Friendly reminder that the K:D shop is stocked for Halloween and that minis are selling quick.
>Store Page
Also generic K:D General
Friendly reminder that the K:D shop is stocked for Halloween and that minis are selling quick.
>Store Page
Also generic K:D General
Other urls found in this thread:
Shills get out
I'd totally buy if Monster was back in stock.
Holy shit the sheer extortion on that Halloween "treat bag"
I think Poots is going to do a pre-Black Friday announcement for a second Kickstarter. I think he's trying to fund a second release. How he doesn't have the raw cash sitting around to do that on his own is beyond me. Black Friday alone from last year should have funded any future plans of his.
How much do you reckon it will be?
When you live in Australia you have to compensate for a lot of faff.
Fuck, so I haven't looked at the updates for this in a while and the White box has me in tears that I didn't get it.
Going to make sure to drop some hard cash on this kickstarter round.
Hard to say. If it's anything like the first run you can get it for cheap (compared to the store price) if you back it on Kickstarter when he presumably starts his second campaign. During the first campaign $85 USD was the cheapest pledge that got you the base game. Now I'm not sure if the game those backers received were the same ones you get from the store which was like $400 USD but it came with a shit ton of minis. The game is prohibitively expensive for anyone that isn't a dedicated fan.
Chances are a Wave 2 is going to do something similar but I honestly have no idea what the price points will be. Maybe it will be cheaper this time around if he casts everything in Hard Plastic as opposed to resin. The only information we have so far comes from an email he sent out in June that confirmed a second release and one from this month talking about a Kickstarter update.
Welp, let's hope that if I drop $250AU I'll get a good batch of stuff.
>tfw bought 2 kd minis and they look great now that i put them together
>tfw too afraid to paint them for fear of fucking up
(Most) Models generally look fine unpainted imo, given them a base coat so you can hide small production faults though.
I have a fucking crate full of KD:M miniatures worth probably $400 I don't have the balls to even touch. My main concern is that the singles are made of resin. I don't even know if that resin will survive a stripping if I fuck up the paint job. I'm not even convinced those resin mini's are tabletop worthy. Some of those parts just look so brittle. I wish everything came in hard plastic.
Are the models easily magnetizable?
It'd be cool if you could change sets to match on the fly.
I have no money and I must scream. I wish I had a sugardaddy. I'm having trouble just trying to get $400 for black friday.
The hardest things are arms and anything that attach to them, like hands and their weapons.
it's be real fuckin neato if he fulfilled the first kickstarter before launching another one
>tfw poorfag
>only could get the Necromancer
>probably not gonna have enough money for Black Friday or the new Kickstarter
This game is killing me
Let's guess stretch goals, ones that will probably be put up.
>New Individual models, ~$30 per pledge
>New Sets, + ~$50 per pledge
>Base Game, ~$70-80
>Base + Expansions from previous Edition, ~$200
>Base + Expansions + "Surprise", ~$400
>Base + Expansions + "Surprise" + Actual Surprise once Poots has got a fuck ton of money, $600+
Surprise will probably be some lore friendly promo stuff included (Maybe not Nurse, but stuff like Frogdog, Griphon, Forsaker, etc.)
>Shill thread
>16 replies
>8 posters
Shit, and you're going to tell me the everyone in the AoS threads are legitimate fans of Warhammer and not just employees and autists?
>no Black Knight in stock
Fuck dude, I don't even play this game, but I want that model so bad. Last I checked the dang model goes for like $100 on eBay.
If you paint with acrylics, it's super easy to strip them and re-paint. Simple Isopropal alcohol should work for basically all brands except Tamiya primer
Though if you're new to mini painting I definitely wouldn't start with KD models.
Fuck, if your even close I might actually do that for $200. I really want this game but no ones willing to go in on a $400 game (plus I want the models.)
I'm still waiting on that and Thief and storm knight to be restocked
The only major items that haven't been fulfilled are Lantern Festival and the digital artbook, and the festival has been reworked a couple times.
$80 wouldn't even cover the costs for the game without any models and its shipping, you silly goose.
Frogdog, Griphon, and Fox were already confirmed to be for future expansions.
