If Chainfists are a thing, where are the other power-chain weapons?
If Chainfists are a thing, where are the other power-chain weapons?
Chainsaw roller blades
Aren't Gorechild and Gorefather just daemonically-possessed chainaxes?
Probably not, and I'll try to explain the 40k "logic" as to why. Or at least how I rationalize it.
Power Weapons either cut very finely with their force fields (Swords and Axes) or use them for crushing (Fist and Maul). Regardless, they're more of the Anti-Armor melee weapon. Chain weapons are better used for less armored foes where you need to do the most surface damage, IE Infantry.
The thought process behind the Chainfist is you crack open the armored core with the fist, then tear away at the exposed innards with the mini Chainsword. The reason why there aren't more combo weapons is probably;
>The industrial can opener STC that was found only makes fists
>Other combo weapons would be silly and unwieldy (Where would the chain portion go on an Axe or Sword without just making it a Chain weapon?)
Chainaxes are not power weapons, only chain weapons, like Chainswords.
Still not a power weapon, just a REALLY big Chain weapon. It's like people aren't reading the thread.
80's Disco Rollerblade Marines When?
I really wanna make an army of slaanesh-sisters, expect instead of being sex-junkies they're hyper-crazy experience junkies that go full DOOMRIIIIDEEEER and are basically the most insane deadly roller derby ever
in short plastic sisters when so i can make a bunch of sisters repentia with rollerskale blades
In the same way that Forgebreaker is just a hammer.
New Chapter: the Rad Marines. Basically skater punk marines that focus on Radical close combat.
One of them rides a mini-longboard that's shaped like a Lemann Russ with Chain-Treads
>The thought process behind the Chainfist is you crack open the armored core with the fist, then tear away at the exposed innards with the mini Chainsword.
Doesn't the power field on a Chainfist also envelop the chain part?
the most radical and extreme close combat son.
it needs to be fucking gnarly.
The chain allows you to cut armor, rather than smash, with the same overbearing force of the fist.
What if they're from White Scars, and they keep Doomrider's talking head around. They basically splintered off after talking to Doomrider too much, and while they're not heretical, they've decided to live life on the edge more.
I dunno, but I now know what to call these chaos sisters in my head that all have chain-skates. The Doom Derby. Ayy.
Top tier fucking heresy.
What if we make both a thing. They're like sworn enemies or something, but it comes off as them being rivals. Doom Derby wants their Daemon Prince back, Rad Marines want to keep their trophy, despite its demands for cocaine, a straw, and a Catachan woman's ass.(Doomrider has sophisticated tastes in his women... also you need well toned glutes to hold an adequate amount)
sure why not ayyy
Part of the chapter initiation involves putting on a pair of gnarly shades and never, ever taking them off. Wearing them even under their helmets.
Apothecaries carry spares to put on corpses that have lost them, so that even in death they're still rad.
I feel this image fitting
They habitually shorten "Brother" into "Bro", even when it comes to ranks.
Hence each company is lead by a "Bro Caption".
>shut up brother we get it
jesus. Make it so.
this feels relevant
Rad Marines. Our newest homebrew chapter. Let's make this one a thing so it doesn't end up like the Huge Marines.
I thought the latest Veeky Forums homebrew chapter was The Hanged
Take The Knot!
I mean falling into obscurity before its time.
Lets give these guys a chapter name, something both 40k-ish and radical.
If they're White Scars descendants then i think they usually have (something) (rank) style names, like Storm Lords and Mantis Warriors.
The Surging Shogunate!
>Their call to arms is "Surge on, Bros!"
Probably better named as 'Surging Shoguns'
Turbulent Titans
Swood Dukes.
Something Dukes.
Hazardous Dukes
Swood? Swood is for GROMMETS!
Probably doesn't fit the style
Shredding Scions
their Companies are all named for Alliteratively colored animals, the Blue Barracudas, the Purple Parrots, the Silver Snakes, etc.
That's probably perfect.
Shredding Shogans?
