What's up warhammer fans. What's the coolest Space Marine chapter?
What's up warhammer fans. What's the coolest Space Marine chapter?
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Whichever you think. I'm personally a fan of the "good guy" chapters like the Lamenters or Salamanders, because I respect the endurance it takes to uphold goodness in a setting like 40k.
Clearly the Silver Skulls. Gold is obviously the coolest color in the setting as shown by the Emperor but no chapters have a good color scheme. Therefore the Silver Skulls are the best since Silver is one step below gold.
I don't give a damn what others think.
Ultramarines are my boys.
>Dat greco-roman theme
>Dat jack of all trades while still being specialized in leadership
>Dat ability to build long lasting empires, governments, planetary institutions
>Dat nobility
>Dat honour
And last but not least:
>Dat colour scheme
hurr durr toiletseat emblem matt ward codex astartes does not approve :D:D:D:D
The Flesh Is Weak
Dark angels for they are the embodiment of LOYALTY
Yall niggas need the emperor
Space wolves uses ice beams and ice claws so the Wolves have the lowest temperature.
I went with Dark Angels almost 20 years ago. No regrets.
Some Ultramarines are cool dudes
Whoever it is they are not named Lamenters.
I will still cherish you and die in glory for you, thankless Imperial citizen.
Literally just sacrificing themselves making terrible tactical decisions to help individual humans instead of doing their job and helping humanity as a whole.
Space Wolves. Fenris has very fierce winters and they have weaponized cryotechnology
Lion was noble and loyal. You'd be crazy to think Dark Angels in 40k are anything but sketchy as fuck
Blood Ravens
Astral Knights
Thousand Sons
The Hanged are the coolest space marine chapter imo
That pauldron is pure af
The Doom Eagles are like the Lamenters but without the tragic lamenting part. They're all about saving common imperial civilians from suffering and serving them unto death but they aren't protracted as tragic figures who loss half of their chapter every campaign.
I don't see why Doom Eagles fans feel the need to shit on the Lamenters. They share the same goals, and a similar morbid disposition. The Lamenters are just unlucky. It has nothing to do with tactics, they're just as adept as other space marines, its just they keep getting dicked over by people who don't share their values.
I doubt it's Doom Eagle fans in particular who shit on Lamenters but I think a lot of people dislike them for their bleeding heart attitude. Also the fact that they place civilian life above strategic victory like when they attempted to rescue all those civilians from Orks only for a massive Ork fleet to show up and fuck everything.
I play mostly play Tau so I like the Emperor's Shadows Chapter best.
Destroy the Weak!
I love how you can list two traits that are both reasons why people like and hate the Lamenters.
The Lamenters are retarded because civilians aren't worth anything in 40k. Human life actually IS worth less than dirt because there's quadrillions of humans in the Imperium, and that's just from the Hive Worlds alone. Planets are far more valuable than people, and so are Space Marines given the resources it takes to make them. A Space Marine should never sacrifice themselves to save a mortal unless that mortal happens to be somebody really fucking important to the Imperium, like an Inquisitor or Lord Commander of the navy or guard. Otherwise normal humans are completely expendable, acceptable, losses. You could lose a billion civilians to Orks and it wouldn't even be a speedbump for the Imperium or the species. Meanwhile a single Marine takes around two decades to make from a very rare, finite resource.
>trying to rationally maximize in 40k
The entire setting is pmuch against that. Nice dubdubs tho.
Personal favorite, just for the color scheme
Good choice.
I'm not the fag that likes The Lamentors but I agree with your sentiments and would be interested in subscribing to your newsletter.
The Marines Malevolent know what it will take for the Imperium to triumph.
During their time, the astral claws
Actually, most Chapters do this. It's only the retarded guys that purposefully gimp themselves for 'good deeds' that don't treat human life as the cheap fodder it is. The Iron Hands and Dark Angels are perfectly willing to let civilians be killed if it doesn't factor tactically.
And there encapsulates why I continue to like the humanitarian chapters.
For those we cherish,We die in glory!
Did someone mention greco-roman theme?
Dark Angels were my first ever Space Marine army. They're still my favorite lore and look-wise.
The Red Corsairs are still pretty fucking cool all things considered.
It feels to me like the Iron Hands are the most overlooked first founding chapter.
Yeah, they do that, and are still insignificant specks in the face of oblivion and the laughter of the thirsting gods. They're just as worthless as other humans, they're just as capable of failure and mortal despite their genetic modifications and training. That's the point. Horus fell, didn't matter how tactically sound he was. The Lion was betrayed by his best man, Ferus killed by his.