Resin models are only contracted for a few molds, which is why they only get 500 copies. Chances are that the Classes and Knights are going to eventually get plastic remakes, much like the witches did.
If he sold the game without minis, he wouldn't be in his right mind to charge over $40. Seriously.
For hard plastic models I would give or take an extra $40-60 sure.
From a consumer stand point I mean.
You underestimate how much paper product the game contains. It's roughly 15 lbs. without the models, and the card material isn't the cheap flimsy shit like Cards Against Humanity uses.
Shit, D&D rulebooks are 40-50 bucks, son.
He sold the game at Gencon without any minis for 100$ and it sold out on the first day
Assuming money is no issue, is this game worth picking up? It looks really interesting!
Yes it's a great game. Models are fantastic and gameplay is fun with a ton of variation from the gear system. Just don't get attached to characters.
I've heard some fantastic stories about the game. If he does attempt to fund a Wave 2 I really hope Poots figured out solutions to his logistical nightmares. He wasn't ready for the sheer volume that was Wave 1 and people were still getting shipments months after release. A Wave 2 would only be worse considering support for the game has at least doubled since the original Kickstarter. So yeah, if you want to weather the shit storm with everyone else I'd highly recommend it. Watch some videos of the gameplay if you need more convincing.
Poots has learned a lot from the trials of the original kickstarter, to say the least.
Shit, not everyone in the hobby is obsessed with minis. Why leave the money off the table?
They did
If I was at GenCon I would have knifed a guy for it. The actual game and setting is terrific, the minis are just something my game group is not into.
Dark Paladin 2lewd
As for the kikestarter, I might actually chip in for the base game. I will be quite literally postponing purchase of house appliance for this, but whatever I don't need them that bad.
>People who will never play the game.
Bro, if you're broke as shit maybe you should worry about getting a good job instead of how much some niche toys could hypothetically cost you.
Board games that are less replayable and have a smaller scale cost over $40. You no nothing of the Veeky Forums market.
Nice trips, and did not know that. Bit of extortion but oh well.
Okay buddy.
poorfags gonna poor
Nope, injuredfag, gotta wait until I get my paycheck.
Enjoy your getting your lunch money from your parents while you still can before coming an adult. :^)
>Enjoy your getting your
Enjoy getting*
Fucking kill me.
What is a $40 in the same scope as KD?
I worked a shitty job while the Kickstarter was going and I couldn't afford any of the single releases for the longest time. Landed a fantastic job last year and I just went *deep* on the Black Friday sales last year to make up for lost time.
No regrets.
>Thinks disability is a paycheck.
>Implying people who can afford expensive toys don't have jobs.
>Implying you're not just a broke, sad retard.
Le Maoing @ ur lyfe
>Taking it this personally.
Mate, I'm ready to drop some dosh on this already, don't you worry.
Top banter.
Out of your mind cheap... $400 is actually a good price for this game... its literally that good...
>get btfo
>try to turn it around once you realize it
nah mate, nah
I mean most of that price tag is the miniatures crammed that are crammed into the box. I don't think another game exists that contains that many hobby quality miniatures off the shelf.
>crammed crammed
I think its time for bed
General question in game seeing as though this is a general somewhat;
I've begun to like whips more over the paste few sessions, been a useful utility + weapon, what's the most useful armour set and SFA/FA's to focus on a whip build?
Currently using Silk Whip, Goat set but missing the legs, and using the Man Hunters lantern for affinities for whip. Has that one disorder where I can't use any edge weapons, OoD and Vengeance.
Also, Fist and Tooth fighter/tank build -- worth it or not?
Everyone should have fist and tooth.
Most useful armour is Rawhide.
What the fuck is this game?
I remember seeing this shit ages ago, tons and tons of hype threads. '
Lurking in these threads, I literally cannot figure out what's going on.
Is it a board game? Is it a table top rpg like shadowrun or dungeons and Dragons? Is it even in stock?
How does the game work?
One of you shills fill me in. I want in on the Kingdom Death club. I wanna buy this shit
It's a board game with both RPG and Civ elements where you control survivors in a bizarre and horrific land of monsters and little else. You gotta kill dem monsters to harvest their organs to make everything you need to survive.