Shred Lords? With a name like that people expect a White Scars version of the Flesh Tearers to show up, but instead they end up with a bunch of radical dudes instead.
Red Runners/Road Runners/Rad Runners.
this is the best one so far
>1st company is the "Cool Cats".
Nobody's made the power-chain finger yet, haven't they?
SHRED LORDS it is, complete with Shredder Style armor, and Terminators like the super shredder
Shred Barons. It was officially the Red Barons, but now it's that or the Rad Barons.
>chapter master splinter
>brother-captain donatello
I'm stuck between these two. Shred Barons shouldn't be discounted.
I'm fine with Shred Lords, kinda fits with the 90's style radical-coolness.
So how about their tactics? We know they're close combat guys, what would be their favourite weapon?
Power armoured Chainfist users?
They're all versed in Martial bare handed combat, hence the reason the strap chain swords to their feet. They're Martial Artists with Radical, making the TMNT references even more fitting.
>Chainaxes are not power weapons, only chain weapons, like Chainswords.
I think he means "power" as in, "power tools"
Assault marines fight with whatever weapon they prefer using the most, so most still use swords but some fight with sais, nunchaku, chains, shuriken ect.
And as that Bro goes higher in rank they're allowed to keep using the same kind of weapon as before.
Also why they can ride a Leman Russ Board and maintain balance on the field of combat.
Is it just me or does that weapon look... not right? The teeth of that chainsword look to be much too big for the case. It looks like they'll even chew right through the pinky of that fist.
>"Bros, the Codex Astartes says we should use chainswords, but it doesn't say where we need to hold them..."
>Control+F "Eviscerator"
>zero results
This fucking board I swear.
Bro, by the time we're throough, there's gonna be way more radical chain weapons.
I can just imagine the sheer horror of a Tech-Priest or some other Mechanus when they see the state of a chain-skate after they were used to do WHAT?!?!
Unless something's changed in the lore real recently, Eviscerators have (often crude) power fields in them to help cut through armour.
Mechanically they were essentially 2H power fists.
I like the Carcharodon's version better, the saws are giant ass claws on their palms
>not re-editing it into the Bro-Dex Astartes
Goddamn I fucking love this board.
What I want to know is why a powersword>chainsword but a powerfist
>Dude, the Brodex Astartes does not approve of this unradical behavior
also, their guns must be Leifeildian abominations
>Bro-Chaplin, i find my spirit to be in a major funk, how can i get out of this.
>Worry not, dude, the Emperor's most excellent designs will carry us onwards towards a far out victory. Just be chill fellow bro and we'll all be just copacetic.
>Thank you, Bro-Chaplain, i can feel myself growing more chill with the Emperor's grace
>Right on little bro.
they probably have ties with an Ordo Chronos Inquisitor, they are the only dudes Bad enough to handle the time crashes
>Bro-Captain i have terrible news, due to a time disruption in the warp the Chapter Founder of the Shred Lords no longer exists!
>Whoa Inq, that's a far out, most existential crisis.
>That's right, a demonic incursion has gotten in the way of the founders parents meeting, i need to send you back in time to make sure they get together and give birth to the founder!
OH! I get it, Bill and Ted
>Alright, am I to go on this totally bunk mission alone?
>Nah, Bro Ted, one of your gnarly Bros will accompany you.
>Righteous! There's no one else I'd rather have than Bro Bill... He would turn this into a most excellent adventure.
Damn, i thought it was Back to the Future.
No, but having a floating Power-Board is a totally radical idea.
>a squad of scout marines on Land Boards hold onto the back of a Rhino/Land Speeder to get around
>Their idea of a ranged siege attack is to speed up the land speeder, suddenly stop, and the then have the marines grab some sick air jumping off ramps set at the back of the speeder.
Oh, I'd really love you to find some fluff about Eviscerators having power fields on them, because I have not come across a single mention of such a thing.
Chain fist description, on the other hand, does mention the power fist field extending to the field and helping it cut through stuff.
