GURPS General
Over 9000 Edition
How do you figure out point totals based on the aesthetic you want? What are the starting point totals of some of your favorite characters?
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GURPS General
Over 9000 Edition
How do you figure out point totals based on the aesthetic you want? What are the starting point totals of some of your favorite characters?
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I usually go with either 100 or 150 points, 200 or more for superhero characters and whatnot
I love Sorcery!
Tangentially related, but what would a good starting point total be for Dungeon Fantasy games? All the class templates are 250 to start, and adding in races increases it even more. Starting at 300 points seems kind of high, though I am new to this game and wouldn't know that would be the case in reality.
It's recommended that you buy racial templates by shaving bits off of your class, if I remember correctly. You're supposed to start at 250.
Grimwyrd after action report
>The party investigates the shrine cavern in the aftermath if their bloody battle
>Roderick the duelist discovers he has sprouted an asses ears and tail! The Fey are blamed.
>Suthri the Dwarven engineer investergates a collapsed tunnel, and reveals a hidden room
>while I vestigating, Syviis speaks with Servant, the Mute they rescued
>the scarred man shows signs of mental damages and memory tampering, he answers few questions before a trigger forces him to tear at himself with one hand!
>The party intervenes, and Rod pries a creature from the whelps mouth! It speaks to his mind, and he promptly incinerates it
>Servant collapses; they speak with him, but he can no longer read or write
>Some further prodding of the hidden room; a sealed vault with dwarven locks, and an unfinished magic floor that levitates users. An old dwarven statue and an uninvestigated side tunnel
>In another nook, an illusiory ward hides a magic artifact! THE KEY
>both mages twinge as the thing is revealed, but Syviis' curiosity bids her pluck it from its hiding place. The party braces themselves
>IT speaks to her, reveals it's power, and she resist temptation. This is the key the vampiric woman spoke of before departing!
>the party promptly assembles at the magic circle carved in the temple floor.
>Suthri notices nearby, Servant
>more specifically, Servants corpse
>"he lies at an awkward angle, his arms up to his face, a pool of red below him. His thumbs are jammed knuckle deep into his eyes. He does not move"
>The party is filled with DETERMINATION
>they appear in the Mines, and immediately set upon the Derugar guards!
Until next week...
I don't use point totals. Point totals are practically meaningless if you're playing with anyone one step above "random stranger from the internet." I just build to concept, and it costs what it costs.
It's a lot but they're supposed to be big damn heroes, man.
That's an interesting theory
Whats a typical game with you like? Everyone at the table decides on a theme, builds their character to it, and within a few standard deviations of total you guys just play?
Alright /gurpsgen/, I'm working on making a DOOMGUY analog for a sci-fi game. We're currently at 200 points; do you suppose I should dump into enough lifting ST to carry a small armory with me and wing around miniguns off the mounts and be middling with every weapon, or focus on one weapon for now and try to get as hard to kill as I can so I can properly slaughter the minions of Not!SpaceHell?
You're essentially playing rocket tag. Speed and dodge are your friend. Wear only as much armor as you can still dodge with.
Pretty much. Points aren't worth anything for balance. I've done this (
As an example, right now I'm building a mindwiped combat android for a TL10 campaign. If you know anything about high TLs, you know that DR and ST are practically worthless - and combat androids have over 300 points in ST and DR at TL10. This character will play just fine alongside the black-hat channer and the up-and-coming matrix idol. In fact, they'll be rather weak by comparison, outside of combat, but that's what I want to play.
Check Gun-Fu. There should be a one-point Perk (Waling Armory, I think) that has any carried guns not count towards encumbrance; you should still pump up ST for punching demons/meeting the ST requirements for hip-firing turrets, but you don't need to stack it exclusively.
The problem with minigun is that ammunition for it could easily weight much more than the gun itself due to insane rate of fire.
I thought about that, but I'm not sure if he's allowing the gun-fu stuff. Otherwise yeah, between that and hand cannon I'd be set.
What's the tone of the game? Unless it's pretty damn cinematic, you can't put in a character even one-tenth as crazy as DOOMGUY; it's not even a point-total thing; GURPS uses cinematic perks/abilities to represent a lot of what DOOMEGUY is.
>any carried guns not count towards encumbrance
I really wish I was on my laptop with all my books; I'm 99% sure that's the quote they use on the page.
It's more Star Trek than actual DOOM; like I said, it's more based on the character in general of being a mean streak motherfucker with big guns.
Ahh okay, I see what you're going for then. Are exoskeletons/power-armor available?
I don't nope very often, but the thing from the Servants mouth freaks me right the fuck out.
