these are the correct answer at the same time: It's more affecting when the lovable characters die, and envy + grrrrrl powr makes the surviving shittiest women into the performers of great deeds.
Because broken girls and the beta cunts who worship them enjoy mental gymnastics.
>realistic and rounded
>Chandra, Liliana, Nissa and Nahiri
Every one of those is a one-note angry bitch.
Misery moe. Killing a girl makes you like her more.
Check out /a/, way more than half of their waifus are dead or lost the series they were in.
People think "angry and spiteful" is an endearing character quality that makes them desirable.
Probably because people see "angry bitch" and think, "Oh wow, the game's going to give her a character arc that develops her and ends with her becoming a nice, caring person!"
Liliana is more smug than angry
Because waifufags are cancer and deserve to be punished in this way
Satan go away.
Damn, big red calling it like it is.
Okay, think about that for a second.
In a longrunning series, that can never happen until the end of the series or else they stop being an angry bitch and lose focus in the story because their character arc is resolved.
And with a series that runs long enough, having an angry bitch suddenly turn into a cool, calm person within the span of the last arc or two just seems hamfisted unless there's a really good reason for it. If there is no such resolution, the people that were waiting for it feel cheated and bitch.
So it also tends to lead to shitty writing as that ball of fun goes down.
It worked for Zuko in The Last Airbender, at least! Point is there will be no point in Magic that any of those women become anything more than bitter assholes with a gaping, ruined grudge.
They all became lesbians. That's character development.
>not a character
Because fuck you, that's why
>Sarkhan ended up a dragon god
>Sorin ended up a wall
Looks like the same trend applies to Veeky Forums husbandos.
Holy fucking shit, you sound exactly like a preteen.
Another MTG example is Mirri, who the writers repeatedly fucked over. She lost pretty much every time she got into a fight, had to be repeatedly rescued, and finally went off to a fight she knew she would lose just so the othes could get away.
Then they brought her back, made her evil and killed her AGAIN.
She's lame so it's okay
>Veeky Forums shit at magic.
>Veeky Forums shit at story.
>Veeky Forums shit.
I have learned nothing new.
This. If the people whose deaths have emotional impact the emotional impact eventually fades.
Sarkhan a shit. He ruined the whole plane.
are you that hilariously butthurt angelfag from some time ago?
Waifufags desrve to get their shit ruined, then mocked and ridiculed in worst ways possible. They're even lower scum than /pol/tards.