What do demons even use all that semen for, anyway?
What do demons even use all that semen for, anyway?
Making more demons duh
What do fey use all that man spray for, anyway?
Pumpkin Spice.
Demons take the semen from mortal men and use it to impregnate mortal women as a way of tempting both.
So they can commit genocide. Every time a succubus makes you orgasm, a million souls are forever lost.
It increases their lifespan and bolsters their magic, according to Journey to the West. About a third of the adventures revolve around demons trying get the holy man's divine semen.
Invisible ink.
By the way, I didn't mean they process it into invisible ink. I meant they just flat out use it as invisible ink.
>qt demon milf buying skimpy clothes for her teenage daughter
Export to the European drinkables market. Just ask /sp/
Kyoo tee
It's quite astounding the amount of semen that a single swede consumes on a daily basis
Semen is filled with a powerful magical energy. It is overflowing with life and power. Yang, Prana, Od, Qi, whatever you want to call it. This is known as sex magic goes back for thousands of years.
Semen is pretty much a mana potion. Of course demons would crave it. Everyone in their right mind would.
Damn, I spilled my mana potion all over the floor.
Good thing I adhere to the D&D version of vancian casting
This is why every would-be wizard should engage in regular mana cycling to ensure open flow of power as he grows in age and might.
>they even carved the butthole
God damn, you just don't see dedication like that anymore.
You should check out some of /a/'s buyfag threads.
Not sure how actually valid it is, but in one game which the DM sort of based on real religious mythology I think(?), population numbers and time are radically out of of sync with the real world, like a "demon army" can consist of many millions of actual demon "soldiers" and demon lords are fighting each other all the time for hell hierarchy dominance.
So mortal women are great to knock up if a demon wants to spread a little corruption through the child overtime, in the long term end goal of evil domination. Much more immediately pressing though, is making sure your demon lord ass doesn't get overthrown or enslaved by any number of other demon lords, so stealing sperm with which to breed and keep up the vast numbers of your own demon army in hell is just as important.
How the relevance is to the actual game we played, we had a traipse through hell sort of like The Inferno. Having actual living mortals in hell rather than just souls, is a pretty big thing, it so turns out for various reasons, including among many other things the machinations of semen demons.
>it's gaping
Hindu buttsluts a qt.
Hebrews believed everytime you masturbate your semen would be used by Lilith to spawn one thousand demonic lilims in hell, all eagerly waiting to attract you to their clutches and rape your soul in all imaginable angles and ways in the name of agony and carnal pleasure.
You just described how succubi work, but the act is actually more akin to supernatural possession and rape.
the new babi born are incubi
What do adventureruse all that gold fo`r?
>the new babi born are incubi
Incubi [incub(āre) (to lie upon)] are just the male counterpart to succubi [succub(āre) (to lie beneath)], so where do succubi come from?
>being this new
... welp, I just developed a new fetish.
Medieval vision on the succubus was that they steal your semem and them used it to impregnate virgins ie it was a excuse to explain unwed pregnancies.
...So was this supposed to encourage or discourage masturbation?
>Thinking of the literal millions of demons I have spawned if this is true
>This is seen as bad
Succubi get fucked and make incubi.
Incubi fuck and make succubi.
A mother and daughter succubi are actually grandaughter and grandmother
I fucking hate how many of my fetishes this idea incorporates. Welp, time to spawn some lillim real quick.
feels bad man
God damn it Nasu stop making excuses for H scenes
It's life fuel.
Demons run mostly on metaphors.
To nurture children, of course. It is their biological purpose.
That's not even an h-idea. Historically, blood and semen are frequently thought to have a magical component.
Reminds me of when my mom did the same for me and I shat on her for it.
I miss my mom.