I like characters with modestly high point totals (200-300). This allows for people without much system knowledge to make dramatic, powerful characters. People with more system knowledge can go crazy, but I try to encourage them not to optimize as much and to focus on an interesting character they'd like to play.
I aim to please with the freaky deekie shit Mang. Good to know I'm hitting the right notes in the chords.
I've been waiting for weeks to get the players to the flayers :D
What do you guys think of the GM making characters for the players, based entirely on user input?
Yeah, but they're so expensive. I might be able to convince the GM to let me build one myself, we have a pseudo-fabrication suite and I was planning on taking Armoury skills to upkeep his own gear.
I think it's to be expected if the players are new/not the kind of total grogards who already know GURPS very well.
Plus, if you're a GURPS GM you've invested WAY too much time in the system to want to let a player potentially go for something like that. So if a player asks, you better do it.
What would be a good point limit for combat only PC's for a pvp scenario to teach players the basic of GURPS combat?
here it is
>pvp scenario
No no no no no no no.
150~200 point characters, working together on the same side, on an adventure that includes combat.
It's really just me and another player bullshitting around to learn the combat system, we've done the same with a few other systems
Well if it's nothing but combat, 20~50 points should give you a decent idea of the average character's combat capabilities in a 150~200 point game.
50 points if you want them to just go though an arena that teaches them about combat. I'd make the characters myself though, and make them all awful, terrible people with disadvantages like Sadist and Secret (Once ate a baby).
This lets them try things out and just laugh when Evil Pete gets his Area 11 shot off by Bastard Phil.
Like this guy said.
Also, a lot of races and occupations have overlapping synergies that you can choose to ignore.
EG, if you have a race with +5 ST and a profession with +3 ST, you could get away with *only* the +5 ST because it eclipses, and therefore meets the minimum, for the job.
What settings are you guys playing or planning right now?
I'm working on a pulp inspired campaign during the Second Sino-Japanese War
High fantasy setting set in the equivalent of the Late Bronze Age, with the campaign slowly working towards the beginning of the Sea Peoples' invasions.
Working on cyberninjas in a space noir setting.Have he generalities down but am waiting 'till I can get all the players together for session zero before all the details get decided on.
>the Sea Peoples' invasions.
Fuck year. Hyperboric fantasy!
>cyberninjas in a space noir
Flip sided blade runner? Or GITS?
I'm working on a space opera setting in a combination of the Caribbean and American Colonies c.1700 and Central Asia c.1450. I'm trying to evoke bits of Dune (Plans within Plans, pseudo-medieval combat, political maneuvering between Noble Houses and Mercantile Guilds) Revelation Space (Nanotech and tranhsumanism being a thing, borderline post-scarcity, super-high tech level, shittons of .8c space weapons) and The Expanse (nobodies(read:PCs) accidentally sparking a huge war and accidentally unveiling a bunch of conspiracies behind the scenes) in there as well.
Probably more like GitS. Thinking they'll basically be elite cyborg mercs, getting hired for all sorts of jobs spread across the solar system. There'll be some overarching secret agenda to the ninjas and all sorts of shadowy scheming, of course, but not much of that is decided.
Also, there's cybernetic enhancement-based psi powers. Already know there's at least one character who'll be focused on PK.
I did something less grand than that once, but roughly the same shape regarding the PCs.
They made whatever, but they had to be on X ship at Y time for session 1
That ship got robbed. By a guy in a super advanced tech suit. Punched right through the hull, walked out the other side with his cargo. The players just deal with the situation, or were framed.for culpability. It was fun just watching them squirm for sessions.
Trying to worldbuild up a setting that's reached fantasy TL ~3 with open RPM magic. It's surprisingly difficult, since, as a GM, I can limit RPM to suit my needs. It doesn't express itself nearly as cleanly as Basic Magic does.
Have you taken a look at Incantation magic? It's RPM, but tweaked for Dungeon Fantasy, meaning subtly is less of an issue and the rules are much more explicit. If your curious, the most recent DF book covers this (DF19 I think?).
While some will frown on it I always find world building a bit easier when I think of something that I'd like in there then work backwards to justify it. This also can lead to other areas opening up as the implications for those justification suggest other things.
Don't care to lose the energy gathering rolls. Its one of my favorite parts of the system.
That's what I am doing, but RPM makes the work slow going. I'm going to start by brewing up cultural rituals and see where that gets me, since obvious rituals like healing people and bolstering harvests would be common amongst several, if not all, cultures. Actually, just stating up rituals and coming up with interesting reasons a culture might not use them could work well...