The Hanged/Hung
>like assaulty marines
>like angels
>like vikings
>don't like vampires or werewolves
>have to pick between vampires or werewolves for assaultty loyalists
>whenever conundrum is brought up receive
>"lel twilight in space"
But those Chapters are retarded and completely compromised by unnecessary emotion just so they can grand-stand about how 'good' they are. meanwhile those civilians they 'save' are just going to die horrible deaths on a later date in the horribly oppressive Imperium. Those civilians the Lamenters saved? As refugees their former status would not be acknowledged on a new world, and they would be relegated to living in the underhive and forced to take labor jobs. I doubt they'd make a decade.
Lamenters pointlessly died so they could buy some civilians just a couple more years of life, denying the Imperium more Space Marines, a crucial resource that can turn aside Ork WAAAAGHs or crush Chaos Warbands.
Hell yeah
If only some sort of super hybrid between the two were engineered by the forbidden love of two initiates and a healthy dose of slaaneshi tom-foolery.
There's no reason for them to make such tactically sound decisions however unless they're fucking slaved to their emotions. They should be perfectly capable of crunching the numbers in just a couple seconds and coming to the conclusion that civilian life is borderline worthless and only equal to what it can create in an Admech Manufactorum.
Well there's always the Minotaurs but they replace bad vampire/werewolf stereotypes with being massive cunts.
Do you expect logic from 40k?
>But those Chapters are retarded and completely compromised by unnecessary emotion just so they can grand-stand about how 'good' they are
Exactly, bleeding heart chapters are fags
Wolves or salamanders will go out of their way to save civilians but aren't whiny faggots about it that get their whole legion killed for it.
its cool, they dont give a fuck
>Idk it seems like most people just don't like them or the mechanized marine playstyle. everyone wants a good drop pod army (which makes alot of sense)
>Black Dragons
>Black Templars
welp, you've missed the point so hard I can't even, but that's cool. Enjoy your plastic doods.
This is why I always drop out of chapter threads. One person mentions the Lamenters and then you have 15 social-darwinist "rip n tear" chapters shitting on heroism for the rest of the thread.
>15 social-darwinist "rip n tear" chapters shitting on heroism for the rest of the thread.
>genetic flaw which makes them enjoy being martyrs
Lamenters are a bleeding heart chapter full of faggots, quit playing 40k and stay off the internet if your feefees are going to get hurt every time someone tells you your opinions are gay.
Mine desu
>Undisputed rulers of their own warp storm
>Free to pillage the lands they used to protect and know inside and out
>Second most powerful Chaos Force and weren't even a founding legion
>loyalists defect just for a chance to join them
Hell yeah they are
I don't recall anyone asking your opinion on why you don't like these threads. If you don't like it fuck off like a normal person rather than whining about your 'feelings' like a child.
And let's be honest with ourselves - Huron Blackheart is a WAY cooler name than Abaddon the Despoiler.
Don't see why you have to be a prick about it.
What are the pros and cons of Dark Angels?
On the table, or the fluff? Fluffwise
>They've got lots of cool areotech shit
>They have an actual plot that moves
>They act like an order of Catholic Knights
>Look pretty fucking cool, lots of cool characters
>It's all written by Gav Fucking Thorpe
>bitchin color scheme
>sickass hoods and robes over power armor
>very long range shooty army
>the Inquisition is obviously jealous of their purity so they keep trying to investigate them
Grey Knights
I absolutely love the World Eaters but surprisingly I'm not an edgelord most of the time. Just love chainaxes, red white and blue color scheme, that absolute focus on RIP AND TEAR, and Kharn is also a pretty cool guy. They also have some good armor patterns.
Their post-heresy color scheme is good too though, as is their post-heresy armor pattern.
I picked them when I was 8. At that point I was all about the look. I still think their look, that great green and the cloaks, give them the best look out of any chapter.
I think, far more than just about any other chapter (especially first-founding chapters), they have a very well rounded lore. I'm not going to say they're the purest or Lion>>>Everyone (though I believe that's the case), I just think the whole schtick with The Fallen and them trying to both hide their crimes and atone for them is a cool gimmick.
