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Know how I know your gay?

Custodes: 40k or HH versions?

Cheer up, you silly goose.

Why would you even begin to consider the 40k versions?

Because he pushes back when you fuck him?

I see this thread is off to a great start.
/hhg/, leading Veeky Forums in quality threads since... never.

Good spears and Eternal Warrior, I suspect.

It's just the first few posts and defeatism is frown upon, user.


Their 40k formations also add 5+ invuln save if you run the full group of 3.

30k Custodies are a "full" army. Probably similar to 40k Grey Knights. With what they've said so far, I think each weapon option will be a force org slot, Spears being troops and sword&board being elites according to WD

Custodians proper being HQ along with some captain-commanders and named characters, lone wolf style 3w operatives being elites, Jetpack with sword being FA, gravtank being FA, Lascannon-spear dudes being HS, Grav spartan-equivalent being LoW

New Audio Drama.


Can't listen, eye of horus released nearly 7 hours of aussie banter

I guess this thread is now the Custodes General.

Silly question time, NL terror squads can take a "heavy chainblade" on every model. Is this the heavy chainsword in the main rulebook (S+2 AP5) or the heavy chainblade the taghmata get (S+2 AP4)? Reason I ask is they haven't put its rules in the wargear summary, which normally means it's a weapon in the main rulebook, despite the name being the same as the taghmata weapon.

Second silly question, you buy heavy chainblades in addition to the model's equipment not as a replacement, so each model will have a heavy chainblade, a bolt pistol, and a chainsword. Can you choose to use the bolt pistol and chainsword for +1 attack (say if you have A Talent For Murder activated)?

Third silly question, (which I probably should have asked first,) are terror squads with heavy chainblades worth using, or should they always be armed with volkite? S6 wounds marines on a 2+ which goes really well with preferred enemy, but everyone gets very excited about volkite so I dunno.

Spotted the Coraxfag

Don't squat on daemon worlds.

Sisters might also be part of that army, my guess is assassins will also be part of the emps talons.

With spears, 40k versions. Pretty much the only thing 30k ones have is frag grenades, while the 40k dudes have AP2 all the time and eternal warrior. (Lightning skillz vs block is a draw for me.)

With shields, 30k. 4++ rerollable is slightly better than 3++, but the rending swords really make them. Lack of EW is a bugger though.

Nah, I like them too. Monovisors are pretty cool.

Assassin as an elite slot, with all six types represented as an upgrade?

Forgot to say, a big advantage the 40k versions have at the moment is you can shove them in an allied land raider (which can have assault launchers to deal with the frag grenade problem). Though it'll certainly change when they get a full army list, at the moment 30k custodes have to footslog like chumps.

85 points base, 40k base statline, purchasable weapons as well as consul-style upgrades
Yes, this can make an eversor with double power fists
can join squads, gives 4+ FNP, gives one unit 3+ poison for their CC attacks at game start
No idea, probably one guaranteed reserve roll and also an alpha-style sabotage

Should I make my 30k army Thousand Sons, Imperial Fists, or Blackshields?


Nobody ever actually follows through on playing black shields

Thousands Sons.

loyalist thousand sons with custodes and sisters of silence allies

you'll need so gal vorbak too

Valdor - HQ
Amon - HQ
(generic commander) - HQ
Custodes Cataphractii - Elite
Custodes Sentinels - Elite
Custodes Guardians - Troops
Custodes with boltguns - Troops
Caladius grav-tank - FA
Custodian bikes - FA

I don't get why the spear guys get not only a vry mediocre weapon, but also one attack less, meaning they can't really make all that much of their one phase of S+1 AP2.

Eh? They have the same number of attacks.

#1) Check the weapon profiles in Book 2. If it has a profile, use the one provided, but I'm guessing it refers to the one from the main rulebook.

#2) When you get into assault you chose which weapon you are using. so you would charge chose to attack with chainswords or heavy chainswords then apply bonuses. Also if the heavy chainswords are 1handed and regular melee you should always use them since they also give you the +1 attack for extra CCW.

#3) no idea. Volkite is good for burning down a squad to get Talent for Murder up, but heavy chainblades w/ +2 str means you wound marines on 2+ rerolling 1 vs infantry (ya preferred enemy)

I would go with heavy chainblades if you aim to shred infantry with charges and volkites if you want a skirmish shooting unit that can pick off survivors with the charge.

I'm building Veterans for my SoH. Trouble is with the weapons. I was thinking of using 2 plasmas in the squad. However, would it be better to change one of them for a missile launcher?

