What's the most dangerous enemy in your setting?
Most Dangerous Enemy
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The Patriarchy.
It must be if she's not wearing a hoodie and sweatpants to cover them titties. How dare a fictional character show skin, no matter what the context of their social position and ability is!
The in-setting equivalent of pic related.
Half of it's danger is how well adapted it is to complete darkness and crushing water pressure.
The party. I'd say 75% of the trouble they've gotten into is all their own damn fault.
Sahuagin. The dumbest ones are geniuses by human standards, and the smartest exceed the greatest elven wizards in intelligence. They're also more physically powerful than the competitors in their niche, and there's no reason for them not to have thoroughly conquered every ocean in the world. Other races are allowed to rule the land because the Sahuagin don't really want it, but if conflict breaks out between them and the land-dwellers they'll almost certainly win.
i never managed to actually use them in a session but this is what i had planned out in my cyberpunk post-apoc setting
>a nullianac (not how i would call them in-game but the placeholder name anyway)
>an otherworldly breed of creatures residing in a burnt, toxic ruin of a city
>their entire visual appearance is unclear, it has the same effect as an optical illusion to the human eye
>most you can say about them is that they are humanoid with wearing something that appears to be dark rags, and their heads are composed of stripes of otherworldly flesh, cascading and floating outwards from their heads
>their movements are uncanny and odd, it appears that they move slow and quickly at the same time. you can watch them and track their movements, but suddenly you realize they haven't moved at all, or they've suddenly moved very far
>they attack by psionically paralyzing the host from afar, then slowly moving towards them, then inducing massive psionic damage using their appendages. it is basically impossible to survive this (it deals about 3x the HP of a high-level PC) as damage. the only way to deal with it is to not let the nullianac close in the first place
>the nullianacs are also accompanied by hellish canines, gulfhounds, which are like horrible mutated dogs that are as big as horses, and the gulfhounds will do whatever the nullianacs want
[s]Friend Computer[/s]
The most actively dangerous enemy in the setting is an insanely brilliant body-hopping demon (a la Fallen) currently possessing what is essentially a Black Slaad.
There are gods more powerful and technically more dangerous, but they're too busy to really be a direct threat.
If the three recently turned antagonist wizards get their way it's gonna be them, collectively. They're trying to birth a new deity, and previous experience shows that they are certainly not doing so for benevolent reasons.
If they don't get their way, there is an ancient dragon teamed up with a lich revived by the goddess of undeath (one of them) currently building up a massive army of undead in a distant continent on the shattered remains of a war the lich started to begin with.
The players have recently started seeing a lot of refugees too.
It has various names for various languages and countries, but the most famous title is just Calamity. (Other names include the God-in-the-Deep, Charybdis, the Purifying Rain, and Formless Blue.)
It is a writhing mass of tentacles and polyp-like eyes the size of a city block that brings a hurricane with it, even if it appears in the middle of a desert.
Whenever it encounters a living creature it ensnares them in countless crushing tentacles and devours them. It also has ranged bombardment of flung fragments of something made within its body, sort of bone-bullets slung by the tentacles. Typically only used to disable something while it lumbers towards it.
It falls out of the sky once every 40 years, on average, ruins a stretch of land a hundred miles long over the course of two weeks, then carves a straight line to the nearest ocean and sinks back into the deep. Nobody's quite sure how it gets into the sky, but it has been seen lurking across the ocean's floor in the "downtime" between appearances.
It's just treated as a fact of life since it can't be killed as far as anyone knows. It is thankfully rare, and generally predictable. (Of course, the GM can drop it at any time for any reason.) People don't like thinking about the Calamity.
Sort of a Cthulhu-Godzilla-Sin hybrid in concept. I am not original.
Probably kobolds i play near tucker level kobolds.
Most dangerous creature is probably the atropal or a really skilled gloom.
Nost dangerous creature you will see with any regularity is the beholder.
Again the beholder is mostly the way i run them it will manuver all over the place to bring as much firepower to bear as possible.
