Lots of jokes are made about gender changing magic, but has anyone actually seen it in a real game they have played?
Lots of jokes are made about gender changing magic, but has anyone actually seen it in a real game they have played?
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Only once. One of the players had came out and started transition in the middle of a campaign that spanned a few years. The GM asked him if he wanted to change his character to a dude or if he maybe always wanted the character to be a dude in the first but just didn't feel comfortable with because he still presented as a woman when the campaign started. So yeah, what we reached at was the party wizard getting a magic transition potion instead of retconing anything.
*first place
I'm in a campaign where I'm playing a genderswapped faelock, mostly played for comedy. The whole thing was a result of fae tricksome mischief and is a constant source of amusement for the rest of the party- Possibly because he was never particularly masculine in the first place.
I ran a supers campaign once where one of the PCs was a 40ish guy that could transform into a 16ish magical girl.
When offered a free chance, in character, to shuffle his abilities around in a way that would let him be a young man with magical powers, he opted to become a full time magical girl.
Which boggled my fucking mind, because the player made a big deal once about wanting the character to spend more time as a guy. Then why did he bring a character to the game that only had useful abilities as their alter ego?!
As for the standard sex changing girdle or the like, no, never come up.
I've had a character get body-swapped, but both characters involved were human males so it wasn't quite as weird.
Back in 2e, we had a dm that would leave magic items that changed gender in treasure because we had player who went up and would put them on without testing them out or giving them a once over.
Well there's the old story of Tiresias.
This is the traditional usage of the Girdle of Gender Change.
Only time was in one game where two characters changed genders.
One was a DMPC shapeshifter who would frequently change genders to the point where no one was really surprised anymore.
Other was my PC, who was basically an intelligent genderless robot who constructed genitals of both sexes for himself that was used a few times, citing it as a learning experience.
>but has anyone actually seen it in a real game they have played
Absolutely. It's half the reason I play.
Diagnosed with Gender identity disorder from two different shrinks back in 1987-88, and had it more or less beaten into submission (literally, not figuratively) by parents until I was in my late 20s, married, with a kid, and far too late to do anything meaningful about it (and I'd NEVER do something to deprive my kid of his dad; it's not about my happiness, but his). Getting to "transition" in my RPGs is often my sole happy time during the week. Of course, I play with a bunch of right-wingers, so I can't just play a girl in the first place, but when this stuff gets thrown into the game to make someone uncomfortable as a joke, I try hard to make sure it happens to me.
>It's not even about magical realming. It's about portraying somebody who gets to live part of a life I should have but won't/cant. Having to deal with that difference in character just makes me happy, not hard.
>I play with a bunch of right-wingers, so I can't just play a girl in the first place
Why not?
Happend one time on a roll20 game guy played a Johnny Bravo type bard whose shtick was he would constantly flirt expecting to get rejected. And if not he would just puss out and come out with some excuse why he could not perform.
Was kinda funny but i guess the dm got annoyed or something and had some witch turn him into a chick. we all kinda just laughed it off including the bard. But then many sessions later the bard used stuff like remove curse, break enchantment which cost him quite a bit out of character wealth but they didn't work.
Eventually the DM told him he needed a Wish to reverse the change. We were level 7 so it was gonna be long time before he got something like that so the player just retired his character. DM kinda tried to convince him to stay with the character, Bard told us the DM planned it out, it was supposed to be some character arc that would end with him turning back into a guy or staying as a girl at the end of the game his choice. Bard guy didn't like it so he just rerolled a more serious Fighter. There was some salt after that and after a few more arguments game broke up, still it lasted for like half a year.
Our group hasn't had any true genderswapping, but my character used magic to appear as a woman to "seduce" a dwarf into giving our group gunpowder to clear a blocked path that nobody wanted cleared but us. Eventually used the same disguise to lure him into a trap where some (pixies? dryads? I forget) took him in for eternal pleasure. They needed someone, and our DM thought that was a good solution to the puzzle, and one he hadn't thought of. Half-expected us to attack them.
I ran into the same kind of issues with the crew I ran with a while back. It's kinda hard finding a group that won't give you a massive pile of shit because of who you are. Well, it's hard when your usual group of friends won't play trpgs.
>I'd NEVER do something to deprive my kid of his dad; it's not about my happiness, but his
God tier parent. Literally.
I'd recommend you look for another group, though, one that's at very LEAST open to the idea of a player playing a character of the opposite sex. You don't have to leave your current group; just see if you can find another group on Roll20 or something so you can get your identity struggles out of your system. Roleplay really does help with that kind of thing; try to find a place where you can easily use it for those purposes.