It's also hard as fuck, hence the name.
I just finished typing out all 100 of the hunt events into a google doc because I hate flipping through the book to find them. I generously present this barebones doc to you, Veeky Forums, please use it well.
Most people say it's a cross between Dark Souls and Monster Hunter.
I personally think it's more XCOM + Monster Hunter with a bit of Geiger flair.
Posting a list of Poots plans during interviews/news from Gencon for those who missed it, forgot, etc.
>Second Kickstarter will be KDM 1.4, stand alone book and cards will be available for purchase for those running 1.31 and below.
>Mega package of base and original expansions is UNLIKELY (It may still happen) due to shipping and weight.
>Lantern Festival
Scrapped and reworked due to balancing issues,
(probably not available during the kickstarter or sometime after IMHO)
>Invaders (Working Title)
Take the role of 4 veteran survivors randomly generated to invade a "pre-existing" settlement, where "You will fight against a Hero or Chieftain as the first boss of the game, killing him will have an effect on the settlement that you've taken over."
>Nightmare Ram is pretty much guaranteed first expansion after this kickstarter (Interviews saying only art assets were needed, but development may say otherwise)
>Frogdog and Gryphon will be expansions, Pariah as a new nemesis.
>Screaming God is still being worked on but is on the top of Adam's priority list.
>Sunstalker and Dragonking reprints
This video,
If you ignore the college student like camera shy awkwardness, it covers it pretty well.
Oh finally a KD thread. Just got this game and i trying to play it with 4 normie friends. The problem is this game too hard for them and whenever they died they call me a cheater and idiot. How the fuck can i get them to read the rules and stop asking stupid questions? what is a horrible experiment
>why is this phoenix look like this? phoenix doesn't have hands
Fuck this shit yo
>tfw australian
>40 aud for a miniature plus 26 aud for shipping
Kill me
Play with people who play Warhammer or D&D and stuff like that but are really into it - like they are aware of major lore and the nitty gritty of it.
It's not those who only play family friendly board games, or those who don't like a bit of meta gaming. You can't fix a normie so you have to go looking for people interested in it.
Because it's not really a board game as such, but more of a small scale hobby.
I don't have any friend who into tabletop stuff except these smug stupid fuck self proclaimed "gamer"
I'm just posting here for the only weapon you ever need. You get it early and then you harden it in poop for late game. Nothing compares.
So i seen a lot of recast stuff from chinkland like this
Is the quality any good though?
More news from the Silent Butcher.
Deaded a Phoenix.
Lost 1 to a time spiral.
Lost 1 cause he got his face pecked off.
Debating if she gets the Timeless Ring or my Blue Savior.
Kamina (The Promo Model) is also slowly becoming insanely powerful after miraculously surviving the Taken! Spiducules event.
I may start posting their character sheets.
I hear they're ok. But I would just wait for the plastic witches if you missed the resin ones.
Glorious Zanbato.
I've been doing work with a lucky Butcher's Cleaver.
So meaty with a Frenzy Potion.
The game was also considerably smaller when he put up the $100 for core game pledge level.
Knowing what he does now, I'd be shocked if he set the pledge for the core game anywhere bear that. The molds are already accounted for, for the minis, so the biggest cost now is the materials cost for all the cards. As you said, it's hard to know what he'll charge. If I had to guess, I might be able to see the core game going as low as $275 for early backers, and $325-350 for basic.
So wait for the kickstarter and wait for another 2 years for the reprint?
It won't take that long since everything is already made.
It's your best chance to get a copy.
Is the dark paladin look good? i just ordered the wet nurse
>It won't take that long
So how long?
Within a year?
Most kickstarters that have stuff produced and half ready take 6-8 months.
Probably about 5-6 months after it's over and depending where you live I guess.
>Not Scimmy with Throwing Knives + Combo Master just to be rude.
Bato is cool, but I had a seriously good streak Scimmy.
I just finished this. Whaddya think?
Yeah but can you surge during a monster flow and knock it on it's ass with throwing knives?