The Grand Fang of the Emperor, a peerless warrior who is said to have parried a spell with a sword, caught an arrow with his bare hand, outpaced a horse on foot, and stood atop a fired ballista bolt to get over a castle wall. There are also tales of him slaying a hundred men using only his bare hands and the weapons of his fallen foes, and that he defeated the half-giant Mountain-Splitter in a barefisted brawl.
There are suspicions that there are multiple warriors with wildly different talents masquerading as the Grand Fang, since none have ever seen him without his mask, he is improbably skilled at anything he does, and he is seemingly anywhere he's needed.
weaaboo knight unrelated, I just really like the picture
Movement part is p cool, you could prolly spook the players p hard by describing them getting closer and closer, and then just say that it actually looks like they haven't moved at all
Currently it's supposed to be a gargantuan green dracolich, but the party seems to be it's own worst enemy due to a couple of players trying to Monty python through the campaign.
Literally my PC. High level fighter more xp than the rest of the group (can thank the deck of many things for that) and was chosen to kill the BBEG, a god of revenge gone haywire, and take it's place as the new god of revenge.
Can still remember just being a elf in scale mail with a longsword and a attitude problem.
In a world where so much information is digitally stored and literally all of your personal data is housed alongside a million little snippits. Memory reels, personality breakdowns and all manner of more esoteric techno-bullshit the most dangerous enemy a person can encounter is themselves.
Or, to be more precise something that -is- you, down to a cellular level, it has a whole bunch of your memories, acts in ways you do, but it's not a perfect copy as there's not enough of you online to mimic. It seem harmless, mostly by virtue of not being fully sentient- it's confused. Something is missing and it needs to be whole, and how does it manage that?
by following the trail of information breadcrumbs almost everybody leaves in their daily life and trying to take from the living that they think they need. It is a doomed effort, and a fatal one. But with no way to really kill what is semi-sentient information and no way to help these..things the best a person can do is hope they never encounter one of their own
Doesn't really have a name other than whatever the players end up calling it. Caused by a failed attempt at necromancy, it is the only case of a thing coming FROM the land of the dead. Hates life and feels nothing but pain, it has full command over the dead and is on a mission to turn the world into a static world of bare stone.
The most dangerous creature in my setting is The Devourer, AKA Ullercron, AKA The Sea Crone.
If you're in my party and reading this then spoilers, duh.
Long ago, ancient Atlanteans discovered that the rules of magic and reality could be rewritten by forging links between this plane and another. The bridge between worlds would act as a potential energy gradient, allowing magics to be greatly amplified at no cost. This worked out until they accidentally linked to a universe overtaken by The Devourer, a vast being of such extreme entropy that even the briefest contact with a world it has infested sets up a slow but unstoppable chain reaction that eventually drains all possibility of magic, life, and light from a world.
To buy time, the king of Mu ordered a gigantic gate to the elemental plane of water to be created. This flooded the world and destroyed both his kingdom and Atlantis, but provided a buffer that has lasted until this day.
The end of the world is now inevitable, if remote.
> Hates life and feels nothing but pain
A noble idea, if I might harp for a minute?
are you familiar with the dark tower and the notion of the thinny? described as "a cancer at the centre of everything" it is likewise a slow, inevitable creeping doom that man is able to speed up in his ignorance. What if this devouter of yours where less being and more a celestial flaw? the result of some impossible to calculate stroke of random misfortune that has resulted in creation gaining a cyst that can never be cured- only contained.
The party discovers it's existence, perhaps encountering the select few condemned to maintain the countless barriers between us and it. What do they do? inform the powers that be and risk their tampering ushering in the end?
do they close their eyes, try and forget the comfortable, sterile oblivion that laps against the edges of creation. The ringing hum of a mind trying to make sense of absolute silence? it's mindless cruelty is not in it's natural status but rather in just how..easy it is to dwell on. Like a sore tooth once exposed to it you will struggle to forget about it, to do anything other then obsess and remember that awful, drowsy ringing.
Does the party run? putting as many miles, distractions and altered staes between themselves and the truth as possible?
do they go mad? choosing death over the harrowing reality?
or perhaps flee? deluding themselves into believing that a different plane of existence is safe?
