What would possess someone to design a sword like this, even in a setting where dumb anime bullshit is acceptable?
What would possess someone to design a sword like this, even in a setting where dumb anime bullshit is acceptable?
Say that to it's face faggot. That sword has Maelstrom/Tornado stored inside as a level 9 spell slot that can be used twice a day and regains a charge every day.
Looks be damned, I'm flaunting that shit to every king and peasant I see.
Settle down.
Honestly that's not even that bad. The balance is fucked and the grip seems too small relative to the blade, but the overall shape is still servicable. The wider tip is reminiscent of a gladius.
Looks like a leaf-shaped blade, actually.
It's a bad blade but I wouldn't call it worthless, especially since leaf-shaped blades were designed for hacking more than thrusts.
That's hardly offensive for a sword design.
It's not that dumb, especially by anime standards. It's basically sword-lance hybrid.
Who the fuck is spamming these "bawww, i haet thing :'c" threads?
The only thing about this that offends my at all is the fancy bits at the base of the blade. But even then that isn't too big a sin.
actually, whose sword is this? If the person was a king or similar then this gets a pass on even that part that is offensive. Even if it is a legendary blade, if the hero was a king and the sword a symbol of their kingship, then it gets ceremonial status added to it. Which does slightly lower its parameters but it's a rather minor thing iirc.
You are kind of missing a key detail in the OP's sword that would render it virtually useless. Mainly the balance.
If you look at you see a huge ass pommel to help balance out the weight of the blade. have longer, larger grips that generally do the same thing. OPs has a tiny ass grip and no pommel at all, along with an overly thick, heavy blade.
It's sort of the sword-equivalent of putting the magazine feed half way up the barrel of a gun. It looks OK at first glance to people who don't know any better, but it's a completely retarded non-functional design if you actually pay attention to how it's supposed to work.
Case in point
There are worse examples in western media.
Genderswapped King Arthur's, but Genderswapped Mordred swiped it when she rebelled.
I *think* the wielder is literally anime Mordred from Fate/Apocrypha and it's modeled after anime Excalibur, which is essentially the same damn sword but blue instead of red. Which is the one swird i'd expect to look fancy.
Here's Fate's Excalibur, for reference.
>weapon autism
On the same level as armor autism
Did someone say armor autism? Here's mordred's gear.
Ok, I didn't see the name claret in the file name. So this was the blade of Arthur that was never used by him/her in battle. It was strictly a knighting and ceremony sword, then mordred stole it cause daddy issues.
So yeah, nothing wrong with this sword at all. It's not a sword intended for combat in the first place.
What are you talking about? Are you talking about the size? The shape of how the blade extends from the crossguard? How the base of the blade seems unsharpened?
It doesn't seem like a real weapon of course, but someone could have a remotely sound argument that it's some sort of leaf bladed zweihander that lacks a set of quillons to protect the hands yet has a convenient place to grip toward the center of gravity for when you need to stab. But that's my armchair martial artist/swordsman talking.
I always did like fate's Excalibur. It is just a rather simple sword, nothing super fancy and over the top with embellishments and gems like you often see depictions of the sword be. And yet it also has elements to it to make it clear it is no normal blade, especially not one crafted by medieval sword smiths. A simple, otherworldly sword.
I just wish it had a friggin pommel, but maybe the faerie who crafted it added a counter weight enchantment.
OP really should had chosen one of the more derpy designs out of Nasu's works than Clarent. For example Attila or Nero's swords or Rhongomynyad.
I want to make her an honest boi (male)
This was a weapon designed for ceremonial purposes. Furthermore, it was made for a literally superhuman dragon-blooded warrior king who could kick a normal person so hard they practically explode.
The only real problem with it is the lack of a real pommel, which presents no issue for its wielder, as the entire weapon was probably light as a feather to Arturia.
Basically, you a retard.
>armor covers wearer from head to toe
i mean there's a lot of retarded and/or sticky outy bits, but for anime lady armor, credit where it's due.
While I get you're talking about needing a pommel, nothing about that sword suggests it has a tiny ass grip or pommel. It's much more likely to simply be a two-handed sword with leaf-shaped blade characteristics to give it a better hacking edge.
It's balanced fine, you're just not putting together the fact it's balance is further forward to emphasize it's cut. Check out a few two-handed swords or even an axe.
To further (autistically) illustrate my point, here's a quick mockup for the size. Easily fits into the longsword category. Taking a glance at longswords suggests nothing wrong with the pommel for saber's sword.
No, most of that weight is going to be concentrated just above the crossguard, which is the worst place to put it--you lose point control and maneuverability without actually gaining anything in terms of cutting power unless you happen to be cutting with the base of the blade (i.e. never).
On the other hand, as has been mentioned above, it's ceremonial and still downright sensible by animu standards, so OP is still a faggot.
>unless you happen to be cutting with the base of the blade
not that you could cut with the base of that blade, anyway
the fuck is the point of that dumb huge dull part and the way it spreads out into the crossguard?
you couldn't even hold it to thrust with the sword because it's so wacky
Uh m8, your maths are fucked.
The blue line is 670 pixels long and the green one, 600p. That makes it 89.5% of her height, or 137.9 cm long, quite longer than even the biggest longswords and on the upper limits of claymores. And it's quite a bit heftier too, with twice to three times the width.
It's by no means as bad as WoW designs, but it's not what you'd call realistic.
I love Fate's character designs when they're not fanservice stripper outfits.
Although I can forgive the spandex in EMIYA and Cu's cases.
