How do you play as an archer character, Veeky Forums. Pic related.
You shoot things with a bow
I like playing archers as utility characters, with lots of specialty arrows for every situation.
Turn bad guys into pincushions. Carry a close combat weapon (probably a sword, for the convenience of carrying it in a sheath) in case the bad guys want to get in close and stick you back.
How do you play anything? The answer to your question is simple.
You play archer characters for the GodEmporer
The trick is to not just be an archer, but to be a stealth archer.
Noire a cute.
The same way I play my swordsmen, just with a bow.
Do it like your pic related. Kinda low confidence, cowardly/lazy sort but is some kinda trick shot prodigy, like "i don't really want to do this adventuring stuff, but mother says everyone in our village has to do their part to protect it and, well...user-kun's always rushing into the frontlines, someone has to watch hiqpg back..."
I smear my arrows in shit
Gives me poison damage
High tech bow and arrow systems employing the latest technologies to increase their lethality and allow tactical flexibility in the modern age.
Arrows make use of system called Collapsing Shaft Triggers which release their payload once the arrow has struck it's target. They are not retrievable but then the ease of construction does not favor recycling them (although it's been known that outlanders will use spent arrows if the payload did not destroy it).
Such examples are arrows designed to deliever chemical payload by piercing targets and extending arresting fangs to keep the arrow from over-penetrating and allow the payload to be delivered inside the target such as strong acids, cyro fluids for flash frost-bite, air ignited flammable liquids, various poisons, etc. Another type is the vajra bow which has a one time use capacitor designed to deliever high amperage voltage to kill soft targets and disable/destroy machine targets.
Combined with strength enhancing muscle suits the bows used have impressive penetrative power while also being silent in a way that most aural sensors will not be able to immediately detect them.
Make them a bowfag, completely obsessed about getting the perfect shot, comparing makes, woods, arrows, methods of trick shots, et cetera.
Either that or have them be a hunter. I once had a Cleric of Erastil in a game that went nowhere.
You remind me of one time when the players tried to kill an enemy NPC bowman and due to freak chance it took 4 attacks to kill him.
I'm considering bringing him back as a friendly NPC in a different campaign. He miraculously survived, and is now looking for a way to cure the constant pain of his concussion and other injuries.
Be a walking fortress and pin the enemy down with my repeating crossbow. No need to aim when they are going to blasted by a rain of arrows. When they come close, pull out my duel shield and bash them.
And if I need more damage, I unfold it to hold my batista arrow.
This baby need a lot of strength to wield and a lot of dex to master. There are also chance of jamming. Deploy it with the duel shield, then you have a tower.
I play this way is because I am a coward hiding behind my wall, only my DM know this for now. My character only follow the party is because he just can't decide what to do with his life and like to party, expecially the Murderhobo Fighter with the nice ass and short ruby hair.
Drawing a bow between your fingers with a limp wrist
What kind of death grip does this bitch have?
A scared one.
Her real talent is magic.
In her recruitment mission, she starts off with a C in bows.
To put that in context, the lowest rank in that game that allows you to use the weapon is E, and the archer the game starts you off with, Virion, begins with a rank of D. She begins at level 10 in a game where characters promote at level 20.
literally insanely strong
>She begins at level 10 in a game where characters promote at level 20
Actually, you can promote a unit at level 10. So she literally starts off ready to be promoted.
Well, yeah, but you know what I mean.
But doing so is usually not a good idea, since you lose out on 10 levels of advancement. Second seals lessen the impact, but then you have to grind more to bring her up to par.
Sling those LRMs, pack some ice, and hope you don't overheat or get cornered by an Atlas.
Like pic related
Your post reminded me of the following:
>nat 1
>Character takes arrow he was going to shoot and proceeds to shove it up his own ass in a slow, grunt inducing motion
>Takes damage from this
pic unrelated
Where did you get that picture of my daughter?
this is how I archer
This is also an acceptable archer.
Trick arrows.