Think of a cringeworthy character concept. Describe it in a sentence. Respond to another user's post, explaining how to take that concept and make it playable. Go.
SSS (Special Snowflake Subversion) thread
A girl who was raised from birth to be a warrior, a spell caster and an assassin. She can use 98% of her brain and is half daemon on her dad's side.
Also she's trisexual.
The DM removes all of that and makes you play a different character.
>Ninja from the East, who uses secret jutsu techniques and is the lone practitioner of his style
>Dual wielding Drow who is an outcast from his people
One sentence only, user.
>Ninja from the east, who uses secret jutsu techniques and is the lone practitioner of his style
>He's a sword for hire and doesn't see his secrecy about them as anything more than job security, will probably pass them on when he's got enough money to retire
Then she's still Lillian Voss.
>>Dual wielding Drow who is an outcast from his people
Dude got hit in the head by a rock and got a spiritual revelation, becoming a genuinely nice Mr. Rogers kind of person who got kicked out because the Underdark ain't no place for Mr. Rogers
>Drow found as baby by dwarves
>Dual wields warhammers, Lawful Good, paladin of Moradin
>The ninja is the lone practitioner of this style because it's not really practical. It's looks impressive, but it's way too difficult to learn and is only about as powerful as regular magic on a good day.
>He only learned it because he's a massive otaku, and he left his country because everyone kept making fun of him.
Regardless of all this she is an introvert who is very humble about her skills, sexuality, and demon blood. In fact she hides her daemon side whenever possible. She rejects the training that was forced on her and she merely wants to be a traveling baker selling delicious and exoctic breads and pastries from her homeland.
A mage warrior who only works alone and has slain over nine thousand dragins with his epic spiked chain.
He got blessed with immortality, and his 9000 kill record has been from going after weak to mid-level dragons for 100+ years
The reason he works alone is because he's a massive introvert. He just wants to stay home and read his books, but dragons keep attacking him for revenge on the other dragons he's killed.
>The Mage Warrior thinks the entire party is an illusion, technically "works alone"
>Spiked chain is only usable because magic is used to control it- it's actually a quite popular magic self-defense weapon
>Dragins are just small lizards that look like dragons, quite harmless really
Got a hearty kek out of all these. This was actually a DMPC I had to play with for one terrible campaign.
>She was raised by her mom after they escaped from the cult
>Became cleric of Goddess of Love to actively rebel against her brainwashing
>She can use 98% of her brain
so 2% less than normal human
An assassin who murders for the sheer thrill of it and can melt into shadows at any time.
Her mother, an influential noble, entered into a contract with said daemon to manipulate circumstances so she ended up as queen of her own small country. The princess's daemonic ancestry is a closely guarded secret. Like most ladies of noble standing, she has been trained in fencing, riding, and archery, with a few extra classes in sorcery and subterfuge from her mother. After all, "playing fair" never got anyone anything. Like most people, her brain is entirely functional, except for a few parts she lost after almost drowning when she was 12. She is a master of manipulation, and can successfully seduce almost anyone.
Pseudodragons are still dragons.
He's an exterminator.
This would still make a fucking stupid PC. However, she would make a pretty badass villain.
Well, they could be playing an Evil campaign.
A hot-blooded, reckless samurai from distant lands who wanders the Earth in search of adventure and friendship.
He's in his late 30s. Basically, Twoflower but he can kill you with his sword.
He trusts another party member, the calm and experienced veteran paladin, to rein him in from his recklessness and to be a mentor to him, teaching him to be wise and intelligent without losing any of his bravery or martial skill
An enthusiastic adventurer who calls out the names of his attacks before he uses them, loves nothing more than a good scrap and eating, and will do anything for a friend, including but not limited to ignoring atrocities they have committed in pursuit of a selfish goal.
That's just Popeye.
>An assassin who murders for the sheer thrill of it and can melt into shadows at any time.
Due to escallation of force, he cannot enjoy killing anything that isn't a challenge, and so hunts down the strongest enemies possible. Given the fantasy world we inhabit here, this obviously means he is constantly sought out by Adventurers for intel, and more often than not plays the role of scout for powerful adventurers, who, while they could be fun kills, are more useful getting him closer to a more thrilling mark, like an Evil Wizard or a Giant Warlord.
A brooding cloaked man that always sits in the corner and uses a sword that is also a bow that is also a Demon.