Love the archeotech (Sammael is the coolest named Space Marine character, I don't give a fuck, jetbikes are fucking awesome)
Love the Ravenwing/Deathwing thing
Love The Rock, think it's a really neat idea for a fortress monastery
Best special characters of any chapter (except maybe Gabriel Seth and Asterion Moloc)
IDK, I really, really love the Dark Angels
Table wise, Dark Angels used to suck ass until their recent Codex, which has upgraded their status from "shitty space marine army, one of the worst" to "HOLY FUCK OP"
>Best Space Marine Bikes you can get, have a 3+ re rolling jink save, Black Knights have a fucking 2+ jink
>A flyer that can potentially spawn fucking VORTEX BLASTS
>Absolutely brutal fast attack lists with Ravenwing, you basically get to deploy your army in the center of the board and right on top of objectives with so many units having Scout
>Interrogator Chaplains are cheap HQ's that hit like a truck and unlock relics from Forge World
>Pretty good formations
>Full ballistic skill overwatch, trying to melee Dark Angels is suicide
>DA will BTFO any CSM army
>Some sick psychic powers that can reduce an enemy unit to WS 1 BS 1, others can cripple leadership
>Azrael sucks ass, overcosted and is a shitty support HQ and must be taken in some formations
>Deathwing fucking suck
>No centurions
I do have to say, WE have hands down the best color scheme
>implying Lamenters died in vain
these civilians will spread stories of their saviors, these yellow angels who gave their lives without hesitation. In time, those peoples will repay the sacrifices the Lamanters made with these very legends and epic tales as they will inspire more than one gardsmen or bolster the faith of many imperial citizens, thus strengthening the imperium
The Imperium forcibly conscripts Guardsmen, they don't need to bolster shit.
It's kind of like a reverse Ultramarines.
Patrician tastes dude, too bad Angron ruined them. I absolutely love the color scheme they had going on.
>Most loyal chapter in the history of all chapters anywhere always ever.
>Space Fortress.
>All the plasma.
>Scavenger hunts!
>Winner of Scavenger Hunts get to initiate the exterminatus.
>Sometimes too loyal, others get jealous.
>Loser of the scavenger hunts has to redact all the records.
this. bring it bitches.
I think their pre-heresy scheme is the best but honestly the current WEs look good too. Did they ever actually formally change their colors or is the old "dude their old armor is just permanently stained with blood now lmao" thing true?
Does this mean World Eaters are Finnish Space Marines?
they are slavic/russian in the lore
Bit of both I'm sure, depends on each one of them.
Thanks for clearing that anons, y'all just bumped Dark Angels to the top of my list.
The other chapters I was thinking were Raven Guard, Ultramarines, Salamanders and Imperial Fist
Ultramarines are better then Dark Angels.
Thousand Sons if legion posting is alright. They are SPACE magicians with MAGIC robots. Whats not to like?
Personally I like the blurring of lines between the two sub genres of fantasy and space opera in 40k and Thousand Sons fit that bill for me.
>liking the ultramarines
how could you possibly think they're cool in any way shape or form?
they're just generic marines
You keep saying that when my MSU Ravenwing moves up 12 inches just deploying, and gets every single objective before turn 3 while you wonder what the fuck just happened to your Centurion Deathstar when a Deredeo opens fire from the other side of the table.
>whoa man you don't like the mary sue teutonic vampire werewolf knights of secrecy and magical heresy with robot limb fetishes and multimeltas sticking out of every orifice?
>you think normal space marines are cool?
>bruh you are so basic
I was thinking about faith and morale, if the death of the lamenters create regiments with Krieg-worthy levels of faith and fearlessness then the imperium gain more than what it lose
Ultramarines in their lore are the MOST Mary Sue Chapter. Every other one has flaws but Ultramarines are worthless for development.
The Exception being Captain Titus.
There WAS a time before Ward, you know.
Titus is a bro, though.
>regiments of highly trained veteran soldiers.
You should be lobotomized.
It would create a strain on the nearby systems.
>Ultramarines in their lore are the MOST Mary Sue Chapter.
Ever heard of the Grey Knights?
>Every other one has flaws but Ultramarines are worthless for development.
You know that Matt Ward doesn't work for GW anymore right?
>The Exception being Captain Titus.
Lay off the 1d4chan memes pal.
found all the transloyal robe wearing dafaggots
>what a real loyalist chapter looks like
ortan cassius is everything but a mary sue and cato sicarius ain't one either
>he does not outright ignore ward lore
Their flaw is that they border on being traitors. For the right, non-heretical reasons, but traitors nonetheless.
There was and is a time when they want(ed) their own new Imperium in their sector of the galaxy with their homeworld as the throne world.
you don't know your lore if you're arguing this, ultramarines are technically better than every other chapter. they're just not your favourite, nor mine, nor 95% of Veeky Forums's.
Their other flaw is that they follow the Codex too rigidly and it makes them incredibly easy to outmaneuver if you do any kind of tactic that isn't covered in or counters tactics in the Codex (of which there are many).
Raven Guard are my favorite, ambushes are the best.
>tanith 1st and only
>report for servitor conversion
The entire imperium is a swirling morass of exploitation and strain on nearby systems. They have entire worlds devoted to letting nobles have drug fueled orgies next to hives where thousands starve on a daily basis. Shit's not rational.
>You know that Matt Ward doesn't work for GW anymore right?
You know he is back right?
At least we aren't fucking impostors.