"This is complete bullshit!" Tink's inherently whiny voice rang through the barracks, triggering exasperated groans from its other occupants. "It's the mindless, reactionary vilification of anything new by a bunch of narrow minded, overzealous, tech-illiterates who wouldn't recognize scientific progress if it bit them in their paranoid asses."
Nubby's head poked out of the large crate he was rummaging through. "I dunno, if dis Scientific Progress stuff is actually goin aroun' bitin' people, dey might 'ave a point..."
Across the room, Twitch leaned out from the behind the blast shield that separated his workshop from the rest of the room. "What if it's something that's supposed to bite people? Like a cyber-mastiff or a wallet?"
Nubby tilted his head to the side and scratched one of his boils as he pondered this. "I don' fink wallets are supposed ta bite people Twitch."
"Mine does, remember that one time when you tried to pick-"
"I wasn' tryin ta do nuffin! I was jus' lookin fer my keys-"
"In MY pockets?"
"Well I'd already checked all mine!"
The two troopers' argument was brought to halt as Tink, tired of being ignored, ran between them and started shouting. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! This is serious! They're going to make us leave EVERYTHING! Look!" Tink shoved the data-slate he was holding under Nubby's nose.
Nubby, his face screwed up with effort, began running a finger along the line of text Tink indicated. "...team's gear not ta include any arm-a-men' or de-vices of a non-'deptus Mechamani-, err Mechacapus, err cogboy approved ori-gin…" Nubby looked up at Tink in confusion "Da 'ell does all dat mean?"
"It means," replied the techie "no pulse carbines, no plasma-gun, and NO SPOT!"