My very first college game the DM had a sideboss called Rusty the Goblin and he would sling baby Rust Monsters at the party and then run away from combat. These were 3.5 Rust Monster too, one of the worst kinds. He called them baby Rust Monsters but we looked it up and he was basically using the adult stat block for his 'babies'. Once we called him out on that I think all he did was reduce the HP of the baby Rust Monster.
Rusty would pop up every 5 sessions no matter where we were, handwaved by the DM as 'Rusty goes where Rusty wants' and it was always in the middle of a battle.
And the DM was leveling Rusty. I know because the wizard caught Rusty once and nailed him with a fireball. Rusty failed his reflex save thanks to open dice rolling but the dick had enough HP to take the hit and run away in his turn. Yeah, he had the Run feat too. And soon after he had magic items cause the DM made specific to mention that Rusty had a royal blue cape or was wearing a big thick leather belt wrapped twice around the torso.
We never killed Rusty. As we got stronger Rusty started to show up with goblin meatshields who's sole purpose was to stand in front of us while Rusty ran away. It came to a point where the fighter carried spare sets of plate armor and the ranger had magic wooden scimitars and leather armor. Shit was fucked. I hate Rusty.
>celestial flaw
Kind of, it's more like the universe existing was getting away with something unintended to begin with, and The Devourer is its sad but natural end.
It is worshipped unknowingly a god by sea hags (the remnants of the group who discovered it and threw themselves into the sea) and as a god of winter by mortals, and it even bestows spells on people who look into its eye and come to know it as all powerful, but it isn't a living conscious creature.
Honestly the game will have almost nothing to do with it. I might hint that there's this dread existential threat but I don't intend for the PCs to confront it. They're a bunch of happy-go-lucky adventurers who just wanna start race wars and visit all the temple dungeons.
The closest they've come to seeing it is in realizing that there is a connection between mirrors and alternate realities, and that the god of light and mirrors has already splintered off a doomed reality to conserve a better one.
Oh my, that is both simple and terrifying.
Yeah confronting it sounds like a bad idea. But that's no reason not to drop one hell of a left field twist in. Draw your players toward some place near enough to it that they can begin to feel something's wrong. Add a revelation of some sort and, I donno. Roll to resist insanity
seems like a fun-ish way to keep a handle on player power creep. the party is never going to get overly cocky when they know Rusty is waiting for them in the near future. Alternatively it could be a heavy handed way to encourage alternate playstyles and classes
There are a number of powers and principalities in my world that could be considered "the most dangerous enemy".
Gods that sway the hearts and minds of empires into creating holy wars against each other.
City-sized dragons that're functionally as powerful as gods.
such and so forth. Ultimately though, it's this. Or really, a pseudodeity modeled off this character. The "Final Solution" created by the god that created the universe, She's supposed to only be unleashed when shit has officially "gotten real". She's essentially the "Reset Button" to rebuild the world if things are well and truly fucked on a global scale.
I feel like there should be a distinction between edgy Mary-sue emo kids who "Feel nothing but pain" and actual abominations whose every waking moment is a constant reminder of their own eternal, hideous imperfection.
Hatred's a broad emotion. Sometimes all you need in an antagonist is an unthinking, brutal killing machine.
>Pic related. Shitty retcons and re-writes notwithstanding, most people agree that the concept of Necrons is neat at the very least.
Nah, the game is upbeat and lighthearted minus the occasional tragic figure or really esoteric dungeon. I'll save the dread for the sequel, or for if the party realizes that one of their most powerful allies has forgotten everything it knows for a very important reason, and against all better judgment figure out a way to restore those memories, then further decide to slay it in order to learn the truth themselves.
Honestly that won't happen because this ally is effectively their magic item shop. He restores ancient relics the party finds using his goofy time dragon powers, at the cost of gold for his hoard.
>Dragon wants companionship and has always wanted to know what's going on with the human kingdoms it constantly razes
>Wants to hoard ludicrous amounts of gold, as Dragons do.
>Decides to fulfill both desires by opening a shop identifying, Enchanting and Restoring magical items for adventurers.
Stealing this with all due haste.
