You are dropped into the WotC version of D&D (novels, campaign books etc)
you have 100gp, what you are wearing and whatever knowledge you know about the setting
what do you do?
You are dropped into the WotC version of D&D (novels, campaign books etc)
you have 100gp, what you are wearing and whatever knowledge you know about the setting
what do you do?
Train to be a blacksmith and take over the shop when the guy dies. Live a modest but comfortable life arming adventures to go off and become heroes/die.
Also, which setting were you talking about, kinda important. Greyhawk, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance?
I invoke the name of Pazuzu three times and ask for a lawful evil candle of invocation.
First, determine which plane I'm on.
Then I'd probably declare patronage and true faith to the strongest god of that plane. See if I can't become a cleric in their name. Use my 100 GP to buy my way into a wizard's apprenticeship otherwise.
From there, gather magical power, either divine or arcane, and use it to gather prestige, wealth, and further the cause of righteousness, as I know full well that the Blessed Fields of Elysium and the Nine Hells of Baator are real things, and I know which one I'd rather go to.
you get to choose the plane/setting, not to fussy about that
>Hasbro campaign settings
I find the quickest suicide possible.
it would take anywhere from 4-8 years to become a proper blacksmith and what if he has kids already? he will pass the smithy to them not you
100 gold? enough to start a buisness
I build a tavern.
>you have 100gp, what you are wearing and whatever knowledge you know about the setting
WHICH setting? WotC has like half a dozen of them.
Freak the fuck out because even with size penalties, the Spot DC to see the sun or stars is so astronomically high due to distance penalties that it's impossible to ever make the check. I think the number is in the billions.
You forget about the stars' stealth checks, which are in the extreme negative due to being giant balls of fusion.
*shrug* Start my own smithy in another town or marry his daughter if he has one. 4 to 8 years isn't that long in the grand scheme of things and it's safer being a smith than an adventurer
Yeah, my bad, and I thought the op specified 3.5. 4e and 5e don't have the "rules for everything" simulationist problems that 3.5 had.
yeah sorry didn't mention that, you are in a world not governed by skill checks or things like that just you as you are in that world
This is literally the only answer outside getting knifed in the streets almost immediately.
>the Spot DC to see the sun or stars is so astronomically high due to distance penalties
You're making a leap in logic here.
Whoever said the sun or stars are that far away in D&D?
Sun might only be about a few miles up.
Do not assume the sun is a nuclear fusion hydrogen furnace in D&D. It's not. It varies by setting and DM interpretation, but it's either a god (actually literally a god up in the sky, that is, who flies from one horizon to the other) or a tremendous stable Gate to the Positive Energy Plane that the gods move or something similar to those lines.
I quickly die because my body needs to breathe oxygen, not elemental air.
take all the level one quests and milk runs I can as there is always somebody in need for this things in this world. take off to another town if things get too real, hang out with young adventurers and offer them small barely magical items for more than they are worth or "favors"
A small building goes for about 500gp in most settings where a stone house is around 1000gp. A tavern plus living space would cost at least 5000gp.
Dark Sun
We druid now.
Exploit one of many loopholes in the system (eg. buy ladders, sell poles) until arbitrary large sum of money. Then buy myself a country.
Probably stumble into some backwards village and get hailed as a hero for no reason only to get horribly shanked by a raiding party of the local monsters.
Good news is that if I manage to kill some of the buggers I might advance to first level and survive a little longer, before eventually going nuts because I have mental issues and am isolated from the only society I know how to live in. Probably going to end up as that creepy wizard who joins the hero's party and manages to get them out of a pinch before dying dramatically and getting forgotten forever.
Not hoping for much on the alignment side.
Become a cleric of some sort, and learn magic. Proceed to Smith weapons and armor for more money, and keep myself alive with magically producing food and water. Join a small town and help defend it against bandits and small shit until I hit such a high level that I just can do whatever I want.
