Who here likes Nechronica?
Any character concepts or stories to share?
GMs willing to run for players?
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Is this in English? Last time I saw this mentioned it was in moonrunes only
Here's the best PDF I have of the game. Been meaning to read through it but have been busy.
There's a somewhat shakey translation. It needs a tad bit of TLC to work properly, but it's an absolutely amazing bit of crunch once you grok it.
There is wiki with translation somewhere.
I like it. Body parts system is pretty interesting. Balance is a bit meh, but overall okay.
Here it is:
Here are some more links as well:
Introduction comic: nechronica.com
Psychadelic supplement comic: imgur.com
Old Nechronica threads: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Archive of the wiki (Useful because the wiki is down sometimes): pastebin.com
As far as I know, JTTRPG is translating it whenever they can/feel like it, however, they have alot of games and nechronica is not on their priority.
I've played it for a few sessions, and tried being the GM once.
I like the system in concept, but there seems to be a certain lack of polishing, though I am not sure if this is there in the original as well. But with a bit of houseruling you can make it work very well.
The body part system is actually a very interesting and fun system, it feels more like a direct punishment for taking damage than many other systems where you just get more "arbitrary" penalties for most of the things you do.
I'd recommend it for people who won't mind trying a system with a bit more linear experience and a combat system that feels quite videogamey/jrpg-esque.
(Pic related, how a lot of battles end for bruteforce characters with no defense.)
I know you're out there.
And you know you failed to protect her smile.
I haven't failed to protect her smile. I carry her jaw everyday with me!
Could somebody give a quick explanation of how the body part system works? I've only ever heard of the game and am curious how it works.
Ryukusa would not approve of the lack of smile protection.
Your character has 4 hit locations, your head, torso, arms and legs. There are 3 basic parts in those locations like your eyes and hands. You get 5 special parts like mutations or guns that you can put in those locations, like a shotgun to your arm location.
Now, when you take damage, you take for example 1 damage to your arm. That translates to you having to break a part in your arm location that you can't use from then on until you repair it. You usualy break your basic parts first but still, you have to decide which part you rather lose. Do you lose your legs that allow you to walk or do you rather lose your foot that might negate a hit? Do you want to keep your arm or do you want to lose your hands instead?
Sounds neat, thanks.
I've been playing in a campaign on tabletop simulator with a couple of friends.
Our necromancer is pretty obsessed with cinema, so she's had us reenact a couple of plays and movies. It usually ends up with us running into people from a rebel group and forcing them to join us as actors (they get the not so happy roles as sacrificial lambs).
No matter how much they insist on refusing to play Julia, we're not gonna step down.
We've also been following a literal red line through the old tv station.
It's wacky and fun. But the combat is really where the game shines. The different combination of parts makes for really interesting choices for every player. It feels like a tight jprg more than a tabletop rpg. Which is good imo.
Nechronica's damage system is one of my favorites, although it admittably wouldn't work very well in pretty much any other game (getting disembowled combat would be more than a minor inconvinience in most games). Generally hit points are pretty weird when you think about it, with your character pretty much shrugging off damage with no ill effect untill an arbitary point is reached and they spontaneously collapse or something, and even in systems like Dark Heresy the only difference is that you can shug off arbitary amount of damage before you start getting injured from every hit and eventually die.
People actually play TTRPG on tt sim?
>the end of that replay
Also junk-chan a cute
It's pretty awesome once you have a decent layout.
All necrololis a cutes.
Although Junk is my favorite position as well. Baroque and Gothic best classes, though.
Technically psychadelic is the best
You can also do dumb shit like this with the camera and stuff.
A few month's back, me and some online friend were going to organize an online game. We couldn't decide what to play, so we put it to a point based vote, and GURPS just barely beat out Nechronica. We decided to do Nechro next time.
Sadly, 2 important members (which includes the gm) seem to be stalled with IRL issues, one of us dropped, and we've all had a hard time deciding a few things about the campaign. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should try jumping in a group with somebody else. I still would love to play some dark souls body horror loli adventures.
I mean what I personally like the best, rather than what's the most optimal (although I think horsnake combo is still probably more optimal than Psychedelic, as Psychedelic can do shitloads of damage but only at the cost of wrecking herself). Body-horror- and/or cannibal zombieloli is best loli.