So do you water proof your keyboards or wear some kind of screwy "inverse wetsuit?"
Or get them to enchant their weapons and armor with Everbright.
Mine is a Bronze Dragon so he's not really into razing, he actually protects the home base. He does like to subject the party to trials and games. Honestly I am a lazy DM so I just use him a crutch when I want to include a gamist element that doesn't fit the story.
Magic item shop? Time dragon.
Danger room filled where you can fight nonsense foes that don't fit the world? Fucking time dragon.
Tower defense minigame? Well, that one is kobolds, but they sometimes work for the time dragon.
(Aside from in-universe gods)
A Warlock - Dragon duo that is bend on summoning an army of devils to conquer the world
One of the players, unless someone or something else comes along. She's a mutating human taking on pig characteristics that is now quite huge and eats people (including another PC whole). Probably her most dangerous characteristic is putting out litters of pigmen and has a small but growing horde.
entropy T B H SENPAI
A "god" is something vaguely person-like that's as good at their shtick as Ferris Bueler is at conning people. I guess you could pick a fight with a god of war?
Or actually a god of ambushes would be a lot worse.
what is this magical realm
The Seed of the Ocean, with in the multiverse, there is many unbelievable comics powers, the Leviathan is one such proto-creature respected by all that swims and drifts
The Leviathan carries on its legacy by placing seeds of itself to convene with planets, typically striking like a meteor and resetting life on the planet, the Seed remains on the planet like an apex predator, slowly growing over millions of years the meager pallet of a planet can no longer sate its needs.
Combined efforts of the player and DM? I'm not sure if it's a magical realm, the player is enjoying playing the most abhorrent character possible after she started mutating.
She's having fun so none of us mind that much, some even like it and work for her since she's sort of become a religious figure in the wasteland and some worship her as a goddess. I personally was grossed out when she ate the other player whole but otherwise keep out of her business.
A single muscular mimic, several levels higher than party. Knocks out everyone in the room when triggered, takes all their gold, and buys some real food with the currency. Not interested in killing party, mainly wants to be left alone, sleeping, or eating exquisite tavern food with stolen money in its down time. Not really a "game ending threat" , but it fucking decimates the party when they stumble across it.
The second princess of one of the city-states on the western coast of the continent. Not because she has a great deal of personal power (though she does, being trained by the Grandmaster of Assassins), but because she runs her father's spy network and secret police, and is known as the Black Widow (the nickname is ironic, because she's actually a virgin and has never married, her father values her too much). She has what's called the "death touch", a move that can instantly kill anything she has yet used it on.
Get on her bad side, and your days are numbered. Her older sister? Nice girl, a bit ditzy. Her? Ruthless high-functioning psychopath and very adept at hiding it.
There are some things like ancient dragons and such that might count as more personally powerful, and a few archmages scattered around the place, but they don't really interact with things enough to qualify.
"Enemy" is hard to nail down, and the somewhat tiered god system puts a lot of bullshit at the top of the power charts and it trickles down a long ways. If we ignore all beings with the slightest spark of divinity or remaining impression of creation on the primary planet and plane of the setting, and further limit it to land dwellers, it's still hard to pick out the most powerful but among them certainly are
>Several pseudo-constructs still remain after their extermination order centuries ago. A few of them are capable of wielding some lesser weapons of the gods, which might be cheating, but puts them in the very high power bracket. Among those, only 2 or 3 are clearly "dangerous enemies" to the players.
>A "race" of evil creatures variously known as vampires, rakshasa, devils, demons, etc despite some of these terms not technically applying. They have been created in several instances throughout history, as the unexpected aftermath when mankind attempts to create its own infernal beings through magics to do its will. This invariably ends poorly for the creators, but it's a rare enough occurrence that their numbers stay low.
>The up and coming economic and military superpower nation of the world has been building a massive fleet of war machines ages beyond the tech level of the rest of the world. Their huge resource dump into this project has motivated their ruthless expansionism, but also placed limitations on their available resources to push with. Once they decide it's ready to mobilize, this fleet will be capable of challenging demigods with sheer force and numbers.
