That player who insists on his character wielding a scythe in combat, specifically a farming scythe...

>that player who insists on his character wielding a scythe in combat, specifically a farming scythe, with the blade perpendicular to the haft
>keeps repeating "muh war scythe" when you tell him to pick a real weapon
It's not a war scythe in your character portrait. There is a 90 degree angle difference. What you want is not the same weapon and it looks retarded. I can't make it any clearer than that.

That story is indeed steadily on 12 degrees Celcius, my African.

Have you considered seeing a therapist about your autism?

Fuck you nigga.

Force him to use glaive rules if you're so picky about it.

It's a fantasy game, you huge autismo.

> Muh realism
> Muh real weapons
> Muh /k/
Hang yourself. There's only one thing worse than shoving your fetishes in the game - forcing your weapon fetishes into the game.
Nobody except for you cares if scythe is a shitty weapon, if sword is a poor choice against a man in full plate or if giant sledgehammers never existed in medieval times and are soooo unrealistic.
It's a fantasy game about casting fireballs out of nowhere, dragons whose flight defies physics and giants who violate square-cube law. Your "realism" has no place here.

Now fuck off back to /k/.

I agree with this for autistic weapom porn games. Otherwise it's pedantic. I mean, somebody wearing fullplate, holding a shield and a longsword is just as ridiculous if you really think about it.

Okay, posting anything related to Gehrman and his weapon is unfair.

Who cares? Yeah, you're right its wrong OP, but no one cares. Let the players have their fun. It'd be different if like a TV show had characters using farming scythes, then you could bitch because fuck thats so wrong.

Not to mention war scythe was a poor mans pole weapon. It's just a regular scythe with modified blade used by poor nobility or peasantry, literally modified farmtool. To top this off, it's pretty mediocre as a weapon, it's main gimmick being the reach in close combat (and ability to be repurposed to farming tool again because lol, materials are expensive) i'm with realismfags on this one, because anyone who held a farming scythe in their hands and used it even once, would think using it as a weapon the way it is is retarded.

No. No it isn't.

Yes, yes it is fuckface. Full plate is a full body shield. At the apex of it's use, two handed weapons were much prefered to shields (save bucklers in duels) because of the significant protection provided by plate already. Likewise, while longswords were capable of being used one handed, prinarily from horseback as a stabbing weapon or whilst grappling, they wouldn't normally be paired with a shield.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that in real life, people who wore plate armor didn't fight people with magical weapons, or creatures like fire beetles and acid-breathing dragons very often.

As long as you've got a wider outward angle and actually sharpen both sides, you could have a functional battle scythe that wasn't just a spear.

Flat 90 and the blade only on the inside won't work. Somewhere around a 45 with an edge on both sides will give you something you can slash and block with at a distance, while also being able to pull it back to strike people who get past it.

Still not the most logical weapon, but it'd essentially be a specialized martial art type thing.

People actually did in fact, in some instances, use shields and full plate. Some of those people even used longswords.

No one who had a choice ever used farming scythes in combat.

>[insert] isn't realistic!
>yeah okay but neither is (insert)
>lol of course because (insert) is being used in a fantasy world where things are different and don't have to be realistic


t. every single fucking "muh realism" thread ever.

It's certainly not more ridiculous for people to want to use a shield plus plate armor under those circumstances, as it is for a person to want a weapon that is nearly unusable against anyone who's armed with a weapon that properly utilizes a good reach and weight distribution. A scythe isn't even sharp on the outside.
Have you ever wielded a scythe?

There is such a thing as a weapon that is less practical than another weapon, even given weapon training. That's why there's a lot of "convergent evolution" across great geographical distances.

Whatever happened to Veeky Forums? Is it an influx of /tv/ shitters? We used to have mostly good threads here, now we have Op and his "muh" bullshit as just one example of board decay.

/qst/ stole all the creative people. We only have grognards now.

As maces and hammers were the true killers against plate armor, shields were rather important to defending against those blows.

>op presents his kinda overdone scythe argument in pretty hamfisted way
>first replies are "who cares" non-creative replies without thought-out argumentation

if anything, don't blame op, blame the board.

>A scythe isn't even sharp on the outside.
Right, because in a setting where scythes are obtainable as weapons, blacksmiths clearly wouldn't sharpen them to be used as weapons.

