I haven't played Monsterhearts, but it's one of those games I've heard is amazing, and the mechanics are phenomenal.
For the general >What the fuck is this?
Monsterhearts is basically a Powered By The Apocalypse game that's meant for playing ridiculous Twilight bullshit. The game intentionally wallows in mellowdrama, and uses the different supernatural creatures as metaphors for teenage angst and growing up and being a shit. Think World of Darkness meets Mean Girls. It's a game about sex and insecurity and not knowing what's going on in your life or with your body. It's also a game with a lot of heavy queer themes, and apparently writing it was very wrapped up in the author's coming out process.
>cheaper for queer teens >made by tumblerinas, trigger warnings and hurt fefes everywhere
Elijah Davis
I just find it funny how the pdf talks about roleplaying as if it was some heavy shit that can make you break down psychologically. If that happens to you, you have bigger problems.
Nolan King
Don't forget (s)he reserves the right to veto skins for cultural appropriation. Not for being stupid and retarded, just for cultural appropriation.
Wyatt Ortiz
I find it sort of ironic that people basically get triggered at the concept of trigger warnings.
The game is about playing some pretty heavy themes that hit close to home for a lot of people. The reason Safe Hearts (the pdf I linked in the OP image) exists is actually because the original game *didn't* include that sort of thing.
bitchmedia.org/post/save-vs-sexism-the-sexuality-of-Monsterhearts-story-games-teen-sexuality >Monsterhearts has a lot to say about how we treat sex and each other. My one concern is that the game pushes participants to uncomfortable emotional places without balancing that in the text with caution. In the wrong mix of players, the game could be a terrible play experience. With such senstive topics at the game's center, it seems irresponsible to not to include more text about creating boundaries and when to call "scene," in order to make the table a safe place to explore volatile and highly charged emotional content. It's a game worth playing, but it needs to be played mindfully. Not everyone starts their roleplaying experience off with story games, and if your first time at the table is a bad game of Monsterhearts, it's not likely you'll be running back for more. Whether you play or run games, remember first to always be kind to those playing with you.
If you're not comfortable with that, and think it's just a game "made by tumblerinas, trigger warnings and hurt fefes everywhere" and that hurts *your* fee fees, well... it's not the game for you, and that's okay. Why bother posting, though?
Christopher Hill
First off, the game tackles heavy themes, and they're things that are common enough that they could reasonably have happened to people at the table (albeit without the supernatural elements). Rape, child abuse, even shitty break ups and abusive relationships aren't fictional. More to the point >If that happens to you, you have bigger problems. And? Are you saying if you're made uncomfortable by things you should just... stop having fun?
Christian Jones
I've been running an extended MonsterHearts campaign and it's probably my favourite RPG. I think it should be interesting to see what changes they've made. In my experience the threat and menace systems they have didn't work too well so I'd hope they've improved that, if the Apocalypse World 2nd edition is anything to go by they also might have added more granularity to the moves which will be a welcome change.
Kind of cool of them to give a discount for poorfags.
Christopher Long
With how rabid you're defending this, I've got to ask: Are you the creator?
Bentley Ortiz
I can't really imagine what changes a new edition could make to the structure and mechanics of them game. It seems more like some kinda money grab.
Easton Parker
Well, a few backers get to design a skin and insert their fursona/kin to the game's canon.
Jordan Walker
>lol guiz, I'm totally not trying to viral my own gaem!!
Where the fuck are all these kickstarter shills coming from? More to the point, why do they mistakenly believe Veeky Forums is the best platform to advertise their crap?
Ryan Allen
from people who've got the 'sneak peak' for being backers apparently a couple of the playbooks (specifically the ghost and ghoul that we know of) have been changed significantly, also the basic moves have been altered, for instance there's apparently no more 'manipulate an NPC' move, it's entirely done using strings. In addition the MC rules were weaker than in other PbtA games so there'll probably be some changes there.
Xavier Jenkins
Not the user who wrote that post but you don't need to be the creator of the game to get fucking sick of how often people make assumptions about the game without reading a single word of it.
