/swg/ - Snubfighter Edition

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Once and for all: who is the best girl?

1st for T70

Best starfighter reporting in.

Love me some Jedi Starfighters.

Lets hear it for the space F-22!

>50050163 #
seems a safe bet

but at the same time i feel like something that can change direction fast enough to get reverse should have hard 1 turns.

though it should be noted that article actually said at least 6 1 speed manouvers, so we could end up with more

I sent him a tweet saying "herkily Jerkily"


I'm new to /swg/ actually.
What's your collective opinion on the nu-canon?

Theres good parts in it for sure, but its still in infancy so we're not 100% subscribed to it. Also Wendig is a cunt who will ruin it if he makes more books for it.

At its worst the legends canon is and was just as goofy as the nucanon.

But the best of legends - X-wing by Stackpoll and Allston, anything by Zahn - is better than anything the nucanon has put out to date.

So what is the bare minimum dial for the Upsilon shuttle to be not trash?

For me if it had the lambda dial but a white/green 2 hard and white 3 banks its scraping by as usable.

A dial like the decimator is acceptable as well

How many signatures on a petition you think we need to get this guy banned from the IP?

It won't matter because every signatory will be dismissed as a sexist and homophobic.

Theres gotta be a threshold where disney listens to the fans right? I desperately want him off this IP

Who the fuck is Chuck Wendig and what did he do?

>anything by Zahn
That's the thing though, isn't it?
The EU had a strong foundation in the Thrawn trilogy.
Nu-canon has TFA.

He wrote the awful pre-TFA nu-canon novels

He's an 'author'.
He forced a bunch of 21st century ideologies into his massive rewrite of the old canon.
That's not so bad though. What is bad is his writing; he is a terrible writer, so much so that excerpts of his writing read like jokes.
When someone criticizes his writing, he dismisses their critique as being based in homophobia or sexism. As such, he has made his writing immune to critique.

Would you prefer Traviss over Wendig?

I understand that theyre both bad, but I'm wondering who /swg/ considers worse

ffgrpg question: if i want to exclusively use slugthrowers for my ranged weapons, what's the best way to go about that? which are good, what's a decent loadout for them starting out/early game?

I like Traviss

Slugthrowers in FFG are terrible - they can't ebenfit from most of the weapon upgrades and mods, have no real benefit, and often tend to be prohibitively expensive.

Your better off with a Blaster

Not a snubfighter, but what was the Raven's Claw supposed to be? I always saw it as some other HWK model that was either produced like that or Kyle pimped it with huge thrusters ala Doc Brown's Delorean.

Slugthrowers can't be reflected. If the jedi part of the group is acting suspitious, a fiver or a shard shooter is a reliable way to sixtysix them when they become openly hostile.
The best way to start the game is to take the extra cash and give yourself a regular blaster rifle and padded armor. Don't forget at least one set of comms, if needed buy several sets of comms and distribute them to the party.
It's up to you how to spend the rest of the money, really. The sensible way would be to get a tent, winter clothes, a pair of macrobinoculars, some canteens and a way to start a fire, but we all know most GMs never bother with any of this stuff. Just buy stimpacks with whatever money you have left.

Honestly the thing that really bugs me about Wendig is that last bit: he won't take criticism. He literally dismisses all critique, no matter how reasoned, as bigotry. This leads me to believe that, no matter how forcefully or gently, how blatantly or subtly, anyone tries to encourage him to improve his writing, he'll just keep spewing out the same shit, safely enclosed within a bubble where all the haters don't count because they're bad guys.

Bad reviews and bad word-of-mouth sales will make sure of that.

He can spout all the progressive bullshit he wants on Twitter, if his books aren't pulling in money, then the Mouse will quietly drop his ass.

So we shouldnt bother setting up a petition?


Online petitions are a joke user

>Slugthrowers can't be reflected.

Not according to the rules of reflect, which specifically states a "ranged light, ranged heavy, or gunnery check"

Well, the way I see it, a GM would probably rule that a Lightsaber would melt any slugs, but if you were using that power with a solid weapon of some kind it would work.

>his wife's kid

A petition sounds just as childish as his crying bigotry at every single critique. It'll make him look like a victim, which is what hacks like him want.

The best thing you can do is torpedo his sales by warning people to stay away with legitimate critiques. He's already a meme-level joke around here: spread that around to the normies. If you know somebody who asks you what you think of his SW books, tell them. Tell them he's a shitty writer who has public tantrums when faced with legitimate criticism.