A scythe in many rpgs is essentially just an oversized war pick or kama, both weapons that WERE used in history. You're not supposed to twirl in circles like some animu shit, but rather than use it to stab and rip. And, when we accept that these settings have MAGICAL enchantments that improve the durability and accuracy of a weapon, it's not difficult to understand how they could be used by an adventurer.

>Waifu quest #92184381418
>Civ builder #23819453232
>Fetish quest #2824193128
>All other threads are variations of these

holy fuck questfag pls

Does the practicality of a fucking farm scythe in a world where wizards and dragons exist seriously need argumentation? I will blame OP - he's a faggot.

Are you implying that wielding anime scythes into battle and war was a real thing, common in the medieval ages?

Throwing rocks has also been used as a weapon, historically.
That doesn't make it as good as using a longbow.

It can be made to work.

Yes, because weapon usage in fantasy worlds still seems to be based on basic laws of physics. No warrior in his right mind would use a glorified ankle-cutter with long windup as his weapon. Deal with it, scythe is just a wank material for edgelords that try to mimic a grim reaper, literal harvester of life, as in farmer. You blame this board for lack of creativity, yet you seem to perpetuate the problem by not coming up with creative arguments. Fuck off.


Weapon usage in fantasy is based on what authors think is cool, or what authors think is realistic without doing the research.

Arbitrarily deciding one unrealistic thing is ok and another isn't allowed is you just being a shithead.

I would think a slow ankle cutter would be the perfect weapon for fighting giants and dragons, which are usually slow and have ankles at your height.

I followed precisely one quest because of the God tier writing, and even I can tell this is bullshit.

I've never wielded a scythe.

But then again I'm not an inhumanly dexterous warrior that puts every fighter to have ever existed in reality to shame. So how well I swing a scythe around means precisely dick.

Next you'll be complaining about Samson and his jawbone, or how Gilgamesh and Enkidu totally couldn't have used a giant chain as a weapon because that's impractical.

man oh man, while i agree on some points, "an oversized kama", seriously? oversized is the point here, size and weight as well as balancing play a basic role here, not to mention kama was actually a sharpened farming tool used out of necessity. besides, a scythe has a slightly curved blade, which really inconveniences slashing, since it has to be done under the right angle (hence it's used with reversed grip and moved in long arcs near the ground) so it boils down to stabbing, which has to be done in arc, preferrably from side or overhead (mostly overhead in narrow spaces, and when the ceiling is low, good luck). Then there comes the "hitbox". if you use a weapon that requires certain arching movement, why not use something with bigger contact point, like an actual poleaxe, dane axe, or such? seems really impractical to use a weapon with small contact point that requires sizeable amount of space and windup.

Do you really think the difference between a rock and a longbow is the same as the difference between a war pick and a sword?

Don't be a retard. The war pick was in fact the MORE effective weapon during the heyday of plate armour.

unless you use the weapon at height of YOUR ankles.

A warrior can literally pick up a fucking dining hall table and swing it if he takes the right feats - you gonna bitch about that too?

What argument needs to be goddamned made? The guy wants to use a scythe - so what? The wizard's allowed to twiddle his fingers and blow a village to the fucking stone age but the second a martial wants to use a different kind of weapon it's unrealistic? Why do you care? Yeah, it's edgy as shit - your fault for playing with the guy.

I never understood this mentality that martials have to be hamstrung by realism when literally nothing else in the setting ever is. Sorry this triggers your autism but I'd rather play with some edgy faglord who wants to use a scythe than some asshole like you trying to dictate what can and can't be done in a fucking game. At least the kid with the scythe isn't trying to tell me what I can do.

>Shoot a guy with a longbow, he still has a chance to walk away if the wound isn't immediately fatal.
>Brain a guy with a rock and he'll never walk off.

It all depends on the range you're fighting at, I suppose. You wouldn't use a longbow to try to shoot a guy while in CQC, but you can always grab a rock and bash a guy to death with it.

this is assumption is just generalization, it really depends on author.

>it looks retarded
It looks pretty cool, you've gotta admit.

Except, if you sharpen the exterior edge, you can also 'thrust' with it. And if you take the other suggestions people have given to angle it out a bit more, you're effectively dealing with a oddly shaped glaive. Which while it might not be as effective as a normal glaive, will have plenty of weird quirks to throw your opponent off guard.

With this, you can thrust or swing it at your enemy to slash at them, and if they get inside your reach you can draw it back to cut them from behind.

Warpick is not a farming scythe, though. and farming scythe is not more effective than a longsword against plate armor. Moving the goalposts a bit, there.