They are going to use the sniper rule and outflank in a rhino.

Another squad will rock the meltas.

I like that the 40k version is actually defensivly-minded with non-Relentless rapid fire weapons, persistent S+1 AP2, Block and lack of assault grenades.
With the formation adding the much-needed 5++ the spear custodes are really only missing Counterattack to be perfect.
Meanwhile, in HH guardian custodes are bodyguards with a singular charge focus; assault guns, plasma grenades, spears that suck unless charging, all of that is pretty confusing and weird. And for some arbitrary reason they have only two attacks.

No, the 40k guys have 3 attacks.

Ah, my bad, thought you were comparing them to the shield guys for some reason.

I like 2 Plasma, give the Sarge a Combi-Plas and you can fuck heavy infantry's plans

I use 3 squads.

Now that you mention it, my wording was pretty poor there. Sorry about that.

>not plasma pistol+power weapon

Because he takes the knot.

I give him a power weapon, but I play IFs so it's nice to get that Bolter shit too. I dunno, pick your poison.

Because they are not only slightly better (the formation fixes their most glaring problem), but the way they are played is fluffier. 30k custodes are all about aggression, 40k custodes are defenders, which I feel works better for the supposedly perfect bodyguards.

Nobody in their right mind uses plasma pistols.

Don't tell me what to do. You're not my real dad.

So a normal 20 man tactical squad has a sergeant, vox specialist and aquilifier?

Lorgar pls go.

All squads have sergeants, vox is only if you have barrage weapons or deepstrikers, and the vexilla is only really for legions that need it/if you think you need it. DG, IW, and a couple other legions have no use for them.

so How are you supposed to run draykavac? He has neither Patris cybernetica nor independent Character

So what are the rules building milita lists? Can I use my 40k IG for a 30k militia list? Milita (and cults) look like a TON of fun to play, but what is the general community guidelines on running them?

Well I just bought a Fire Raptor some auto cannons and the last 5 MkIII Breachers to fill out the squad. All of the above bought because it's so cool looking!

Yeah man, totally. You can't use the 40k codex, but you can totally use the models no problem.

Actually 30k is the ONLY time I have brought a plasma pistol and it was in the same unit the guy suggested

And did it do anything?

With the death dealer rule it might actually be useful for a change, making the sarge hit on a 2+.

You don't. You run Scoria.

>After the destruction of the Infidus Imperator, Kor Phaeron of the Word Bearers brought his followers to supposed safety in the Eye of Terror. However, their newly adopted home, the daemon world Sicarus, is far from the sanctuary they imagined – the twisted hordes of the Kairic Adept Larazzar seek to crush these newcomers and all who would ally with them.
Haha, chaos was a mistake, Word Cucks
>Only in the ancient legends of Sicarus can their salvation be found, but is Kor Phaeron the one to lead them to it?
I wonder if Kor will succeed, or fail and be retconned away. The suspense kills me deader than Horus.




Guys, I need help.

I found out Zardu Layak makes Ashen Circle troops. Which means I can run Ashen Circle and Destroyers in an army with no Anti-Armor or Anti-Air. And with Angel's Wrath, they all have Hit and Run. So I can have two terrible jetpack units bouncing around being terrible bouncing in and out of combat as they get shot up by anything with an AV since they can't do crap against it.

Please stop me.

Rule of cool trumps everything.

How about Lightnings?

Can't you randomly run him in that indentured questoris knight list? I guess he just hangs and does some stuff while the robots deus vult.

I've got 225 points left in a 2000 point IF list

Got 3x Plas vets with sniper, Terminators and Praetor in an LR designed to fuck up objective hoggers, 2x Vindicators for the siege vibe and Kheres Mortis for dakka

What can I do with the remaining 225 points that's fluffy?

Plasma doesnt benefit very much from marksman, consider meltas for the chance of ID'ing a centurion/praetor
As for the points, if the vets dont have rhinos give them rhinos. If you do, get a Dorito for more long-ranged anti-tank

You aren't me

Guys I want to stick breachers in a landraider but that will cost a billion points. But it would look so cool!

>Do it
Maybe shell for a cheaper LR Proteus? Breaching shields and plasma guns mean you aren't in such a hurry to assault.

>30k custodes are all about aggression, 40k custodes are defenders
U wot m8?
40k shield dudes are just generic fags with power sword+storm shield that can deep strike wherever they want.
30k shield dudes have rules that give incentive to stand in front of other units, to stand in shield formation and to tie up enemies and tarpit them in melee.