Michael Stewart
>Hey guys I found this cool thing on Kickstarter, what do you think of i- >GET OUT OF HERE SHILL REEEEEEEEEE
Thomas Perry
I didn't say anything about the game itself. The game's pretty decent, but the trigger warning stuff just makes me cringe, as does this blatant shilling and the discrimination against non-"Queer" people
Noah Gonzalez
>Anyone who disagrees with ̶/̶p̶o̶l̶/̶'̶s̶ Veeky Forums's anti-SJW hate is a shill I haven't even gotten to play the game. I just hate the bullshit.
>I reserve the option to say, "hey, that particular idea won't work, but maybe we can come up with a different one!" This might come up if there are concerns about cultural appropriation, for example.
>Cultural appropriation is literally the only reason that a skin will be vetoed, nothing else at all.
RPGs are a bad business for moneygrabbing, and Kickstarter projects barely meet the overhead. I've heard there are a few overhauls, though I've also heard some people aren't happy with them.
I mean, his assumptions aren't *wrong*, per se. He's just being an edgy shit. "lol, who has FEELINGS? Those are for pussies!"
Landon Wright
>discrimination against non-"Queer" people kek
Cameron Adams
It's pretty easy to spot the shills, desu. I mean, OP says: >I haven't played the game >the mechanics are amazing >proceeds to rabidly defends game he's supposedly never played
Tyler Johnson
>discrimination against non-"Queer" people eh as marketing tactics go it's a pretty good one, can't fault trying to further appeal to a target demographic
William Thompson
This "trigger warning" stuff only makes little babies cringe. Adults understand completely why it exists. >the discrimination against non-"Queer" people I bet you think Luke Cage was racist because it didn't have enough white people.
John Murphy
>proceeds to rabidly defends game he's supposedly never played But that's basically what this board is for. People who read a game, like the mechanics, and will never actually roll a die aside from sitting at their computer wishing they had a group.
Jeremiah Bailey
Number of posters stay the same as butthurt increases, we've got a butthurt tranny tumblerina
Lucas Wood
Speak for yourself, I've never discussed a system I haven't played or was in the process of starting to play
Luke Morales
>2nd edition of a game I assume OP has played >1st edition mechanics were neat, so it is reasonable to assume 2e will be neat unless they do a complete 180 and convert to gurps or something drastic. >defends game from people shitposting Shill and SJW
Evan Garcia
>cheaper for queer teens >made by tumblerinas, trigger warnings and hurt fefes everywhere
I'm a literal faggot, and even I wouldn't play this. There's nothing about D&D or WoD or any other standard role-playing fare that explicitly prevents my group from having gay characters, or acting out settings that involve "controversial" themes. As a matter of fact, some editions of D&D and WoD go out of their way to seem more inclusive by spelling out that a player character can be of any sexual orientation or gender identity the player wants to define.
Whoever wrote this shitty game, please be advised that they do not represent me or any significant portion of what you might consider my "community."
Alexander Gonzalez
>le minorities can't be racist maymay
Jaxson Miller
People have played the game though, retard. The kickstarter's for the second edition.
Caleb Collins
but muh reverse discrimination by the SJW is whats ruining society, just ask /pol/!
Andrew Adams
Nice try, but easily defeated by reading the OP, where he says >I haven't played Monsterhearts and not >I haven't played Monsterhearts 2
Evan Morgan
The other 2 still apply however
Hunter Ortiz
>it's not currently affecting mainstream society, so it's not wrong kek
Josiah Reyes
Thanks for reminding me to keep watching Luke Cage, user. First two episodes were great, but I hear they messed it up toward the end with a worse villain
Carson Thompson
Her argument is literally "these kind of people have higher suicide rates" so where's the discount for every other group of people more often committing suicide, like veterans?
Michael Wood
I actually literally said I haven't played it. The friend who said he'd run it just... didn't. The other friend who linked me the Kickstarter may run it, though. But I did love what I read, and what I've heard, which is why I've been wanting to play it so much.