Remember that people in "bountiful" lands might chose not to use magic because of they are more concerned about critical failures on the cast checks then they are about not having enough food on the table.
N-none ;-;
>Don't care to lose the energy gathering rolls. Its one of my favorite parts of the system.
Makes sense, but can't you use the parts of IM with more clear divisons? Traditional RPM with IM's more rigid structure should be possible -- I personally much prefer IM's well-defined caps and Incantation Gift to RPM's Greater/Lesser divison.
I'm thinking of making a weak character who has a sword possessed by a spirit which grants all his strength, dexterity, etc. What disadvantages/limitations would I need in order to accomplish this?
I'm actually super excited because I've gotten my first group in like four years. Session -1 is this Thursday, and I have no idea what sort of game they all want; if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on high-power sci-fi, but we'll see.
Ring/amulet/whatever of luck almost completely eradicates the possibility of critically failing. Those lands should still want certain big rituals. Like a large area luck bonus to crafting or surviving diseases.
You can treat attribute bonuses as regular advantages; just slap the Gadget limitations on them like normal and have fun.
I'd advise you don't make your character too weak. If they've got 6 ST and 8 DX without the sword, you've sort of painted your GM into a corner: either they never take your sword away -- giving you free points because the limitation never comes up -- or they do take your sword away and you immediately die because you're facing down beasts meant to threaten seasoned badass adventurers while having the physical stats of a child. Go for "relatively weak" instead of "weak"; ST 11 and DX 10 isn't weak -- it's slightly above average if anything -- but it's weak for a dedicated swordfighter. If you lose your sword, you're going to be in trouble, but you aren't going to get insta'gibbed (probably).
I actually made something like that, except I made the intelligent sword as a character who grants powers to whoever wields it.
For you, just put gadget limitations on a bunch of advantages and you're set.
Thanks you two. I was thinking the "Accessibility" limitation could also apply, but the Gadget limitations apply better.
Session -1? I can figure out what a session 0 do, but -1?
If session 0 would be the group making the characters and deciding on campaign specifics, I figure the group meeting up before that to decide what sort of compaign they want would be session -1.
Fuck, I really wish I had a group that could do this. One player is a flat-out powergamer, and the rest (with one exception) prefer WoW-style fantasy with bullshit shockwave attacks and glowy shit.
I require help in deciphering on how is thrust and swing damage calculated
>inb4 use the table
i am programming a game based on gurps and i dont want to do a long code of
>if(ST=1 and swing=1) roll 1d6-5
please help
ok got thrust damage
(13-ST)/-2 round up
and if +3 turn it into 2d-1
It's 3 formulas actually, progression is different on higher values. Check GCS code if you can't figure it out yourself.
Default of ST 10 is 1d-2/1d. Every +1 ST is +1 to swing, and every +2 ST is +1 to thrust. Instead of Xd+3, it's (X+1)d-1.
With that information, I can figure out damage from a human-scale ST score with just 1d Concentrate maneuvers, but I have no idea how I would write it as code.
got it wrong
its round down
13-12/-2=1/-2=-0,5 = -1
I want to do something based around a anime from last year called Kagewani. The basic premise is that in recent months a number of cryptids have suddenly appeared and started attacking people and the show follows a professor as he investigates these events (usually showing up after they happened and getting the story from the survivor) as well as his continued chase for a creature known as the Shadow Crocodile.
I plan to use this to run a one shot set in the US during this time. And I'm just dragging my feet on deciding on the first cryptid to use. But for sure I know I'll set the scenario in Wisconsin in a national park. The basic idea is that a couple hikers have gone missing and I'm leaving room for what angle the players want to approach this from. They can be law enforcement from a nearby town, park rangers, other campers or tourists, or a combination of these.
I calculated damage for 12,7x55mm round, it's around 6d+1 pi+. Pretty good, I think. I wish I knew muzzle velocity of RSh-12 revolver or any data on two-bullet amunition (if I assume that each bullet has roughly half the mass and same muzzle velocity, then it would have 4d+1 pi+ damage).
>Points aren't worth anything for balance.
>People with more system knowledge can go crazy,
It's true. Consider the following ability which only costs 50 points.
Allies (25%,1, Size, 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, *1248, Always, *4, Costs CP, 1/5, Alternative Ability, 1/5)
What's it an alternate ability of? Why the costs CP?
I'm planning on combining the 3rd edition World of Darkness sourcebooks with Cyberworld
I'm a fucking madman I tell you
Why does everyone think GURPS is a democracy? Whenever I say I want to run a setting in GURPS, the players always, without fail, tell me to add things to it, or start suggesting their own settings altogether. If I actually manage to somehow explain to them that I am going to run the setting that I have in mind, they still start demanding and negotiating for shit that doesn't make sense in the setting.