Kevin J Anderson. By a country mile. At least when he dips into bad writing, its entertaining and flows well.

>When someone criticizes his writing, he dismisses their critique as being based in homophobia or sexism.

Does he scream "GAMERGATE"?

i reckon as long as it has a white hard turn it'll be at least enough.

Damn, no survivors review there!

endless vigil up yet?

>space F-22
That would be the StealthX.

Happened to me too, I wonder if his page just has a filter.

Unpopular opinion: the TIE Fighter is an excellent craft and a superior option to the expensive X-Wing if you're trying to actually win a war and not just a one-on-one dogfight.

There's been a modified version, from the photo pdf an user posted a week ago, in the folders for the past ~4 days.

TIE fighters are severely limited in both range and armament compared to the Y and X-wings, which both have built in hyperdrives and ordinance launchers.

The TIE fighter is good at what's designed to do: Act in support of capital ships and other larger assets. And to mop up and decimate spacecraft that are older or of lesser quality.

The TIE is like the A6M Zero or the MiG-29 fulcrum, designed to be cheap and stomp out anything it fought of the generation previous, but had the floor wiped with it by new competitors.

As much as I am looking forward to Star Wars: Destiny, I'm really disappointed they didn't post the Quadjumper.

But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of defender pilot who would k-turn at the most predictable moment? Now, a clever man would put the 1 bank into his own dial, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the K-turn in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the 1 turn in front of me.

I agree I love it to pieces
>no built in lifesupport cutting down costs and making sure no one can go AWOL
>no built in hyper drive for no pilot can go AWOL or stray to far from a star destroyer
>no shields. Life is cheap
>superior speed and insane maneuverability
>TIE Tide

How possible is it to convert X-Wing models? I'm thinking of trying to convert a Tie Advanced to have the SF rear cockpit but I have no idea if that's even possible.

That's a tough one, A very tough one. Unless we're talking "First three Repcomm Books" Traviss, in that case I'd take her by ten lightyears.

Berserker Rifle, one of the heavy shotguns, or Imperial heavy Repeater for your end game gun.

What sort of protection would a mid-rim Imperial ordnance center have?
My players are going to Dxun and I want them to worry about the imperials on the neighboring planet and in space above.

Have you worked with other models before, like warhamms, or malfaux? The plastic for X-Wing is about that same kind of quality, give or take. It can be cut into or drilled without too much effort. And the ship is actually several pieces tightly pressed together or glued. So like the B-Wing, for example, the front of the cockpit can be pried off of it's fat peg and repositioned or magnetized.

Even at her absolute worst, Traviss was at least technically proficient. Her plot points and character writing were poor but her prose never truly descended to Ned Flanders' herkily-jerkily level.

Awesome, I have wokred with Warhammer models before, so it sounds like it shouldn't be a problem. Looks like I have a plan for getting into X-Wing then.

They would likely have a naval presence, most likely some Gladiators and a Victory or Imperial Star Destroyer.

The base itself would likely be fortified, probably with some AA capability and a garrison of defensive personnel. Starfighter support would come from the naval side of things.

Lots of fun stuff you can do with the models.

No. But reviews and criticisms made by people from here on Veeky Forums are just as blatant as those from people who hang out on reddit or tumblr. So that makes it easy to pinpoint what social media the critique is coming from, and draw upon the usual conclusions about the person writing the review. I'm not saying he's a good writer... far from it. I'm just saying we're prettty shitacular when it comes to writing reviews that don't sound like it came from Veeky Forums. Tact is a lost talent among us here.

That's a pretty big "this is a fight you CANNOT win" label for my group then.

Traviss was legible as you'd expect from a professional writer and you could read it.
You might not like reading some of her stuff, plus her internet-spits where quite hilarious and your brain isn't going to go crazy from three word sentences. Aside from that I just didn't like the characters in his story to the point they annoyed me like every fucking idiot kid in TV-apocalypse/sci-fi shows lately and having to (try) and re-read over sections that just didn't make much sense. Book ended up binned before I could be bothered finishing it.

Oh man that's cool! And I've also seen some wicked paintjobs online. I guess you have to strip the models first though, since they're pre-painted?