Iunno, you seem more butthurt.
Just because a game allows something doesn't mean that it focuses on it. D&D is not really good for playing out *any* social themes, much less the manipulations of high school monsters. World of Darkness on the other hand DOES focus on many of the same themes, but they're presented differently, due to Monsterhearts focusing more on the paranormal romance than the horror and dark action, and also using PbtA. There is, however, a WoD PbtA hack, called Shadowed World or something.
If you haven't read the game and you're just intent on hating it to be cool... well, feel free, no one gives a shit how you feel.
Shh, don't reveal how the SJW Cultural Marxist plot to breed out the whites by making them all beta numale cuck bronies starts with adding queer people to elfgames!
Ethan Johnson
It's still good, just has the same issue that basically every other Marvel netflix show has where the writers don't really get pacing. About halfway through they switch to a different villain who's way more cartoony. Everything except the villain is still pretty great though.
Charles Hill
Was this a game about combat veterans? Must have missed that somewhere user.
Adrian Sanders
Are you saying I can't play a straight character? You ableist fuck! Triggered!
Caleb Edwards
>Iunno, you seem more butthurt. Nah, I'm having fun. I was actually bored until I saw this thread.
He's a good villain, but he's basically a clusterfuck. Like, the actor is good, but the character is a nutjob who flipflops and ruins his own plans because he's a psycho. It good, but it's no Jessica Jones. Still, can't wait for Iron Fist and The Defenders. >has the same issue that basically every other Marvel netflix show has where the writers don't really get pacing. Not just pacing, but time. Like, the whole show seems to take place over the course of like two weeks. It takes them about two days to get to Georgia and back
If this were a game about veterans and they got a discount, no one would bat an eye.
Jason Harris
Continuing my token efforts to make this thread about the bloody game: people who've played 1st edition, what did you like/dislike about it? Based on that what do you want to see be different in this version?
Ian Robinson
>If this were a game about veterans and they got a discount, no one would bat an eye. So why don't vampires and ghouls don't get discounts? I will have you know as a vampirekin I feel discriminated against and am also hurt by this game culturally appropriating my condition.
Owen Harris
I'd play a game about Veterans if it was as good as Monsterhearts.
Caleb Richardson
Mostly just messing with the skins a bit to make them fit more with theme and give each skin something unique to them. The core mechanics seemed rather sound to me(even the manipulate an npc move which i'm kinda sad to hear is getting shuffled into strings)
Logan Walker
>If you think you might be LGBTQIA+ but you just aren't 100% sure yet, you count. I've fapped to trap hentai, do I count? Also, what do the I and A stand for?
I haven't gotten the chance to play myself, but I'm very familiar with PbtA games in general, and have seen a few actual plays. Altogether, it seems like it might be the most tightly-designed deriviative of Apocalypse World. The mechanics for social influence are pretty interesting, and I hope they stay intact.
Like AW2E, I think it'll probably be a lot of small changes and clarifications. Things like rewriting the section on highlighting stats so it's more clear, would be nice. More playbooks wouldn't be a bad thing either.
Michael Young
Yeah, when I played, at first everyone grabbed whatever skin they wanted, but soon enough, everyone was only interested in the skins that had unique mechanics like the Angel.
Logan Price
Dylan Wilson
Intersex and Asexual
Juan Bell
Actually, you literally can't. In fact, that's part of the point. Every character is in a state of teenage uncertainty and discomfort. If your character is male and you don't like guys, a guy can use the Turn Someone On move to... well, turn you on. It's your choice in how you act on that, but you're still popping a stiffy and having erotic thoughts, or whatever.
If that makes you uncomfortable, well, good thing the game comes with trigger warnings.
Powered By The Apocalypse is pretty easy to hack. Don't let your dreams be dreams, user.
Intersex and Asexual.
Ryan Fisher
>Mostly just messing with the skins a bit to make them fit more with theme and give each skin something unique to them makes sense, which playbooks did you have in mind for needing some tweaking, I'd nominate the werewolf personally, I never had the clearest image of how it was supposed to play.
