So,I've been wondering. Why aren't there handicap numbers for 40k armies? Like I get that there are tier lists, but those aren't really definitive.
Has anyone ever taken large amounts of win/loss data and used it to apply an actual numerical value to each codex? I think it could be done, and if it was it could be used as a handicap multiplier to figure out how much advantage a codex should have over another.
Matthew Reyes
That won't work because every codex can make a bad army. You would need to handicap specific lists.
Anthony Jackson
Yeah, but with enough data you would average out the best lists with the worst lists. It would provide a general power level for each codex, and a jumping off point for making closer matched games.
Jacob Bennett
>some guy is selling double boxes of AdMech stuff on eBay for less than half the price of one box >only expensive kits are up >this is such a sweet deal by gum >he only ships to the UK What's the fucking POINT
Hunter Anderson
At that point you would not need handicaps because you might as well balance the codex. Plus if the handicaps were independent from GW they would be ignored. I mean there already is a community imposed handicap on special weapons on elder jet bikes that is mostly ignored.
Ryan Rivera
Yo, would I be able to solicit list building advice for a high powered superheavy brawl where my opponent is also bringing a ton of shit, or would I be laughed at and called a power gaming fag?
Jack Parker
There's shipping companies that you can get to ship stuff outside of a country. He'd just send it to them, then they send it to you. It's how aussies like me get around GW's foreign trading ban.
Jack Brown
If somebody could pull an entire tournament's worth of data with army lists and results, you could create "win rates" for each unit and formation represented in the tournament (aggregating similar-looking units into the category.)
We could figure out just what percentage of games demi compapny and scatterbikes manage to win. Given that it would be a tournament, the win rates should be not too far from fifty percent - these guys aren't exactly going to be beating up nobs.
Kayden Cooper
So my Space Wolves have been doing great lately. I am really suprised by the results of switching the Rhinos to Drop pods. Also the third unit of grey hunters is way better than using Murderfang. All I can think of to move up my army to the next level is some Wulfen but I cant decide if I should toss in a Murderpack or just use them in slot and maybe with a flier. Enemy fliers are my bane right now.
ThunderWolf Lord w/ Black Death+Storm Shield (195)
Five Thunderwolf Cavalries w/ 5 Storm Shields + 3 Power fist + 2 Wolf Claw (390)
Three units of Ten Grey Hunters w/ 2 Melta Guns + Combi Melta in Drop Pods (215/per)
Two unites of Five Long Fangs w/ 4 Missile Launchers (135/per)
The idea would be to add six Wulfen, three with hammers and Shield and three with claws in a flier but I'm not sure if that is way too many points for them.