Nigger the fuck are you talking about? Hebrews/Jews don't believe in Hell, they don't even really believe in Satan. The place known as Hell, and the being known as Satan as an arch-enemy of mankind and god figure, are a Christian invention.
they can teach you something about semen and it's uses
>Semen is filled with a powerful magical energy.
hentai manga, Tranny sorcerer
check this out if you are into this sort of things
>tfw it doesn't work for females
Fuck the patriarchy
Translating it as "hell" is incorrect, but Lilith and the Lilin reside in Sheol, the dark land of the dead. Judaic lore is vague on the nature of Sheol. It's kind of gloomy but apparently a neutral place.
I had no idea that your mom was such a semen demon. I'm sorry for your piety user.
>kid goes straight for the cherry tomatoes
Well, of course a demonspawn would be wrong in the head somehow.
Still, would raise to a life of wonder and adventure/10
Give the newfriend a break. We were all new once.
Impregnating human women, after they either give it to or transform into male sex demons.
Demons are incapable of producing life.
The same way we use oil in our automobiles.
So, for demons sex with mortals is like drilling for oil? Is there a hentai like that yet?
What do demons do to relax once their shift is over?
They enjoy dull, repetitive tasks like sorting paperwork and alphabetising lists.
You know, data entry and shit like that.
It's always good when they can get home from a hard day's drudgery of fucking to their me-time.
Technically a man who bottoms would be a succubus and a woman who tops would be an incubus.
>After a long day of fucking, the succubus returns home, dons a meido outfit and does housecleaning
Rapeing nuns, after succubus drains a man it changes in to an incubus, round and round it goes.
Yeah, Lilith was the original evil demon guy (or gal), although she was more "Adam's really pissed off ex" than "prince of darkness and lord of all evil". The original Jewish equivalent of Satan was essentially God's prosecutor/stress-tester. He was working for god, and his job was to tempt humans to make sure they were righteous enough to not fall to sin and, once they died, point out every sin they had committed in life that would affect their chanse of getting the cool afterlife.
For some reason the Bible complete wrote out Lilith (even if this does result in a bit of a plothole in the Old Testament) and made Satan the BBEG.
>The Bible is a fucking homebrew
Fucking Christians just STICK TO THE CANON.
Way to go homebrewing and then forcing everyone else along.
Sorta? Demons appear in folklore, like angels. Consider them a different species of people- with crow feet, because God didn't have enough time on Friday to finish work on them- but strong. But it's folklore, not canon, if that makes sense.
>implying the kid knows what >implying is
Unfortunately a lot of that canon is now apocryphal.
Cherry tomatoes are like... no, not like, they are nice salty berries. Why not?
Now you making me want to open in an rpg a spa where demons can go to be maids and do housecleanning, or play checkers with each other, and a bunch of warlocks live in just to do massage and make calm chit chat with them. There are mockery marriages (the honeymoon is a date in the park) and a cinema room that only pass slice of life and science movies.
No one here talks about sex, lust, carnal desire, or bloodlust. To register you give only the ten first digits of your true name. remember: we will never ask you your entire true name, if anyone asks for it, talk immediatelly to staff.
>don't masturbate, or you'll spend eternity being incested by your army of insatiable half-demon loli daughters
oh god no please don't how horrifying
Sex scenes or not I never really found the concept unreasonable
Meh, bronze age Hebrew women didn't need mythology to express their rape fetishes. They just needed to, y'know, be bronze age Hebrew women. It's not like 'needing female consent' was a thing.
>Turns out Satan, the Lord of Darkness, was actually just Stan the engineer, who was hired by God to do stress-testing on randomly selected humans to make sure humanity meets the standards of qualification.
Yyyeah nice place. They took someone else's truename for me.
I just lost the Game.
Yeah. About that. Hebrew women were allowed to divorce their husbands for not satisfying them sexually. It's a lot of power, don't you think?
>sex before marriage
>sex without gods consent for pleasure and not reproduction.
>sex without speaking to the parents which under Biblical law and tribal justice will see bad things happening.