And a battleaxe is not a wood axe. Presumably, you could make a weaponized version of a scythe that still retains the basic shape without just calling it a spear.

what if I put the edge on the Outer side?

and weapons like that existed, they were used to hook people and throw them off horses,, although most often they were just pikes

while we're at it why not let mages use full plate and heavy weaponry? why would you even put weapon classes there to begin with? sure, i dont mind you playing a farm-scythe wielder, but at least grab some "feats" that let you use a weapon giving you a tremendous disadvantage, such as inn table or a scythe.

>Missing the point of the reaper metaphor

You're in the right OP fuck the rest of these fags in the thread they're probably the piss whizzard type

Scythes are cool and Komachi is cool. OP is not cool.

That's a sound creative argument in my opinion. Altough i still think it will require strenghtening the blade fixing near the pole, in order to avoid folding, braking or simply glancing blows, due to blade not being aligned with thrusting force. That moves us further away from scythe design though.The scythe in OP seems to have pretty sound fixing.

>maces and hammers were the true killers against plate armor
No, the true killer against plate armor is grappling and daggers. Maces and hammers were a close second.

>take halberd
>replace axe head with sword blade
>somehow render the weapon useless

I'm really not following the logic here.

but there is a weaponized version of scythe, it's called a war scythe.

In fairness that fucking thing turns into an actual war scythe where the blade is straight. So even that comparison is more accurate than whatever OP's shit edgy player wants.

Yeah, it requires altering a scythe, in the same way that a combat knife requires altering from a kitchen knife.

It isn't some insanely implausible use for a weapon though, and it gives the general look of a scythe, which is usually what people are after for thematic reasons.

I could easily see a religious order of a death or agriculture god developing it for use as a weapon of war.

>half of the blade is blocked by stupid metal "frill"

even for a scythe that's a retarded design.

Posting the worst character from a game does not help this argument, man.

That's not Tira though.

>weapon usage in fantasy worlds still seems to be based on basic laws of physics.
Rarely, if ever, has this been the case.

contact point, balancing, waste of metal, windup, wieldiness? It's not useless, it's much less useful.

And as I said, you could likely make a design for a battle scythe that isn't just turning it into a spear.

i applaud you sir, that's a creative idea right there, with actual lore bits a player could get behind.

Some of those are more minor things that could be fixed with slight changes. And 'not as useful as a halberd' isn't the best criticism of a melee weapon.

Would it look like a scythe? Yes. Could you use it decently in combat? I don't see why not.

>Missing the point of the reaper metaphor
Absolutely this. I don't see what's "badass" about the grim reaper's scythe only cutting the souls out of people who are already too damaged to dodge or fight back.

Well, you could say they're ripe for harvest. It's a sound point for a person actually taking reaper metaphor in mind.

Thanks, I'm glad you think so.

Here, have a less grimdark scythe-user too. Just in case.

heathen I will fucking end you

>that player who insists on being able to create spontaneous fire using bat poop and a stick
>keeps repeating "muh magic" when you tell him there are no flamethrowers in fantasy world
Magic isn't real, you fucking retard. These piece of shit fucking players trying to get this dumb garbage past me, I swear to god. Magicians don't create fire, they pull cards out of their sleeves and pretend to saw people in half. What you want is not what a mage is, I can't make it any clearer than that.

False equivalency. Magic exists in this fictional setting.
A weapon shaped like a farming scythe does not exist, and cannot be effective due to basic geometry. The only sharp edge is facing the worst possible direction.

If the other end is sharpened, it might be able to function a bit like a battle axe or a polearm.

Komachi's actual scythe is a wavy piece of junk, because it's not really a weapon. She's a grim reaper, it comes with the job. She's more like Charon then anything else, and the scythe is used predominantly as a boat oar for ferrying across the river of the afterlife.
If she's using it on a person, it's going to be surging with magic and reap their soul, blade quality be damned.

>using that game as an example of good anything

so, yet another op with autism, it seems

So give it another sharp edge like everyone keeps suggesting? It isn't impossible to make a battle scythe that keeps the general shape.

What about enchanted rocks tho?

Checkmate atheists

No it fucking doesn't. Quit pulling fanfiction out of your ass. It's a one handed sickle sword and a two handed scythe.

That weapon is anime as fuck. War scythes are for massive faggots.