Hellknight Commander Daveney Renaeu. LE Half-Elven Wizard (Illusionist) 7/Staff Magus 8
Wizard spells focus on the manipulation of darkness and shadows, and other stealth effects. Magus list is primarily buffs and utility with a few medium-long range boom spells with and emphasis on enhancing her mobility and perception.
She specializes in infiltration, espionage, and "tactical asset removal" in military situations. Leads the Hellknights intelligence sections, such as they are, by virtue of being the best at it while still being extremely good at organization. Like if Batman started offering his services to US-JSOC.
Cool-headed, canny, ruthless and relentless. And the party just DELIBERATELY started working against her, because her operations and goals were getting in their way.
Not working against them (up until now) not even really interested in them (until they twisted the tigers tail.) She and her organization could even have been one of their most powerful allies...were it not for the Lawful Stupid Paladin with a wisdom of 8 and an Intelligence of 9 going out of his way to fuck over the party because his detect evil pinged. So, the stupid fuck essentially went out of his way to pick a fight with what could be called the high-fantasy equivalent of a KGB wetworks officer.
I haven't warned them at all about the fight they just picked. They're too bust thinking they're badass level 13's and kings of the world.
>I've always said level 11-15 are the deadliest. You've got enough power and abilities to THINK you can handle everything, when in fact it's at that point that the games starts getting /really/ interesting.
So what exactly did the lawful stupid Paladin do, user?
It's celestial name translates to "The Twist". It was created as a "Super Angel" by a war god with a singularly destructive ability to level entire worlds as divine "Siege Weaponry" by "Calling" the very powers of destruction itself, and can actually control it's "Circumfrence" by controlling his volume. He was imprisoned by the gods for being impossibly dangerous, and his creator has been forgotten to history.
He was eventually freed by my groups "Meta-God" of story telling, and given his new name. He used his ability under Meta-Gods guidance to end "Stories" the god deemed stagnant, or corruptive to his plan's for "The Great Story".
He "eventually" (After Eons upon Eons I mean) turned-coat and joined an Epic-Level wizard who was attempting to make their own pocket dimension outside of the gods influence, because "The Twist" always felt a little sour about his imprisonment, and had always looked for subtle ways to subvert even his saviours plans.
The clause with his power is he needs a being he sincerely deems an "Authority Figure" to give him permission to use it in the form of an hours long ritual, taking even longer per use they want to give him.
Currently, he is "Between" authority's, the Wizard having MIA during the final sealing-off of his pocket dimension. He only has 3 left, having been given 5 before The Wizard dissapeared, and used two against angels that attempte to kill his master.
...So I guess he's the most powerful in theory, but currently in a position of being held-back a few gears.
sounds scp to me. pretty cool.
Are you telling a woman that she is going to get RAPED and SHOULD GET RAPED for what she is wearing!?
There's three that share the title. One is a god's corrupted pet that lives on a moon, but every so often shoots out a piece of itself down to the planet and starts spreading it's flesh like every single anomalous malevolent space entity, one is a giant made from raw magic stuff called Ultimatum (because you either killed it together or died alone) and last is the insane son of the spider goddess who is an all devouring, dimension hopping centipede that has wings and whose blood turns you into a werebeetle.
One of my players
We're playing a Chromehounds-Inspired campaign using Battletech, so the mechs are all really weird by standard Battletech appearances, but ultimately all one needs to know is that he's using a 100ton mech with hardened armour and AC/10s with Armour-Piercing rounds.
Early on my Players chose to start with the Tarakia expy, which granted them better access to alternate munitions, they all chose to stock up on as much AP ammo as they could, because it's ridiculous.
So the Moroskoj expy ramped up their development and testing of reinforced armour to match.
So, as was to be expected, the party went after its source and destroyed the only factory actually capable of producing the stuff, taking as much as they could from salvage
Now they have a situation, where due to poor choices early on, namely making enemies out of their allies, they are running low on Special ammo, and slowly running out of the only hardened armour left in the world. But the performance of their heaviest mech actually makes it the most powerful single threat on the continent at this time.
