>fight boss
>Nearly kill it
Fight boss
>fight boss
>defeat boos
>boss begins monologuing after defeat
>PC blows his head off with a gun because he doesn't want to hear it
>boss dies, his ghost appears
>ghost continues to monologue
>Fight daemon engine
>Kill it
>It explodes and now you have to fight the released daemon
>daily Jojo spam
Why? You guys are really trying to be as bad as bronies and frogposters.
Is everything alright, user-kun, I'm getting worried about how much this bothers you. Let's talk about it, where is all this hate coming from?
Its just a reaction image user. It'd be different if someone was actively trying to talk jojo or derail but they arent.
That being said, multi-form bosses are the fucking bees knees
No, it's jojospam.
I don't even know why you bothered trying to pretend it's not.
Next thing I know, you're going to be telling me that there really is someone looking for a system to run a jojo game every three days.
>fight boss
>mid-fight he seizes up, collapses to the ground and dies
>turns out he had a heart condition and was on his last legs when the stress of battle took its toll
>how dare people use image macros I don't like when making threads
Do you need a safe-space user? Does seeing Jojo trigger you?
No, Jojospamming does. I don't know why you really insist on pretending it's not obvious.
You're about as subtle as a frogposter. Maybe less.
Go to another board then if "''jojospamming"'" or whatever triggers your autism so badly.
Stop making threads just to spam this unimpressive series you're obsessed with.
Are you actually getting paid for advertising what's probably the first shonen series you've been exposed to?
At least spam a good series if you need to try to force some spam.
>fight boss
>enters second form
>it's actually easier to beat than the first
Sorry user, but anyone can post whatever image macros they like. And you just have to
suck it up. Maybe instead of pointlessly whining and derailing the thread because of you're triggered by the idea people liking something you don't like, you can contribute something of actual value.
>being this mad about a japanese comic
it's ok user you're in a safe space here, now can you show me on the doll where the Jojo touched you
>fight boss
>he tries to escape
>party is ready to kill him
This would honestly make me laugh pretty hard
>Maybe instead of pointlessly whining and derailing the thread because of you're triggered by the idea people liking something you don't like, you can contribute something of actual value.
come now user, unrealistic expectations like that will only lead to disapointment,
We all agree this guy's worse than Joni posters right? What an ass
dying curses are a thing and i could easily see a vain villan using that power to monolouge instead
>fight boss
>enters second form
>it's actually easier to beat than the first
i like this
>fight boss
>optimized character oneshots him mid monologe
>was making a good point
>too angry for speak with dead
>quest is now reincarnate the bbeg to find out what he was talking about
>>Fighting boss
>>assumes second form
>>assumes third form
>>assumes fourth form
>>party runs for it
>>really just a congo line of villains each waiting their turn
>fighting boss
>beat him
>we start panicking and preparing for him to go full kaiju-mode
>by the time we look back at him, he's gone and run away
>we fell for it hook, line, and sinker
I actually like the second form gimmick
The idea of the BBEG deciding to go all out after the PCs force him to take them seriously is pretty cool
I think people who dislike it either thinks it's too videogamey, that it reminds them of shonen anime, or that it is always an asspull
Ignore the fanfiction image
>ghost pulls out a script to continue the monolouge
Well rings of teleport are expensive these days, you can't blame a villain for being money wise when he can. I mean Yes the Heros are here to fuck up his plans ans he's on a crunch but that's no excuse to spending resources willy nilly
It's..It's because of Barney
Honestly, the Jojo spam IS kind of obvious.
>second form unscratchable by SS4
>final form 10x Freeza
Freeza's final form having a power level ~120m. 1.2b is less than Kid Buu's power level, who got rekt by a SS3 spirit bomb.
fuck i wish i had a normal face to face group so i could do this
>BBEG prepared a contingency just for this
i love it
Where does this image ACTUALLY come from
>Fight boss
>Boss almost dead
>Boss is dead
>Boss has a cleric who has been waiting to use True Resurrection on the boss this entire time with a wizard who teleports them in there
>You now have to fight the boss, the cleric and the wizard
Powerlevels beyond the very beginning of the Android saga weren't actually written by Toriyama because he realized the concept was kind of shit. They generally come from tie-ins which Toriyama allows because it's hard to care when your tears are wiped away with a wad of cash by your personal assistant while another one gives you a back rub
I don't even remember any power levels past Namek.
Namek especially got screwy with them, like Napa killed Piccolo, but Piccolo plus another guy can go toe to toe with Frieza, while Vegeta (who killed basically everyone pre-Ginyu) can't even lay a finger on him
Powerlevel also didn't matter nearly as much on Frieza. It's the last saga on which human characters are still relevant, and despite Gohan's powerlevel being far higher than Krilin's Goku still trusts Krilin more since he has better control over his ki
Oh yes, there's the also Cell saga with Ten improving his kiko-ho enough to inconvenience imperfect cell, but because of power creep it turns useless again almost immediately anyways
You're fucking annoying dude stop trying to start a new bandwagon.
>Conga line of villains
>They're all people who have gotten grudges over the party's actions and want revenge
>party fights boss
>my brother, the party's 'guy with the sniper rifle' takes a shot at his head before he's even started fighting
>uses his luck advantage to succeed
>boss uses his luck advantage, forces the guy to roll another two times and pick the worst
>still succeeds
>boss dead
overall a hilarious session
i think the whole 'one-shotting bosses' thing runs in the blood, because in our mekton campaign is laserbeamed a potential BBEG into fucking nonexistance because they tried to trap us in a room while we were in our mecha, and she wasn't
got like 4 exploding crits in a row on her with an infinite burst laser, doing somewhere along the lines of 20+ strikes
>"before I was RUDELY interrupted"
>fight boss
>boss apologizes and offers help beating next boss
>was a trick so boss can become more powerful
>eats other boss
>becomes a new type of boss.
>last man beats the shit out of the PCs with a cabbage
Piccolo trained a bit with King Kai and fused with Nail which let him body 2nd form Frieza. Vegeta had a zenkai boost but it didn't boost him enough to fight Frieza's final form, which was the one that killed him.