Unrelated, but I think it'd be fun to have a character like this as a minor villain. A character who meets the PCs, is friendly towards them, maybe even fights by their side once or twice, but when things get serious, he has to fight them because he honestly believes the BBEG is right.
>popeye in a fantasy rpg
fuck yeah
>shy and has psoriasis, doesn't want to let anyone think he is a leper
>demon bow is incredibly lecherous and constantly makes lewd comments to passerby, cannot be discarded and always returns to him
>A brooding cloaked man that always sits in the corner and uses a sword that is also a bow that is also a Demon.
The brooding man is actually a bard who played such a character in an epic play, but was thumped on the head and now believes he is that character. Some people recognize the character from the play and assume he's some kind of wandering method actor.
>A brooding cloaked man that always sits in the corner and uses a sword that is also a bow that is also a Demon.
He picked up the bow-sword-demon in a dungeon and now it's cursed to always be with him, audibly whispering dark things at everybody nearby.
He's incredibly embarrassed by it and sits in the corner to try and not look like a weirdo.
He's been cursed to forever feel slightly too cold, and the demon's infernal fires are the only thing that can keep him warm. Unfortunately, he can't get too close to other people, due to the demon's irritating habit of leaping out of his hands and attacking strangers.
A halfling rogue who goes out of his way to kill, rob, or sexually assault anything in his path.
A jet plane with a spirit/AI has gone full chuuni. The party treats him like a child mascot, bribing him with sweet oil to not do stupid things and blow up specific enemies.
I believe this is a character Veeky Forums made long ago about a loli drow being rescued by a grumpy dwarf.
Replace "friendship" with "swords" and you get this guy right here.
A kitsune with multicolored fur and an insatiable sexual appetite.
>A brooding cloaked man that always sits in the corner and uses a sword that is also a bow that is also a Demon.
The man is actually a late teen, and the reason he sits alone in the corner is because of his heritage and special training, he has no social skills. In contrast, the incredibly old demon brings mad bantz to the party, and in an attempt to not make himself look like a fool since to the people around them, it looks like he is the one speaking, he sits alone in the corner.
his fur have the colors of a rainbow so everyone thinks he is homosex, and as he is cute tons of baras lust after him, scaring all the girls the fox tries to hit on.
She's the bard, she knows when to rein it in to make it benefit the party, and she only has sex with prostitutes unless the party specifically wants her to seduce somebody
13 year old, white haired loli that uses a katana, and is the best swordsman in the world.
Her sword contains the ancient spirit of a master swordsman and is the one actually doing all the work, while the katana itself has been enchanted for extra strength and cutting power
The loli herself was a street rat who just stole it from an adventurer's bag of loot when they came to an inn for rest
Everyone else uses guns.
She was the greatest swordswoman in the world, until a witch cursed her, sending her back into the body of her 13-year old self. She's still readjusting to wielding a blade in such a small form, and is mightly pissed about it. Also, she drinks. Heavily.
A guy that is supposed to be ugly and dumb but actually is very intelligent and his looks never get in the way, his sense of smell is supernatural and will never cause him any trouble. Everyone that hurts him in any way will die a horrible way without him getting his hands dirty and he is able to make a potion that will charm anyone no matter how much they hate him.
She only thinks she is the best. She is good yes but she knows nothing besides how to wield a sword and only recently has she seen how empty her life feels...
My turn: Impulsive, alchemist, CN, bomb throwing gnome with no sense of right and wrong who says he is from the moon.
It's a kobold ranger that refers to itself in the third person and attempts to act as "cute" as possible.
Just make it metal and embrace the stupid.
Not only was he raised by a pack of wild military jet planes, he there learned of a fabled magic called "Rock" which he has to infiltrate the local high school to learn. The campaign is about his friends slowly discovering he's actually a transformer magical boy who beats eldritch abominations that play mozart and spawn in the martian planet-core through playing Metal while divebombing them at mach 1 so as to hit them with the mother of all solos in an instant.
>A Paladin that casts detect evil every time he crosses a threshold
He is, in fact, a psionic body snatching organism who has come from the stars to learn about the culture of this world. He uses his race's mastery of alchemy to his advantage. Despite his theft of the body of an average-looking gnome, his mind is completely alien, and his culture has little to no concept of morality. Endgame is him completing the Generic Fantasy Planet entry in the Psionic Ghost's Guide to the Galaxy, and giving the gnome his body back.