The problem mostly has little to do with the writers themselves. Yeah, Traviss and Wendig are bad in their own ways. So is C.S. Goto, Gav Thorpe, or any number of writers that are pushing out books for a series of some kind, like Star Wars, Star Trek, Warhammer, Warmahordes, Neceomunda, Doctor Who, whatever. It's all shovel-literature. Like shovel-ware games. Most of it is bad writing, and shitty dialog designed to just push out another book under the franchise name for some quick cash. Very rarely you will find a writer who absolutely enjoys and loves the media, and (here's the important bit) is actually a competent writer. When this happens, you get the X-Wing series of books, or Gaunt's Ghosts, etc. The ones that are so good, it makes up for all the garbage being written just to pull in some cash.

Wendig and Traviss are the former without the latter... They love the medium, otherwise they wouldn't be writing for it. But they're not professional level writers, and it is painfully obvious. Meanwhile the professional level writers are building their own worlds and aren't bothering with established settings (cases in point, George RR Martin, Stephen King, James SA Correy, JK Rowling). So it is exceedingly rare to find someone who is both a professional writer, and is willing to write for an established setting that they have very little control over.

Nope. No stripping required at all. Slap a primer on it and go to town, just need to keep your paints thin and I'd highly recommend using stains and washes over paints unless you really want a particular thickness to certain areas. Washes applied in like 3 layers just look alot cleaner most of the time and are way easier to apply.

Hell you don't even need primer. The paint they use can be painted over easily.

I would only go with the Imperial Class if it is an important supply base, like one that ships out to several Outer Rim bases. If it is less important, maybe a Victory or Gladiator as the local naval command vessel, with Raiders as fast attack interceptor vessels. Gozantis would likely be in the area moving cargo shipments in and out, with at least one TIE/ln wing to each shipment.

A couple of Victory 1s could definitely work defensively, they're slow and their reliance on Concussion missiles ties them up to supply lines, so they'd be perfect to defend a munitions dump that can resupply them on the spot.

For sure. Vic 1s would make good heavy torpedo vessels. If they have the Vic 1s as close brawlers, then they would likely have an light cruiser or two for long range fire support and backup long range comms.

Question: Are Cluster Missiles super expensive or something?

Because back in Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike I would take a set of those, mount them on an X-Wing and annihilate entire squadrons of TIEs just like that.

Travis was at least technically proficient.

The TIE variants make my totalitarian neckbeard tingle

Generally speaking nothing works like the Rogue Squadron games in Star Wars.They're heavily arcade flyer and play pretty loose with power level stuff to make the player feel badass.

I get where you're coming from, it's just... You're wrong. The Empire lost. They lost pretty handily.

How effective are cluster missiles actually then?

That depends on the methodology with which you're fighting.
The Empire simply couldn't interdict Rebel forces, which let them rip the Empire apart with a thousand cuts.
Their regimented supply lines and interdependent craft worked against them.

They average 3.5 hits against an enemy with 3 agility and 1 focus token.

Yes, she was at least that.

That wasn't the TIE fighter's fault though. The Empire lost because of Emperor Palpatine and his infatuation with moon sized, planet destroying space stations.

Maybe it's just me, but the texture feels different when painting over the pre-painted parts on the models most of the time. Like they raised the areas where the paints are applied or something. I use the primer to try and even out the area where the paints being applied so that lip isn't there when I repaint it.

Or you could just incorporate the existing paint into the scheme like I did with Chulo 1 here.

I meant post-Endor. Yes, there were multiple factors, but a smaller force of Rebel Fighters were able to keep up with a large force of TIEs

The Raven Claw always seemed like a lazy design to me. Which i guess is 90% of star wars ships.

*Glares at the million different YT variants that just move the location of the cockpit.*

I'd Imagine that a Jedi could just pull a Neo and stop the bullets in mid air.

Reflect blocks the bullets, but IMPROVED reflect does not grant a bounceback of the projectiles.

Sheev likes big balls. And he always wants to have the biggest balls around.

>Expecting Corellians to actually make a new ship
>Not expecting them to just sell you the old one a dozen times over

Generic slugthrower rifle and an ASP-9 autopistol to start out. The assault carbine and 8 guage scatter gun are also good choices if you want to spend a bit more. Once you get some cash you can look at getting a KS-23 Hammer or Model 38 sharpshooter's rifle. The Verpine shatterguns are absurdly expensive but very effective. The big drawback is that usually only the expensive stuff has hardpoints. There are no slugthrower specific attachments either, even obvious shit like silencers are absent.