Haven't encountered it yet but if it happened to one of my current PCs I don't think they would mind much. One is a Zapp Brannigan expy who is focusing on building a mercantile empire another is a mutant psyker in a 40k game and my D&D character is a slightly grumpy svirfneblin druid who could probably change back.
None of them strike me as too concerned with their gender except perhaps the first one...
Who needs a dad when they have two moms?
I have never seen it happen in a real game that wasn't low-key part of somebody's magical realm.
It should be noted there's a distinction between someone with gender dysphoria and legitimate medical/psych issues, and those that just get a charge out of it. Either because they have a weird perception of what "being" the opposite gender really is and means, or because they want to become martyrs to their own enjoyment of being queer.
And not only do they want to enjoy it, they want you to interact with it. They want to rub it right up in your face and make you play along with it.
I've had players try and work mpreg into my games, I've had players try and work gender-transformer-falling-in-love-with-other-PCs into my games. More often than not, it's a bunch of self-righteous white girls whom are unhealthily obsessed with the sexualities of gender transformd people, or creepy boys that think becoming a girl means they get to be entitled little moe shits.
In general I think it's inappropriate magical realm territory, and I don't even tolerate it anymore. I'm playing games to raid dungeons and have fun stories to tell, not be present as Sir TuCute gets to have us all play audience to The Orky Horror Picture Show and act like it's you who has the problem when they "wink sexily" at you and you grimace at the table. I'm not here so Sue E. Hamplanet can make Yaoi Dad and Uke Junior into characters that mine talk to and interact with with their incestual relationship a fucking plot line.
It's like, holy shit dude. Would you try this magical realm shit at a 40K game by revealing your commisar is a girl in boys clothing during battle for no fucking reason? No. Because it'd stop gameplay. So you try and choose a medium that may tolerate your shit for "narrative" purposes.
I'd let you play a girl and give your character the most wonderful dresses you could ever concieve.
I've seen this many times, and there is only one rule to know about this type of magic.
-4 str
You'd be welcome in my group, user. Gay, trans, crossdressers, we've got them all and are good natured about it. Nobody cares what's in your pants or what you're playing, just so long as you don't fuck over the party.
>as Sir TuCute gets to have us all play audience to The Orky Horror Picture Show and act like it's you who has the problem when they "wink sexily" at you and you grimace at the table. I'm not here so Sue E. Hamplanet can make Yaoi Dad and Uke Junior into characters that mine talk to and interact with with their incestual relationship a fucking plot line.
okay man but you gotta admit that those sound fucking funny to witniss.
Changed gender via powers to disguise ourselves entering a city. Random gender, random hair height ethnicity etc. Got undone once we left.
I guess RPG really are escapism.
Medaka Box
Character is just a loli, not a genderbending
Yes, we had two guys who had a bromance kinda going on, one of them gets buttfucked (methaporically) by a magical entity that grants him powers in exchange that he has to BE basically a silver age perfect superhero (CG kind of hero) while doing it (he's a LE dhampir), eventually the other guy decides to stick his face in a magical hat that gets rooted on his face, so to save his ass we end up getting help from a pervy wizard that changes him into a girl, which is a big no-no for everyone ic (ooc we're laughing) specially the dhampir because he don't fuck with magic like that.
Ya one time we used it to help sneak out of a city we where wanted in
Google gives engineering documents.
rule # 1 you never try on a belt without identifying it first..
Chichi ga Loli na Mono de, or My Father is a Loli. It's actually really terrible, with tired jokes throughout.
Don't you mean a 16ish year old girl that could turn into a 40 year old man, like a more awkward Shasam?
>please select your preferred penis or penises from the bucket
Don't you try to hide it, you live with your shame
happened to my character, a Lizardman sent on diplomatic work to a major trade hub that go side tracked by quest stuff. While inspecting the bed chambers of a ruined city we found a few potions of gender change, as my character was a fighter/barbarian he had no clue what they were, the Alchemist and Wizard both identified and decided not to inform me, they told me they were potions of cure light wounds, discolored by time but still good.
I ended up quaffing it while fighting a pare of necromancer bards, was a rather humiliating time and I ended up having to send a letter to my wife and kids about it, have yet to receive a reply on the matter, my character did change but more the result of me trying to be presentable in foreign nations and being the only character with common sense.
