>The evil sorcerer prefers to be called "sorceress"
>also his pronouns are xe/xem/xyr
How does your character react?
>The evil sorcerer prefers to be called "sorceress"
>also his pronouns are xe/xem/xyr
How does your character react?
By smiting evil.
He leaves to go back to his isolated mountain and meditate until this generation dies and the next arises.
depends is xe cute? feminine benis?
He draws his sword and tells her to come quietly, as all magic except that used by the church is outlawed by decree of his majesty.
I don't have to care about the opinions or feelings of an evil sorcerer.
Why would he be both female and xir-whatever?
Sadly, i see what you did there.
Rape. /d/ has taught me that the best way to break a mind/sense of entitlement is to apply a healthy dose of rape until they stop being stupid. /d/ also told me that hand-holding and consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation are acceptable in the modern world.
Mock him for being a faggot, and mutilate his genitals before killing him.
Sorry, what? I was on my phone. Can I hit the baddie with my sword yet, or are they still speaking?
/d/ will tell you a lot of horrible things that aren't true.
Those last two are 100% true, even if it's lewd.
Luckily the hammers of justice are unisex.
Shoot the mind-witch. Filthy heretic.
>How does your character react?
Accept the sorcerer claim.
My character is too non-human to differentiate human sex, so he would just assume to have misjudged and accept it at face value.
Not that it matters anyway, the sorcerer may believe whatever he want, my character just want him to stop doing evil shits.
> Politely fighting evil.
Still kicking your ass
My own sorceress would probably ask him why he's milking that bullshit when she knows he has the magic to fully transition whenever he damn well pleases. Then after applying liberal amounts of mind control she might well do it for him/her.
Also, if the evil plan was not a variation of using language magic or time travel to make those pronouns accepted, she'd chastise them for lack of ambition.
Use the usual pronouns
Just like real life
My last character eats magic.
So he would eat the sorcerer's magic.
>My character is too non-human to differentiate human sex
Is your character also too dumb to differentiate obvious biological differences?
That's XER
The hammer of justice is unisex
I give the GM the -.- face and walk away from the table until he calms the fuck down.
I'm sorry was that heresy i just heard? Because it sounded like heresy. From you. Just now.
Whatever it was, I wasn't trying to do it.