>what do you do?
first thing: trying to find out if i have magical talent, obviously.
>4e and 5e don't have the "rules for everything" simulationist problems that 3.5 had.
i have never understood the "rules for everything" complaint. rules are easy to ignore. however, the reverse situation is bad: you would like to have rules to simulate X in detail but now have to roll ad-hoc on your own at a high level of abstraction.
hope you like rats and the rats like you
I sort of agree with you, but if the rules suck you're just going to have to make them up anyways.
I just don't want to have to set a bad precedent by not remembering a particular rules exploit because I run 5e so loosely it might as well be an OSR system anyways.
I spend a portion on room and board at a moderately comfortable inn, and use some more cash building a functional scale model of a waterwheel electric generator which I have done from scratch before already.
I write down the plans for them AND a rudimentary wiring and lighting system, with several copies, all dated, stamped with my fingerprint and a drop of blood and a signature and such, and submit one copy to the local governing body while presenting the working replica. The proposal is modest: To install full sized generators at the rivers in the kingdom, and at the heart of every city and possibly every town, using modified high-flow nonstop decanters of endless water to turn the wheels in the absence of a river (and a separate item to whisk the water from the bottom back to the elemental plane of water). Using the generated energy, it shall run along the wiring to streetlamps and houses to power their lighting, alongside the other electrical devices that shall be developed soon.
If that fails, i didnt spend too much, so instead I go to seek the closest church dedicated to a deity of artifice and pledge my life in service, so that I can spend my time doing what I love: engineering cool shit and getting boons from a god for doing that
I start raping women and children.
Don't worry. They look 3D, but they're actually 2D.
I look into becoming a priest of Sune and fuck some Swanmays.
Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu.
Forgot picture.
>Having people make a nationwide long term investment
You would need the favor of a god for that.
Wouldn't you want to become a priest of Sharess?
Sune's more about beauty, romance, and passion.
Sharess is the "pants off now and FUCK" goddess.
1) I want to make sure that the bitches are hot
2) I like my intimacy
Quality over quantity.
Create gunpower - 75% potassium nitrate, 15% charcoal, 10% sulfur. Sell it privately to acquire more dosh.
Buy a pet rust monster. Buy cheap iron in bulk. Buy high quality aluminum bars. Buy magnesium. Create thermite bombs with magnesium fuses, sell it for considerable profits.
Eventually buy connected mines, forges, rust monster farm, etc to make this into a sort of factory operation. Pump out thermite (and gunpoweder) to interested kingdoms. Buy magic items to help get higher quality materials to improve product eventually.
Sell multifactory operation to highest bidder eventually. Live the good life, free of worry. Fuck gold-digging bitches of every flavor. Kill myself in an eventual bout of depression when I realize nobody actually knows the real me. Fuck more bitches in the afterlife. Get reincarnated as a rust monster. Make adventurers shit themselves. Get murdered by the monk and wizard. Hang out in the afterlife eating heavenly metals. Reincarnate as an adventurer. Buy a gun for my first dungeon delve. Watch as it jams while I try to shoot a rust monster from a safe distance. The company I sold the factories to in my first life took shortcuts and now produces inferior products in exchange for greater output.
Go home and fuck village girls in a fit of frustration.
Die of STDs.
Get reincarnated as a girl.
Do I have a class or am I a peasant?
I guess if I'm actually in universe its entirely down to my capabilities if I have a class.
Is there some innate magical spark required to be a spellcaster or is it a case of knowing how to do it?
Because I know most of the components for most spells and I'm actually holding the player handbook atm so I guess that would get teleported in with me?
Would the player handbook work as like... the ultimate grimoire?
Surely its like... the laws of the D&D universe in book form, getting teleported in with that thing would be like having an obscenely powerful divine/magical relic.
The sun example from the other guy is perfect. If I have rules for vision that are extremely derailed but lead to nonsensical results, I have to ignore them. If I don't, I can use common sense. I don't pay for a game to throw out half of it.
