If your custom Space Marine chapter had rules expressly written to represent them on the tabletop, what would they be?
If your custom Space Marine chapter had rules expressly written to represent them on the tabletop, what would they be?
Tormentors Chapter Tactics:
Terrorizers: After a winning an assault an enemy unit of your choice that has line of sight to the combat must make a morale check.
Piece by Piece: Units that have been divided into combat squads have the outflank and preferred enemy special rule.
Pardon my ignorance, but what do you use to create these? I've trued Bolter and Chainsword but it's a bit of a pain. Is there a downloadable programme alternative?
He made that with B&C.
Here's a template you can use in paint.
Thanks a bunch.
The Hanged. Can take Wulfen as troops.
Alternatively: Battlecry opponents must make a leadership check when being assaulted by a unit part of The Hanged chapter. If they fail they are counted as being 2 WS lower (minimum of 1) for the assault phase as they are doubled over by the ferocity of the Hanged's battlecry.
I don't know how to play or the rules across existing chapters, I just read the threads for entertainment.
Could someone provide a pdf to read the rules? Come to think of it, I've never seen the game played nor know the mechanics.
The only thing I can think of that'd be different from the standard Iron Hands is maybe instead of IWND on all the vehicles, they have a faith based 6+ invul like the sisters.
My marine chapter believes there is only a finite amount of heresy in the universe so they perpetrate as many acts of heresy they can because their faith can withstand it while limiting the amount of heresy others, who will be lost to chaos' corruption, can commit.
I suppose that would be a re-roll to morale checks? maybe special allowances to having allied chaos units in an army?
>believes there is only a finite amount of heresy in the universe so they perpetrate as many acts of heresy they can because their faith can withstand it while limiting the amount of heresy others, who will be lost to chaos' corruption, can commit.
Fucking retards
So when are you making a chaos warband with a nearly identical paint scheme? Cause if you actually had the time/money to run a pre and post corruption version of the same chapter that would be awesome.
They're loyalist tho, that's the point.
Also, and more importantly, I don't have the time/money for that.
>nice trips
Ok, I have a Veeky Forums lorefag stealing, space wolves rip off pile of autism space marine chapter. The Space Doggers, i'm thinking of the worst rules possible for these monsters.
I don't even play this game and I can tell this is Mary Sue as fuck. Holy shit, kid!
Post the full one, Doggerman.
They only need an agile stealth dreadnought, otherwise you can play them with vanilla or bloodangels rules.
Warp Angels Chapter Tactics:
All units have Skilled Rider and can charge after turbo-boosting.
Maybe Furious Charge as well since they're ostensibly Blood Angels successors, but that might be a bit much.
Inquisition should give them the special rule Excommunicate Traitoris and Exterminatus of their homeworld.
The Stern Brethren
Footslogging gun-knight marines who recruit from a planet of sun-chasing nomads. Undermanned and under-equipped after a 1v3 against chaos marines.
>Decimated armoury: Cannot take Centurions, Bikes, Rhinos, Razorbacks or Land Raiders.
>Terrible is our footfall: Units and Vehicles (Walker) with Chapter Tactics have scout.
>Sure is our stride: Veteran Sergeants and Terminator sergeants confer Move through cover to their unit. Instead of rolling, Sternguard/Vanguard/Honor guard/Terminators units can instead choose to run 4" or charge 6+d3".
I'm masively into 40k lore, yet I've only skipped through a single YT video of someone playing and only seen the rule screencaps people post here.
Anges de Vindication Tactics:
Mechanized: All units from an Anges de Vindication detachment do not count as moving when disembarking from a vehicle, and may fire any weapons that require the model be stationary for a turn.
Dark Angels: This army has the same rules as a standard Dark Angels detachment applied to it.
Obsidian jaguars chapter tactics
Relentless hunters: all units from the obsidian jaguars chapter gain infiltration(non vehicle only) and shred in both shooting and close combat
Did you discover 40K in the last 30 minutes?
>They're loyalist tho
They won't stay that way is user's point. It doesn't work that way.
They would be Death Guard, because all custom chapters stink.
I only play chaos, but it would be like that:
They would have a special unit called scavenger, it would be represented by a chaos marine with a very bad armor condition and a heavy stubber. They would have a rule akin to ork looting, but it would add "loot tokens" to the army. Their win condition would be simply to get a certain number of tokens and then make the army leave the table somehow. The fluff of my army is pretty much a bunch of chaos techmarines ttying to survive in a space hulk with the renmants of the planet population they once defended, attacking planets only to get food and material, as the hulk is made mainly of a piece of their old planet that was destroyed in a battle against the mekanicus for an artifact.
Take the knot.
>agile stealth dreadnought
>shred on everything that isn't a vehicle
Come on, at least try and fucking balance it.
Emperor's Nightmare.
6+d6 charge range too much to ask for?
