What modern shit have you put into your world under silly/dumb fantasy names, Veeky Forums?
Coffee >Hot Bean Tea: gives advantage on initiative for 1 hour and removes all levels of exhaustion >when effect ends, user takes n levels of exhaustion (n = number of hot bean teas consumed that day)
Rats are called gibs hamsters are called bogibs ferrets are called vargibs pigeons are called skygibs sheep are called moufs mountain goats are called crag moufs
James Ramirez
My players discovered a pocket of helium underground and after a couple sessions had the world's first airship
The cleric thinks the pocket is a portal to the elemental plane of air, and that the helium is "the purest air of the heavens" so they named it Angel's Breath
I know coffee has a long history and all that, but I'm talking like my cities pretty much having fantasy starbucks kinda modern
Oliver Hall
Austin Brown
I like the (probably despised) trope of having completely unexplained anachronism.
Like in my fantasy setting somehow having schoolgirls who wear school uniforms. What are essentially TV shows and journalists, but run by extraplanar beings.
I mean that's probably what this thread is about, I hope it takes off.
Aiden Cruz
stealing that
Aaron Sullivan
Yeah thats sorta what I'm looking for. I love mixing and matching things from different mediums and messing with my players expectations of what can and can't exist in the reality their characters are a part of
(And I just love how silly it gets sometimes)
Brody Martinez
My dwarven construct bard invented rock and roll. Calls it scratchin' and screamin'
Jack Cox
It's annoying because I'm exactly on the same page, to the point of also wanting ideas and examples. Because I can't think of many off the top of my head.
I think it's a great counter to rather po-faced fantasy. Like having a birthday partying, with cake and hats and so forth - instead of some rubbish with trees and sacred dirt or something.
Oh, beaches. Make a holiday to the beach literally identical to what you'd expect in the modern world. Bikinis, fancy drinks, towels and beachballs. The whole nine yards.
Eli Watson
sense of wonder
Christian Nelson
I feel like we'd get along
Some of my players favorites that I've done is: >a dungeon they were fighting through turned out to be just a skeleton spa run by a kindly old necromancer >A town which its main export was denim, so everyone was wearing blue jeans and had southern accents >Store with a staff wanted sign, inside was a wizard who had lost his wizard staff >disposable cameras are just a thing
Benjamin Morris
Jordan White
>a democratic republic
Daniel Sanchez
Absolutely we would.
I always wanted to run a session which was basically D&D Cops. Huge fantasy mega-city, essentially the exact same sort of things you'd expect in an average episode of the TV show Cops.
Except the drunk and disorderly person is instead a Frost Giant, and his shrill screaming wife is a literal banshee.
I blame Space Precinct.
Connor Anderson
Oh man that sounds awesome
Hudson Gonzalez
Have you read the Discworld's City Watch series? You sound like a guy who would love Terry Pratchett's work
Jacob Garcia
>Silver ribbon of holding
Stat me?
Jonathan Phillips
When my party went to the Library of Lore, they stopped in the wizard cafe, Boccob's Instant Coffee. I mean, seriously, how could a library that huge not have a single modern cafe in it? Later on in that session, one of them had a cage match with a martial the wizards brought in for entertainment.
Nathan Lopez
Pretty much re-flavored Sovereign Glue
John Reed
And all the coffee was frothy and foamy right?
Jonathan Hernandez
Wand of Knock
Eli Richardson
Of course!
Luis Edwards
Pretty sure coffee is not a new invention.
Easton Phillips
Coffee houses were common in the Middle East in medieval times and later on in Tudor times in Europe dickhead
Henry Collins
Denim isn't even that unreasonable, it was invented by Italian sailors a long time ago (specifically, from Nice: "Denim" comes from "de Nice," because that's where they made it). The modern jeans with rivets and stuff were just invented later.
A game I played once had as the main attraction on the orc town a store that sold meat bread and variants with a side of juice or alcohol. It worked a lot like a fast food joint instead of a tavern or restaurant, and had as a symbol a happy fat orc in the front.
John Nelson
I don't know much about taverns, but did they really prepare food to order? Even modern restaurants with fridges and stuff run a thin profit margin, so I always kind of figured that taverns would have, say, a big cauldron of soup to order for soup, and probably two or three kinds of meat for whoever ordered it.
Justin Evans
Romans had fast food stalls to go along with their graffiti.
Modern medical knowledge. The gods keep sharing advanced knowledge with their followers to keep them from needing too much god juice.
Benjamin Gray
>tfw your players look at you funny when you mention such technological marvels as glasses, plumbing, heated floors and man-operated printing presses in your setting that's supposed to have that late medieval/early renaissance technical feel
Jacob Smith
When my Inquisitor was done speaking to Cyric, he hung up the phone on me
Alexander Rodriguez
>What modern shit have you put into your world under silly/dumb fantasy names, Veeky Forums?
Clothes >Body-cover: hides your genitals and keeps you warm in the winter!