PDF Share Thread
PDF Share Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Does anybody have pdfs of the Zodiac Empires campaign setting and player's hand book that are compatible with 5e and Pathfinder?
Does anybody have 5th edition options for D&D 5e?
Hi, could someone please share the Monster Heart RPG books along with Perfect, Unrevised RPG.
Hello Veeky Forums
Does anyone got the following pdfs and wouldn't mind sharing 'em?
Deadlands Classic - 20th Anniversary Edition Core Rulebook
Deadlands Reloaded - Good Intentions
Deadlands Reloaded - Stone and a Hard Place: The Tombstone Seven
Don't have anything that anybody asked for but I will offer these 13th Age monthly supplements because I might as well do something with the money I'm wasting.
Includes: Two new races, Adventure module whatevers, Summoning spells for other caster classes, and a bunch of fluff and alternate options.
Anybody have the full version of Forsooth? It's that Shakespeare themed game, can't find it anywhere.
Anyone have AMP Year 2?
Looking for Godbound - Sixteen Sorrows: A Handbook of Calamities
SotDL - The Apple of Her Eye (Novice) (7 96MB)
bit do/pnpfld
SotDL - The Flute of Farewell (Expert) (17 74MB)
bit do/jdqzge
SotDL - The Witching Wood (Starting) (6 68MB)
bit do/ssae1a
Steam Powered Devices of the Mechanical Age (PFRPG) (4 12MB)
bit do/teq3l0
SotDL - A Measure of Faith (Expert) (9 00MB)
bit do/kcgwy9
SotDL - City of Death (18 53MB)
bit do/0dmfix
SotDL - Freeholds of Nar (18 13MB)
bit do/jr0zh7
SotDL - Noisome Beasts (16 98MB)
bit do/4zp44h
Zodiac Empires (PFRPG-5e) (84 12MB)
bit do/yhuqub
W20 Kinfolk: A Breed Apart (13 54MB)
bit do/t1f65w
Does anyone have the Supplemental books for The Strange?
Do you have Hunger in the Void?
Where in the files can I find a Mutants and Masterminds 3e core rule book?
Never mind, opened deluxe hero handbook and found they split it into two books.
anyone got this?
Hello guys,
Any backers could share the latest 13th Age in Glorantha preview files? Especially the Glorantha Sourcebook...
Thank you!
If this is still a thing, seconded.
Still looking for DENIZENS IN DARK PLACES (OSR monster book) from Lulu...
Thanks in advance!
Anybody have Dog Bear?
Does anybody have the 7th edition of Call of Cthulhu: Delta Green Core rulebook?
Does anyone have the hi res Castle Ravenloft maps from DM's Guild?
I replied to this before...
Are you sure you are not referring to 'Dwellers in Dark Places' by Random Gamers Guild?
Can't find any reference to a 'Denizens In Dark Places' on lulu or any other place.
press F for Da Archivist
Anybody got Shadows of Esteren - Black Moon Handbook?
In my craft or sullen art
Exercised in the still night
When only the moon rages
And the lovers lie abed
With all their griefs in their arms,
I labour by singing light
Not for ambition or bread
Or the strut and trade of charms
On the ivory stages
But for the common wages
Of their most secret heart.
Not for the proud man apart
From the raging moon I write
On these spindrift pages
Nor for the towering dead
With their nightingales and psalms
But for the lovers, their arms
Round the griefs of the ages,
Who pay no praise or wages
Nor heed my craft or art.
Anyone have the Psionic Mythic Path, or the not!SpellJammer they put out for PF?
I have great many needs, brothers.
If anyone has
FASA Crimson Skies: Aircraft Manual
FASA Crimson Skies: Pride of the Republic
FASA Crimson Skies: Wings over Manhattan
i would be grateful
Looking for Epyllion by Magpie games
I've been looking for an online scan of Slugs from Lamentations of the Flame Princess for a while now but I can't find a pdf yet. Does anyone have a scan or at least know when it might be scanned?
Fucking ripoff, 60€ for about 24, 4 pages supplements
The LotFP site states it will be released as Pay What You Want on RPGnow, once all print copies are sold (currently .55 euro cents).
Mystic Empyrean anyone?
Requesting The Ninja Crusade 2e again.
Is there a trove of older Ars Magica content? All the links of 1-4th ed I've dug up are dead.
Anybody willing to share the this is not a test kickstarter PDF, i want to get some before the book is for sale.
Looking for the augmented PDF of EABA 2, thanks.
Does anyone have Majimonsters and it's supplements?
Here's an odd one: does anyone have Modern20 by RPG Objects?
Anyone have Royal Armies of the Hyborean Age and Citadel from Fantasy Games Unlimited?
Man my PDF collection must be pretty pedestrian. Not a single request in here I can fill and I got over 120gb of RPG pdf
I am searching for an italian rpg, long out of print: DYLAN DOG, specially the adventures
fucking retard
Why are there so many fucking mouth breathers here? Fucking morons that can't figure out how to add a "." to a URL, can't figure aout b64 encoding, are utterly confused by QR codes. Has our education system gotten that bad? Is there that much lead paint chips still around for toddlers to eat? I can't help but thin the only thing that keeps these mental midgets alive are all the warning labels on everything. Fuck!, this world needs a massive purge to improve the gene pool.