I would probably put to use my literacy and become an NPC scribe of some sort. I am also likely to get close to some religious order, possibly dedicated to gods of knowledge. If I can, I start getting class levels.
>Buy high quality aluminum bars
You realize this is just about the most expensive material in the world in a medieval-renaissance setting, right? There isn't going to be enough of it for a major thermite bomb production.
You are thinking of platinum, my friend.
Besides that, these fuckers have access to shut like elemental planes full of different metals and shit.
Mithril and adamantium are exceedingly better metals than aluminum, and high quality bars of the stuff are in a reasonable pricerange should you have enough capita from the gunpowder. Which you would. Gunpowder would sell like crazy.
Aluminum bars would be ez pz to get, fag
I die painfully within ten seconds.
>First produced in 1825
>By 1880, it was still more valuable than gold
>Magic portals to a land of endless [insert resource]
>Magic spells to refine and extract ores
>Magic to find specific metals in the earth to begin with
>Applying real world fax to high magic fantasy world
You're gonna need to try harder, sonny
>Aluminum bars would be ez pz to get, fag
Guess who's the fucking dumbass
Then why does anyone need your gunpowder, when they can just open a portal to a land of endless gunpowder?
Gundpowder isn't an element. And is never found naturally.
I doubt there are planes for shit like cheese.
let's take myfarog's retarded swimming rules as counter-example:
normally, utter crap i wouldnt want to use if the players were crossing a stream towards adventure. however, if i was preparing an adventure were the players are supposed to retrieve loot from a sunken ship... these might come in handy.
tl;dr semi-decent crunch gives me options. rules-light lacks options.
Is it (you)?
It is!
You didn't say element, you said endless resource. You're also gonna have to prove there's a plane of aluminium.
Lastly, if you can cast a spell to make aluminium, you can cast a spell to make gunpowder.
I also doubt you'd make significant profits after what you'd have to pay the wizards... who could simply steal your production methods and make the gunpowder themselves, if it's that valuable.
>Lack of common sense, black powder is easy enough to make, you don't need magic, and aluminum is refined, not made
>Employing shifty wizards instead of buying non shifty enchanted items to do the same work with a one time fee
Your hands are shaking as you read this, eager to type out another reply about the "obvious flaws" in this, but do us all a favor and don't post anything else.
It's a magic setting, where mundane (read: nonmagical) resources are generally much cheaper than their real world counterparts. Five pounds of salt costs ten copper pieces. TEN COPPER COINS.
I once had a DM mandate that there was no gunpowder in the setting, no way to make it, but another player still wanted a "gun".
After sitting down with both of them, we all came to an agreement that if we designed a weapon that functioned like a gun, we could give it the exact same stats.
So after a while of thinking of different designs I settled on something that could work.
Adamantine frame, barrel, and cylinder. The casings are made from iron, as are the bullets. At the base of the casing is a small slot that allows each of them to be loaded with a small paper disc. The disc has Explosive Runes cast on it. The firing pin is a Wand of Erase that is embedded into the grip.
You activate the Wand, then fail the resulting check. This detonates the runes, dealing 6D6 of force damage. Not enough to damage the weapon, but the casing can't take many loadings. The force shoots the bullet out of the barrel at a pretty high speeds. I think we ruled it as 3d8 or something like that.
A few iterations were made over the course of the campaign, it went from a break action, to a revolving rifle, to a revolver handgun.
>Gundpowder isn't an element
Neither is Aluminum in D&D. The elements are Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
You want to find a fucking Elemental Plane of Aluminum? You better have the Codex of Infinite Planes and the power to survive reading it, sonny.
What edition?
the elemental plane of earth has massive ore deposits for just about every metallic element, and natural metal compounds.
And that's a quick way to get your head sans body delivered to the Great Khan of the Dao. You do not start up mining operations in the Elemental Plane of Earth for precious ores or jewels without following proper planar protocol.
