Floors General. Halloween Edition

>Meanwhile in a cramped library in the deepest blackest prisons...

We celebrate formally the 6th year in which Skirmishes have come into existence. As such this 6th year comes with something special.

For the meager compensation of a single night's pay, our dear Questi has elected to answer questions /for free/

However you must take care, as she can only answer a few questions at time but never fear for Fetcher Scholar will also help with answering punitive questions like;

" What is Skirmish ? What is this Floors business you go on about," and other strange questions that you Sleepers have the privilege to ask without ever questioning the spacetime ramifications of climbing a set of stairs.

And of Course, volunteering information and hosting the event about the world is yours truly. My role wont be to answer questions but perhaps show you a glimpse of what is to come.

Trips won't be /needed/ but masks are highly encouraged for the barest minimum of public discourse can be achieved much like the Scholars of many floors passed.
And now we begin.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh, oh, let me help senpai!

How to make a skirmish more than 3 people at a time would want to play?






Here's a question: Why did you pick Veeky Forums of all places to start?

Fucking hell these look horrible.