I don't use GURPS just because I like the system, I use it because I have a bloody setting in mind that I want to run with it.
Dude, that's RPGs in general. Hell, look at any That Guy thread and you will, without fail see something along the lines of
>Okay guys, we're playing in Setting A with classes from books B, C, and D, plus this subsystem I liked from book E.
>lol so heres my character. he's a multiclass character that uses stuff from books U and V, three feats from book W, spell and gear from forum post X, and his race is from Setting Y. and i assumed you were using houserule Z.
Small changes and suggestions are fine as long as they make sense, but major changes (or the DEMAND of any sort of change) should be met with "GM it yourself." If they do, you get to be a player and everyone (hopefully) has fun. If they don't, hopefully they'll at least let the game go on.
That kind of stuff seems more common with GURPS is all. Maybe it's because, more often than not, people will say they're running GURPS instead of saying "I'm running BLANK, with GURPS." That or I don't play enough games that have massive amounts of sourcebooks to notice it elsewhere
But user, that ability costs 200 points, plus whatever the GM deems appropriate to activate it, and you need to cross your fingers that the GM allows it in the first place; then, when you do use it, it's unlikely that you'll be able to use your first ability again for a long time, because every single one of your allies would need to die or exit the game to switch again; and since your first ability this is alternating off of needs to be worth at least 999 points in the first place, that's a major power you're giving up.
I'm having trouble finding advantages and disadvantages that would allow me to create a person trapped in an item. Basically something like a genie or pic related.
Any tips? Did I miss something in the book?
also pic related is a boy_
Pacific Rim game, where players team up in a Jaeger, or have a kaiju partner
[Spoiler]If only my players liked GURP T_T [/spoiler]
If this is an NPC that may or may not be released from whatever item he's trapped in then you really don't need to stat every little thing out.
Otherwise, stat them as the object they're trapped inside of and give them an Alternate Form with Accessibility so that they can only use it when certain conditions are met, like only useable after being rubbed for a genie.
Hey /gurpsgen/ GMs you've always wanted to use the Accumulated Wounds rules (B420) and The Last Gasp (Pyramid 3/44: Alternate GURPS II) to subject your players to the fun horror of having their limbs hacked off while they're too tired to defend themselves, right?
But of course the book-keeping involved is just too much of a hassle even for the utter JOY it would bring to your players.
I have removed that obstacle. Now the book-keeping is mostly done for you with these new technicolor 1-page webapps.
GURPS 4e Thaumatology page 116.
Thanks guys
Heads up, there are some issues with your Last Gasp app.
>At full FP, I'm at Mild Fatigue with -1 to DX/IQ/HT and -10% to ST. Increasing FP by 1 above the max value normalizes my stats (albeit with some rounding/percentage issues).
>Accidentally leaving a box blank and hitting Update sets the value to NaN until you reinitialize
How do wound modifiers effect hits to the skull? If a weapon has pi-, does it change the damage modifier from 4 to 3? Does pi++ modify the damage by 6?
No, everything's just x4
The modifiers don't stack like that.
what the fuck is this even
that's retarded and doesn't even work, alternate attack requires that you still pay full price for the most expensive attack, and is designed for actual attacks
where the fuck did you get 'costs cp' from?
if you want an actual example of ridiculous shit done cheap just look up that 51-point universe killer, the modifiers of which actually fucking work and demonstrate a hole in the system which actually fucking exists
every attack type besides toxic just becomes x4
Attacks that strike the vitals or skull (or similar "you're probably going to die" locations), you LOSE the wounding modifier of your damage type and REPLACE it with that location's wounding modifier - e.g. a strike to the Vitals with a pi- bullet is doing x3, and pi- to the skull x4.
Also note that, if you do not take No Brain and No Vitals, Unliving targets also suffer those locations' wounding modifiers.
Hmm. I'm not entirely sure I like that all too much. Specifically, I'm running vampire the masquerade with GURPS, and it seems that despite them not having vitals and being unliving, the rules make headshots hyper lethal even for vampires. Maybe I should ask the wod general if vampires even do have brains to see if the no brain injury tolerance would work.
Looks like starting out with penalties for impairment only happens when I set FP to 11, 12, and 16 (I'm sure other values will trigger this error, but I'm done counting up). Occasionally there are rounding issues with ST (e.g. at 14 FP, it says I've got 9.7 ST out of 10 but my other attributes are fine), but that's minor.