Luke Rivera
Intersex (e.g. hermaphrodites and other rare genetic conditions), and asexual, I believe.
I could see John Harper doing a good job at that
Ian Davis
>Actually, you literally can't. In fact, that's part of the point. Every character is in a state of teenage uncertainty and discomfort. If your character is male and you don't like guys, a guy can use the Turn Someone On move to... well, turn you on. It's your choice in how you act on that, but you're still popping a stiffy and having erotic thoughts, or whatever. So I can't play an Asexual character. Sounds like discrimination to me.
Gabriel Sullivan
The friend who linked me the kickstarter really wants to play that. She also made an Apocalypse World hack about living in a queer commune in the Apocalypse.
They literally linked the game, user. How much more elaboration do you need?
Oliver Howard
I would have personally liked the Queen to be changed to have a more clear definition on what the fuck it actually was. It seemed to not be actually supernatural at all last I looked over it.
Cooper Turner
My favorite example is the ghost: it focuses way too much on the brooding about your death and not enough on- you know- being a fucking ghost.
Like if you even want to do some poltergeist sort of stuff to get revenge on someone you have to take moves from other skins like the Fury, which shouldn't be the case imo.
Eli Butler
Even worse, all characters are Bi. I honestly don't see how that's supposed to help a gay or lesbian teen out any.
Chase Stewart
The game's message is pretty clear: Sexuality doesn't exist, everyone is just bi.
Why you'd want to market such a piece of hateful propaganda to queer people is anyone's guess.
Brody Anderson
>but you're still popping a stiffy and having erotic thoughts, or whatever.
I don't think so, unless I forget how it works. Yes it's part of the point that you can't outright have full control over your sexuality (or emotions in general), but it doesn't mean successfully having that move used means you were turned on. All it does is give that person Strings on you, which could represent other ways they got your goat. That loss of emotional control, whether it's due to arousal, disgust, anger, embarrassment, is what the String represents IIRC.
Matthew Rogers
this is interesting to me because I often find the classes with unique mechanics to be less well designed overall
I don't know much about it, just what's in the link I gave
an asexual character would actually be kind of OP in MH when you consider it makes you immune to one of the main forms of PCvPC influence
Juan Carter
"From a purely mechanical point of view there's no way to gain a string on an asexual character. As such any Asexual character is going to be effectively outside the string economy which I am not sure is wise."
It's definitely an option. Haven't read through all the available rules yet to see how it's implemented.
Owen Jackson
There are some ways to make it supernatural, with some of the moves going into mind control type powers. But I'm pretty sure you can play it as a mundane Regina George type character.
Gabriel Lopez
>I don't think so, unless I forget how it works. Yes it's part of the point that you can't outright have full control over your sexuality (or emotions in general), but it doesn't mean successfully having that move used means you were turned on. All it does is give that person Strings on you, which could represent other ways they got your goat. That loss of emotional control, whether it's due to arousal, disgust, anger, embarrassment, is what the String represents IIRC. Yeah, that sounds much more reasonable (and what I remembered vaguely from having heard of it. You can be embarrassed by a gay dude hitting on you without being attracted to him. Though seems to disagree with that. Though, is sexual attraction really the ONLY way to gain strings? I thought it was just one of them?
Juan Reyes
Jayden Cox
>She also made an Apocalypse World hack about living in a queer commune in the Apocalypse I read the rules for that game, I found the description odd since there's not really any queer content, it's just a roleplay game about managing a post-apocalyptic community, like AW just with a focus on the whole hardhold instead of specific characters (although each player does have a single PC)
>I would have personally liked the Queen to be changed to have a more clear definition on what the fuck it actually was. It seemed to not be actually supernatural at all last I looked over it. A few of the playbooks are only optionally supernatural, the queen could be the head of a club, a gang leader, or just a really popular kid. Or they could be the leader of a hivemind and have a telepathic link to all their members
Asher Martinez
>I honestly don't see how that's supposed to help a gay or lesbian teen out any. Actually, that IS one of the reasons a friend of mine is uncomfortable playing Monsterhearts. She's dealt with a lot of shit about her sexuality, and she's uncomfortable in any game that essentially forces her to be turned on by men. And that's okay.
