If you guys could change the names of abbility scores to something else, What changes would you make and why?
If you guys could change the names of abbility scores to something else, What changes would you make and why?
I'd get rid of the stupid str/dex/etc that d&d taught us and move on to the clearly superior S.P.E.C.I.A.L. scheme.
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Health look fine to me.
Still wondering about separating perception and will from intelligence for good, though.
change strength to Muscle Fibers
change dexterity to Cartilage Power
change constitution to Organ and Skeletal Integrity
change intelligence to Brain Wattage
change wisdom to Brain Wattage (2)
change charisma to Face Level
Grit, Moxie, Hustle.
Strength = muscle
Constitution = fitness
Dexterity = coordination
Charisma = personality
Willpower = resolve
Intelligence = cognition
Wisdom = education
Best right there
My man
I was doing a homebrew campaign where the PCs' character sheets were, flavor-wise, dossiers.
>Gross Motor Skill
>Fine Motor Skill
>Memory Recall
>Social Awareness
I forget what I renamed Charisma.
>move on to the clearly superior S.P.E.C.I.A.L. scheme.
Actually this.
D&D abilities have so many problems. Str and dex have some overlap, as both involve weapon speed and affect accuracy, they get confused regarding thrown attacks, and attacks with bows often ignore the fact that a bowman's strength is hugely important. There are still competing ideas of what wisdom is supposed to be, whether wisdom or charisma represent willpower, of what relationship charisma has to appearance, and what relationship intelligence should have to education or literacy. And that's not even getting into all the little powers that allow mental stats to be used for attacks, which imply that wisdom and intelligence are basically treated like dexterity. It's just a gigantic mess.
Just including agility as its own stat bypasses like half the problems D&D has struggled with regarding weapon accuracy and damage. Having a separate stat that handles perception and lockpicking makes it possible to represent someone who has attention to detail and can use his hands well, but isn't the fastest gun in the west. As a bonus, including a luck stat means we don't need a million different dice-gimmicks to represent characters that are lucky or have supernatural favor.
>Having a separate stat that handles perception and lockpicking
You mean like...Wisdom and Dexterity?
Int is brain volts and wisdom is brain amperes.
all charisma checks are now intelligence
thats all i would change because im tired of explaining to dexfags that they cant use dex for everything
>arm wrestling
>ill armwrestle him dexterously
>ill dexterously lift!
>getting poisoned
>will save
>can i use my dex
>punching someone in the mouth as a non monk
>ill dexterously punch him really hard!!!!
no you powergaming nigger fuck you
nigger never makes a character with more than 11str so its no surprise that come time for an athletics check he mumbles "muh dex" and tries to add his bonus
fuckyouverymuch if you are reading this faggot!
Cha: Inveiglement
INT: Acumen
WIS: Perspicacity
DEX: Adroitness
STR: Robustness
Con: Vivaciousness.
*toolboxes internally*
All of em
My Dick
user, you do realize that Scores are usually represented by fairly significant numbers, right? We couldn't possibly use such a small(and quite frankly useless) descriptor .
I meant one stat to handle those two, which does not also cover speed.
In D&D, perception is under wisdom and dexterity is under lockpicking. A character who is good at picking locks must also be very fast because both of those are keyed off dexterity.
In SPECIAL, perception and lockpicking are under the perception attribute. They're separate from agility, which represents the character's speed and weapon accuracy. That means it's possible to have someone who has good sight and can pick locks, but isn't amazing at speed and accuracy.
Hustle, loyalty, respect
Strength and Constitution get combined into Brawn or Body, because they're so closely tied together anyway.
Dexterity gets split into Dexterity (for detail work that requires fine manipulation) and Agility (swiftness of body).
Intelligence is eliminated.
Wisdom is renamed to Perception or Observation, and serves all the functions that Intelligence used to in addition to covering general awareness, because intellect as it's understood today is basically just a function of our ability to observe and process information anyway.
Charisma is renamed Willpower.
>I forget what I renamed Charisma.
In that style, I would go with "Leadership Aptitude"
That's actually super close to how TriStat does it--they have Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Strength -> Strength
Dexterity -> Agility
Constitution -> Constitution
Intelligence -> Intelligence
Wisdom -> Intuition
Charisma -> Willpower
Wisdom would be Wits.
Charisma would be Presence.
Powerlifting Tier
Flips per Second Ratio
Alcohol Consumption Level
Chess Strategies Memorized
Spiritual Proximity to Bodhicitta
Sexual Prowess
>wisdom, the score for innawoods hippies, is education
>intelligence, the score for formally schooled wizards, isn't
6 scores become 3.