The wound modifiers are replaced, so every bullet to the skull, from pi- to pi++ is x4. Remember that there is no "normal" damage modifier*; huge piercing doesn't have a x2 modifier in general -- it has a x2 modifier on the torso, x4 on the eyes/skull, x3 on the vitals, etc. People just say things like "such and such large-caliber rifle has a x2 multiplier" because torso shots are the assumed default location of most attacks
*Exotic damage types like Toxic, Corr, Fat, or Burn notwithstanding.
Sunless Sea campaign, and I may be running a Star Wars campaign soon as well.
I haven't played WoD since before the edition change, but IIRC guns dealt bashing damage to vamps in VtM unless the shooter took a penalty to go for headshots, which made them deal lethal damage, so obviously brains are still somewhat important. It might not have been aggravated damage, but a bullet to the head's nothing to sneeze at, even for a child of Cain.
Alternative Ability is from Powers, it's just like the attack version but it takes a concentrate/ready to switch from one to another. I don't remember where the other one is, but it's also a thing.
It's still retarded, though.
I think Costs CP is from Supers. I remember something about dramatic one-use abilities.
I know I'm late to this response but this is exactly what I do for first-time players in any system. After they've played a bit and have done some advancement they usually make the characters on their own and then send them in for a couple of rounds of optimization and tuning suggestions.
>51-point universe killer
I lost it, you have it saved?
>where the fuck did you get 'costs cp' from?
Not him, but it's in Power-Ups 8: Limitations.
Note that when I said points aren't worth anything for balance, I did not specifically mean built abilities. Here, let's take an example:
>DX +1 costs [20]
>DR 4 costs [20]
Just because each costs 20 points doesn't mean all are worth 20 points. In a low-tech game, that DR could very well be the better purchase at times. At TL5+, when guns become common? You would always choose DX, every time. And yet, they both cost 20 points, regardless of TL.
Let's take another example.
>Mind Control costs [50]
>IQ +2 costs [40], throw on Visualization, costs [10], for [50]
Mind Control will always beat out another 2 IQ and Visualization, unless you're in a game with no NPCs (or none vulnerable to mind control). IQ +2 makes you considerably smarter, and Visualization lets you get some nice modifiers with a roll and a minute of concentration, but that's pennies compared to being able to just control whoever you need.
Can the GM just ban mind control, or make taking it useless? Sure. Could he lower the cost of DR per level? Absolutely. But that doesn't change the fact that points are not a balancing factor, because they aren't really meant to be.
I gotcha fampai
Munchkin's Universe-shaking Nondirectional Cosmic Hyperluminal Kinetoelectromagnetic Interference Neurodisrupter (M.U.N.C.H.K.I.N.) (+5190%):
Toxic Attack 1 point (Affects Insubstantial, +20%; Area Effect, 2475880078570760549798248448 yards (about 74 gigaparsecs), +4550%; Cosmic, Irresistible attack, +300%; Emanation, -20%; Rapid Fire, RoF 300, +300%; Selective Area, +20%; Underwater, +20%) [53].
Notes: It's a cosmic attack, literally. Pulses of cosmic energy that radiate from the attacker (reaching 74 gigaparsecs in a flat second) burn out the neural system of living beings in the affected area, and remember that even the edge of our universe is "merely" about 10 gigaparsecs away from Earth. Also note that an Area Effect attack with Emanation involves no to-hit roll and simply affects anyone in the area. Furthermore, it allows victims only to dive for cover, and actually there's no effective cover since this Cosmic, Irresistible attack ignores DR. In conclusion, the user can attack every living thing in our entire universe, with 1 point of damage, 300 times per second. Have fun. 53 points.
you can find the thread with a quick google search, there's a whole bunch of weird 50 or so point abilities in it,
also it turns out the munchkin is actually 53 points, but that's only 2 points more
Thanks anontachi.
oh, you can also build a version for 159 points by changing 'toxic attack' to 'corrosive attack', which is vastly more powerful because it'll melt away DR and affects stuff with 'immunity to metabolic hazards', like robots and shit
Emanation is incompatible with rate of fire, though.
But shockwave attacks and glowy shit is awesome.
It's not super necessary anyway. With an AoE that large and Selective Area, he can fire it at the ground beneath his feat and still have the same effect; no matter how far each attack scatters, the distance is irrelevant in the face of a 74 gigparsec diameter.
And removing it brings the cost up to a round 55 points, so there's another bonus.
What are points meant to be, then?
Not that user but points are guidelines and only really comparable within category.
found in gurps lite and made this.
Doesn't ROF 300 mean you get 3d6+8 hits, not 300?