7 archmages
couple of old gods
still pretty sure the party is going to kill all of them eventually, even when GM is trying to railroad us not to.
Aboleths with a plan.
Gods, Demon, Dragon and deep sea horrors are just pawns in their game.
Thankfully all they want is the material worlds. We can keep the rest.
He existed.
The sun in my world is a prison which holds the first human, who stole magic itself from the gods
Before that magic was raw and powerful, and the world was blessed with eternal night, when the human stole magic, they became the first sorcerer and attempted to destroy the gods.
The sun was built to hold and suppress them and their magic. It suppresses all magic to a degree, so magic gets more powerful at night in my setting.
forgot to mention they're the most powerful enemy because statwise they're like level 30
who ever blows the DM?
Crohm. Eco-terrorist, mass murderer, master of many martial arts, ancient magic cyborg, and former player character. Known for killing at least one legendary, he is currently a leader one third of the three main antagonistic factions in the region the players are in, the other two being Cyrus and something deep beneath the region leaking out of the everstone bedrock and pushing up the mountains from beneath with six massive red cone-like objects. The faction behind Crohm seems to want to empower him further to fight whatever's coming up from beneath the ground. This may not be a good thing.
I'm not going to lie, it was a rope.
During an Eberron campaign, we accidentally befriended a God of Chaos, who decided that we were deserving of a gift. So, he took a piece of rope from the rogue's inventory, enchanted it, and gave it back to us as a permanently animated rope. This rope pretty much acted like a small dog, and we instantly took a liking to it.
We called him Pancakes.
Sadly, our friend wasn't meant to stay with us. As the plot progressed, we were asked to explore a half-sunken temple in the middle of the Shadow Marshes, and brought Pancakes along with us. As we descended into the temple, some evil presence took over Pancakes, and he began to attack us. He nearly wiped us.
A rope nearly TPKed the party.
After 3 of us were unconscious, another two were experiencing the threat of bleeding out, and the final player, the rogue, was retreating further into the temple, Pancakes stopped his attack, and slithered off.
Long after that game ended, we continued to joke about that moment.
Who's "they"? And why are you unable to use commas correctly?
Clinical depression.
Take your pick:
>Shai-hulud, may his passing cleanse the world
>Storm Aeon equivalent of Bahamut ZERO
>The Soldier Who Pierced Christ's Side
>The city-destroying tentacle monument made of angry elf souls
>The naytheist controlling humanity through religion, who seeks to kill the true gods of the setting.
Or this.
"Stop" "Abusing" your "Fucking" "Quotation Marks" and "Capitalization".
for somebody acting so critical you're a bit of an illiterate nigger, aren't you?
if you'd properly read his post, you'd recognise that the use of 'they' was referring to this 'first human' bloke.
Second strongest would be Tarrasque, which is stronger than the "classic" variety and literally unkillable.
The strongest would be the thing which forced gods to create Tarrasque.
The origninal Tarrasque?
It is dubbed the Marine Tarrasque, sharing inherent and genetic traits to the comparatively smaller Tarrasque. Lorewise, their is not any hard science on the exact size of these creatures, since only 9 individual Marine Tarrasques have ever been historically documented; with the smallest one measuring at a paltry 210 feet in length. The largest was said to "envelop the horizon and blot out the rising sun" and was and still is a terror that all sailors live in fear of.
Of these nine individuals that have been documented, only six have ever been actually killed, four by the hands of legendary character or heroes. The remaining two were killed through brute military might, but each instance had come at the cost of the majority of said militaries.
As of right now, Atticus the Seventh Wall, Last of the Windlords, Sparrow King of the Black Winds, Silver-Dawn Redeemer, Scion of the Twice-Third-and Once-More-Thrones of the Ebon Citadel of Weji.
Pro tip: Even if you're an Elder God, don't half-ass killing a clan of wind demons. It doesn't end well, and one of them will turn his dead sister's body into a magic eating nuke sword then declare war on the mortal realms with his army of pissed off avian psychopomps who all want their jobs back.
No mention of the flying tarrasque, I see.
Hel, the Last Titan. Aka Herald of the End.