Out first blind playthrough had us using dual axes on a ambidextrous survivor, later on we put her in phoenix armor and the mini was hyyye. Dual wielding is still probably the coolest looking minis that you can build. Then one downside to living the Zanbato life is that it's kind of hard to get the same cool dynamic poses without it looking ridiculous.
The Gormskin lantern can work a miracle if need be, then you just got to town with scimmy going SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI
I dig it, looks like he ate a survivor with a belly full of some kind of ichor.
I just finished mine too.
>Thief, Archivist, Fade, Apotheosis, Black Knight
>All sold out
Fuck, Poots, please make these available.
Is it bad that I'd get that for the survivors and not the Nurse?
I mean the pinup wet nurse. I don't have enough money to buy the trick and treat bag, australian suck ;_;
Right there with you man, AusFag too, having to work out a kickstarter price buffer to make sure I don't get fucked over with conversion.
So like, what's the realistic expectation of prices for the base game and expansions?
Seeing as though there's a little disparity of information.
Did a little research and saw that Poots is claiming to have better production this time, so I might buy some of the expansions later.
I expect a 100 dollar no-mini version. Maybe 150. Expansions will still be price I'm sure.
>I expect a 100 dollar no-mini version
For that price it won't have cardboard pieces either
After surviving the initial shit storm, I'm sure Poots is going to be far more prepared for the next wave. I'd expect no less than $150 as a low ball estimate which would include the cards and rulebooks. Chances are any minis that come with the basic game are just going to be the basic survivors in hard plastic at best. There's nothing indicating any plans for cardboard tokens or stand-ups but they would make the game a lot more accessible due to a lower cost so I'd be down for that.
Can someone please tell me what's going on in this picture?
Again, most of the cost comes from the 15 pounds of nice cardstock being used.
The plastic minis are sold on their own at a significant markup as an easy way to generate revenue. Removing minis from the game will not reduce the price all that much.
any chance of an art book releasing?
White speaker, basically cult story tellers
Poots mentioned it might be a reward or stretch goal in the new Kickstarter
With minis I doubt he'd lower the price much, I'd say lowest you'd see it would be 325-350.
It's a campaign style cooperative board game. The setting would make a great Blades in the Dark hack.
I don't know why someone can't just answer this question normally, but we have spazzes saying $400 for a board game without minis is worth the price because it's so good.
If poots produced a decent quantity at once of the non-mini parts of the game it wouldn't be an issue to meet that price.
But he's pretty famous for having a terrible head for business and letting himself get screwed by his molders let alone to printers.
>they will never release singles
these "bundles" is jsut a fucking excuse to sell stocks that didn't sell
Yeah I'm pretty frustrated that the disciples weren't just released by themselves.
Not only can I not afford to get the whole kit right now, I don't want these Halloween models at all.
So I made the family tree of my solo campaign so far and I think it's coming along nicely.
RIP Gem's snatch, Phoenix wass brutal yet fun. My special child went from being nearly retired/nonexistant to 2.
Also, Shade and Ini just had twins and I'm still unsure with name's I'd like to give them, used the Zodiac already so I'm moving onto major "ancient" historical figures now. Anyone got suggestions?
That sound very autism
Nah you should categorize them by their generation #, sex, and A-Z.
After a demo with Poots, the first friend immediately preordered for $250 or $300, can't remember.
After a game, another friend immediately bought a copy at $400.
It's fun.
I have had about 12 people play the game at some point, and all of them immediately checked the shop for it afterwards. They all complained more about it being sold out than they do about the price.
$400 is steep for a buy in, forba single game, but it has a really nice group dynamic, plays differently each time, and a single, full campaign can give you weeks of game time. Also, the quality is really solid.
If you have the spare funds, I'd say it is totally worth it.
You're not alone. It's not just Australia that gets murdered on shipping. USPS is awful when it needs to move something across an ocean.
On average a new KD miniature will cost me about €25, with €28 in shipping.
And that's not even counting the 21% customs charge I get on top of that.
So Australia and Europe are mostly in the same boat here.
my apologies, that one was meant for
Holy shit that sounds terrible