>A Paladin that casts detect evil every time he crosses a threshold
One time he was nearly beat to death by a group of bandits who had decided to hold-up an inn. The casting of detect evil at every threshold is what helps him continue moving forward and if it doesn't work, for whatever reason, he breaks out into a cold sweat starts to have flashbacks and becomes almost brutal to all who oppose him.
>She's been trained from birth in melee, magic and stealth, but has retained no particular skill in any of them.
>Due to missing her childhood, she's also naive and inexperienced socially.
>She is none-the-less an incredibly sunny and energetic person with a strong good natured streak.
>Her dad is actually a pretty okay guy, sincerely regrets pushing her into so much training due to not understanding the need for a human childhood. Will swing past to see her sometimes if they're both free.
well he did ask for a SPECIAL snowflake
>the "cuteness" is only pushed as far a playgroup tolerance allows
>It's Danny DeVito the Kobold
He's a Slavic dwarf that worships a god called Kek and has /pol/-tier opinions regarding elves.
Pic related.
And like /pol/, he's always right eventually.
Still, even if the elves do turn out to be controlling the world's economy, you've still got a dorf that shouts "DANK MEMES" before every battle.
Jesus Christ, some of these "improvements" are worse than the initial concept!
including mine
>The ninja's style is almost entirely his own invention. Sure, it sucks right now, but maybe through the trials of adventuring he will be able to make it into something remarkable.
>He's ironic about it
He's a werewolf alchemist from a high-ranking clan of werewolves. The sense of smell is due to his bloodline, but he's a spoiled brat that's too used to high living. The people dying is because he has servants that can make problems disappear, but people know that people who tend to treat him badly have a habit of getting into brutal accidents and so most people are just scared of him. The potion works but makes the person in question look sickly and obviously fucked up, so everyone is immediately going to notice that something is wrong with the person being charmed. It also doesn't last forever and repeated administrations will eventually kill the target from poison buildup.
Basically an insufferable mobster brat who thinks too highly of himself and keeps abusing his position and power without having any actual merits of his own. Everyone treats him well out of fear and he is actually pretty dumb and ugly but nobody dares to say anything about it. He also has some really powerful enemies because of who he is and a lot of peiple want him dead.
The potion isn't even his own invention. The clan normally uses it for interrogations and other kess glamorous stuff. He's just misusing the recipe for personal amusement.
Jesus christ I hate typing on a phone. You get the general gist of it though.
>Ninja from the East, who uses secret jutsu techniques and is the lone practitioner of his style
His style is bribery. He's a foreign (from not!poland) nobleman who pays thugs to pretend to ambush caravans, and then he fights them off singlehandedly. It's his way of impressing ladies.
He's a level 1 rogue.
Lone daughter of an inventor billionaire with lot of connections, genius level intellect, got implanted with forbidden alien tech that makes her even better at everything she attempts, fleed and joined the army when she was 13; of course she's very succesful and everyone on the ship loves her.
The player didn't rp her character to badly, all things considered.
man, the novel Perfume would be a lot better if this was the real story, I fucking hate that book. Thanks user.
The thrifty old-timer was once a master thief, but now that his body has slowed down and his eye-sight starts to fail him he has to rely on his frail appearance to lull his victims into a false sense of security. After all, when one collides with an old man as they turn the corner who would stop to think the rhythmic pats on their person are anything more than clouded eyes trying to make sense of what's in front of them?
While the lecherous rogue collects wallets as he pleases and gropes women less than half his age, he also has his own firm sense of "justice". Even criminals should be respectful to their fellow man, and has no regrets cutting down ruffians in his path with his trusty cane sword.
Sometimes he thinks back to the love he left behind years ago. Sometimes he wonder if he could have started a family, had he kept his hands to himself. Sometimes he wishes his legs would carry him faster so he didn't have so much damn time to think.
So just Danny Devito?
Her father was originally working for the military on classified alien tech found to both preserve life and enhance growth, almost to a point of "practical evolution". With his years of medical practice and biological knowledge, he spearheaded a team that would attempt to extend the human lifespan to at least double, perhaps even indefinitely assuming the extra time they may give themselves. However the project came grinding to a halt after he found out his only daughter was diagnosed with incurable cancer. This demon had already taken his wife, the thought of it consuming his family whole drove him mad. In a flurry he fired every single person under him, and before the higher-ups had time to pull him up on his recklessness his new project was already complete: he had disassembled the original tech, rewired it to the human anatomy and used it to give his daughter a second chance at life. Though he felt remorse for setting science back so far, his greatest regret was leaving his daughter behind to keep the government off her back.
