We would like you to participate in the Veeky Forums discord server, come and join us: discord gg/n95EZ9p
Lets make this a scenery thread aswell
We would like you to participate in the Veeky Forums discord server, come and join us: discord gg/n95EZ9p
Lets make this a scenery thread aswell
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally cancer.
Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/
happy halloween
So how much shitposting is that server by percentage?
the off-topic and voice chat channels are full shitposting, the topic channels are better
Almost completely, any channel besides the shitposting ones are dead most of the time
A question. Why would this be good place to join? What does it offer that I couldn't get from Veeky Forums proper?
voice chat, knowing people before playing with them and a more interactive and responsive discussion than you can have in Veeky Forums. It is a discord chat for people from Veeky Forums, not a substitute for Veeky Forums.
We already have two IRC channels on different networks you illiterate Millennial
How do I get in?
enter the link, put a . between discord and gg
Discord server specifically for Japanese Tabletop Games.
We got a nice handful of game going so far, more people always welcome.
Let it die