Post those cards you absolutely love but someone you know hates. Or that card you think it's seriously underrated. Anything goes!
Pic related, I love it when Wizards gives black flavor beyond death/evil/darkness and the art is specially charming
Post those cards you absolutely love but someone you know hates. Or that card you think it's seriously underrated. Anything goes!
Pic related, I love it when Wizards gives black flavor beyond death/evil/darkness and the art is specially charming
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it would get plenty of love if it didn't suck so much ass, but being a WAY WAY WAY worse phyrexian arena tends to leave cards in the trash.
Is there any reason why it has seven hour counters?
Another from a very recent set. An interesting utility land that is also a budget version of Mikokoro.
If you can deal with the discard, that is.
could be kinda interesting in Atraxa with more proliferate cards but theres probably just better and easier-to-use cards
The drawback/s can be used both as a wincon and as a mean to give you time after you deplete some charges if you Harmless Offering it away
Also, this lovely thing here can produce so much value in commander, and the entire card's flavor is wonderful
A single copy of this in a deck capable of paying it's incredibly high cost can nullify Valakuts and Lightning Storms while being quite hard to deal with of they don't have land destruction at hand.
In commander, this thing can destroy friendships. The whole "chain of" cycle is awesome
i would want to have a lot of blue/green spells in my deck if i was using that card
i guess if your using it in comander thats 2 counters every time you play your commander
I would LOVE if Wizards printed more cards like Browbeat. They might not be extremely competitive, but they sure are fun.
Probably one of my favourite Planar Chaos cards, I really like when black gives the opponent difficult choices even though punish mechanics ain't that strong
combined with pic related.
every time I get the combo into play, I say, "This is me giving a fuck."
because your starting hand size is seven
They just reprinted Browbeat in a stick.
My LGS created a Sealed Limited League.
I pulled Midnight Oil from one of the packs, it's a complete bomb.
what did he mean by this?
Does it stop working when you have 1 hour counter left?
Seems pretty costly for just extra draw.
It keeps working even when there's no counters on it, and cards that give you no max hand size override the penalty.
It does not. You will just draw an extra card and have a hand size of 0.
It's a very black theme.
Hell reliquary tower, spell book, and Venser's journal are all colorless, and the first one is a land.
I actually have one of these to slot into my Jund sideboard. It's better than Outpost Siege
Coldsnap was such a fun set, along with Time Spiral block. Perhaps WotC should return to Dominaria more often.
if that card cost 3 it would be fucking insane.
I wish I had a U/G deck to take advantage of that.
Hot damn, that's some insane draw if you can manage the cost
No shit, sherlock. That's like half-dismissing Snapcaster because "I would want to have a lot of instant/sorcery spells in my deck if I was using that card"
Oh man, I remember back in the day when people commonly misread Browbeat to mean it did both.
My gentleman of African-American descent
Back in high school I had a Rakdos deck that had 4 of those (prerelease promos, I traded my friends for the other 3 from the prerelease we drove 3 hours to attend) and because we were all fucking terrible at Magic, it never ate removal and blew me out. I'd drop it on turn 3 (or turn 4 and discard a Fiery Temper/Strength of Lunacy) and just wreck face
High school magic is the best kind of magic
>b-but card disadvantage
>discard lingering souls and flashback spell, it uses up one of their removal spells
It's always value to me desu
Along with many Coldsnap cards you guys posted, this one here has always fascinated me.
How can we break it?
they really should have given the ability a more generic name then ninjitsu
also that card is insanely undercosted
I love fogs, and I love fogs with an upside at cmc 2.
Relentless Rats.
i dont know about break it but when it goes of its gonna be bloody impressive
usually 5 apostle per turn
wait nevermind i just realized it triggers itself you will end up engorging your entire deck an theres to much risk of getting almost every creature you have board wiped
wait its may so it still works fine
also relentless rats if your boring
As said, it's already been done. Perhaps those apostles/disciples that sacrificing 6 pulls out that demon or whatever.
>ninjutsu isn’t generic enough
can't argue there. I would honestly splash some black just for that one card.
Make up X from a combination of cards from your hand or permanents on the battlefield.