Not only was her life saved, she became frighteningly able to adapt. Anticipating that the military would come looking for her, she formed a new identity and joined the army in the hopes that she could hide under the enemy's shadow and gain enough influence among their ranks before they had a solid lead to her. She uses the capabilities of her implants to make her an asset wherever she is, and carefully analyses those around her so that she may build up a web of contacts. Despite her augmented advantages she is still a teenage girl however, and her natural clumsiness leads her to make mistakes, or in some cases to perform far better than she should be able to. While she tries to hide her innocence and naivety the things she learns and times she shares also has her form a bond with those she travels with, and despite her situation she finds it hard to consider them as simple stepping stones for her end goal.
It turns out the enemy is literally hitler, just as he foretold.
Tiefling whose family was killed by a devil, who trains the individual to be a host for it's escape from hell.
Sounds almost like pic related
He is also a Shiba Inus. Not a magical one or one that has human traits, just a goonish shibe.
He also has a small retinue of rats that help him put on and repair his armor, and at other tasks such as scouting or foraging. Unlike the dog, the rats can talk.
The Tiefling is also a young, successful chef, and has to juggle the responsibilites of running a restaurant without the aid of his family. All while preparing the Last Meal, which is going to be a Duck Of Doom.
There is also a clingy and hilariously negative goth girl involved, as well as an adventuring party that constantly tries to drag the tiefling out of his restaurant and into trouble. They think they are using him as a source of mobile gourmet cuisine, but little do they know they will be the first ones to take a bite out of the duck.
Damn, I need to make Popeye a regular NPC now.
A rogue with dead parents, covered in tattoos, that dual wields blood-red scimitars and spouts objectivist beliefs.
The tattoos are prison tattoos from when he served time in lock up for getting caught trying to rob a merchant, and not a very rich one at that. He's actually an alcoholic wash up with some strenuous ties to a gang. He plays up the philosopher angle and has enchanted his scimitars red with a very cheap scroll he got from a travelling wizard so that he can sell his services more easily to foreigners and sheltered nobles, effectively marketing himself off with a fake gimmick.
Not bad, Veeky Forums. You win this time...
>be me
>Play as dwarves mostly
>consider elfs faggy
J-just a coincidence surely
Spouting objectivism is his way of both coping and getting attention. Since his parents treated him fine but weren't all that loving, he now has a mix of feelings (missing them, being love-starved, being cynical) and has learned no good way to deal with them, leaving him stuck in a teenage mindset. Any party member that talks to him will find his belief in objectivism very weak, and the mere act of forming a relationship with him will help him cool off.
More to the point, this isn't the first time he's taken an extreme ideology as something that makes sense for him. Among his tattoos include the voluntarist symbol, a hammer-and-sickle, a swastika, a swastika pointing the /other/ direction, a tree, a rainbow, a crucifix, and the names of his parents. Ask him about any of them, and he can explain why they made sense at that time in his life. Now, he uses a permanent glamor he won in a bet with a fae to hide them when he's in good company.
He can't completely turn off the glamor (fae loopholes), so in combat, he just moves it onto his scimitars to turn them blood red. It could be any color, but he likes red.
Tiefling bard with a lightning wit and head for magic, whose charm and features make him regularly successful with women. Secretly a barbed devil in disguise, he's searching for valuable artifacts to make his own.
Am I mistaken, or is that just the plot of Dark Souls?
She's 14 y/o girl who can think as super computer when she wants, too smart to be affected by mind control and has sixth sense for danger so she can't be ambushed. Everyone falls for her cuteness and she wield magic sword that can break any other magic and only she can touch it
>Anime reaction image
>Wanna be nazi Slav
Hand in hand
Can confirm
>am slav
>like to play dorfs or humans who see dorfs as natural allies
>have preference for anime reaction pictures
98% of her brain at once? Sounds like epilepsy.
An epileptic girl, made to endure training from various people as an attempt to help cure her. While it didn't work she picked up alot of knowledge from them. People only think she's a half demon because of the fits of "possession" she suffers from. Even with her illness she still tries to look on the bright side of life wherever she can.
