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This isn't Halloween themed but i just wanted to repost it.
CYOA Thread: Halloween Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
My only "Halloween-ish" CYOA I've got.
When i stop uploading this CYOA i will post OC
>Still haven't fixed that spelling mistake because the photoshop file takes 5 mintues to open and I'm lazy
Well, here it is, A remade a old CYOA, this is actually my first CYOA and i wanted to make it as special as possible, the plan was to lean photoshop before Hallowen and make it perfect but it was only make it like this
I didn't even got to finish it, there was a lot i was planning to do before this date, like a better corruption System, a drawbacks and perks system, bases, quest, and i was only able to do 17 pages
Slight update to ASSFAGGOTS CYOA.
-Minor change to Radiance and Battlefury
-Clarified some interactions
-Nerfed Reincarnation
-Made Exhausting and Small Tank have active ability requirements
-Made some abilities and items only function if melee.
Allies (1/7)
>Only17 pages
Allies (2/7)
Allies (3/7)
Fuck man, I'm probably not even going to get around to reading it until I make a blood magic build, which will probably take a while. And honestly, if Universal War updates, I'll probably read that and maybe update my builds before reading this new one. You're already bumping ASSFAGGOTS (no offense Ordion).
Everyone does million-page cyoas these days.
Allies (4/7)
I was really inspired at days, i created like half the allies on my birthday
Allies (5/7)
I will post the original CYOA some user did years ago at the end.
Allies (6/7)
It's only that long because i didn't use photoshop.
Yeah don't worry It was a joke 17 pages is a ton...
A lot of OC in so little time it's weird
Internet died.
One of the other reasons is because i am an idiot,
Allies (7/7)
Oh yeah I also mentioned Zaun as a possible place for people to go to.
Enemies (1/6)
Oh yeah here's a sort of WIP continuation of the Hell Invasion CYOA.
Tried to change it up a bit, adding in more stuff.
If anyone's got ability ideas (there will be 20 for each Origin), weapons (10 for each) weapon mods (2 for each weapon) and armour mods (8-10 for each origin, plus 10 unaffiliated ones) I'm open to hear them.
How it will be formatted is each Origin gets 1-2 pages, with a final page for missions, unaffiliated armour mods, and stuff like that.
also if the anons that always say my stuff is shit, can you please post that now? Just so you also bump the thread up while doing so.
Enemies (2/6)
>Halloween addition
Sorry for no update yet. Though it's not technically Halloween related, It's close enough.
Potato chop is a laggy one.
Enemies (3/6)
Enemies (4/6)
It's mostly because I hadn't learned to save a base page template file and then make multiple photoshop files for each page, so it's got the entirety of both pages, which are all full layers that I haven't merged down or rasterized. Now I know better and won't have that problem in the future. It'd be so much better if I had learned that before.
Enemies (5/6)
You gotta get more ram senpai.
Divine The Senses (6)
The Fountain of Youth (5)
Basic Beauty (1)
Weeping God's Toxin (3)
Delve Too Deep (7)
Free Points (2)
Hope I get the ability to at least do a power word: Madness so I can take it easy without the threat of someone killing me for this madness fueled century.
Wonder if they'll allow me to reup when I go back to take the crazy stuff out.
Enemies (6/6)
Hopefully i can remake this with Photoshop or at the very least know what i am doing.
Damn, Forgot Picture
The real 7/7
>Basic Beauty Package
>Strength Beyond
Whhhhhy??!! Choose this the first time you upload the cyoa but never see the payment method... shiiiiit
Well at least I dont get so greddy, just need one more tokens
>Word Triggers
The word is "Cheese" and I have one extra token... but I dont know what to do with it
It looks messy so it's hard for me to focus but that's mostly because I am autistic about lines lining up and shit like that.
Artifacts Page (1/2)
Yeah i was half way when i said, oh fuck and tried to fix it, i know it's not good but i had to give it a try.
Here's the original CYOA for comparison
I could swear i did put the link
well anyways here's the album, i put the old CYOA at the end.
Here's the image if you don't want to see the whole album
I'll be getting a computer that isn't a portable stove sometime after school stops shaking me down for cash every three months.
Congratulations, you're now on your way to becoming one with the universe. Now you have to kill everyone who can name you before you ascend to godhood, as if they do, you'll become one of the dreaming dead.
Photoshop can be a bit curmudgeonly sometimes, but it's really good for lining things up and making sure things are justified properly. Also making cool portrait circles.
Hopefully you don't mind having epileptic fits while I talk about my great cheese collection.
Could anyone tell me what a Nadalias is? Trying to decide what companions I want in Traveler and one is described as a large Nadalias built on a death world. I was thinking it was a reference I wasn't getting, but I could be wrong. The companion is Fleana Uoa, if anyone was wondering.
As far as I know, Nadalias were created by Highlander.
Glancing over it, lots of spelling and grammar errors. I assume "treats" are supposed to be "threats"?
The perks of writing at 1 am when you worked all day.
The guardian angel's boxes are white. What's that mean?
Oh that? a mistake, i noticed when i was was checking everything was on its site this morning but i forgot to fix it, but the angel can't be corrupted, she will die if that happens.
