
How do I make a strong female character, Veeky Forums?


If you're not rolling down the line I recommend making Str the characters best stat, unless they're terrible rolls she should be a strong female character.


I would think you could just make her interact with stuff like you would a strong male character. Where are you having trouble?

>put points in str.
>add belt
there ya go.

1. Make a strong character
2. Make it female
3. ???
4. Profit

Well, sort of, but not really.

Strong female characters are female characters that react consistently with the gender roles society imposes on them. So if they reject one, figure out why and if that comes into conflict with other expectations then expect that character to reject them too. There's nothing wrong with a female character who prefers to stay at home cooking meals while barefoot and pregnant, as long as she has a consistant motivation to conform. Don't listen to dumbass feminists about how a strong female character has to be indistinguishable from a man, cuz 5they don't. They can be, but a wise poet once said:

"Some of us like our dicks attached to MEN, you whore!"

Or something like that. I'm shitposting from my phone.


In whatever system you're playing, figure out how to build a highly optimized character.


Which strong human traits should be exclusively masculine?

Except, you know, physical strength. I'm not getting sucked into a discussion about averages and outliers.

Make a character that's the man you want to be yourself.

Add tits, tears, and tampons.

But yeah, make her a Strong Female Woman in whatever culture you're playing in.

Pretty sure you can find a correlating real world cultural figure to base your character off of to fit.

Is she going to be a Strong Female Druid? Jane Goodall, bitch. A Strong Female Paladin of Noble Birth? Margaret Thatcher. Got a Democracy, you want a strong female Bard? Beyonce. Strong Female Wizard? Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Like, what kind of hole in the ground do you live in that you don't have a reference point for strong women?

Strong in what way?

Until you figure that out, there's no real answer to your question.

Make her a sexy blonde amazon goddess infused with divine blood, then hide that fact from the world by putting her in a bigass armor that hides her features.

Make her a pic related.

Strong doesn't actually have to mean physically strong.

avoiding the galbrush paradox helps: let your character be wrong, have flaws and experience hardship, basically. So tempting for men playing (or creating/writing) female characters to make them their perfect ideal women instead of a fun or realistic character.

A lot of that goes towards strong male characters too.


Depends on the system.

>with the gender roles society imposes on them
does evolution not exist in your setting?

But it doesn't, unless the system is FATAL. All you have to do is make a Samus Aran as I have said already.


You know the archetype of the sexy but lethal katana-wielding hime-cut girl in anime? The one who usually has classier fanservice and a kind of playful relationship with the hero? That's your standard.

Not him, but she is. Lawful first, but still Good. Don't know about her healing or fighting capabilities, though.

This is acceptable to me.

You mean the Lady of War type?



Revisionist pls

Make a female character that does what she wants, because it is what she wants to do, not because someone dared her or told her she can't.

Someone that does shit only to prove that they can, is not strong, they are trapped by trying to prove something for the sake of other people.

Make a strong character that happens to be female.

I wish to make a branding iron with this written on backwards and slap it on the forehead of every Hollywood producer.

>What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong nord woman on strong nord crack?