The Closest call happened when I was nearly enthralled by a guy who was using a potion that basically does what Axe claims to do, Our Cleric was there to get me to resist. the DM says he may be ending the Campaign soon, so I'm not sure how I intend to conclude the character, internalize it and pick a new name at last, or seek a cure once the other pressing matters are handled.
I've personally have had something akin to gender identity disorder, I think (can't get it diagnosed cause I'm a poor boy), so I feel you. Luckily, my group is full of young guys who don't care. One will always joke that for every game I'll roll up a female character. It's not every time thst I do this, but I'm happiest playing a female character.
I hope you find a group that lets you play as a female. I can honestly say, it's very liberating.
The one time I've seen it played was against my own character actually, a Father who was on search for his three children. A pair of twins was genderswapped in an effort to fool my investigations, mainly by someone's whose coffee I pissed in.
Only once. The DM decided to run our group through the Tomb of Horrors. I was playing a Wood Elf Ranger.I'm pretty sure one of the players at our table had played it before; seeing how said person wouldn't go into a certain room, and decided to push my happy ass inside to investigate it. Some justice came of it right after they stopped the now evil, and now female wood elf from turning them into pin cushions.
The player that pushed me was sucked into a portal leading to the Elemental Plane of Fire. I was later teleported outside of the the dungeon; stripped of my items, and clothes.
>playing a self-insert
Not him, but my first group pretty much assumed "you are your character" unless explicitly and emphatically stated otherwise.
But it was a pretty bog standard dungeon crawl sort of group, with the only characterization being occasional banter at best.
Sounds like a horrible experience.
>ok, so we are two fighters, a rogue and a bard. Everyone has between 9 and 12 int and no one has over 9 cha. All are humans.
>fine, fine, you are short and you do have a beard. You can play a dwarf.
>and you, you are kind of fat so I'll give you a -2 con penalty
>what do you mean "spells"? Do you know magic IRL?
>no I won't let you roll for initiative. Sorry but you are slow as fuck
>Sandra? Yeah you get a -4 to str
>let's play, everyone!
Used allll the time as disguise component.
When you're widely known as a gang of troublemaking amazons, being a troupe of unimposing guys works wonders for stealth.
>This shit again.
Are you actually autistic? I don't want to insult you if you've got a legit disorder.
I think maybe you are the autistic one right now
You're the one making ridiculous assumptions based off one sentence.
Not really.
He played off his character as a lot more awkward, paranoid, and introverted than he is in real life. Hell, the wizard was gay and he's straight. Even his accent changed when he was playing his character.
Ohh. That's cool then
>obvious joke about fa/tg/uys
>ugh user you are so autist I will insult you
But apart from that then. How would you say it would be, if people played actual self-inserts?
Have used it couple times, most recently in a postmission debriefing.
>fairly comedic fantasy merc game
>pcs get a mission to save a princess from a dragon that captured her
>turns out that the dragon and princess had had a secret relationship for years and were now planning to do a dissappearement trick due to princess' parents' plans to marry her off
>pcs agree to cover their shit up in return of getting paid handsomely
>murder a peasant girl that sorta looked like the princess and burnt off parts her corpse and then presented her to the royal family and claimed that the dragon had slain her in jealous rage
>in postmission briefing off handedly mentioned that the family had paid a warlock of questionable reputation to turn their 3rd son into a girl and married him/her off in the place of the princess that the party had been hired to get back
thats probably a better life than most noble 3rd sons get
>obvious joke
It's Veeky Forums. I've long since learned to assume that, yes, some people are retarded enough to actually believe that shit.
As for actual self-inserts: LARPing, but with less painfully bad attempts at accents.
About a year and a half ago I ran a pathfinder game for a university group. I caught one of the players with a belt of gender change since it was a lighthearted campaign.
Player went on to write an exaggerated version of it on a tumblr page for dnd stories.
>Player went on to write an exaggerated version of it on a tumblr page for dnd stories.
Oh wow
for a tumblr punchline, thats actually giggleworthy
>I can't just play a girl in the first place
>Why not?
Not him but:
>had it more or less beaten into submission (literally, not figuratively) by parents until I was in my late 20s
That doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who's looking for a group in the SF Bay Area.
A character of mine had a Belt of Sex Shift magic item tattooed onto him when he was a baby by his evil father under the influence of either a bunch of worms in a psychic collective or an ancient evil hag. The game ended before I found out.
I've never played a character that did a permanent shift from one gender to another, but I've played more than one shape-shifter.