X = 3, so 2 permanents + 1 card in hard, 3 permanents, 3 cards in hand, or 2 cards in hand + 1 permanent.
i think it could work but i think i read somewhere that r&d is reluctant to use the mechanic because of the name
exiled permanants + exiled spells + exiled lands =x
Since it's flavor bound to a far eastern theme it makes it harder for wotc to print new cards with the same ability
Although we already have keywords reprinted without the keyord itself
They can just rename the mechanic like they did for chroma, no big deal
>we don't want the naruto/weeb audience.
You're starting to make me think R&D are kind of ok.
Croma is a bit different than Sunburst since it isn't restricted to charge or +1/+1 counters, just like Escalate is more flexible than Entwine
Mind Lapse
People tend to say that it's unplayable Homelands crap since your opponent will just cast the spell next turn instead but to me it seems to be a good card since not only is it cheap to cast but it also lets you know what your opponent is going to draw next turn.
It's more like Kamigawa performed the worst of every world they have ever done and so they treat correlation as causation and refuse to do anything Kamigawa did, ever.
Nevermind that the real reason people hated Kamigawa was confusing, insanely poor cards mingled with strong power cards mixed in here and there at complete random, and coming hot off the heels of the super-powered Mirrodin block creating a perfect storm of stupidity.
that flavor text makes me feel like it should make them shuffle the countered spell into their deck instead of just putting it on top.
One of the few homelands cards that's not terrible in all scenarios
to be fair im pretty sure thats just because they think the keyword would scare people off from standard
Its alright, the tempo is not a moot point, the problem it has is that usually its more powerful to counter the spell outright of which there are plenty of ways to do so for the same cost. It's other problem is that remand is a similar kinda counter but the fact that it draws a card just pushes it over lapse.
>since your opponent will just cast the spell next turn
Not true. Remand is a Modern staple, and even then drawing a card is arguably better than slowing down the opponent.
That card is unplayable Homelands crap because it's just Vintage/Legacy legal where there are lots of better options.
one day there will be a deck with a lot of walls and this will see play
ah, that makes a lot more sense then. fuck R&D
Nah, if the ablity will only show up on one or two cards in a set they wont print the keyword on it to help keep the game vocabulary down for newer players in the set.
>Nevermind that the real reason people hated Kamigawa was confusing, insanely poor cards mingled with strong power cards mixed in here and there at complete random, and coming hot off the heels of the super-powered Mirrodin block creating a perfect storm of stupidity.
And then they did it again!
It also scored very poorly in the flavour and world aspects with most players as well. Most players dont know much about japenese myths and so all the kami and crap made no sense and just put a lot of people off.
Even maro said bfz was a mistake on his blogatog.
Relentless rats.
And either blasting station or altar of dementia.
that makes sense
it would have been really silly on bane of bela geed being the only card in the set with annihilator
Hell, MtG Kami don't make sense even if you do know japanese myths. They're nothing like japanese kami, or even youkai. They're complete nonsense no matter what background you come from.
>Worst of every world they have ever done
Actually that'd be Homelands.
It said exile, not sacrifice, which makes sense since they made enemy exile matter. Still, thats basically the point.
why is peoples first thought always relentless rats over shadowborn apostle
I was actually trying to think of a good custom card that causes target player to exile X lands amd return them to the field as like 0/4 defenders with reach or something like that, but I haven't thought of anything beyond that.
Because having 20 1/1s that I can sacrifice in groups of 6 for a demon is a lot less intimidating than having 20 21/21 rats.
as yes your right its not quite annihilator
Probably Fallen Empires was even worse, but that took place in Dominaria. If we're talking failing planes, the Homelands one was Ulgrotha.
Since they started doing market re search is something I should have clarified. Homelands predates WOTC's methods to resume people's interests in the world and mechanics
Ah, then yeah, Kamigawa was the flop.
The MAJORITY reason for that is the low power level inbetween one of the most busted blocks ever and one of the most BELOVED blocks ever, and the parasitic mechanics. That said, the setting was a nonzero part of it- a lot of people reacted poorly to the Japanese setting back in 2004.
