The ultimate debate rages on;
Lizard women. Tits or no tits?
The ultimate debate rages on;
Lizard women. Tits or no tits?
Sure, humans don't really have reason to huge tots aside from sex appeal, so I don't see why lizardfolk can't have 'em too.
Physiological similarities to terrestrial reptiles does not mandate or necessarily infer an identical biology. It would broadly depend on whether they lay eggs or give live birth, and in either case there could be a nursing period afterwards.
Why is it a rude question if they are just air bladders?
>Lizard women
Thus tits are fine, at very least half fine.
I thought Veeky Forums liked Petite girls?
flat is justice user
Auxiliary egg sacs.
The ultimate reply rages on;
It depends on the setting.
Your fun is wrong if you give boobs to non-mammals.
I'm only half joking. Why the hell would you do that?
The ultimate debate;
Women on lizard tits?
Tits on lemon wizard?
I could go either way on the subject, but I want them to have large hips
The bigger question is why it has toe-nails.
>large hips
This an has is priorities straight.
>This an has is priorities straight.
**This man has his priorities straight.
Fucking speed typing while trying to place a post under ~50 seconds so I don't look like a sameposter.
It happens man, I fuck up and make typos all the time. Hell I fuck up sentences for the same reason.
I'm okay with the lizard having tits but why does she have a pig-nose? Do I mention the nose? I don't want to mention the nose, she has an axe with her. She might use it if I mention the fucked up nose.
> tits
> no tits
> ass
> no ass
> thighs
> no thighs
It doesn't even matter. "My dick led me places I wouldn't even go with a gun", innit? The thing is, once you DO go such places, the trivial standards of body beauty or even humanoid appearance no longer apply.
I can sincerely claim that I would fuck a sentient rock, as long as I could elicit some sort of reaction from it. A ROCK!
Everyone assigns shame and importance to her air bladders and she just assumes mentioning them is rude.
It's like if you're living in London and people ask your girlfriend to cover her hair, eventually she'll do it to fit in.
Whatever makes you happy OP
Friendly reminder that Argonians are not lizards, but whatever the Hist want them to be, and therefore tits make as much sense as anything else on them
Do kills make Argonian girls more THICC?
Eventually you learn to set aside petty labels and accept most things for what they are
Something you can jerk it to
Lore wise no.
Art wise hell yes.
>I can sincerely claim that I would fuck a sentient rock
.... actually I might too, but that's more a statement about dating women in general. The most attracted I've ever been to a woman, both her and her parents looked like their genetics were salvaged from a dumpster, but she was the first I met who wasn't essentially just a dangerous animal. The dating scene redpilled the shit out of me.
No, but should be somewhat padded by scale or soemthing enough to give a false pretense under the clothings
Depends on their origin. If they were created by or from humans, they can have them. If they evolved or otherwise arose spontaneously, probably not. If they were created by higher powers like gods it depends on that god's nature and the circumstances.
Tits and cloacas for both genders of lizardfolk.
No. Lizard women are distinctly not mammalian. They came before mammals and have survived to the current era in a greatly diminished state.
Something like Dragonborn, do have breasts as they were first mammals who through devotion to a dragon god reformed their flesh in transmutational egg sacs to more closely resemble it's image.
Inb4 that comic about the dogfucker cop who puts down plantfucker riots and falls in love with a crystalfucker
I hate when female monsters are designed as conventionally attractive humans with green skin and cute little fangs, so I'm in the "no tits" camp, but it's not about comparisons to real-world animals, it's about double standards.
If the men look very human, it's totally okay to make the women look very human. Otherwise, both genders should be monstrous, and believe me the furries will sexualize them anyway.
Even making the women identical to men but with eyelashes, as clichéd as it is, would be more appropriate.
I don't have the standard oglaf comic response to this.
Good. Reposting those shitty comics is no substitute for wit.
Reminds me of this shitty alien race I made that were basically lionfish, cuttlefish, poison treefrogs, and frilled lizards all mixed together where the only way to really tell the difference in gender is depending on the way their display frills on their face/head are arranged.
I later decided to give the females a monoboob of sorts that "sweats" their syrupy breast milk equivalent like an echidna to support the 3-5 birthing clusters their kins is typically born in, but it only really swells up during pregnancy or when attracting a mate
>humans don't really have reason to huge tots aside from sex appeal
I'm sorry you failed middle school biology, user
The only proper answer.
What about Snakewomen?
>that comic about the dogfucker cop who puts down plantfucker riots and falls in love with a crystalfucker
It's called Our love is real. It's a thing, a strange, surreal thing. I would give a pic of it, but I don't want any of that on my machine at all.
Maybe you should take middle school biology again. Nursing is a reason to have nipples, not permanently enlarged breasts -- no other mammals have that.