She thinks like a supercomputer because she more or less is, being a genetically engineered anti-magic weapon - her brain is genetically designed for perfect logical thinking, which not only makes her impossible to mind control (because she's programmed with multiple countermeasures against it) and gives her a perfect way of sensing danger (because she can perfectly analyze every stimulus she picks up and come away with the exact chance of each potential threat), but also makes her emotionally handicapped and a dead fish who's literally incapable of feeling emotion.
In the place of emotion, she's programmed with multiple algorithms that allow her to act like she does have emotions in narrowly specific situations, but allowing her to feel emotions would remove her other abilities because her brain would no longer be optimized.
To compensate for her lack of emotional tools, she's designed to be the height of beauty and her body odor and voice are designed to be instinctually comforting. This frequently places her in awkward situations as she can't properly repay people's expecations.
Her "magic sword" is a piece of irreplaceable tech (we're talking billions of dollars) that counteracts magic by having her compute the reason that the magic can't logically work on the fly and the sword stimulating those parts by interacting with them using thousands of electrical pulses or temperature swings, causing the magic to collapse upon itself from excessive "reality strain". Only she can touch it because it's keyed to her genetic code and shocks anyone else who picks it up - and if you change her genetic code to make her closer to a normal human, she won't be able to use it anymore.
That's terrifying. Top marks.
It keeps a journal detailing it adventures with the party and is actually quite smart using it's 'cuteness' and feigned idiocy to keep itself safe. In times of emotional stress it slips up and forgets to talk about itself in the third person.
A human child (rogue) that is actually much older than he looks because of a deal with a demon and now he kills people for fun because the demon said he could.
He's completely off his nut and prone to fits of crying. His tiny frame makes it difficult to kill anyone not by surprise, and he's had his arm broken more than once. His refusal to reform has had a bounty placed on his head, to be taken alive so to prevent someone killing an innocent kid for the reward money.
That's not a bad concept bud
He's just a child on the outside because he was cheated into the deal by the demon when he was too young to realize what he was doing. That didn't matter to the demon, though, who got him to use his power to gather sacrifices for a ritual that would summon his master to this world - and the reason that the host was a child was that he was a scion of the royal line, whose bloodline was required for the sacrifice. Instead of having to deal with the best guards in the realm, the demon just made a contract with the youngest and most pampered son of the family and then had him gather the sacrifices.
The boy's psyche went completely under a few times, and after spending years screaming himself raw inside his own head, he decided that the only way to enjoy life was to enjoy the killing that the demon, now under the command of his infernal master, had him do.
He's a fragile, lost, confused and pampered noble kid who plays up the cackling maniac angle because it's that or reality. The demon only allows him to kill because every human is a potential sacrifice, and is in fact very strict with him if he doesn't gather sacrifices - for example, if he goes full murderhobo without properly going through the sacrifices or causes trouble for the demon lord, he's in for some severe punishment.
He's incompetent and inexperienced in most skills and trades, and only has the powers the demonic master granted him. Behind it all, he's just a sobbing kid, and he kills because it's what makes him the least scared (he still pisses his pants, sometimes literally, when he does it, though).
So basically a Yith.
>Unrelated, but I think it'd be fun to have a character like this as a minor villain. A character who meets the PCs, is friendly towards them, maybe even fights by their side once or twice, but when things get serious, he has to fight them because he honestly believes the BBEG is right.
I'm actually doing this in my not!Japan game.
It'll be foreshadowed a bit more, but I think my players will be surprised when they find out the BBEG doesn't stand alone.
>Ford Prefect is actually a psychic parasite inhabiting a human's body
Whelp guess it's time to bust out Hitchhiker's Guide again.
Honestly, that could work for basically any of these characters.
>In the final session she gives up her powers to live a normal life
>Because you all make her happy
Character has the ability to unexist and re-exist either at will or in response to trauma, making that character practically invincible and can travel through anything within literally no time.
Spoiler contains my fix.
This character is also almost physically harmless because even the mere recoil from swinging a stick causes him/her to vanish before the hit causes too much damage. Also everything that isn't a part of his/her body is left behind, leading to nudity. (S)he can only sense solid objects while unexisting, so she can't identify sound, color, visual details such as face and text, odor, texture, heat, etc. Also reactive vanashing results in him/her forgetting everything that happened in the last 1_10 minutes, which can be useful to preserve sanity.