I tried playing Nechronical online once, but sadly we only got one session before it kind of fell apart due to the GM or one of the players always being busy. Probably starting the game just before christmas was a bad idea.
If I had time, I would like to try again sometimes, but I think I'm too busy with university now.
>not going Lame Beast
Pulverized limbs only make me fight harder.
There's some enemy exclusive stuff that can counter psychadelics pretty well that hasn't been translated yet and I think that is the biggest reason why psychadelics are as powerful as they are.
I know what game that was, at least if we were an American, a Finn, a Swede and a Dane.
I'm sorry for that one, but as far as I remember, I was a bit busy for a week or two and then the Finn had some serious RL issues that ended up in things stalling.
Tell you what, send me an email and I'll keep you updated on the game I'm trying to get started with my other group. There's still a chance that we might play something else, but Nechronica is pretty high on the listing. We're going play-by-post specifically to prevent RL schedule conflict from jamming up the game.
Alright you've got me. I only counted the translation wiki.
I was the Finn. Althought IIRC it was already stalling before I got RL issues.
Would have had time to play some time ago, but now I'm super-busy again since I'm trying to get a master's degree in engineering despite having no previous experience in the field.
Shame, since I was also GMing a really good RT campaign, but one player had to drop out due to becoming a father, and now when he'd have time to play again I'm far too busy to GM.
Someone needs to add this stuff to the wiki, though probably fix the terminology used.
Hot damn I've been wanting to be in a game of this. I've always loved playing monstrous and I'm a dirty weeb that likes cute girls doing cute things, but I doubt I'd get past the "You play as immortal zombie lolis" part of pitching it to my group.
That's always a shame with Nechronica, becasue it is a genuinely interesting game (the damage system is pretty unique and has a big effect on the game), and the setting has a lot of potential to be run from anywhere from cutesy black comedy (cute undead girls doing cute undead things) to genuinely dark and tragic.
The fact that you can plays as flesh-eating loli-abomination is really just a bonus.
I'm not sure I'd be able to really pull off a long-running campaign on Nechronica, but I have done oneshots and it's been fun. I'm considering of maybe signing as a con GM to run a oneshot next summer, but Nechrononica is one of those games that can easily go very badly if you have the wrong kind of players.
>long-running campaign
As someone who's been running it for close to a year (next January-ish), Nechronica does not scale well at higher power levels, especially if your players are optimized. It was not built to withstand 80~favor builds. Combats have slowed down to a crawl of counterspelling counterspelling counterspelling counterspells.
Every fight is basically guaranteed to have at least two Anticipates, two Meat Shields, rapid moves and hinder moves, etc., just from the players' side. As the GM, I need to throw on anticipates, meatshields, and basically counter their builds at least some of the time every combat. It's a fucking slog, and it's not really fun. I had to cap AP at 15 just so I could somewhat reliably reach Round 2 to inflict madness on them, otherwise they would blend everything before we would see Count 0.
Player in this campaign, I think, posting. Our builds were pretty much done by 20 Favor, though, and it's easy to get the Anticipates and Meat Shields early.
As someone else playing a long running campaign (I think it's a full year next month) I can say that it does work pretty well when there's only 2 players. Sure there's still going to be a bunch of anticipates and meat-shields but there's no need for it in every encounter.
Character creation question for anyone who's played. The translated PDF says in the beginning to roll for one Fragment of Memory, but also that each Doll has two of them? Do you roll for one and choose the other another way? Or do you just roll for both?
Ask your GM, generally it's pick two but GM could say "Pick both, roll both, pick one roll the other" etc
The PDF is dated. You're supposed to start with 2 fragments of memories.
I personally enjoy letting the player roll 2d10, and then telling him the two alternative memories available from that.
So if they roll a 6 and a 2 I let them pick either fragment 26 or 62.
It strikes a good balance between rolling, and making sure the flavoring doesn't completely clash with what the players want.
Nechronica is a game that realy breaks if you make builds and plan too much. Besides, if everyone grabs meatshield, then they already decided to suck the fun out of combat that way.
Thanks, that clears it up. I can only hope there's an official translation eventually.
That sounds like a fun way to do it
Yeah, I don't think the game is really designed for that long campaigns. Much like Maid, it probably works best as either oneshots or relatively short campaigns.
Having you characters grow in power until they're unstoppable abominations that can wipe out armies single-handedly might be fun, but would get old quickly when every combat bogs down to making a bazillion actions every round and wiping the floor on most things.