>and I'd NEVER do something to deprive my kid of his dad; it's not about my happiness, but his
just make sure you're not hurting both of you in the process, kids are more perceptive about this shit than you think.
don't just assume he wants a dad (with possibly visible resentment) more than a mentally healthy parent
>mentally healthy
>man who wishes to be the little girl
Think before posting or someone else will think after you post
>Think before posting or someone else will think after you post
dont pretend you dont know what he meant faggot
I'm gonna throw in another advice to find a second group. Even struggles of online play are easier than what you're dealing with.
There was a guy on Veeky Forums once who told us about his campaign where he was planning to have the original PCs all return as girls and hit on the players new characters.
I really wonder what happened with that.
The guy is a good father and he knows that wanting to be something you're not is a little bit crazy but thinking that you become something else by chopping off your dick is a lot crazy.
How do you feel about guises of the thespian?
I've been playing and DMing for 15 years, and I've never had it come up. Possibly because I mostly play sci fi and wargames, which are more of a white male thing.
Guess that it depends on how you feel about going from one that gives the D every night to one that gets the D every night.
Played in an evil campaign where one PC was sired by a shapeshifted succubus (before incubi got their own stats), and was always very androgynous. Basically a trap/drag queen blackguard enhanced with magic items.
And then we raided a girls correctional school to ransom a few back to their parents. One had a father that refused, because the girl was actually his youngest son and such a failure at the fathers ideals that he tricked the kid into a belt of gender change so he could hopefully be usefull for political marriage instead. Said son/daughter was not happy about this.
Ha, we had a guy who always did this at the table, too. I've been running RPGs since secondary school, and this was a Junior College group. He was a weird, creepy fucker, but every time he played a female character, the other boys would mock him relentlessly for being an 'aqua' (i.e. effeminate).
He eventually had a nervous breakdown, and he's still committed. I'm glad I didn't enable him, because there was clearly a lot that was wrong with him. (Sodomy's a crime in my country, so he's fortunate he didn't actually act like a homosexual.)
I'm having a bit of culture shock right now.
Ah, I forgot to mention: I'm Chinese, and in South-East Asia. In most of the region, homosexuality is an enormous social crime.
If it's between that and opening both wrists...
Better get the son a guide so that he'll know to go down the street, not across the road.
Oh no, I got it. It's just funny to see that. I'll be glad when all these old folks will be dead though.
It really hasn't been that long since the times when being a faggot was classified as a crime/being mentally ill in the west.
It doesn't really matter. The young stand ready to continue their legacy. And so it shall be. At least in our country, these damaged people still have the capacity to feel shame for what they are.
>these damaged people
I have to agree
These poor people have the worst defect there is
they're asians
I once played very androgynous social infiltrator adept in Shadowrun. She practically skirted on a thin line that separates men and women. Thanks to her adept powers she could change her face and voice to be suitable to most situations.
Her father was a sarariman for Mitsuhama in Seattle. He got married to local woman so she is Half-Japanese elf. Due to corp shenanigans her father got fired and lost his own and his families SINs and they had to move to Puyallup. There as seven years old girl she learned to not trust anybody. Being a latent adept and quite beautiful young girl is not a great combination.
As a young adult she used her charisma (and bioengineered pheromones) to get in all kinds of parties, galas etc. Places where middle class or richer people go. She would leech off both women and men who she managed to approach. Really not the most glamorous life, but a life that would support her and her family.
She got into shadowrunning in a bit off a accident. As she was in a local Stuffer Shack buying food a frantic woman with a child ran in and minute later group of armed thugs after her. (Food Fight!) As thugs were dispatched by middle-class looking dwarf, gigantic troll and apparently a shaman of some sort she took care off the girl.
That is sadly practically what we got to play. The group kinda died after GM had to do IRL stuff a lot and couldn't run. Still she is there as a reusable character.
Shame for what? You don't work towards being gay. It's not an accomplishment, but it's not a mistake either. Gay Pride is a stupid phrase, but shaming them for what they are, instead of who, is equally retarded.
You should consider looking up what "character" can mean, beyond RPGs.
Or go to a fucking murder mystery dinner or some shit.
>Gay Pride is a stupid phrase, but shaming them for what they are, instead of who, is equally retarded.
That's actually why Gay Pride has become the thing it is, you know.
The idea behind Gay Pride is to be proud of what you are, it's not so much a circlejerk as it is an expression of how homosexuality is not some shameful, dark thing you need to hide.