But, yes, being awkward and hormonal and having a body that doesn't react the way you want it to is part of the theme of the game.
I'll defer to you. I haven't played it, I just remember that being one of the examples. You're turned on (they succeeded at the Turn Someone On roll), but you're in control of whether you act on that or not. Your heart is pumping and your body is doing things it does when you see a pretty girl, not a pretty guy, but it's not a "sleep with me" roll.
>Though, is sexual attraction really the ONLY way to gain strings? I thought it was just one of them? Tons. Fights give strings. Most special abilities give strings.
I think that's the point. I mean, it's a Skin that could be supernatural or could be mundane-but-good. One of the things I like is that nothing is set in stone and you can play the supernatural creatures however you want, as opposed to one specific set type, like in WoD.
Cooper Anderson
>Though, is sexual attraction really the ONLY way to gain strings? I thought it was just one of them?
Some of the other basic moves can also give you Strings on people. Lash Out Physically (for physical violence), and Shut Someone Down (for socially rejecting or pacifying someone) also do.
"Everyone is Bi and people can roll to make you gay," is a meme. It's like people saying Apocalypse World requires ERP, or GURPS can't be played without doing calculus. There's a grain of truth somewhere, but no one who repeats it has read the source material enough to even know what that is.
Daniel Jones
>It's like people saying Apocalypse World requires ERP Well, I mean, you can have a steak sandwich without cheese, but why would you want to?
Cameron Foster
>Though, is sexual attraction really the ONLY way to gain strings? I thought it was just one of them? the 'turn someone on' move is the main (non-class specific) way in which PCs gain strings on characters, you can also gain them from 'lash out physically' on a 10+ or from a 'shut someone down' if you get a 10+ and they have no strings on you. And NPCs can gain a string as a by-product of some of the PCs moves or from the MC making a hard move.
So for player character the easiest way to get strings is by turning someone on, but no it's not the only way
Michael Miller
>not being turned on by a sexy upperclassman vampire. What are you, fucking gay, user?
Carter Murphy
>Tons. Fights give strings. Most special abilities give strings. So wait, does the creator not understand her own system? Or was that quote from someone else?
Isaiah Ross
Nolan Richardson
I don't know what the quote was from, but Turn Someone On is the primary way of doing Strings.
Austin Taylor
it was from the creator, it was an exaggeration of the advantage an asexual character would have, I'm not sure why they chose to say that. Although it does still clash with the themes of the game
William Morgan
The one about asexuals being outside the string economy? I'd hope it's from someone else, because that'd be a really strange thing for the creator to say
Xavier Lewis
I feel like some of the impact is lost due to the creator not being good with English but writing a game in English.
Kevin Jackson
This looks interesting, thanks
Tyler Howard
The game is not balanced for asexuals, so you can't play them.
That's hilarious. That is actually hilarious. Especially for a game dealing with teenagers working through puberty.
Noah White
That's not what it says at all. In fact, the Vampire is asexual. Their entire schtick is avoiding sex while still turning people on with their aloofness. In fact, they don't have a Sex move, they have a *Deny* Sex Move. >When you deny someone sexually, gain a String on them. When you have sex with someone, lose all Strings on that person.
Anthony Jenkins
they're not asexual though since another player could still use the 'turn someone on' move against a vampire PC and suceed
Jose Mitchell
It works perfectly fine for asexual characters though. The player is still in control of their character's reaction when someone else uses the move that's being discussed, and the reaction doesn't need to be arousal. And even if it is, it doesn't mean your character has to sleep with someone just because they rolled a 10+ on Turn Someone On. The bottom line is that it represents the attempt somehow getting to your character. That's perfectly consistent with playing a character who doesn't have interest in sex.