Hey S, It's PB. If you see this I'm still alive but yeah, I've basically been stuck with IRL stuff and I haven't done more than brainstorm for the GURPS campaign. If you find another means to get your RPG fix I wouldn't blame you, but I'll try and at least dump my ideas in the thread and see if we can't get something started early next month. (so basically in a week or two).
Fuckin love Nechronica, just wish I could get in a game so I can try and run it with some friends, I'd prefer to have a little experience with the system before I try to run it for other people.
For those creating new characters, remember that you start with all your fetters at three madness! The TL-wiki doesn't cover that. A few of us in Discord are trundling away with our translations.
I got the feeling that starter fetters are at 0 points of madness, where extra fetters you gain during the game start at 3.
Starting at 3 fetters feels like it will be quite a hassle to handle, especially for Holics.
Holic is strong enough without help.
Starting with 3 madness in all your fetters would be like starting a game of DnD with 2HP. Even if the rules say that you should do that, don't do that.
Game died before her smile could.
Though she was too dumb to ever lose her smile unless she lost everything else first. Including her limbs and entrails.
Starting at 3 per fetter only makes sense if you intend to lead with multiple conversation opportunities as the characters meet each other.
Fuck off, questnigger
Junk was fun. I miss my Junk.
Just had a look over there. Page 58 in the book.
"Originally created, dolls have a crazy point of three points in each of regrets."
The rules are just a guide though, do whatever works for your group and players.
Nice. I planned on having a similar Necromancer that discovered an ancient forbidden book set known only as the Dungeon Master's Guide. He'd set up Dolls and Savants styled after adventurers, and make Horrors based off of classic monsters like the Owlbear or Beholder while casting himself as the Lich. The players' own Necromancer would have hated that guy and sent the Dolls to wreck his fantasies.
Unfortunately half my group wasn't interested in Nechronica at all and the others were swamped with other games or scheduling hell. It was going to be a Halloween one shot. ;_;
Here's an updated version of the PDF by one of my players.
Also, here's a combat resolution guide for the truly autistic ones among you: pastebin.com
Yes, building in Nechronica quickly makes it get out of hand. It really speaks a lot that my players' builds were completed by 20 favor. The other 60 favor so far has just been icing on the cake.
Here's an example 0 Favor build:
Holic/Baroque/Stacy (ARM 1 / ENH 1 / MUT 3)
Holic: Insane Swiftness
Baroque 1: Mad Demon
Baroque 2: Extreme Mutation (Extra Head)
Stacy 1: Made to be Broken
ARM T1: Kung Fu
ENH T1: Adrenaline
MUT T1: Heart
MUT T2: Horn
MUT T3: Meat Snake
MUT T3: Extra Head (Extreme Mutation)
14 AP, Meat Snake, Horn, easily accumulated bonuses to attack. Give it a few damage boosts and you've got a zone-clearing Doll right out of the gate.
A Superior Katana build is similar at 0 Favor, and I have both builds at 80~ favor in my game. Mind you that we actually nerfed Meat Snake by not allowing damage adds to apply to Chain Attacks, and the Doll is still neck and neck with the Superior Katan Doll for damage.
Japanese tabletop games in general are designed for one-shot or very short campaigns, because the Japanese have never been able to experience the concept of "free time." Nechronica's no exception. It's the only system that does what it does, but I really wish it could survive more than a short campaign.
Are there scans for the game and its supplements anywhere? Better yet, are there translations for anything that isn't the core book?
Enemy parts. On the tlwiki there's the psychedelic class. Dance of Distortion was a mistake.
Have you tried selling Nechronica as "Zombie Calvin & Hobbes with Monsters"? And maybe ignore the part about "girls only," refluffing the Boy part as Cute or something. Players seem to have the most fun trying out "kid logic," where the most tenuous correlations are not only treated as logical and reasonable, but the obviously correct answer.
You can refluff "Boost" as "Red Paint," so you really are three times faster, or fluff your Extra Head part as an imaginary friend that you always talk things through with. Establish swift pecking order along arbitrary lines for ridicuolus things, like height determining who the leader is, even if the six-foot mechanecrololi is mentally 8 years old. Have fun with it.
>You can refluff "Boost" as "Red Paint," so you really are three times faster
Nah, Animal legs are the thing that makes you 3 times faster. Using bone to move 2 zones cost 6 AP while animal legs lets you cover the same distance for 2.