Of course, the thing you can argue now is Gay Pride has left the purview of empowerment and embedded itself in culture; in places where homosexuality is normalized, it will continue to be celebrated because the parade of last year was a commercial hit and the parade of this year stands to do the same.
This holds true for any sort of Pride movement, and it is why "white pride" or "straight pride" movements never attract crowds or rapidly devolve into the hatred of other colors; because for all the bluster, straight, white people simply don't have decades of internalized oppression (soft or hard) they need to release in a cathartic display of expressing themselves.
>At least in our country, these damaged people still have the capacity to feel shame for what they are.
>At least in our country, some people feel bad for no good reason
>And I like it
user there is a name for people like you and it is not a nice name.
> *clicks search image on google*
once a mishevious demon got its kicks out of turning women into men.
As in turning your wife into a man while you both slept.
As GM, I dont think i could present my magical realm reasonably in reasonable entertaining way.
As player, i didnt met it, but i would certainly enjoyed excuse to play other-gendered character.
For being born abnormal, obviously. If you're born with a sexual attraction to animals or children, don't you feel ashamed of yourself? Like, you know there's something wrong with you, and that what you are is disgusting.
Once. It was Tomb of Horrors. The character in question was previously a male half-orc paladin.
Coincidentally he>she ALSO failed the save against alignment. So he went from a male Lawful Good paladin to a female Chaotic Evil Blackguard basically instantly.
I played an Eberron-style changeling once who didn't particularly care if S/he was in male or female form, though s/he was "naturally" female.
>For being born abnormal, obviously. If you're born with a sexual attraction to animals or children, don't you feel ashamed of yourself? Like, you know there's something wrong with you, and that what you are is disgusting.
If people are shaming you for stealing, you can stop stealing.
If people are shaming you for lying, you can stop lying.
If people are shaming you for writing racist stuff, you can stop writing racist stuff.
If people are shaming you for being weird you can...? Not do fucking anything about it, the shame has no purpose.
If you shame somebody for something they cannot change, you are hurting people for no good reason. I am not against hurting people where there is a reason, e.g. sending a man to prison for stealing, because that has a purpose - making people steal less. But you cannot hurt people so much they stop being weird.
Once, we got a deck of many things and the ratman turned into a ratwoman. Player took it great and rolled with it for the entire campaign, character's mentality changed a bit and the player was generally awesome.
Unless I think it would really trigger a player, I add a gender coinflip to the reincarnation spell. I think it is kinda silly that it shuffles up DNA to roll a new race but not a new sex. I mean, I understand the decision in that it could make a lot of players uncomfortable, but it wouldn't really bother my group so I add that extra bit of randomization.
Weirdness can be corrected though, I used to be weird as hell until I realized it was ostracizing me, and joining "those" subcultures was just horrifying.
Dont worry china, soon your industrial revolution will be over and you can start the era of fucking each other in the ass
I think it's an inherently stupid phrase, but it's a relatively succinct way to describe the concept of "it's okay to be gay", so on that ground, I don't really mind it, because I don't know of a better alternative off-hand.
Lots of things are 'abnormal', like being left handed, or being color blind. That doesn't make it unnatural, or 'wrong and disgusting'.
Call them damaged or whatever other derogatory term to equate them to sub-humans, I don't care. But calling it shameful is stupid.
What about people with downs? Are they also disgusting abnormal beings that should be ashamed of who they are?
>What about people with downs? Are they also disgusting abnormal beings that should be ashamed of who they are?
Many (non-/pol/, or at least /leftypol/!) people think they should be aborted and put out of their misery before they are born.
Yes. I once played in a game where magic was a lot less standard fireball shit and more freaky deaky reality-bending, so I wound up changing people's genders more than a few time.
You might not think much of it. It's not like getting zapped by a lightning bolt and taking hit point damage. But imagine, if you will, you're a medieval soldier, and you're charging into battle, and some old robed wizened fuck swings orbs of light around and then boom you ain't got no dick. You might be battle hardened, and you might have been through a ton of crazy shit, but you ain't never been woman'd before.
I dunno, I had fun playing it. It felt like magic did so much in that game and yet I never felt like I was soloing shit. Sure, I'd change soldiers into women and they'd be confused and fucked up and distracted but it'd be my party and me killing them off.
>What about people with downs? Are they also disgusting abnormal beings that should be ashamed of who they are?
It's pointless, they have no capacity to feel shame. They should be aborted, however, because their existence is suffering.
Unless you're this cunt.