What would mess with game mechanics is if you declared that your character is absolutely immune to any physical, social, or emotional effects of people trying to seduce them.
Aaron Reyes
People who haven't played the game have no idea of it beyond what they think it is about, but man, do they talk.
Mason Foster
that seems to dominate most conversations about the game I see, we only recently got past seeing 'the GM can tell you when you get a boner' coming up every time
Liam Lopez
Being turned on by a guy doesn't make you gay, user.
Trying and succeeding. Though I will say that one thing I'm concerned/interested in is how the whole... "it's equally easy to seduce a choirboy as it is a slut" thing works out.
>This move implies something about sexuality, and particularly teenage sexuality. We don’t get to decide what turns us on. When you make a move to turn someone on (with a character action or with scene description), the other player doesn’t get to exclaim, “Wait, my character is straight! There’s no way that’d turn them on.” That’s a decision that we as players can’t make for our characters. The dice are going to be the ultimate referees of what is and isn’t sexy for these characters. Their own sexuality will confuse them and surprise them; it’ll show up in unexpected places and unlikely situations. Regardless of the results of the roll, however, each player still gets to decide how their character reacts. Being turned on by someone doesn’t imply or demand a particular reaction.
David Rogers
>Being turned on by someone doesn’t imply or demand a particular reaction. You just copy/pasted it?
Jason Baker
>"it's equally easy to seduce a choirboy as it is a slut" not quite, they're equally likely to be attracted to you, however while the slut might respond by jumping your bones, the choirboy would probably just get slightly flustered but otherwise not act on it
Liam Jones
Basically every thread.
I did.
Yeah, but it's interesting that there aren't really any... penalties or defenses in PbtA games.
Logan Williams
>Yeah, but it's interesting that there aren't really any... penalties or defenses in PbtA games. there are if you count strings, gangs, and conditions.
Strings can be used to gain a +1 or impose a -1 If you have your gang for support you get a +1 (if it makes sense) If you target a character's condition you get +1
Evan Miller
Nathan Wilson
and that's actually not counting the various class-specific situational modifiers, the Queen imposing a -1 on anyone acting against them when their gang's present, the fae getting a +3 (I think) to turn someone on if they give the person a string
Hudson Foster
It's from non-creator - just a playtester feedback thing
Ovary Mcdildo, we know it's you. Stop pretending. Your game isn't deep or meaningful. It's just a way for you to wank to your forced sexuality fantasies and inject your horrible fetishes into the games you love. You are the real life whizzard and you're shilling is too obvious. Please retake Astroturfing 101 before you return.
>inb4 "y u so assblast trigred pol internet hat mashin u mad"
Leo Reyes
I think /pol/ likes accusing people of being shills because it implies people care about Veeky Forums. People can like things you don't.
I actually didn't know Strings could give negatives. Still, I'm so used to trying to hit a DC, or subtracting a defense value.
Mason Watson
So you're saying the earth doesn't revolve around memes and Veeky Forums?
Brayden Bailey
By what kind of moon-logic is that the reason for veteran discounts or anything approaching an acceptable way to address elevated suicide risks?
It's crap like this that breeds accusations of virtue signalling. It's easier to assume that it's a cynical front used solely to try to draw in sales rather than to believe that someone interested in those issues seriously thinks that it's an appropriate way to address them. Shit's downright exploitative.
Adrian Reyes
The pathfinder thread has 314 replies and 56 posters. 5.6 average per poster. We're sitting at 7.2. Checks out. Especially if you count all the samefagging shill parts.
Jaxon Rivera
Niche game is niche, your point user?
Josiah Diaz
Countering the user implying we had too many posts-to-posters by showing the ratio of a much more popular game had only slightly better post-to-poster ratios, thus undermining the further implication that this is some sort of shill thread?
We fucking up now tho.
Jason Davis
No one *actually* cares about issues. They just pretend to, to look good for other people who pretend to care about issues.
If talking about why a game is good is shilling, little under half of Veeky Forums is shills. Not all, obviously. Most of Veeky Forums is about how games suck and fun is dead.