What are some scenarios where humans are the ancient, lost race that comes back to deus ex machina problems away? Or, I guess, to be the ancient evil?
Robot settings and animal settings are the only ones that come to mind.
What are some scenarios where humans are the ancient, lost race that comes back to deus ex machina problems away? Or, I guess, to be the ancient evil?
Robot settings and animal settings are the only ones that come to mind.
How about one in which mankind advanced and reproduced so well that they became by far the most dominant race on the planet (as opposed to the Elves, Orcs, Dwarves etc). They advanced technology rapidly and pushed fantasy races into hiding places.
Then they became too big for their breeches and started to oppose the gods so the gods smote them, allowing the fantasy races to come out of hiding and start claiming territory again. However there are still some remaining human labs and stuff with the advanced tech the humans made (which seem like really advanced magic to the fantasy races).
In Gamma-World, True Humans are very much the lost ancient race, and all the "may as well be super-magic" arcanotech that's lying around the world is keyed to only work for True Humans.
Look up Genesis Rising, an old space strategy game. It had great music too. Imagine if the Imperium had Tyranid bioships and they already turned their their entire military into Space Marines. Their population also went through a level of genetic purification and upgrading that Hitler would be proud.
>What are some scenarios where humans are the ancient, lost race that comes back to deus ex machina problems away? Or, I guess, to be the ancient evil?
The Prophet Remake by Image comics would be a good base. The human empire was a tyrannical super power in the galaxy, wielding an army of supersoldier clones. The Empire was seemingly obliterated but secretly before their defeat, they had seeded the galaxy with hidden fleets, and most importantly, umpteen numbers of clones buried beneath the ground of dozens of planets, programmed to awake around the same time and start liberating key installations, working towards rebuilding their galactic empire
Came here to post this.
I wanna play a campaign with /pol/ now
Came to post this
For that you would have to move your fat arse out of the chair and learn to cook your own tendies.
Fucking white supremacists, worse than the we wuz kangz.
>unlike the reserves in South America and Asia, you've yet to have a single escape
>well, SUCCESSFUL escape; some idiot fries himself on the fence on a regular basis, they've given up digging escape tunnels, and the time they figured out a crude catapult and lobbed three blacks over the fence was hilarious
>and he throws fake german into it
I mean, even as satire, this is not funny, this is written sociopathy
>and his skin is so thin he can't take tongue-in-cheek offensive humor
>and he has never seen filenames with fake languages in them for shits n' giggles
You should go back to fucking Tumblr.
Humans don't come back or are the ancient evil. I suppose one could see them as evil due to being ____shades____ but even then the situation is complicated.
Vandread isn't the best anime but it's underlying plot sounds similar to what you might be interested in.
Earth essentially became so polluted the inhabitants sent out several space colonies to set up organ farms on other planets.
The main plot starts off as a war between two planets. One filled with nothing but men and another with nothing but women. The early colonization probes set up the two planets so long ago that the two genders think they are separate species. The main cast encounter other worldly machines that attack them and other planets along the way.
Over time the main cast discovers other colonies which have both male and females which are set up to be harvested for a specific body part, so the reason their planets didn't have both genders was because their respective planets were made to harvest reproductive organs.
Later they find out that each colony was sent to a particular planet which would have the best conditions for healthy body parts and instill a culture to help maintain them. For instance one colony seems to have a habit of always using lotion and moisturizer and later find out they get harvested for their skin.
tl;dr Earth sets up space colonies all across the galaxy to develop human organ farms to be harvested for the sickly Earth population. Earth sends fleets of organ harvesting robots to harvest the inhabitants like some near unstoppable plague across the galaxy forcing the colonies to team up against their ancient home world..
It would have been funny if I didn't knew that the original writers were 100% serious.
Might be me, but I don't find anything funny in that.
Well this isn't /pol/ either, and it's a shitty AU if anything.
>if I didn't knew that the original writers were 100% serious
Yep, you're retarded. If you honestly believe they (and I) were absolutely serious and if you find a bit of fake german on a pic of laughing nazis "written sociopathy", then Veeky Forums is not the right place for you and you should go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of.
We may never know if they are serious or not. It doesn't change that it reeks of edgelordness, and it's a shitty AU/power fantasy to boot.
It's pretty blatant sarcasm and memery and it doesn't change that you reek of retarded faggot.
will you two kiss already
Why the heck not
If anything, this RaHoWa fanfic makes me want to write my own space communism world.
Anima beyond Fantasy.
They also make, like, 60% of the problems but shhhh don't tell anyone.