I refluffed Wire Reel as Force Push/Pull and made a loli Jedi
ded thred
What's the name of the Discord? I'm a nechronica GM, just about to start a new game again, and could do with expanded rules.
Here you go, senpai.
There's a few people who are working on shit and can provide input/advice for nechronica.
ded girls
Ask in #on-topic
>Didn't link the newer stuff.
Here you go!
Nechronica Sourcebook 3 intro: imgur.com
Monsters: imgur.com
Dolls: imgur.com
Does anyone know how to run Nechronica in another system that's more stable for long-term play? Has anyone tried it?
Nechronica doesn't really work in another system, the system is kind of what makes Nechronica Nechronica
Just do what I did and limit Favor gain by a lot. Maybe 10 Favor every 10~15 sessions, tops. You're probably only going to have two or three combats over that span of time, anyway. Having a combat every session just slows the pacing down to a crawl. It isn't paced for western gamers.
Live, damn you.
So what you're saying is you're not doing the thing that Nechronica is best at every session? Instead only doing it 2 or 3 times over 10 to 15 sessions?
One of Nechronica's weaknesses is that it is barely a system outside of combat. And its great strength is its combat. I'm a western gamer, my GM usually does two to three fights per session and us players are loving it precisely for that reason.
So basically what I'm trying to say here is... What? That makes no sense. You are describing the opposite of my experience with Nechronica.
For my 1 year long (and still going) campaign with 2 people I've been giving out 2~20 favor every session and every session so far has had at least 1 combat encounter and it has worked out great so far. I think the biggest factor for why it has worked out so well is the number of players. Sure they turned out to be monsters but there are still a lot of encounters that challenge them.
I don't think you should limit the amount of battles as it's where the system shines but you should keep in mind that most encounters take between 20 minutes and 2 hours.
I don't see any problem with limiting favor somewhat but I feel like 10 favor every 10~15 session is just a bit too little. I'd make it around 20 so that the players can feel their character's growing.
I think the most important thing is to experiment and find out what works best for your group.
Yes, I am saying that.
>my GM usually does two to three fights per session
>most encounters take between 20 minutes and 2 hours
No clue how you manage that, dude. Fights for us take "4E D&D at launch" lengths of time - four, six hours. Doesn't help that there's always arguments over timing and shit. All I know is that if I had a combat every session, we'd have two hours of roleplay and the rest of the time will be spent in combat. That's why I suggested having fewer combats, because we'd never get anywhere with a combat every session.
Our experiences with the game are very different.
How many rounds do your encounters usually survive? Mine usually usually barely survive the first unless it's a powerful encounter.
Are your enemies created for survivability or dealing damage? How many enemies do you usually use for an encounter? Do they have a lot of rapids? Are your players great at dealing large amounts of damage?
Sorry for all of these questions but I want to help you if I can.
>How many rounds do your encounters usually survive?
The past few have survived one, with cleanup on the second. I don't believe we've ever reached the third round before, but I could be wrong. A few times we've come close.
>Are your enemies created for survivability or dealing damage?
I tried ones for just dealing damage, but most of them were wiped out before any damage could be dealt, so survivability is required if I want the fight to actually matter, or just throw a dozen+ enemies at them so they can't wipe them all out before getting attacked.
>How many enemies do you usually use for an encounter?
Last one was three savants, one of which could spawn a few horrors, but only managed three total. It ended one or two counts after the start of the second round.
>Do they have a lot of rapids?
They have some, since otherwise they'd be minced by the PCs before getting a chance to do anything.
>Are your players great at dealing large amounts of damage?
I think they do thirty damage a round each against savants, doubled against horrors? Superior Katana + Meat Snake + Lullaby Sniper Rifle + the occasional Dynamite, with Dynamite-r often Foresighting either SK or MS to give them two or three additional attacks in a round. So... I'll go with yes, they are quite good at it.
>cleanup on second
This is pretty usual for normal encounters in my groups. Most encounters don't even survive the first round.
>I've tried damage... ..most of them were wiped out before any damage could be dealt
The best thing would be to strike a balance between survivability and damage output. Most of my horrors and savants have at least 2 defend parts and if I really want them to survive the first half of the first round I give them meat shield. You could also play around with the defend skill.