>giving into lusts.
not even the pagans were this shit heretic
Same thing with Muslim women, pre-reform Christianity was again the odd duck out in the Abrahamic big three
Doesn't the husband have to give consent to that?
Not sure if that is Qarunic or a result of jurisprudence
And isn't it the case in christian (if not catholic than Protestant, Coptic, Eastern) countries that it is still a valid reason for divorce
>Doesn't the husband have to give consent to that?
Hm. It's a problem nowadays, that husbands won't give their wives divorces, leaving them agunot. However, back when we had courts, we were allowed to send people to beat up the husband that refused to divorce his wife who wanted a divorce. (Thinking about this, it sounds easily corruptible, I should have a look at the law.)
Can't find a source for 'beating up husband'.
>According to halakha, a get is only valid when it is given by a husband to his wife of his own free will (Yebamot, 14:1). However, under certain circumstances[which?] pressure may be applied on a husband to force him to grant a divorce to his wife. Where a woman has proven one or more of a list of particular grounds for divorce, the rabbinical court (beth din) may apply pressure on the husband in these situations (Ketubot, 7:10; Gittin, 9:8). There are some halakhic decisors who would act accordingly in the cases of abuse or neglect (Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer, 154:3). Nevertheless, not under all circumstances is a wife entitled to demand a divorce according to halakha. If a wife who is not halakhically entitled to a divorce does demand one, she may not be considered as a mesorevet get by a Rabbinical Court. However, not any woman who wants to leave an unwanted marriage but is refused by her husband, is considered to be a victim of get refusal. There are opinions that deem a woman's repugnance for her husband as acceptable halakhic grounds for coercion (Rambam, Mishna Torah, Hilchot Ishut, 14:8). "It is said: In cases of granting a get to a woman, the man is forced until he says, 'I wish to do so'" (Babylonian Talmud, Arachin 21a; Rambam, Mishna Torah, Hilchot Gerushin, 2:2). Nevertheless, in almost all cases, it is required to leave the man some say in the matter, lest the get be considered a "coerced divorce", which is halakhically invalid. As ruled by Rabbeinu Tam (Sefer HaYashar, Response 24; Rema, Even HaEzer 154:21), pressures that can be exerted against the man include shunning, denying him communal benefits and honors, and in extreme cases even imprisonment. Legend has it that as a last resort where all else has failed, a tactic has been sparingly used in the past, to let him spend a night near a nameless grave, or to frighten him in some other way.[citation needed]
>It's a problem nowadays
Depends on where you live, most Muslim-majority nations do have civic law codes for this stuff now, even if enforcement is depended on how strong the central government it. So unless you are in SA or Iran, you could try to argue your case in a civil court. Through that just leaves you open to good old fashioned "Third World Bureaucracy" corruption instead of heavy handed theological corruption. Pick your poison I guess
What if my true name is only 3 symbols? Do I only give you 1 or what?
One, because we are translating to human speak. each symbol turns into a lng line of characters, we use the first ten ones of the list. In case of your name being Sin (without a surname) We will need authorization of your father, he is a jealous men.
what if my true name is only 3 human symbols? The first is just the letter Y.
Same things humans would, only the result is another demon. Demons can't reproduce naturally among themselves, as they lack the ability to create life, but can have offspring with a mortal.
It's a key ingredient for elixir.
"Hey Bob, you're a cleric. What DO they put in these healing potions?"
"I use spells, I'm not an apothecary! I have heard something about the 'seed of life' though."
Consuming the potential life that could have existed. Because Catholic.
Basically Weeping Angels that fuck you and make your kids not exist.
You could just do it in MAID RPG
Hell, I've PLAYED a lazy succubus maid who just wants to relax in MAID RPG.
This is what uneducated college feminists really believe.
> Fucking Christians just STICK TO THE CANON.
Which Christians, the Christians who stick to the canon, or the heretics? Because the heretics are heretics, and the ones who stick to the canon have stuck to the canon.