Alloy of Law: Mistborn Campaign Setting & Game Setting
Anyone has the Sixteen Sorrows: A Handbook of Calamities for Godbound?
Does anyone have "Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG: Wasteland Bestiary" or "Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG - Overseer's Guide"?
Would be much appriciated!
Anyone have Degenesis?
I've already found Witch Girls Adventures corebook in Da Archive; does anybody have any of the other rulebooks from the line?
Looking for Blood of the Dragon for Crypts & Things. Thanks in advance!
does anybody have the fiasco core rulebook?
By any chance does anyone have the Ptolus city by the spire book?
Had it way back but lost it and every link on google is incredibly shady or dead
OH boy, I've got some wishes to pile on the list.
A new Ten Candles link would be great.
I'm also looking for Lovecraftesque by Black Armada. I'm not sure if I've ever seen this shared... thanks beautiful people.
>does anybody have the fiasco core rulebook?
Definitely in Da Archive.
Looking for
"Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG: Wasteland Bestiary"
"Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG - Overseer's Guide"?
Does anyone have the new Mind's Eye Theatre: Werewolf The Apocalypse?
Do you honestly think any of those things will do a fucking bit of good if anyone really gave a shit about taking this stuff down?
Enjoy your super-secret spy games, sperglord.
Still looking for Hunger in the Void (Shadow of the Demon Lord) if anyone has it
Check the Chronicles of Darkness general.
Due to popular demand…
Curse of the Crimson Throne AP.pdf (54.6 MB)
bit do/rpyg388sp9p5
Thank you to the two contributors
While probably not realistic, heres some inspiration if you want to run a game involving future humans.
Hey guys, any kind backers would share preview files of 13th Age in Glorantha and the Glorantha Sourcebook that were released lately?
i need all symbaroum eng pdf
Anyone have the kickstarter game Snake Oil?
It is gonna cost me an arm and a leg ($85 aud) to import from Amazon. Would much prefer a print and play.
>Has our education system gotten that bad?
Considering how they're teaching useless crap like Algebra and not real shit like parenting, yes
The werewolf apocalypse pdf in the mega link is the old one or the W20 one?
i need all symbaroum eng pdf
If you have linux, it comes with a built-in base64 command, so you could do something like:
echo $code | base64 -d | xargs firefox
just replace $code with the code.
For the links with the missing period, I've bound the following
xsel | tr ' ' '.' | xargs firefox
to the Control + middle click shortcut, so that way, all I need to do is highlight the link, press Ctrl while middle clicking and it opens the link in a new tab in firefox. Ties in nicely with the default since middle clicking links opens it in a new tab.
anyone has symbaroum corerulebook?
Does anyone know where you can find PDFs or images of warhammer 40k instruction manuals?
More specifically, the sternguard veterans set.
I didn't know it was supposed to be anything other than an anti-spoonfeeding meme, like on /a/.
Anyone have Yellow Dawn?
Anyone have the new genestealers codex book?
Does anyone have the Laundry Targets of Acquisition PDF?
Is da archivist dead?
Requesting Battle Tome Bonesplitterz
Looking for a pdf of Steve Jackson's Killer: The Game of Assassination if anyone has a copy.
Don't know - perhaps they're just busy IRL.
Worse. Banned.
For what? Has Veeky Forums become too pc?
Anyone have red markets?
Anybody have Mechamorphosis? I know it's a bit of a long shot.
Anyone got the Pathfinder Villains Codex?
Considering the PDF isn't available to the public and the subscribers JUST now go theirs, it's going to be a while.
Thank you Mage!
Not sure it's been posted before but,
Does anyone have scans of the Age of Worms campaign that was posted in Dungeon magazine so long ago for D&D 3e?
I think Mister Grumpers already has it. If he doesn't he's not paying attention.
Anyone have the updated Mage: The Awakening 2e pdf with the included errata? Thanks.
Anyone have
"Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG: Wasteland Bestiary"
"Exodus Post Apocalyptic RPG - Overseer's Guide", Really need em for a game this weekend.
Does anyone have the Codex Infernus for Savage Worlds?
Does anyone happen to have the CORE command books from Dream Pod 9? I haven't had any luck finding it and the only stuff in the archive is for their more popular settings.
Looking for some Cypher System stuff, specifically:
Gods of the Fall
Encyclopedia of Impossible Things
Torment: Tides of Numenera—The Explorer’s Guide
In Translation: The Strange Character Options
Strange Revelations: Ten Instant Adventures for The Strange
The Dark Spiral
The Estate Dossiers
Strange Creatures of the Ninth World
The Octopi of the Ninth World
Volo's Guide to Monsters is up in the 5eg Trove. Look in "supplements"
Who crapped in your Wheaties?
I did. Was told to check here.