I had one encounter were there were three savants who all had the defend skill and some parts with defend. No matter who the players attacked it would always hit one with working defend parts. This made it possible for the savants to approach and make some attacks against the players. Sure anticipate will negate one defend but it would probably be smarter to wait for a juicy rapid or a meat shield. These savants didn't have any rapids or meat shields but the players were thoughtful enough not to use anticipate at first.
Here's an idea of what you could do. I'm going to put this in spoilers because it's a thing that is better experienced rather than being told. In one of the book there exists a horror that is an attack dog with a bomb strapped to it's back. You could use that for inspiration and make an enemy that rushes into the middle of all the players and make weak attacks against them until the players attack it. That's when you let the bomb explode. Now imagine an encounter with 5 of these and a savant that buffs and supports them. Now that is a terrifying encounter. It shouldn't be a long encounter either as the dogs die with the explosions. You could try to prolong it by making the savant summon more dogs but that is only going to make her a top priority for the players. Also to ensure that the dogs will survive long enough to reach the players you could give them high AP and rocket pack.
I really want to play it, but the eternal struggle of finding players and groups rages on.
Also only have mechanics/not the entire book translated really put a damper on things.
>Last one was three savants
When the encounter starts with only servants I'd recommend making them pretty tough but since you want quicker encounters I'll instead say this: Give them high AP and high damage attacks. Give them some rapid attacks as well. Try to do as much damage as possible instead of surviving (though it might be smart to give them trusted companion or unfazed so that they still can use their weapons even after sustaining an attack).
>They have some [rapids]
Rapids are great for making an encounter harder but it'll also make combat take longer time (unless it's a high cost rapid such as hand of death combined with rocket launcher or anti-tank rifle)
>double damage against horrors
You could give the horrors something that negates dismember or explosive which should greatly increase their survivability.
>thirty damage
It sounds like you're going to have to adhere to the meat shield meta if you want your NPCs to survive the first round. That or use lots of defend.
Here's another question. Do you use a lot of legions? They are great at soaking damage and annoying the players but large amounts of them will slow down play.
>You could also play around with the defend skill.
Tried that, but I couldn't actually use the skill as I meant it to be used because my players would've bitched something fierce about the fight being unfair.
Same deal, did that and they bitched about it being unfair. Mind, it was combined with a group of other enemies (superior katana clone builds and a few ranged), but every time Zomie Bomb is brough up, even as a joke, it's met with heavy resistance.
>Give them high AP and high damage attacks.
They have both, typically one under to equal the players. I've capped AP at 15 since otherwise we'd never see Round 2, so giving them more only lets them go into the negatives without reprisal.
I guess I could try cutting back on rapids.
>negation/meat shield meta/lots of defends
I don't like the meat shield meta, but changing it's a lot of work. I already use anticipates and meat shields and defends every combat, anyway, otherwise they'd be papercut to death via sniper rifle/katana'd/meatsnake extra arms meatshake/psychoblaster hand of death psychblaster/spinex3 dynamite/etc. before landing a hit, but the fights still only last about a round.
>Do you use a lot of legions?
I use them sometimes, but usually they're small groups that're only useful for Mob and get ignored since they never hit. I even had monsters that spawned legions a few combats ago, with spirit attacks, but they focused on killing the spawners instead, which is to be expected. Usually I use horrors and savants.
I had fun taking Reckless - it gives re-rolls at the cost of damaging a part. Tended to fluff it as damage from the recoil from my ridiculous particle cannon. At one point my head basically exploded from me really wanting to hit with an attack. Unstable cannon that.
My GM even let me use the recoil to get a bonus on a check at one point. Our Thanatos fell off a skyscraper you see so I jumped after her and used that to push us back in through a window.
Wow. It sounds like the problem is the group and not the encounters. You should put your foot down and tell them that you're the one running the game. I mean one of the most thrilling parts of Nechronica is how close some encounters can be.
One time one of my players solo'd a necromancer, the only part that was left of her after the encounter was her claws, and that was easily one the best fights we've ever had. She would have lost if she didn't have 2 rapid attacks she could make against the necromancers normal and rapid attack.
A similar thing happened with another player in an encounter against 2.5 savants. They fought until there was pretty much only 2 parts left on the last savant and the PC. The savant attacked the PC, the PC used a rapid, the savant used a rapid, the PC used order and all the PCs finished of the savant together.
That sounds really cool and it makes me more hyped for when the players will encounter skyscrapers for the first time.