Whereas the Jews have piled on a shitton of Talmuds and Kabbalahs and halakhas and mitzvots to justify their syncretism with every paganism ever since way BC, repeatedly murdering everyone who told them to stick to the canon, as extensively detailed in the canon documentation for anyone who cares to read it. Thus rabbis get to be heroes by agonizing over reams of their own headcanon in order to allow stuff that was never forbidden, like widows remarrying, whilst the endlessly multiplying parade of Christian heretics try to top each other in pretending there is no canon and there never was any canon except for your very own headcanon, whatever that happens to be, you brilliant special snowflake you. And everyone goes along with it, because the alternative is to bone up on the canon, and, like, do it. And who wants to do that?
And then of course Muslims just kill you for your stuff, but you knew that already.
>What do demons even use all that semen for, anyway?
Demons as they exist within their native realm of hell are entirely composed of ethereal Mana.
In order to physically pass over into the physical world they NEED a physical body to exist.
Mana is consumed and goes through a physical conversion to mass, flesh, etc.. When a demon enters into our realm the process ultimately lowers the sum mass of Mana they originally had and often makes them significantly less powerful than they were originally. (The reverse though can be said for physical beings passing over into an ethereal realm; it's why even something as unaccomplished as a dog can be quite a force when dead).
In an effort to cross over as efficiently as possible, Demons will look for outside sources of Mana to act as a buffer zone.
Succubi and Incubi are the most successful in acquiring their "buffer zone".
Completely hermaphroditic (their appearance a thing of personal taste): Sucubi/Incubi have themselves impregnated by physical beings or themselves impregnate physical beings in order to then eat the baby and acquire physical mass.
On that note: An "Omnibus" is a massive Succubus/Incubus that has been impregnated and bred for so long that when they pass over they manifest as bloated, exaggerated, brood mothers. Omnibus are capable of -and frequently- impregnate themselves to produce Imps & other lesser demons/devils, but old habits die hard and they welcome anyone brazen or foolish enough to still breed with them; birthing a constant supply of satyrs, nymphs, and other such "evil fey".
Omnibus even have a tendency to gradually switch alignments; finding the casual atmosphere of the physical world comfortable and the advances of mortal men endearing- some even becoming worshiped as pagan deities.
>tfw you wanna lewd an omnibus
>tfw that's my fetish
There's a lot of religions that are bad at sticking to the canon. But since I don't know that much about a lot of them or they are unabashed at how much they don't care about their canon, I'll talk some more about Christianity.
In Christianity, there's a lot of stuff that could be debated as non-canon and added after the fact. For example, if you consider the Bible to be the end all and be all of canon though there's a number of things that could be argued over, like whether the various gospels were actually written by who is claimed to have written them and at the time that is claimed that they wrote them, but that's a topic for another day then the Nicene Creed isn't canon and should not be adhered to as an explanation of the nature of God. However, acceptance of the Nicene Creed is considered by some to be one of the cornerstones of what makes a sect Christian. This is one of the reasons that people say that certain religions or sects, such as the various kinds of Mormonism, are not Christians. Then there's the general acceptance of pieces that some would consider to be "religious fiction" as canon. Dante's Divine Comedy is one such piece which structures the beliefs of many Christians, especially of their views of hell and the afterlife. The structure presented by Dante is largely not contained within the Bible unless one reads verses with very specific interpretations. All of this culminates in a general "Christian Mythology" that doesn't really have any basis in what is considered canon if one only is going by the Bible. This mythology is loosely accepted among many sects, with a few refuting very specific points. For the most part, you will hear relatively similar things from every preacher, no matter the sect of the church you're attending. In the end of my ramblings, no sect of Christianity has truly stuck to the canon if the canon is what we have on record of Christ's teachings. Pretty much everyone's added stuff.
I had something more pic related in mind, but your example is good too.
>lengthy, well-written post on religious history sandwiched between posts on monstergirl fetishism
This is why I come to Veeky Forums.
Hello fetish my old friend, I've come to fap to you again