If you're surprised that a unit with halberds is aggressive, you might want to check yourself for brain damage.

>30k shield dudes have rules that give incentive to stand in front of other units, to stand in shield formation and to tie up enemies and tarpit them in melee.
SUEzerains are Fearless, have AP2 (autowounds on a to-hit of 6), defensive grenades and can gain counter-attack with the RoW. And mortals get inspired by their presence. And can have AP2 shooting as well. And Thunder hammers.
Not saying they mulch Custodians or anything (simply because i havent yet done the math), but Shieldstodians with King of King swords are nothing new nor game changing.

Only upgrades I can fit on the Dorito are Aiolos launcher or Hellfire Plasma

Yes Suzerains are OP as fuck, but what does that have to do with which set of rules for Custodes is fluffier?

I want Custodians to be uber OP and be priced accordingly. They should make other marines feel like mortals around them. I means srsly, if Sues have AP2 ccws, why can Custodes have something like that too?

Nerf the outlier, don't buff everything else. I'm trying to escape from the power creep of 40k.

But they will never nerf them. Never will...

How do I get plasma guns. There not listed in the breachers section.

I've ran him with my household. He's an okay repairman and his bonus to charges is nice to ha, but he costs a lot of points that aren't spent on knights. I'd much rather have a Lancer-Seneschal as my warlord and spend the rest on a bunch of upgrades.

4 wounds, 4 attacks, Monsterous Creature, EW, IWND, ATSKNF (40k style)
130 points a dude

How about no.

It's a secret option, only available to us who mistake their options with the Warder ones.
ATSKNF would be nice, fitting for Custodes. Pretty much true AP2 is all I'm asking, since Power glaives and Invictarii are a thing already

Ok then. Seeing as my army is mostly rule of cool so I will see were my points go. If I have them I might give them a Landraider.


40k Custodes have exaclty the same amount of incentives to stand before other units, except the 40k version lacks grenades and Rending, and has Deep Strike, meaning they'll be less likely to charge.
And halberds might be an agressive weapon, I like to think of spears mostly defensive weapons.


T . H . I . C . C .

Anyone have a picture of how to do TSONS from the BoP how to paint?

Can anyone post the new, changed, custodes rules? I can't find them anywhere

Need to be a command squad to be fearless actually.

30k version


This night lords theme Veeky Forums has going on today is shit.

>40k Custodes have exaclty the same amount of incentives to stand before other units
3" unit coherency means 30k Custodes can cover more ground with fewer models.

>If a target is partially obscured from the firer by models from a third unit (models not from the firer’s unit, or from the target unit), it receives a 5+ cover save in the same way as if it was behind terrain. Similarly, if a model fires through the gaps between models in an intervening unit, the target is in cover, even if it is completely visible to the firer.



Didn't get any (You)'s last thread so I assume this list is alright, the idea is that the Assault Marines march up the board top munch on a MEQ squad, both HQ's join the butchers in the Assault ram to fuck up the nearest TEQ, while the Autocannons and Laser Destroyers partake in very un-WE activities and shoot up vehicles

Inductii and Cortus march up and punch things to death with S10

2497/2500 WE Bezerker Assault


Gahlan Surlak

Kharn - (Legacy of Blood)


18x Legion Assault Squad - (Chainaxes, 3x Power Weapon)
Legion Assault Sergeant - (Power Weapon)

18x Legion Tactical Squad (Augmented Inductii, Chainaxes, Legion Vexilla)
Legion Tactical Sergeant (Artificer Armour, Power Fist)

18x Legion Tactical Squad - (Augmented Inductii, Chainaxes, Legion Vexilla)
Legion Tactical Sergeant - (Artificer Armour, Power Fist)


3x Legion Apothecary - (1x Jump-Pack)

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought - (2x D9CW, 2x Graviton Gun)

3x Legion Rapier Weapons Battery - (3x Laser Destroyer Arrays)

4x Red Butchers - (8x Power Axes)
The Devoured - (2x Power Axes)

Fast Attack

3x Outrider Squad - (3x Twin-linked Plasma Guns)

Heavy Support

Caestus Assault Ram

5x Heavy Support Squad - (5x Autocannons)

Why is new Battlescribe horrible and completely disorganised

>Power Weapon

You have to specify which one you pick when building the list, ya dingbat

Because the Emperor, fleshform of the Omnissiah, wills it.