>Forgotten realms
Stumble across a legendary artifact about every 10 metres while walking around. End up with more of them than I can carry and die under their weight.
Not my problem, plenty of people have mines there anyways.
I'm just buying the metal they dig out, and buying an appropriately rich mine in the normie plane at some point.
Either way, aluminum is more abundant and accessible than it would be on earth.
>you get to choose the plane
Not bad.
Anyone got that random Plane Shift table?
I swear if I end up on the Plane of Fire...
>ask some good aligned church to join them
>work hard as a champion of justice, helping the weak and trying to propagate new, radical ideas
>write a book on scientific method
>get frustrated due to people being dickheads and refusing to change
>continue work, trying to save enough for reincarnate spell
>hope I get reincarnated as a qt elf grill
>repeat as necessary
Name: me
Strength: 12.0
Intelligence: 12.0
Health: 3.0
Will: 6.0
Dextery: 14.0
Speed: 14.0
Charisma: 9.0
Leadership: 7.0
Ego: 6.0
Endurance: 8.0
Motivation: 5.0
Teaching Ability: 8.0
Telepathic Sensitivity: 11.0
Size: 9.0
Sex: Male
Weight: 147.0 LB
Height: 67.0 Inches
Base Frequency Modifier (BFM): 2.47
Dismounted Skill Factor: 1.96
Mounted Skill Factor: 1.96
Weapon Parry Skill Factor: 1.96
ABFM (ARMOR): 2.47
Base Runing Speed: 2.9
Speed Modifier: 3.7
Base Acceleration Increment: 8.0
Shock Scale: 0.0
Mounted M3: 1.01
Dismounted M3: 1.01
V: 13.3333333333
EF: 0.757575757576
C1: 1.17545454545
C2: 1.25
C3: 0.95
C4: 0.7
Psysical SR: 14.4 %
Mental SR: 14.4 %
Medical SR: 5.544 %
Head Armor: No Armor
Head Armor Weight: 0.0 LB
Head Armor PF: 0.0
Body Armor: Clothing
Body Armor Weight: 1.4 LB
Body Armor PF: 0
Left Arm Armor: Clothing
Left Arm Armor Weight: 0.5 LB
Left Arm Armor PF: 0
Right Arm Armor: Clothing
Right Arm Armor Weight: 0.5 LB
Right Arm Armor PF: 0
Left Leg Armor: Clothing
Left Leg Armor Weight: 0.9 LB
Left Leg Armor PF: 0
Right Leg Armor: clothing
Right Leg Armor Weight: 0.9 LB
Right Leg Armor PF: 0
Weapon: Fist
Effective Fist Dismounted Weapon Skill: 0
Effective Fist Dismounted Weapon Skill: 0
Fist Mounted Weapon Skill: 0
Effective Fist Mounted Weapon Skill: 0
Fist Weapon Parry Skill: 0
Effective Fist Weapon Parry Skill: 0
Weapon Stabbing WBF : 47.0
Weapon Stabbing WB : 77.0
Weapon Stabbing Damage : (8.0) + 7.0
Weapon PBF : 28.0
Weapon Hex Range : 1.0
Dismounted M1: 1.0
Dismounted M2: 1.0
Dismounted M3: 1.01
Dismounted M4: 0.9
Mounted M1: 1.0
Mounted M2: 1.0
Mounted M3: 1.01
Mounted M4: 0.9
Weapon Parry M1: 1.0
Dismounted Damage Bonus: 1.01
Mounted Damage Bonus: 1.01
Fist Disounted stabbing WBI : 19.028340081
Fist Mounted stabbing WBI : 19.028340081
Fist Dismounted stabbing WBE : 69.3
Fist Mounted stabbing WBE : 69.3
Weapon PBI : 11.3360323887
Attain Alchemy Apprenticeship, become alchemist, die eventually