Post all things dead and undead, putos
Feliz Día de Muertos
Other urls found in this thread:
...Is this preg fetish related?
That image, possibly.
I'm guessing that OP just decided to use humorous picture to start..
Your mother should wash your mouth with soap.
then op is a pretty rad dude
Fucker has had six SIX heart transplants, God wants him dead, and hes having none of it with his jew powers
I'm sure part of the reason why he's needed so many is Because he keeps having heart transplants. That's some serious invasive surgery and is gonna cause a toll on one's body, especially when you're that old.
your logic here is because his heart is failing, he gets a transplant, and that surgery causes the new one to fail early. I don't quite follow.
They had to cut open his chest, remove his heart and then place a new one in. Multiple times. That puts a lot of stress on a body, even a young one, and this guy's over a hundred years old. He's never going to fully get better after that kind bodily "harm" no matter how many hearts he keeps replacing.
eh, I kinda see it, hes still fucking kicking, so the shekels still flow
Mexican undead best undead. Benevolent skeletons are my thing.
Wait, is it dia de muertos already?
I wanted to play a necromancer who painted their skeleton minions like calacas, but that character was vetoed, sadly. Maybe one day.
Current SoB are pretty much undead.
They are not dead like the squats nor updated as Marines.
I figured she was trying to give herself pillow boobs but still had to use the rest of the pillow so she also ended up fat. That's how I interpreted, though, because I thought it was funnier.
OP you do realize latinos aren't into tabletop, right?
the skeleton princess is very very much a kindly /d/eviant and loves to explore fetishes and the various fascinating and cool permutations of mortal sexuality.
Your image is great.
Burning of prospero has plastic sisters of scilence. They'll probably release those as a standalone kit and then forget about you for a decade
They like YGO, but that's cause it's easy to steal
Yeah we do, fuck you
this is epic
agreed and nice dubs
Nice dubs yourself there user.
>Undead_Cowboy.jpg (6
fuckin' saved!
Pretty fucking neato. Incoming small image.
y'all better not be posting skeletons in a skeleton thread without inviting Sir Daniel Fortesque to the party
>Look Sancho, giants!
Post heroic undead music.
The only hobbies more popular than Veeky Forums in mexico are fighting videogames and soccer.
>The only hobbies more popular than Veeky Forums in mexico are fighting videogames and soccer.
for real?
Can anyone post liche looking at her fleshy past in the mirror?
>Can anyone post liche looking at her fleshy past in the mirror?
Yes, but it breaks Veeky Forums global rule 15 so I don't want to post it here.
wow, er... how very moral of you?
is good. thank you.
I could totally see skeleton princes doing that and doing pic related.
This is all the skeleton gifs and undead gifs I have for now. If any of the rest of you have more please share them
She is such a charming pervert.
I got you with the full image senpai
The 666th one would be the last. Then he would ascend.
Ay dios mio
Alright mi hombres, who's ready for the skeleton war?
Thank you very much.
sneaky sneaky
if you have more it would be very much appreciated.
I like how this undead uses his magic cape to hold stuff. I want a magic cape now.
He likes the cut of your jib and will pay you handsomely to acquire a new fabulous, varied, and befitting wardrobe for him as his beloved outfits are all wearing thin.
Undead buddies.
>Fellow skelegan/tg/entlemen
Watch who you're calling puto, cabrĂ³n.
Nice moves.
>Benevolent skeletons are my thing.
They are pretty cool.
skeleton terms
Nice hats lads.
Moves for the move God, style for the style throne.
undead camaraderie is beautiful
Dunno about the south but on many northern states MTG has a strong presence. Most card games do, in fact.
But you'd be hard pressed to find D&D groups outside the biggest cities. Most people arent willing to spend that much money for a book that they wont even use.
If you spics were all dead and painted with sombreros and stuff maybe we wouldn't have to send you all back.
You'd still have to pay for the wall, though. Fucking beaners.
Undead? More like BEST DEAD!
I want /b/ to leave
close enough
how does it sound?
>undead camaraderie is beautiful
It certainly can be.