Caliburn is the superior sword desu
Really? I think it makes for a better arrow.
That's not Caliburn, you secondary.
Yes, because it has AESTHETICS
Excalibur is xbox huge when you compare it to Caliburn-chan.
Proto Excalibur looks nicer
How do shells come out?
Too busy design. Regular Excalibur is best Type-Moon sword.
nobody knows, but there have been entire threads dedicated to figuring out a plausible method of operation
That's Caladbolg.
If I remember right they're supposedly pushed back into a tube, and then loaded into the chamber. Or at least that's the best explanation /k/ had for it.
Durandal a best.
That's Proto Caliburn (Sealed Excalibur). Proto Excalibur looks meh and has a hole in it for some reason.
Cu's outfit is supposed to be representative of body paint.
They couldn't have him running around in nothing but blue paint, so they went for a mercilessly revealing bodysock instead.
There's at least a handwave for Cu that makes actual sense.
Fate swords? Have a Gram.
That's Balmung. This one's Gram.
Well fuck me running. I just googled his sword cause I couldn't remember it's name and Gram was the one that popped up.
Both are beautiful swords.
What would possess someone to design a sword like this? Despite the fact the Abyssinians used it to forge an empire.
Against unarmored foes like the egyptians, a heavily curved blade is best for slashing at their unprotected limbs.
Caliburn is the more traditionally kingly looking sword. full of decorative gribble and do dads, which I honestly not as much a fan of when compared to excalibur's much more sleek and straight forward design. I know most peoploe seem to prefer Caliburn's aesthetic, but I just prefer the simplicity.
What would possess someone to design a sword like this, even in a continent where primitive oogabooga bullshit was acceptable?
Isn't that a throwing weapon?
It is.
That's a solid opinion. My problem with Excalibur is the design feels off. It might be the crossguard, but I can't confidently place my finger on the issue.
Neat! Thanks for the pic!
>not understanding bloodletting
also the tip being larger than the middle gives it maximum weight for the swing. making it both good for slashing and stabbing
Those huge pommels look wooden
I mean it's not really that practical but it's hardly the worst animu sword out there, it's actually pretty decent t b h.
Can also be used in melee, although I'd rather kopesh
>literal ceremonial sword
>not even particularly stupid looking
Complain about things that actually matter, or don't fucking complain.
>even in a setting where dumb anime bullshit is acceptable?
Obvious bait.
That's easily one of the least retarded looking anime swords out there.
It really is.
Agreed. OP's pic doesn't even have a single skull, ring, or spike along the blade.
Now if someone were to post real weeb sword designs, he'd probably start foaming at the mouth.
Fourth and fifth from the left are acceptable in a fantasy setting, especially if the thing wielding them is a deity or a demon or something.
>that first sword
What the fuck. Does the designer not understand how physical materials transfer force
I dunno, the second from right looks like a good example og Githyanki Silver Swords form AD&D (because gods know that outside of AD&D they were shit).
looks like a mix between a ring sword and a forward curved blade like the kukri
That's a hole and not just a white stripe? Wow that's lame.
Half of those look more like sheaths!
I think he means the spindly connection to the handgrip.
This sword makes me hard.
Post more retarded animuh swords.
oh true true
Honestly i think old fate has surprisingly ok weapon design. Except maybe heracles' but he originally used a club anyway so meh
This entire thread is people arguing about realism in Chinese cartoons. kek.
Why does the sword on the right have feathers on the blade?
>Make game
>Make NERF foam bats
>On everything
>Including the oar handles
At the least the horror that is "maces" looks better than they did in 1
102 to 105 look weirdly flimsy.
Foam bat age is Foam Bat Age user.
Bonus point. If the handles wasn't so fucked up, some of the daggers would be "cool"
Superhuman strength and fuckueg monsters needing to be slain.
Basically "Monster Hunter" settings.
It's a ceremonial weapon used in knightly rituals and whilst at court, why do you want weapons of war in the kings presence? Are you planning to commit treason?
Daggers are known for being
>bitching about anime weapon design
>on the board that makes sci-fi and fantasy it's specialty
>All those shitty designs
Remember when Bioware said that Dragon Age was supposed to be the darker, more grounded fantasy serious they've always wanted to make?
>caring about weapon realism
>in RPG games
>caring about weapon realism
>at all
At the least we got a literal Saturday Morning Cartoon villan for Inquisition.
That wasn't so bad.
The only "darker grounded fantasy" in Origins is the Dwarf situation, the rest is borderline parody.
Daggers were known for coming in various shapes and sizes, including toeing the line of short swords.
How are you supposed to use those?
Closest thing to a real european sword posted so far.
It needs a cross guard to protect the hand, and a tapered blade for effecting armor.
This would be an early 1300's long sword, the tip is designed for attacking mail, not plate.
At least until you realize it's 7 feet long.
Siegfried is huge and his sword is huger.
Dark, grounded fantasy would require at least some writing talent (not much though, given that even GW was able to do it).
Huge swords for huge people is historically accurate, at least if you thing Great Pier was a real person.
Sumanai is huge, that means that he has huge jobbings.
It doesn't even require any good talent either.
Just a basic checklist:
1. Is anybody fueled by raw brain damage instead of a real motive?
2. Is the villain a real threat, if presented as such?
3. If any fantastical elements is introduced, are the element truly fantastical?
4. Do you in any way or form, comprehend logistics?
Or you could just be a hack, and do some 1:1 copy of a extremely bloody war, like War of Roses.
But slower and more drawn out so that you'ven't to start another project anytime soon.