Or, as party calls him, Henry The Rape Engine.
You see, at the dawn of time, when this world was still young, typical creation myth bullshit was happening - demons forming out of cosmic garbage pile, gods awakening, gods conspiring against eachother, planets forming and dissolving. And sure enough, mortal races started appearing. Titans were the first. And they were dicks - they had only fraction of gods' powers, but they had all of the demons' arrogance and cruelty.
Longs story short, titans were killed or forced to hide.
Hel is the last one. He still remembers the time when he and his bros were piledriving demons and gods through the planes of then-forming reality. And he is pissed.
So, of course, party woke him up the moment they stumbled upon his body deep underground. Hel destroyed a kingdom while trying to climb back to the surface, but was put back to sleep.
100 years later, demons ripped a hole in the reality and started invading. Party woke up Hel, and then there were no demons and no tears in the fabric of the universe. Also, one third of the continent was gone, but that's details.
Fast forward 400 years and there's a cult formed around Hel. Cult if formed from disgruntled clerics who want to see the gods dead, people who think that gods have enslaved the mortal races, demon-worshipers, etc. They want to wake up Hrl so that he will destroy all the gods and the world will finally be free... And leaders of the cult will absorb gods' powers, but this last part is a secret. The Cult succeeded, Henry woke up. Problem is, he intends to fuck up EVERYONE.
Now he made roughly 2\5 of the planet's landmass completely uninhabitable, and shows no signs of slowing down. This is only two weeks after he rose from his bed. Currently the party is torn up between seeking another planet for everyone to flee for, and tryng to figure out how to stop or slow down Hel. I'm fairly sure they will come up with something.
What is the name of that thing called in your setting?
Mine is a Lich who has schemes to gather raw essence of the various forms of supernatural powers that exist in the world to resurrect the Goddess that he worshipped and married in life, along with the child she was carrying, while toppling the current pantheon for their choice to snuff out her divine presence around the multiverse and striking her out from almost all historical and religious records.
Players don't even know of his existence yet. They're starting out in a forest trying to figure out what's causing expansion and terribly vicious animals shrouded in Incarnum.
Would anyone like to hear more?
Aye. Is he going to end up going full Darth Vader on a bitch?
I remember making that image.
That was a fun thread.
Cue poorly written lovecraft fanfiction or jacobean tragedy.
That's an odd image, because Conan isn't sexist lit/comics. For the most part, they're empowered; queens retaking their country or leader of a pirate fleet.
Then there's Sonja, who's attempt at subverting female motifs is so stark she goes around eating sausages and rescuing male sex slaves.
Just throwing it out there.
Gods work a little differently in my setting. They just became incredibly powerful beings through ohm(settings magic, ki, and psionics rolled into one). You could technically consider them "Gods" and "demons" because when they reached a high enough level and power they made pocket dimensions within the world that functions as their realms. Of course nobody knows that since that is long ancient history and now they are just considered Gods and whatnot. Ancient creatures lurk the world, and there are ruins of plenty powerful civilizations. That being said the more powerful things wouldn't be considered a singular entity but the 3 most ancient and eldest races who long predated the come about of Gods, demons, and everything in between.
Each of the races were incredibly proficient in a singular aspect of ohm. The Deep ones sprouted as octopi who developed great psionics and genetically engineered several races ranging from abyssal creatures from the depths to goblins. The Ancient ones were a race of nomadic bird like creatures who took to building giant cities in the sky. They were proficient in magic. The Stoic ones came from land and build mighty fortresses and golems deep within the Earth and were master ki users.
There was a 3 way clusterfuck and long story short the Ancient birds decided to use their super weapon which they built on the moon to blow up the world, the Deep squids used their super weapon of harnessing and infusing all of the worlds oceans with psionics to consume everything, and the Stoic ones decided to use the core of the planet to implode things. The weapons canceled themselves out with the Ocean taking a brunt of the death beam, the death beam hitting the imploder device, and the imploder chunking a big size of one of the moons the birds resided on. This was such ancient history that maybe 10 creatures in the world remember it.