Thanks! I did forget about that stuff!
>You should put your foot down and tell them that you're the one running the game.
Doing that'll lose me one, maybe two players, which out of a group of 4 in a game that's been going for a year with the same characters could be pretty destructive. I could make it work narratively, but whether or not the two/three players left would want to continue is another story.
I thought having close encounters would be cool, too, which is what I've been trying to design for a while, but nothing sticks and when I get close I get shouted down. Your encounters sound like the kind I'd want to have.
I hope the thread's still up when I wake up. If not, whenever the next thread pops up I'll poke my head in and say something if anything's changed, for better or worse. Thanks for the advice, even though it might not have been as helpful as you'd have liked. It'll help me think things over a bit more, at least.
Wow. Canon Nechronica is way more fucked up then I expected it to be and almost as fucked up as my homebrew version was.
So, do we know ANYTHING about the monsters yet? The legions, horrors and savants and how they're stated?
>One time one of my players solo'd a necromancer, the only part that was left of her after the encounter was her claws, and that was easily one the best fights we've ever had. She would have lost if she didn't have 2 rapid attacks she could make against the necromancers normal and rapid attack.
Even the other player, who was just standing by and watching the whole time, seems to think this fight was as awesome as I (the one fighting) thought it was.
Players getting upset at Zombie bombs sounds really dumb. Shame your players are like that.
Have you discussed what the players actually want to get out of it and what you're trying to do etc with the campaign with them? Specifically with regards to combat?
Also got an almost year long campaign, and balance wise, encounters are goin' fine. Though the fights take damn long, the last fight against the necromancer they had been struggling to deal with since May went on for like 4 1/2 hours or so. Admittedly, that was the necromancer fight that things had been leading up to since May, it also lasted 4 rounds.
We have, about, on average 1 fight every 2 sessions, but these fights average 3 hours (with 4 players). Which could be worked on a bit to lower combat time, but no one's really complained so far.
Does anyone have the pasteitbin links that described the backstory? Like the nanite mist irc?
I wish you the best of luck. I hope things resolve in a satisfying way.
Some awesome person on the JTTRPG discord did translate a lot of them, I think all from core. I'm not allowed to paste the adress here so I put it in a pastebin pastebin.com
I'm thinking of maybe uploading some of my own encounters in a pastebin. Would anyone be interested in that? RN, Blixtra, Maria, Silva, Lelette, Vickers, Tsundora, Miss Elle, and Abe, you're not allowed to reply on that.
>Players getting upset at Zombie bombs sounds really dumb. Shame your players are like that.
As the player he's probably talking about, it was less the zombie bomb and more "Zombie bomb we could do nothing to be prevent and we had burned through most of our defends and other reactive stuff because he copy pasted the strongest PC 5 times in addition to the 4 savants in back shooting at us."
It was also a fight that we knew he had done up in only 15 minutes because he expected us to follow a lying npc to where ever they wanted to take us with out question.
If that's the case I'd recommend trying to make every savant unique and perhaps to ask for some time to prepare an encounter instead of making one up on the spot. Some interesting gimmicks would probably help as well.
Like said. You should probably talk about this. It'd probably do you all a great favor.
>Lying NPC
Most of my encounters with savants usually go something like this
>Savant: Hey.
>PCs: Hey!
>Savant: You should [do thing].
>PCs: But we don't want to [do thing].
>Savant: But [good/bad/okay reason for doing thing]
>PCs: Hmm... Nope! [Attack/insult the savant]
>Savant: [Fight back/attack PCs/throw insults at PCs]
Eventually somewhere down the line it always ends up with them fighting.
>you're not allowed to reply on that.
I'm hurt.
>Eventually somewhere down the line it always ends up with them fighting.
To be fair almost every single Savant we come across is actually, if you look past the facade, kind of an asshole.
Please do, kind user!
Here's three of the earlier encounters in my long-running campaign. They mostly fought against a cyborg army back then and they managed to completely ruin their base by blowing up their reactor. Sorry that the formatting is kind of a mess.
Welcome Sofmap World: pastebin.com
Patrol 345-C: pastebin.com
High Commander S-16: pastebin.com
>ifunny watermark
I hope you get hit by a Meat Snake.
Ne soyez pas grossier
Oh fucking yessss, you utter gent, thank you.
I love Mars_Expedition art