>war scythe is for faggots
>anime is for faggots

i don't see the point of this insult.

but farming scythes look cool

If he doesn't come in and throw a bitch fit about it, how will people know to stop liking what he doesn't like?

i don't really have anything against scythes being used as weapons in games that are clearly not going for realism.

but damn it annoys me when they give them ridiculously big blades and put no counter weight on the other end




>>that player who insists on his character wielding a scythe in combat, specifically a farming scythe, with the blade perpendicular to the haft
I ask why and insist upon a reason that "makes sense" and is consistent with the setting.

>>keeps repeating "muh war scythe"
I distract the fictional windowlicker with something shiny

>when you tell him to pick a real weapon
I eat a Snickers. Apparently I'm not myself when hungry and am some sort of asshole who just spouts"pick a real weapon" instead of communicating.

This guy knows what's up.

You can try to talk a player out of a bad idea.
You can take a bad idea and turn it into a good idea.
You can let a player use a bad idea.
You can veto an idea that hurts the game.
Immediately vetoing an idea because you think it's bad is the worst and most boring option.

>Everyone has to play exactly the same way I play and there's no way OP could possibly have been playing historical fantasy or some similar genre

Go fuck yourself


>there's no way OP could possibly have been playing historical fantasy or some similar genre
Not that user, but look at OP's pic, how they mention "your character portrait", and then tell me that historical accuracy is implied.

Shouldn't he then be triggered by the character being a woman warrior?

OP's a faggot, news at 11


>implying that's somehow worse than the dulge of "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!" threads that have flooded Veeky Forums in place of the quests

I can't tell if it's denial or just plain old hypocrisy but either way it is delicious

Neo should have been gutted in this scene.

>wanting an edgy weaboo weapon
>It's supposed to be an actual weapon, not a casting focus
>not choosing the superior Kusarigama

>Whatever happened to Veeky Forums?
An influx of shitters would explain it.
There are still quality posters and discussion, even in this very thread.
But there are too many that are quick to try and be cool by shitting all over everything mixing in with the raging autists, perverts, and assholes that have always been here.
The quality posts are harder to spot.
And when most of the above are the ones making the threads, you get shit.

The bottom line is that a quality poster will start a thread for a reason and about something they want to discuss.
A shitter will start a thread cause they're bored, want to start shit, or whatever else.

>We used to have mostly good threads here
More good threads? Yes.
Mostly good threads? Sure gramps.

judging by the ore, explosives and mining helmet, isn't that just a giant pickaxe?

a giant AWESOME pickaxe

Because you don't have a pole axe or a dane axe, you have SCYTHE.

Because the fighter is supposed to represent a mundane person being interjected into a fantasy world and remain a constant between a hundred different settings that handle magic in a hundred different ways. It's why the Male Human Fighter has become such an ingrained archetype in-setting, because they represent a straight man and a point of reference from which the rules of a game are defined around.

It's the same reason why people sperg over firearms in most settings even if they're no more dangerous than the hundred magical weapons (looking at you, Wand of Magic Missile) that already exist and logically should/would have made knights irrelevant themselves. Said people also forgot that Lancers and Swordsmen existed IRL until the end of World War II: you heard that right, MHF was a thing in contemporary history, and they have only been rendered extinct for what is currently a tiny fraction of human history.

>A character I like uses a scythe
>Ergo scythes are totally pragmatic and useful weapons
Look if you want to use a stupid weapon because you think it looks cool, own up to it. If the GM is running a game that focuses on practical weapons to where you cannot effectively use a farming scythe as a weapon than deal with it, either use a shitty weapon, use a non-shitty weapon, or find another game. There is nothing wrong with a weeb game where people run around with scythes and dual katanas and shit, but if the GM doesn't want to run that game you need to adapt or leave.

>>A character I like uses a scythe
>>Ergo scythes are totally pragmatic and useful weapons
No one's saying that.
They're just pointing out that sometimes it doesn't look as retarded as OP claims.

That's not even remotely the case. At best, human commoner is the point of reference to use, since that's intended to be an average medieval peasant.

Using Fighter as some sort of standard based around whatever the people at the table think is 'realistic' is stupid. The realistic versions of Fighters are the NPC warriors who make up the town guard or armies.

Fighters are intended to start off as skilled or veteran in their own right and grow into things of legend. Beowulf is what you should think when you see a fighter. Fighters get past Olympic athlete levels by level 6 and keep going from there.

Fighters are hardly mundane.