>slaying a hundred men using only his bare hands and the weapons of his fallen foes
So slaying one man with his bare hands and then 99 with a couple acquired weapons, gotcha
No, he used hands of the first guy as weapons to slay other 99.
Not at all. His child was never born, so it wound up becoming an Atropal at the time of his wife's erasure. By bringing her back, he's hoping to reverse the process that made his child an abomination, but otherwise he's just god a deity fetus in his un-life.
No mortal has ever met one, but the not-so-deep species are called Leviathans or Sea-Dragons. Super unoriginal, but that's how naming works in-setting.
then how is their existence known?
It's not. I'm the creator, and I know everything about the setting. They're the strongest creatures power level-wise.
OP's question is "What's the most dangerous enemy", not "What threatens civilization the most" or "What is the most feared enemy".
Other people.
You see, monsters are simple. They have all sorts of power, but ultimately they're like robots, beings that move and talk but don't really have free will. They'll eat and fight and spread out, but they also don't learn or grow beyond their nature. Even a dragon is, fundamentally, a dragon, and cannot be more or less than that.
People, on the other hand, have no such limitations. They're weak and fragile, and they aren't born with any kind of magic, but they can learn ANYTHING. Whatever a monster can do, a person can figure out how to do themselves, and unlike monsters, people have free will. They're unpredictable, forged by their environment and not their nature. People are a more terrifying and powerful threat to the heroes than monsters ever will be.
in the setting I'm slowly picking away at, it's definitely the giant red dragon sleeping in a volcano, but the fucking ENORMOUS blue dragon trapped in an artificial caldera only takes second because A) it's trapped and can't fly and B) it's so huge it can't really target something as small as a ship directly- occasionally in its restlessness its tail or claws will slash the surface, but at this scale it's basically a natural disaster when it destroys a ship.
now if someone were to free it to roam the oceans once more...
A Nalfeshnee that's been pulling the strings behind the scenes, manipulating the war between Demons and Devils for thousands of years. He's planning on invading the Prime Material plane and converting it into a new base of operations for the forces of the Abyss, and, at some point, create a gateway large enough for Demogorgon to get through.
He's remarkably cunning and by the time the PCs get to him, he will know everything about them thanks to his massive network of demonic spies (mostly Quasit, Chasme, and Vrock). It's gonna be one hell of a ride.
Basically whatever a player can make for a level 1 character that made it to high level.
An example was D&D 3.5. I do not fear the tarrasque, I fear the guy who in one round charged the thing and dropped it simply because of a few feats and an item.
The being that is both the Binder's patron and his servant. Everything he does is supposedly to aid the Binder but he asks strange things in return.
A parasite that managed to infect a variety of creatures and steal their abilities.
The worst things it infected were something known as The Great Fungus and the Tarrasque.
From these it gained the ability to absorb magic and grow and regeneration. It feeds on flesh and is currently a 300 foot diameter sphere roughly centered on the barely alive Tarrasque, which collapsed on a leyline.
The parasite occasionally breaks off pieces of itself and sends them off to spread.
The party has yet to find out that the parasite was created by the Illithids in order to wipe out magic.
is right. Sahuagin get out
Anything with a name you can hear in legends. Doesn't matter how strong you are, you should respect 'em
I made a setting based on People's birthdays. It's been a lot of fun and the patron deities of the setting are based on the zodiac.
Praying and homage to the 12 gods (and the hidden 13th) is different for each. For example one of the funniest ones is Taura; while a character has sex, they press "devils horns" to the forehead of there lover to curry favour with him.
The strongest enemy of the setting is a Vega, a trap who has become Virgos's favoured. He's done this by paying millions and millions of dollars in tribute to shrines of her that he's erected. (and became a fuccboi from all the fem energy)
The party is only just starting to figure this out, as at the end of all the dungeons that the've raided there's been an incredible amount of gold laid around a statue of a goddess.
At first they took as much as the've been able to carry, without knowning the significance of the gold itself. Now the dick-ass thief has cottoned on and started smashing the statues to reduce the amount of tribute Vega has.
But they're only 1 month out from September, and during the month of Virgos, Super-trap is gonna make his move!