Chroma and Converge are not the same mechanic
>flood the board with 1/1s that you need to sacrifice to pull one big nig
>flood the board with 2/2s that get +1/1 for each copy on the field
let's just assume you don't trigger more reverbs off of the free casts you get. would you rather have 5 6/6 creatures or 5 1/1 creatures that can't even use their ability because they're one short.
He meant Chroma and Devotion/
Oh yeah, was really a perfect storm of crap. Been stated before that if we were to see a return to a Japanese flavoured plane would be a new one and not kamigawa, most because convincing the corporate side of things that "return to the least popular thing we've ever done by a long shot" is a really hard sell,
At least we're able to still get stuff FROM Kamigawa via supplementary products.
I used to run this in a janky 5-color enchantment pillowfort deck with wild research fueled by my tons of duel lands.
There were 4 of each of the combo pieces and some other search stuff, but every other card in the deck was either a weird situational enchantment or instant.
I'd win by recycling urza's rage or prophetic bolt over and over.
derp dual lands
Damn, that card is great
is the 60 card minimum for modern/standard really that important? right now I'm working on building my first deck (U/G) out of my draft cards and a deckbuilder's toolkit I bought and I'm currently looking at a 70 card deck. also what is a good lands to spells ratio, right now it has 24 lands (approximately 34% of the deck) but I have a bunch of cards that can fetch lands.
>is the 60 card minimum for modern/standard really that important?
Are you planning to play tournament quality decks? If so, then yes. You want as little randomness as possible in your deck, and more cards invariably adds more randomness.
60 cards is the most consistent. Anything beyond that lowers your chance of drawing your answers. Since the copies of cards you can include have a limit, your game plan gets muddy with over 60 cards.
Having more cards decreases the probability of drawing your good/important cards. Really what you should do is look at your deck and think long and hard about what really needs to be in there and what doesn't do anything to help your plan.
Go look at the decklists that win the World Magic Cup, the Pro Tour, the Grands Prix. Hell, look at the top 8, the top 16, the top however many lists they show.
Notice that none of them are ever more than 60 cards.
it got play in standard
61 card elf deck top 8'd A modern event not long ago with no sideboard
97 card deck won a GP trial for legacy with elves.
It's not common, but it happens.
not planning on going super serious, but I'll try to trim the fat down to 60 cards. what are some staples for a pauper U/G deck built around 'thing in ice', 'Nissa vital force', and 'Dovin Baan'?
I played during Mirrodin. I played affinity, I hated it. I was so excited for Kamigawa it was insane. What ended up happening? Jamming Jittes into affinity decks ;-;.
Kamigawa sucked so hard. I stopped playing at FNM (still did casually with friends), scaled back my spending almost 99% on MTG products, and finally quit in 09. I came back just this April. Thats how much Kamigawa sucked.
"A modern event" and a GPT are not Grand Prix, Pro Tour, or Worlds.
Pauper is commons only, so none of those cards are legal in the pauper format.
I think you mean casual. Look into Harrow, Kodama's Reach, Avenger of Zendikar, and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Ponder how the WU Dovin Baan fits into a UG deck
I thought pauper was just a term for cheap decks for poorfags. why must this game have so many formats?
>Pauper U/G deck
>"Built around" two mythics and a rare, one of which is U/W
I don't think you know what pauper or U/G mean.
I think it's because there are over 40,000 unique cards and people want to play with as many of them as they can so they don't just rot in a closet somewhere.
Technically, it doesn't.
The only formats that really get any measure of 'official' support are Standard, Limited, Modern, and Legacy, in that order. There's some pockets of Vintage players, but it's not supported at all by WOTC other than "it is sanctionable". There's also Block Constructed, but nobody plays that.
Pauper is a fan-made format. It's not officially supported or sanctionable, it's just "Commons only". There's no 'official' format for 'cheap decks'.
right now I have a single plains and a handful of cards that can fetch that plains, is that really so bad?
Nope. Pauper is a format made of only cards printed at common. Cheap decks are just called "budget" or casual. Not all casual decks are cheap though.
If you're splashing 1 white source and like 3 cards that can find it to cast ONE Dovin Baan, that is neither consistent nor worth the splash.