What a world ran by autistic teenage furries look like?
What a world ran by autistic teenage furries look like?
Lurk more on Veeky Forums and your question will be answered.
>What is CWCville?
Pretty dead.
Ironclaw: Cyberskunk
It started with him as a child, maintained as a teenager and continues to be his safe-space as a male-lesbian that slashed himself in the taint to create a vagina
It would look like modern day Veeky Forums
Wait, what?
You not been keeping up with their exploits? There's an entire wiki dedicated to cataloging the information.
people still care about that retard?
I don't know OP, what would a world you ran look like?
Christine Weston Chandler is a stunning beautiful woman, who even now continues to bring entertainment to millions with their online exploits.
Also, Sonic's arms aren't blue!
Sweet zombie Jesus.
I giggled
How is he still alive?
We as a people spend ludicrous amounts on invalids due to the incredible amount of pity seeing images like that creates.
No I'm not trying to meme here but the guy has a cut on his taint that he isn't clearing up and it's probably infected to boot.
Has he still not went and got that seen to by a doctor? How is it not horribly infected yet?
See the problem is, it probably is but he doesn't care at this point.
He'll probably be fine as long as his taint doesn't go septic.
The guy barely washes, so that's probably going to happen.
The kind of attention cwc was getting always struck me as morally questionable, like the whole thing was the internet's own version of a fucked up Truman's Show for a fucked up audience.
What made this shit unacceptable is when some of the people watching crossed the line and became active participants in really scummy ways. Like pretending to be, basically, cwc's (only) friends and emotionally manipulating him/her into humiliating situations. Most recently by taking this autistic, lonely mess into becoming transgender. Kinda fucked up imo.
Wonder what other people (the wider public) would think if they realized this was happening.
I agree. I never followed the whole thing very closely, but having some woman pretend to date him just for greentext is too far.
>lonely mess into becoming transgender
Chris did that himself.
Don't be a twit, not everyone is BlueSpike.
Chris is his own worst enemy, he doesn't actually need others to push him to regularly do really stupid shit or volunteer information no one really wanted to know to others.
Even if there were no trolls he would still be making videos and putting himself out there, or attacking store managers because they banned him for his behavior.
You can try white knighting him but that only leads to him shitting all over anyone trying to help him because of his inherent selfishness and lifetime of coddling, self-improvement or restraint are utterly beyond him because he'd rather wallow in his own filth or shout into a camera than try.