I thought the Raven's Claw is more Incom than CEC. But if it is another HWK model, then yeah it's Corellian.

You're stalling.

>Often upgraded with turrets by less savory types
>Reliable and rugged
>Incremental upgrades that barely change the look

So, I ran a test game with this today:

>Unnamed Squadron (99)
>Norra Wexley — ARC-170 29
>Veteran Instincts 1
>Rey 2
>Alliance Overhaul 0
>Ship Total: 32

>Biggs Darklighter — X-Wing 25
>R4-D6 1
>Integrated Astromech 0
>Ship Total: 26

>Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12
>Ship Total: 12

>Jess Pava — T-70 X-Wing 25
>M9-G8 3
>Primed Thrusters 1
>Integrated Astromech 0
>Ship Total: 29

My opponent ran a Asajj - Party Bus - Headhunter combo, and aside from overloading the Z-95 a bit I think that's more or less the sort of list that would give me problems.
I won in the end, but it did highlight a few things that I need.
Firstly, put R2 Astro on Nora, the amount of stress that Asajj can deal out is very very troubling, remove Primed Thrusters from Jess. Honestly the only reason I think I won is because Biggs lasted so long.

My main weakness however is my lack of experience in formation flying. Does anyone know where to find a tutorial on it? There was a point where I got it completely wrong and Biggs + Nora and Jess and the Bandit got split up from one another and I lost the Bandit as a direct result.

If I hadn't gotten a couple of lucky Nora hits paired up with some unlucky defence rolls by my opponent then I don't think I'd have won.

As an aside, jesus fucking christ the Lancer has a native evade. Why the fuck does it have an Evade when neither the Fang or Starviper do?

>Obi-Wan reads Aftermath

If you want to practice formation flying, set up a game board with asteroids and just dial in maneuvers and try and keep together

I like that budget Norra.

The easiest way to fly in formation is to checkerboard. Have your ships staggered almost front corner to back corner. This way, when you bank they will form 2 rows instead of crashing. It's usually best to put low PS in the first row and higher in back. With your squad it would be, Z at the front closest to the middle of table, Jess a little more than a base length next to her closer to the board edge, Biggs in between them with his front corners close to their back corners, and Norra next to Biggs. Put your ships on the table and practice flying them.

>I like that budget Norra.

It works. It really does. You set up along the board and spend a couple of turns building up the Focus Bank. And don't forget, any time you have a focus and don't use it, it goes into the bank. Any time you take a Focus OUT of the Bank of Rey and don't spend it, it goes BACK IN at the end of the turn.
Realistically, you aren't going to use her ability every turn, but when you DO it's going to really hurt.

Hey anons, in Force & Destiny, how much experience should I use to make a Clone Wars Obi Wan tier npc?


For Obi-wan, a Jedi Master, I would say 5-6 thousands at least.

Wouldn't I literally max everything with that much experience?

You'd be maxing out several trees, maxing out your force rating, and taking on some other non-jedi classes.

Not to mention your skills.

Several thousand. Remember, obi-wan has had twenty years of combat experience before the clone wars even started, plus the ultra-high tempo of warfare during the clone wars would send XP totals skyrocketing even from there. Obi-wan was easily one of the most dangerous men alive in those days, remember

Well fuck it then, I'd feel bad to throw a monster like that to the party, even if they're supposed to run away from it.
I'll just go for a different concept.

You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my Dengaroo, which means you're exceptionally strong. So, you could have put the K-turn on your own dial, trusting on your strength to save you. So I can clearly not choose the K-turn in front of you. But, you've also bested my Tie swarm which means you must have studied. And in studying, you must have learned that defenders are mortal so you would have put the K-turn as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the K-turn in front of me.

One of the lower-end jedi of the era could be built on 1000 or so XP, and would while still being extremely dangerous, would not be nearly as bad as obi-wan

This is something people forget-most Jedi in the prequels weren't doing crazy fliparoo moves and casually taking out entire droid armies. In fact, most of them die on Genonosis to blaster fire from battle droids. It's just that the protagonists were RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL Jedi, the best that the Order had to offer by far. Qui-Gon Jinn, Kennobi, and especially Anakin do not represent common Knights. It's the same in the OT and in the Sequel trilogy-Luke was the progeny of the literal Chosen One, and Kylo Ren was of his bloodline. Rey is-well we don't know what's up with her yet, but she's not a common force sensitive for sure.

You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.