Void Dragons:
Berserkers: use the 4th edtion wulfen rules. No frost weapon shits, just a lot of rending attacks at high initiative, plus Feel no pain and IWND
cost a bunch of points, but no AP and only 4+AV (since their power armors lack some pieces here and there)
Preferred tactics: depending on who is the army general, you can choose different chapter tactics from other chapters at the beginning of the game, but can't change it mid-game
Boarding: If an infantry unit assaults an enemy vehicle, they can capture it and use it as if it is part of the unit that captured it. Deamon engines, dreadnoughts and tau suits are the only exception.
Cannot take wolf units, nor thunderwolf chivalry.
>Come on, at least try and fucking balance it
Why?, balance abandoned this game long ago.
you should feel bad for reminding me of that
>If they fail they are counted as being 2 WS lower (minimum of 1) for the assault phase as they are laughing their asses off after hearing the bratheren screaming "TAKE THE KNOT!" at them
this is kinda cool
Umm, Void Dragons is kind of a dangerous name, don't you think? Pic very much related
I've mentioned the Crows' Beaks before, basically sneeky Raven Guard successors who like using gallows humor, bawdy poetry/jokes and songs to counteract the EDGY SADNESS that many Raven Guard types are obsessed with, and "preen" one another's armor as a sort of brotherly camaraderie building exercise. Their homeworld turned out to be a fucking tomb world and they got their asses fucked so now the few hundred of them left hang out on a bigass ship they call the Nest and go out in killteams to support imperial forces, especially when it comes to fighting the robot assholes.
Probably just make sure they can field the shit out of corvus hammers (I initially fluffed them as having warpicks for punching through armor anyway), restrict their access to vehicles because they're running out of shit and prefer the fast and quiet approach anyway, aside from that they're supposed to be shooty and sneeky so maybe just use the Raptors rule on their bolters where it gets Heavy 1 and Rending.
We automatically lose.
Fortuna's Host
Their thing is a sort of buddhist/shaolin monk and they try to shift luck around, which may just be a placebo effect but they're rolling with it.
So, maybe some minor buff to melee because of all the weaboo fightan practice. As for luck..
A voluntary penalty can be taken to certain actions, each time gaining a 'karma' point on the associated unit. The point can be spent to recieve an equivalent bonus to a chosen future action.
Void Sentinels, institutionally artillerymen. If I had full reign, it'd be the full 30k Iron Warriors rules/Ironfire rite of war, since they're time-displaced loyalist Iron Warriors forced into a penitent crusade. Since that's way too many rules, I'll just yoink one: reroll pinning tests and suffer no morale tests from shooting attacks.
This thread is depressing. I've at least tried to read and study the rules even though I've never played.....
The Myth Makers
>Glory Hounds: Any character able to issue a challenge must do so. +1 WS during challenges.
>This Is My Story!: Before the start of the game, choose one character in your army. That character gains Preferred Enemy against any unit in your opponent's army.
The White Skulls
Boarding: When a transport vehicle performs a ram attack any number of models transported by that vehicle, up to the number of firing points the vehicle has, can perform their full compliment of melee attacks against the target of the ramming, as if they had just charged. If the transport has the Assault Vehicle special rule then ALL transported models in the vehicle may perform their attacks as detailed above.
Ironcore launchers: All models may take the following weapon instead of a missile launcher.
Ironcore Launcher S7 AP4 Rng48" Heavy 1 Ironcore
Ironcore: When fired at vehicles and monstrous creatures ironcore weapons ignore all armour saves, invulnerable saves, void shields, and other forcefields.
FnP in your deployment zone
Furious Charge in no man's land
Rage in the enemy deployment zone
They experiment with cerebral implants
but nobody knows about the dragon, so it's legit
Bikes as troops
Bikes have d3 HoW
If the warlord is slain, all remaining characters an ICs have a tournament of combat, the winner becomes warlord for the next battle
Relax bruv, if user wants his snowflakes he can have them
I am intrigued by this idea.
Not allowed ranged weapons. Only melee weapons the chapter is allowed to use are power fists. Unarmed counts as having two melee weapons. Squads can equip additional power fists. Righteous Zeal special rule.
Orange and yellow color scheme with robes and prayer beads.
Sounds kinda World Eater-y. Inquisitorial investigation much?
Yes. That was the joke, but more subtly.
How do the civilians feel about the marines?
Pic related: Its one of my honor guard his strong kung-fu "counts as" power weapon bolt pistol, grenades, etc
Angels, straight up
The hulk civillians see them as their guardians and protectors. Mostly of the population is made of the rich houses of the old planet, the pdf and some lucky people who got took out before the place exploded. They came back as there was no place to go and just live inside the piece of rock that survived and the wrecage of mekanicus and the marine fleet ships that is glued into it.
Their paragons seem to be slowly withering and becoming insane, but they are still the only thing that dont prey on humans in the hulk, and actually protect them! Its only a matter of time tho, as a place withhalf a dozen broken gellar fields cannot withstand the powerfull forces of the warp when sucked into it.
Other planets? I have no idea. Some will know what they are, many will be scared shitless that a group of giant monsters in twisted armor came down and stole their rice and tractors for no apparent reason than to make them starve this year..
They arent a powerfull chaos legion nor affiliated to none, just an traitor warband trying to maintain thenselves and their people the healthiest they can, and failing miserably.