Cliffside Castle
+1 Shard
Demonic Secretary (loyal)
Demonic Magic -1 Shard
Form Changing -1 Shard
Study -1 Shard
Shadow Bending -1 Shard
Natural Leader -1 Shard
Lycanthropy -1 Shard
>Followers 21 Coins Total
Spymasyer - 1 Coin
Captain of the Guard -1 Coin
200 Footmen -4 coins
60 Archers -2 Coins
Cook -1 Coin
4 Black Knights -4 Coins
Bandit Leader -1 Coin
60 Bandits -2 Coin
60 Slaves -2 Coins
Demon Warrior -1 Coin
Umbran -2 coins
>The King +6 Coins
>Hold Fast +10 Coins
The plan is to turn the Black Knights into Werewolves (guaranteed loyalty and a power boost) then have them start training slaves into more black knights. Bandits can bring more slaves for more training and they can also harass the supply line of the incoming army.
Best Case Scenario I butcher the incoming army through the use of terrain and uncontrolled starving werewolves
Worst Case Scenario I turn everyone in the castle into a werewolf then make my escape with the Demon Secretary and we retake the castle in a century since it'll probably get abandoned.
Don't pick Cheese as a trigger word, trust me, it's not fun.
And how is the new CYOA going?
Do you need the Mechanical Adept skill to build robots and mechs?
There, imo, could easily be three pages of enemies. Simply take two pages and merge the text/portraits side by side. Same for the allies.
Not finna link the rest of your posts.
>Playing Titanfall 2 multiplayer
>My titan gets doomed, and I need to eject
>As I'm ejecting, the titan displays a message on the screen:
>"Go get 'em tiger"
Well, I was gonna make the mechfu thing like Pacific Rim and make it so you have to choose a (female) pilot to sync up with to control the mech (except for one AI option), but after this and some user's suggestion awhile back, I feel like just making the mechs the girls and having them just all be AIs.
What do you guys think? I'm worried if I just make them all AIs, it will be too similar to the AI CYOA I made.
Black Knight -> Vampire/Werwolf strategy was always nice.
It's my first CYOA so i didn't really know how to do it, thanks for the tip, btw apart from what i said i will be adding what do you think i could add?
At this stage, adding is not what you should be doing. You have seventeen pages, trim the fat. For now, I'm not talking about text. I mean simply look into ways to reduce the number of pages by reducing currently empty space and filling it with information.
I've got most of the writing done, but I've got to go over it when I'm not feverish, as it reads weirdly. Lots of phrasing that's odd, paired with interstitial words and substitutions which don't quite make sense. Still basically bedridden and posting from my phone. I'm on the home stretch, though. As soon as I can sit up for long stretches without being nauseous, it'll be done.
Just have the mech partially controlled by a waifu co-pilot like how Drones are piloted today.
You are the tough marine & mechanic on the ground and the waifu is the tech and comm specialist. That way shes both real and apart of the mech, helping you in battle. Even taking full control of the thing like in your webm at times.
Ok, now that i don't have to worry about halloween i'll change it and i'll take my time with it, thanks.
>Do you need the Mechanical Adept skill to build robots and mechs?
Probably, if you want them to work. Otherwise you just have a mass of metal and plastic and silicon that you're just fucking around with like you know what you're doing.
What would the cooldown on reincarnation be
good luck then!
>The Priestess
>Demonic magic
>Form Changing
>Shadow Bending
>Death Knight x 5
>Blood knight x 3
>Cultist Group
>Monsters +1
>Enhanced breath
>Strong scaled
Danke! I just found a paragraph that was partially in German, so that's the level of editing I'm on.
I'm not talking about dota though
>I honestly can't think of a time where a failed roll means the story doesn't keep going forwards.
That exact thing happened when Mike Mearls ran D&D with the 5e devs.
You can keep the wealth and immortality, I'll take Weird Al.
Either wait for the author to respond to you or use the source material of the cyoa as a basis of how the options mechanically work. Usually you won't be too far off with the latter.
Am I the only one that gets irritated when people pester me with a metric fuckton of questions?
If you want the robots/mechs working exactly how you want them to in the shortest time possible.
Considering the long, long period of time Travellers exist, you could probably make a robot/mech without the perk. But it'd take far longer and probably require a team to put together.
This guyHas the right idea, I feel. Personally, I'd like to see them both as options. Pilot/Support & Pilot/A.I
I guess just make more than one A.I option?
Can we get a clarification on the English for Fate Trance and Nameless Warrior?
Nobody asked you.
But I did ask him, buddy.
That's what I said, you donuthead.
Did somebody call me name?
They wouldn't call you by what they call me.
right, I forgot I was posting this.
Where is the dick
>out of 6
Why bother
Also, it seems like height and weight were randomized with no mind for gender. Women tend to be shorter and weigh less.
I'm gonna be honest: I also clicked the image looking for the dick.
Never mind, I found it.
honestly I started posting this intending to make a build, but I wasn't sure whether I wanted Fate Trance because I couldn't parse the grammar, and now I'm going to bed.
>Your CYOA is almost finished, but you're missing one image that you haven't found in 3 days
Care to help an author out, CYOA general?
Right here, whats up?
Depends, what're ya looking for?
A generic girl who is obviously tsundere. Most of the other images are less shit, I swear.
Dick? I haven't seen you since Kazakhstan!
How long ago did the third gen start?