Catapharctii power axe set.
FFG lore for evicerators.
Did this change? I thought chainfists were just power fists with an attachment for cutting through bulkheads which by coincidence doubled up as useful for cutting open tanks.
I've always thought the chainfist design was lazy. IMO, the chain part should be across the knuckles, like a set of brass knuckles. Maybe having the chain separate is more "practical" for slicing the juicy innards of tanks *after* smashing it open, not before, but fuck practicality this is 40k we're talking.
Loken had a power-chainsword. Shit was so badass it was +1S AP2 at his ridiculous initiative 6
So nothing.
>Sickus Airus
Variant of Death from Above except instead of using jump packs, the Assault Space Marines uses DAoT hover boards to execute intricate gnarly tactical moves while in the air to reduce chances of the enemy shooting them down.
>Totalus Bogus
A special ability by the Chapter Librarian that when used, dumbfounds the enemy for one turn. Often paired with Sick Airus
> If Chainfists are a thing, where are the other power-chain weapons?
Guys, guys, guys, hear me out, okay?
There are such things as heavy chainswords. They were even in... 6E rulebook? Might be in 7E too. Nothing like as powerful as an Eviscerator but with all the same drawbacks.
And Eviscerators produce the same profile effect as a chainfist, using the same technologies. So by inference, they are likely identical in the underlying tech.
Like what? Even if we accept that Eviscerators aren't power-chain weapons, what's the difference between a standard chainsword with an additional power field and a standard power sword? Other than a huge battery for the bearer to cart around in addition to all the chainsaw oil and other shit he needs.
Because when you've exhausted "huge chainsword with a commensurately huge power field" and "power fist with a sarissa" there's not a huge amount of other stuff to do, beyond esoteric variations on the same themes.
Were you hoping for chain hammers? Chainshields? You've got to figure the majority of applications would be non-combat, for mining or cutting operations where specialist tools are necessary or wear on blades is unacceptably high without a power field generator. You might also imagine that an Apothecary's tool has a power field for sterilization purposes - otherwise he'd risk infecting/not cauterizing his battle-brothers when he treats them in the field. True, mostly he's going to use that thing for cutting open dead dude's armor, but you never know.
Can we work Graffiti into their tactics some how? I just have this hilarious image of them skating circles around a larger enemy and painting FoR tHe EmPrAH across their armor plating.
Also, chapter colors and banner?
A powersword and a chainsword have two different mechanisms of action. A chainfist has both chain and power, so it's the best of both worlds
They definitely use graffiti, they put their radical chapter mark all over conquered cities
As the most radical and gnarly of chapters, they are clearly bright fucking red, with a shit ton of flames
cause flames are rad.
>using the same technologies
Except chain fists have the whole power first setup to them.
Lasgun and autogun have the same profile, but they're not the same thing.
I'm thinking Black as a base color, then the flames.
Legion of the Damned already does that.
So does Guy Fieri who is most bogus and not at all bitchin'.
only problem with that is that there's already some totally rad dudes that got there before us, which is totally bogus
What a buzzkill.
If you guys are going for EXTREME marines, why not do a variation of Tony Hawk's logo as a chapter emblem? Maybe even with the old beakie helmets? Tony Hawk is still one of the most radical motherfuckers out there.
They're not extreme, they're totally radical, gnarly, and righteous bros who follow the codex brostartes to the letter user
Neon and fluorescent paint? That is definitely considered radical for late 80s early 90s iirc.
Not sure it needs to be NEON but it should be BRIGHT AND SHIT
Dude bro, hear me out.
What's if space marines had heelies and light up shoes.
I actually don't see black and flames as typical 'radical'. That falls under more extreme then it does for radical.
Try looking to things like jet set radio for more inspiration on the sorts of aesthetics that fits radical
To Millennial.
Nigga we're trying to make them radical. 90s son. 90s.
Light ups is possible, but heelie? Totally not radical. Also heelies came after the radical culture fad.